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I keep getting notifications for a game that I haven't had installed for awhile and I don't know how to turn these off.
I saw an ad for the game, it was some streamer playing and it was listing animals. The more you list it says if your guess is before or after the answer in abc order. The commercial was something between firefly and frog. That’s where it ended.
I’d like to check out the game but forgot the name. Please help.
My girlfriend and I love playing games together on the Switch (I know, it’s not REAL gaming to some folk). When either of us are at work though, we like playing iOS games when we find time. We literally only know of GamePidgeon games available in iOS messaging like billiards, cup pong, darts etc. Words With friends, and Trivia Crack. I don’t even know how to search for or what to call this specific genre, “long distance 2 device games” ? Any and all suggestions welcome, willing to pay up to $15/each if it’s worth it!
I just asked chargpt. And course 90% of the ones it did suggest turned out to be pay-to-play or pay-to-win. Because while it may be free in the APPLE store, they still require a netflix subscription...NETFLIX??? So much for installing Oxenfree, and Civ. After cleaning out the moneybeggars, all I have left is LOK, and GossipHarbor.
While I do appreciate LOK, and have come far in something like HUE, I was hoping for something more sophisticated.
Other than that.. I already completed the Kingdom rush games. I recall some 2D swat tactical game which was too clunky.
What are you guys thinking?
Is there an app that i can organize all my games in or make them look nice? I hate having to flip through all my folders to find my games and organize them its cluttery and annoying. If anyone has recommendations it would be appreciated
TLDR: My favorite two mobile games closed down and I haven’t been able to find replacements.
I recently got a new phone with plenty of memory so I wanted to return to some of the games I invested massive amounts of time, effort, and even some money in.
My favorite two mobile games through the years were Brave Frontier and Dragalia Lost. I adored these games and in the case of Brave Frontier it was one of if not the first RPG games I ever played with deep world building and characters. Dragalia was is still in my mind the PERFECT higher leveled mobile game. Where on the road you can auto battle and grind but you can also challenge difficult bosses with friends when you have free time. I remember playing through both of these games and ACTUALLY feeling invested into the characters, the world, and the gameplay.
Both of these games are sadly no more. I’ve seen some games that have SIMILAR gameplay to these games but sadly I have not found any that have the same soul or fun.
Any of the games I’ve looked into have been clunky and WAY too generous or stingy. Not to mention the large amount of games that attempt to follow the format but are really just copy and pastes of gooner games.
Do any of you that played one of or both of these games have new games that fill the gap? What games are your recommendations?
A game suggestion that can be played offline, like Fallout Shelter, which we can buy for a fee on the App Store
I want conveyor spaghetti! Ideally no enemies, no idle games. But it’s slim pickings, I know.
Games like builderment or shapez.
Goood last Friday of January :) And welcome (back) to my weekly mobile game recommendations based on the most interesting games I played and that were covered on MiniReview this week. I hope you’ll find something you like :)
Support these posts (and YouTube content + development of MiniReview) on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/NimbleThor <3
This episode includes fun action adventure game, one of the best submarine simulation strategy games on mobile, a nice-paced incremental idle game, a neat deck-building roguelike, and a cute physics-based puzzle game.
New to these posts? Check out the first one from 250 weeks ago here.
Genre: Action / Adventure - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by Alex Sem:
Turnip Boy Robs a Bank is the second title in a series of humorous fast-paced action-adventure games where our talking vegetable travels ever-further down the sleazy criminal path – this time by robbing a bank.
After the ending of the first game, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, our protagonist now finds himself in the middle of a civil war. This situation doesn’t bother him much, though, as he’s too busy with the idea of robbing a highly secure bank with his new gangster friends.
The bank itself spans across multiple levels full of enemies, loot, and NPCs with quests. We navigate this vast maze in a Zelda-like fashion, gradually defeating powerful bosses and acquiring ways to access previously locked sections.
But there's a catch this time, as our runs are limited to a couple of minutes, after which the place is overrun with security, forcing us to escape with whatever we’ve managed to grab along the way.
