
Photograph via snooOG

We are a fun, interesting, and creative subreddit for you to ask what others would do in certain hypothetical situations.


We are a fun, interesting, and creative subreddit for you to ask what others would do in certain hypothetical situations.

These situations can be real or imaginary, covering any kind of topic. For a good place to start, try this list of paradoxes.

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You have ¥10,000,000 but you're stranded in an island encompassed with nothing else but ice and permafrost lacking any signs of vegetation or any electronic signal, what can you do with it?

You find yourself stranded in an island far away from the nearest sight of land, the environment is harsh, the only thing inside your inventory are bundles of cash consisting of 10 million Yen but it would not be useful while stuck in an island encompassed with nothing else but ice and permafrost, plus without any signs of vegetation, the only food source would be krill, whale or seal meat.

You tried to find a lighter amongst your belongings but turns out you don't have one. There are no trees around, no wood to start a fire. Basically, everything you expected to survive on an island is not there since the climate is too harsh for any sign of life to grow, you tried to use GPS or satellite but there is no signal, like at all, hopes of rescue are none.

05:17 UTC


Which super strength would you most like to have?

Super Strength: You can throw around semi trucks without much hassle. Includes the ability to not kill yourself using it.

Super Speed: Zoom-Zoom. Includes reflexes and the ability to withstand acceleration.

Super Vitality: Even the best bullets bounce off of you dented. You can heal from injuries that take a normal person a year in a week. You can't really gain muscle, but you feel like solid metal.

Super Endurance: You completely lack the need for energy. You can fight, fight, fight all night, night, night. Your body still heals. Daily values of vitamins, minerals, etc still needed.

Super Senses: You can hear, see, smell, taste and 'feel' like the best animal in each category. Beware sewers and restaurants... Includes ability to process them.

Super Intelect: You can remember everything you have ever heard, seen, though, or felt to exact detail. Does not come with creativity, but does include the ability to process information and run experiments based on learned and experience data (basically you're an unlimited storage computer).

Super Longevity: Your lifespan is theoreticslly infinite. Does not stop you from being killed by sickness, disaster, murder, or stupidiy.

1 Comment
04:18 UTC


What’s worse?

I have dirty hands. I’m at a popular food chain that serves a variety of vinegrated peppers to customers. Should I use the same pair of tongs to serve 2 different types of peppers from different containers? Or should I switch utensils and use the same dirty hand to handle two utensils in exchange for double dipping a utensil?

Edit** I refuse to wash my hands.

04:16 UTC


$1.52 billion dollars but you have to be strapped down and have a bowling ball sized barbed catheter shoved up your dick. this will stop any and all diseases period but it must be inserted barbs first. The barbs increase by 1 every three hours so the faster the better.

You must wear the catheter for 3 years. If you scream at any point (no anesthetic) and you will as the (ten inch) barbs are free to move around and if they graze the glans (which they WILL and it will hurt like a motherfucker) , the glans will grow barbs, detach, scratch your bleeding glans and those barbs will spread causing more pain and more bleeding until...you get the idea) you lose the money. At no point may you commit suicide or die. For this challenge you are cursed with eternal life.

can you do it? You can pee them out if you so choose (but this will be like a kidney stone wrapped in knives, bolted to a chainsaw that's shooting live wires into your waiting butthole) but this will sever your dick from your scrotum in an explosion pure agony. Pain factor is 99 out of 100.

At the end of the three years, you may transfer this challenge to anyone else you want.

02:42 UTC


A serious alcoholic is sentenced to prison. How do they make sure they don't die from withdrawal?

Let's say Dave is a serious life long alcoholic who downs a whole bottle of vodka a day. One day he gets caught robbing a liquor store and is sentenced to ten years.

For obvious reasons prisoners aren't allowed to drink alcohol (although they might make it or smuggle it from time to time). At the same time if you cut this guy off cold turkey he can quite literally die.

How does the prison deal with this?

1 Comment
02:40 UTC


You meet your internet troll in real life...

Say you have been getting trolled hard online by a random account that keeps appearing.

They leave nasty comments & act like they are Gods gift to the internet.

You do some digging & find the trolls main account with their pics and everything. Now you have a face to the name.

Then as fate would have it, you run into this person in real life....