Once we get back to the safety of our home base, we may spend our accumulated resources on permanent upgrades, quest-related items, or new weapons, of which we can carry two at a time.
Even though these roguelike elements differentiate the gameplay slightly from the first game, I still enjoyed its fast-paced nature, the exploration aspect, and the wacky vegetable humor that only became weirder here in the sequel – a feat I didn’t think possible.
The touch controls are comfortable, but a Bluetooth controller is still recommended for the very best experience.
Turnip Boy Robs a Bank is a $5.99 premium game without ads or iAPs.
If you like non-stop action and don't mind the silly story, definitely give this game a try.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Turnip Boy Robs a Bank
Genre: Simulation / Strategy - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Full
tl;dr review by Pixel Explorer:
Crash Dive 2 is a thrilling submarine simulation strategy game set in World War II's Pacific Theater.
Our objective is to conduct combat patrols against the Japanese, with the goal of causing as much damage as possible to their shipping, navy, and supporting infrastructure. And maybe best of all, we’re given free rein across the multiple large open-world maps, which means we can hunt the enemy as we see fit.
The game is played on two levels: below the water, where we stealthy navigate using sea maps and sonar, and above water, in a richly detailed environment where we use our deck gun to strike targets on shore, launch rescue missions, and perform certain types of repairs.
Careful strategizing is required in both levels to correctly plot courses, choose targets, evade enemies when detected, and manage our crew as the submarine sustains damage and casualties.
Apart from well-designed controls that provide a satisfying level of progression during maneuvers, the game also features a challenging AI that is tough to evade on the hardest difficulties.
The gameplay is a balanced mix of relaxation while cruising around searching for targets, and adrenaline-fueled battles and evasive maneuvers that will keep us on the edge of our seats.
Since a combat patrol can easily last from 1 to 1.5 hours depending on the tactics deployed, the game best appeals to wargamers who enjoy drawn-out action with lots of strategic depth.
In my opinion, Crash Dive 2 is the best submarine game currently available on mobile.
Crash Dive 2 is a $9.99 premium game with no ads and two optional DLCs: the Aleutian Islands Expansion for $6.49 and the East Indies Expansion for $6.99.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Crash Dive 2
Genre: Incremental / Simulation - Offline
Orientation: Portrait
Required Attention: Little (idle)
tl;dr review by NimbleThor:
Exponential Idle is a fun and very well-paced math-themed incremental idle game where almost everything can eventually be automated. And don’t worry, you thankfully don’t need to be a math genius to enjoy the game.
Starting as an undergraduate student, our goal is to generate as much money as possible by gradually improving an exponential growth equation and working our way to our doctoral thesis and beyond. While we initially rely on tabbing the screen to make time move faster, we quickly automate this part via various upgrades.
As we earn more money, we can improve the variables of our equation, buy different improvements that speed things up significantly, and even purchase brand new variables.
And when things start to slow down, we can prestige, which resets our progress in exchange for a special currency used for… you guessed it, more upgrades.
Over time, we earn stars from achievements and optional puzzle mini-games, which we can spend on new features, such as automatic variable upgrades, automatic prestige, a “buy all” button, and much more. This is where the game truly starts exponentially speeding up, as our idle progress greatly increases.
The game might seem daunting at first, but it’s very easy to get into. The minimalistic but polished UI helps with that, in part thanks to a simple graph showing our money-earning speed over time.
Exponential Idle monetizes via a single incentivized ad to gain a boost for 2 hours, and a $1.99 iAP to get that boost permanently. I’ve easily been able to enjoy the game for free.
If you like to see numbers go up, you’ll love this game. And especially if you like idle games with an ever-so-slight story element to them. It’s an easy recommendation.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Exponential Idle
Genre: Deck-Building / Roguelike - Offline
Orientation: Portrait + Landscape
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by WispyMammoth:
Cyber Quest is a turn-based roguelike deck-builder from the mind behind Conjury. The game immerses us in a cyberpunk “The Warriors”-style universe, where we’re tasked with taking down gangs to bring order back to the city.