Do you confront them, seek revenge, or let it go?...

1 Comment
02:40 UTC


You are missing and trapped on an island and the only way to communicate to civilization is through editing a Wikipedia hyperlink

When ANY blue hyperlink within paragraphs, sidebars, tables, and lists are clicked on, it leads to your location and your immediate rescue.

You get to replace ONE hyperlink on ONE page.

You cannot edit page text.

The world knows you are missing. The world knows you edited one hyperlink with your location.

What is it?

02:25 UTC


What is the worst thing you are willing to do for $1,000,000?

02:04 UTC


All Transistor based circuits in the world are fried up during hot summer of this year. And that's it. What would you do?

Yes, pretty hardcore situation but at least everyone is now in the equal ground, probably.

01:56 UTC


You can make others feel pure bliss for 3 weeks, but you pay a toll for it…

The power to make others feel childlike happiness for 3 weeks straight before it fades. That said during those weeks you are so weak, you have to sleep 20 hours a day or you pass out after 4 awake hours into a coma for the rest of the time period. (Assume you face no bodily consequences for the coma and you can use it on a single person at a time.)

Do you use your super power and in what circumstances would you use it if yes.

01:51 UTC


(In the vein of the previous) You're granted immortality for one year. You may keep it if you convince at least 100,000,000 people that you have it within that time*. How do you do it?

For the duration of the "trial year," your immortality consists only of a lack of aging. You are not invulnerable, you can still catch diseases, be injured or die. Should you succeed, your indefinite immortality will include invulnerability.


  1. You cannot tell anyone about the deal during your trial year.
  2. People must truly believe you, not just say they do or agree to say they will.
  3. (More detail on rule 2) The belief must be current and true to thr believer. If someone is partially-in and only technically believes you because you say you can prove it in 1 year and 1 day (once you can shoot yourself and survive) that won't be counted towards the deal. I.e., belief must be true to the believer and not conditional on fulfilling the deal later.
  4. People can have their doubts or feel conflicted, the belief doesn't have to be absolute. Just enough to where they would internally feel like it's a lot more likely to be true than not, and if asked they'd say they do believe it and mean it.

*Optional "extra" rules so as not to limit everyone's possibilities, but I'm particularly interested in these rules if you can work with them: 5. This must in include some degree of scientific recognition, part of which is that... 6. There must be at least one credible published paper in a credible scientific journal about your immortality.

These rules are optional since I imagine most people (myself included) don't know how you could reasonably, scientifically prove immortality over just slower aging within a year, but if anyone is familiar with any relevant discipline - please do include that!

Rules 3 and 4 are really 2.1 and 2.2, but Reddit didn't want to format those subpoints properly so I made them whole numbers. Sorry!

01:36 UTC


You hear a voice in your head telling you to come here

You look around until you see a small animal looking at you. It looks like a cross between a lion and a unicorn. It's a bit smaller than a standard house cat. So small, you're not even afraid of it. It's actually cute. Looks like a pokemon.

"Yeah, you. Come here." Her voice is friendly and childlike. You walk over to her and ask what she wants. She tells you that her name is Phoebe, she's a demon, and that she will grant you wishes if you feed her.

You ask her what she wants. She asks for a house cat with a broken neck. You protest, but she tells you the reward will be worth it. Reluctantly, you accept.

Your neighbor's cat is always pooping on your property. You stepped in cat poop this morning. You catch the little bugger, but you let it go. You're not a killer.

Unfortunately, while running away from you, the cat gets hit by a car, is flung a good 50 feet, and is then struck by another car coming from the opposite direction.

Phoebe happily trots over and starts devouring what's left of the poor kitty. You ask about your reward, and she asks you what you want. You ask for a million dollars, but she only gives you $10,000, saying you "didn't do it right."

The money instantly appears in your bank account and you go on a shopping spree. The next day, you wake to Phoebe standing in your windowsill. She's a little bigger now. About the size of a small dog.

She asks you to bring her a dog with all its legs cut off. You're sickened by the request, but given the reward earlier, you consider it. You ask her if it can be a stray. She says it has to be a pet, saying that she "doesn't eat worthless meat."

With your stomach turning, you oblige. After the deed is done, you ask for ten million dollars out of sheer frustration. To your surprise, she gives you 20 million because she says she "likes how eager you were to accomplish your task."