After choosing three characters, each with unique cards, weapons, and playstyles, the core gameplay has us engage in three-on-three turn-based battles against gangs.
Combat revolves around our deck of cards, which includes utility, defense, and ranged and melee weapon cards. Utility cards let us switch positions, power up weapons, or gain energy, among other things. Each card costs energy to play, of which we have four per turn, and there are lots of synergies to explore.
The game features twelve battles divided into three sections, each ending in a boss fight. And these bosses truly keep us on our toes with abilities that limit card draws, add timers to turns, or increase their attack when we play specific cards. All of this makes the battles feel very dynamic and engaging.
After each fight, we can visit a randomized shop to spend coins on new cards, healing, implants, or coins for unlocking characters. Boss fights also reward us with implants that grant new abilities, like drawing extra cards or doubling weapon effects.
Once the first difficulty is completed, the real challenge begins, with 11 extra modes that feature unique restrictions or changes. And daily quests with preset teams and challenges add even more replayability.
My main gripe is the lack of an undo button, which makes misplays irreversible. Some might also find the limited healing frustrating, but to me, it adds tension and satisfaction to close wins.
Cyber Quest is a $2.99 premium game.
With its bright retro visuals and funky 80s-inspired music, it’s a must-try for fans of turn-based roguelikes or Conjury.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Cyber Quest
Genre: Puzzle / Physics-Based - Offline
Orientation: Landscape
Required Attention: Some
tl;dr review by Alex Sem:
Inventioneers is a cute physics-based puzzle game where we construct Rube Goldberg chain-reaction machines – peculiar, overcomplicated contraptions that we use to perform mundane tasks.
Each of the game's many colorful levels features a funny creature in need of help, such as a granny looking for ripe apples, a baby that can't fall asleep without its favorite toy, a pirate who has finally found a treasure chest but has no way of opening it, a crocodile waving his marshmallows over an unlit campfire, and so on.
Our goal is to help these creatures by building wacky contraptions using the laws of physics, creative ingenuity, a bit of common sense, and a positive mood that turns this brain-scratching process into an enjoyable experience.
At our disposal is a large variety of objects, ranging from simple boards, springs, pipes, torches, and balloons to more elaborate systems like engines, conveyor belts, cannons, alarm clocks, and so on. We also get to place cute characters that can run, jump, blow an electric fan, burn stuff with a flamethrower, or shoot laser beams from their eyes.
Some of the objects are locked in place when we start the level, while we pick the others from a limited pool and correctly position them so that the puzzle gets solved.
Throughout each level, we can also collect stars that unlock new objects for the game’s Creative mode, which lets us make our own puzzles and share them with the world. Unfortunately, I was not able to connect to the server, so I can't tell how well this works.
Despite that minor issue, if you like ingenious physics puzzle games, the game is great entertainment for the whole family. Inventioneers is a $2.99 premium game, but there’s also a free demo version with a single iAP to unlock the full game.
With its bright retro visuals and funky 80s-inspired music, it’s a must-try for fans of turn-based roguelikes or Conjury.
App Store: Here
Check it out on MiniReview (review score + user ratings):: Inventioneers Full Version
NEW: Sort + filter reviews and games I've played (and more) on my mobile games discovery platform, MiniReview: https://minireview.io/
Special thanks to the Patreon Producers Wrecking Golf, "marquisdan", "Lost Vault", "Farm RPG", and "Mohaimen" who help make these posts possible through their Patreon support <3
**The newest mobile games (with gameplay) on my YouTube channel: ** https://youtu.be/8wX-9SW4Z8o?si=j0PNTWf08xd8mwEQ
Episode 210 Episode 211 Episode 211 Episode 212 Episode 214 Episode 215 Episode 216 Episode 217 Episode 218 Episode 219 Episode 220 Episode 221 Episode 222 Episode 223 Episode 224 Episode 225 Episode 226 Episode 227 Episode 228 Episode 229 Episode 230 Episode 231 Episode 232 Episode 233 Episode 234 Episode 235 Episode 236 Episode 237 Episode 238 Episode 239 Episode 240 Episode 241 Episode 242 Episode 243 Episode 244 Episode 245 Episode 246 Episode 247 Episode 248 Episode 249
I recently gave my city to a friend in AoZ origins. I thoroughly enjoyed the game for a while. The part I liked was the networking and teamwork as well as the growth aspect/achievements. However the further I grew, the more grindy and expensive it became. Multiple hours a day and the need to purchase to maintain strength or grow.
I’m trying to find a game that has a similar multiplayer aspect and depth, without the need for sub accounts to grind. Also,one doesn’t require micro transactions daily to ‘keep up’. I don’t mind spending a little here and there but…geez…Camel is a money grab.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Is there any game that’s basically just Cup Heroes or very similar that’s better optimised?
I love cup heroes but it makes my phone scalding hot and the game freezes, even if I put on low power mode it stops it getting hot but the game still randomly freezes and I have to close the app and reopen it.
My phone is an iPhone 15 Pro Max so it isn’t not a problem with my device not being able to run it or anything like that.
!!!Ending Tomorrow!!!
The introductory price for the Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete app of $9.99 USD(varies between currencies), will only be available until 6:00 AM UTC on January 31th, 2025. After the end of this special price, the game will be available at the regular price.
Hey, so this is probably a shot in the dark but imma try anyway.
Has anyone here ever played Matebert TD? It was a unique Tower Defense game that was developed by a single dev, who shut the game down due to server cost and time.
Now if anyone played this game and can recommend a similar, in depth style TD game with items and whatnot let me know!
Been mostly playing pokemon TCG but want something with more rpg elements. Open to all games overall. What are you playing right now?
I like the controllers that your phone slides into but I hate that you have to remove your case. Are there any good ones that you can leave your case on? I have a 16 pro max
I have the Backbone 2nd gen for almost a year now and I’ve been loving it but now most buttons on the left side stopped working which I understand is a very common problem, so I want to get a different controller that will actually last.
I saw a lot of people recommending the Gamesir g8 but it’s too bulky for my taste and I want something more similar to the minimal and portable form factor of the Backbone.
Thank you in advance!
This is going to be a vague description, as I haven't thought about/played it since the early 2010s or late 2000s. Does anyone remember a I Spy type iOS game (tap on hidden items) that featured a number of different locations including a jungle type area? I remember the art being pretty detailed too, and not cartoonish style. For some reason my brain was leading me to The Amazing Race from 2010 but upon researching that game it doesn't seem to match what I'm looking for. And looking up any I Spy mobile games I don't get any results besides Haunted Mansion. Does anyone else remember a game like this? Any help is appreciated:)
Hi all!
I've really been enjoying iOS gaming recently after getting rid of all my consoles/PC. I find it more relaxing for some reason, even if there are some tacky monetization practices.
That being said, my iPhone is a bit small for long sessions (even though it's a Pro Max), so I'm going to get an iPad Pro today.
I'm really torn between the 11" vs 13" and would like some input from fellow iOS gamers. I'll use it for gaming mostly but also some comic reading.
Apple (unless they are choosing not to) has got to know I don’t want these little ads interrupting my podcasts and music.
I’m in the car (parked) listening to My First Million pod, playing Idle Lumber. Here’s a boost to double production if you watch this ad. And BOOM!!! All the sudden candy crush is louder than the pod.
Saw on AppRaven that all three Voice of Cards games were removed from the App Store this morning. Couldn't find anything online for a reason why
hello, i’m looking for a relatively simple / low effort game that basically involves collectathon with a simple game play loop
e.g pokémon TCG was pretty fun to draw packs and fill out the pokedex but i didn’t enjoy the gameplay loop (the actual card game part)
gacha games in general are also kind of collecathons but there’s lots of chars and gear to unlock through opening “packs” but almost all gacha ive played involves too high a time investment and daily grinding which i no longer have patience for
paid or free are fine. thank you for suggestions!!