You immediately purchase a large home, a nice car, and some new clothes to replace your blood soaked ones. You have a nightmare that night about what you did to that dog, but it's interrupted by Phoebe.

She's now about the size of a medium sized dog. She asks you to bring her a human finger. You couldn't possibly do that. You offer one of your own, but she refuses, saying that you're "worth so much more whole."

Once again, you reluctantly agree. You find a sleeping homeless man and, using a cigar clipper, quickly snip off his pinky finger. The man screams in pain as you run off with the severed digit.

In your haste to get away, you run right in front of a dump truck and get wrapped around the tires. You die instantly with your guts on display for all to see. That is, until Phoebe comes by, accepts her gift, and puts you back together like humpty dumpty.

You ask for a hundred million dollars, but she refuses, saying that you being resurrected was your reward as she "thought that's what you would have wanted."

You're angry, but there isn't anything you can do, so you just go home. The next day, Phoebe wakes you again. She's the size of a black bear. She asks you for a severed human head.

This time, you put your foot down. No way in hell you're going that far. Even with Phoebe's promises of a worthwhile reward, you stand your ground. You're not killing anyone.

Disappointed, Phoebe takes a few steps forward, getting uncomfortably close. "Well, I guess I'll just have to find something else to eat, hmm?" she says, looking you dead in the eyes.

Your heart drops and you start to shake. You should have known you'd get burned playing with fire. "Wait!" you shout. You agree to get her a severed head, but you don't even believe yourself.

Phoebe pauses for a moment. "Okie dokie, then. See ya soon," she says as she trots off. You leave the house, but don't even make it off the porch. You're frozen in fear. You still haven't stopped shaking.

You look to your right. Phoebe's standing on your roof, staring directly at you. You walk to your car and drive off.

What now? Do you try to run and hide? Perhaps you're in too deep and you'll just comply? Or maybe you're feeling daring and will try to kill Phoebe?

What will you do?

00:53 UTC


It's the regular world except cars are replaced by Pogo sticks. How does it change things?

00:46 UTC


You are refunded for all the substances you’ve done in your life, but for double the health defects.

Title, you get a 100% refund for all (or one, you can choose how many and which ones) the substances you’ve consumed/used but once you get the money it’s as if you did double that amount of the substance.

For example, a smoker has smoked a pack a day for 4 years, 1,460 packs. Around $21,900 at $15 a pack (not adjusting for inflation or taxes, but the refund will include taxes you’ve spent, be adjusted for inflation, and not be taxed when you receive it). When he gets his $21,900 check, his lungs and mouth immediately become as if he smoked DOUBLE the amount.

Would you do it? If so, what substance and why?

00:36 UTC


How would you react to these zombies?

Just trying to figure out how people who are not me might react, so I can try to write a story.

There is a fungus that causes zombie, but when you are infected with it, you have no real symptoms (other than a few days of flu-like symptoms until it adjusts to your immune system). It just hangs out in your brain, skimming off a few nutrients and waiting for you to die. Of something else, you can only die of zombie in rare edge cases where you were probably going to die soon anyway.

It is essentially incurable, and even if you did manage to kill the fungus without killing the host, the host would then have a bunch of holes in their blood brain barrier, where the fungus used to be. But leave it alone, and infected people can live a basically normal life.

Shortly after you die, the fungus goes into overdrive and essentially puppeteers your corpse, as long as you die in a way that leaves you at least more or less physically intact. As long as you still have a brain, a heart, a torso, and a connection between the brain and the heart, you will almost certainly become a zombie.

If you have one zombie, you have a shambling moron that wouldn't even be able to work out that it should go around an obstacle.

If you have about 10 zombies (within about a mile), you have a perfectly coordinated pack predator about as smart as a not very bright dog.

If you have a hundred zombies, you have a person, that remembers at least some of its previous life and generally realizes that eating people is rude. Still with perfect coordination.

If you have a thousand zombies, you have a very smart person, with a thousand sets of memories and experiences.

If you have 100,000 zombies, you have the equivalent of the smartest person that has ever lived. And so on.

Zombie only spreads through relatively direct fluid to fluid contact. Kissing, biting, sex, blood transfusions, and so on. So the initial pool of potential zombies is relatively small, and it only spreads a little faster than an STD.

Without feeding, zombies will last maybe a month. If they can get food, which does not have to be human tissue, though it does pretty much need to be fat and protein rather than carbohydrates, individual zombies can live up to 30 years. And as long as they get the occasional influx of new bodies to replace any that failed, the hive mind can live indefinitely.

How would you react? What would you do? What would you want the government to do? Would you be willing to be infected, if you had a choice in the matter? Any other thoughts?

00:21 UTC


Imagine you’ve pent up enough balls to rob someone at gunpoint, with the intent of shooting if things go left, only to find 7 cents in their wallet, gift cards with no balances, and all negative debit and maxed out credit cards. You also think someone saw and is snitching

I say this to say, is it really worth robbing anyone knowing that majority of Americans are broke and hold no monetary value? Are you taking the gamble?

23:58 UTC


The entire Europe and Eastern Europe is in existential crisis without a war and you must host a few refugees at your place, probably indefinitely. How would you react?

So it can be any kind of people. Anywhere between a family of Albanian farmers to a pack of gopniks.

23:54 UTC


You can shorten your lifespan in exchange for money. How far do you go?

1 year - 1 million US dollars.

5 years - 10 million US dollars.

10 years - 100 million US dollars.

20 years - 1 billion US dollars.

40 years - 20 billion US dollars.

You do not appear to have aged, you will simply drop dead when your time is up. No taxes. All money is legally accounted for.

How far do you go?

Edit: You can add them together (ex: 1+1+5= 12 million).

You can not go beyond your lifespan, if you do you get nothing.

23:53 UTC


You have your choice of one suicidal superpower, what do you choose?

You have free choice of one power, but it has to have severe side effects.

What do you choose?

23:43 UTC


Hypothetically, would producing a slasher horror film be an easy investment?

Plot wise, I don't even need a backstory for how things came to be.

All I need is college co-eds, plus spring break, plus road trip, plus car breaks down, plus farmhouse, plus inbred hillbillies.

Most slasher movies aren't any more complex than that.

And I could make more than one movie with minimal creativity and only a few plot changes.

For instance:

Replace "spring break" with "Halloween."

Replace "farmhouse" with "haunted house."

Then someone convinces the rest of the group to spend the night there just for fun. (And sex and drugs)

And whoops, some of those monsters aren't actors.

Technically, that's a whole different movie.

Does it really take much to be a slasher film producer?

22:42 UTC


You have a bag of 1000 Skittles. Each one has a 1% chance of being poisoned, but there is only enough poison for 3 bad Skittles to be a lethal dose. You recieve $1 for each Skittle you eat. How many Skittles do you eat?

Remember that each Skittle is independent of each other Skittle. So they could all be poison or none of them could be. In this scenario there is no poison control. You will not know if you have eaten a poison skittle before choosing to eat more.

22:04 UTC


Aliens arrive peacefully, requesting all humans to vote on who's gonna represent Earth on the Intergalactic Congress. Who's most likely to win?


The voting system is point-based: Each person chooses one they'd like to see as a Representative (+1 point for them) and one they don't (-1 for them).

The voting process will be mental: confirming your choices in your mind counts as your vote.

The election will be held 6 months after the aliens' visit. Therefore, expect a semester full of people trying to promote themselves. And probably a lot of geopolitical tension.

On the election day, starting midnight at GMT 0, each person will have the following 24h to vote. Anyone can change their vote during this timeframe. Once you confirm your vote, you'll have to confirm any new choices mentally for them to apply. Not voting will register yourself as both the person you vote for and the one you vote against, which changes nothing l

After the voting period ends, the aliens will wait a week and then announce the results. Every single person will be able to view a multitude of election stats, search for anyone they wish to see their voting and more. The winner will be immediately taken by the aliens to prevent any threats to their security.

The winner may not decline their duty, and must serve 4 years until another election is held (no reelections, so they'll be free afterwards)

21:41 UTC


You have super healing, and you can extend this power to anyone you touch. But...

...if anyone finds out that you have this power, you lose it permanently.

You are capable of healing anyone within a line of touching people. For example, if you are holding hands with person A, person A is holding hands with person B, and person B is holding hands with person C, then even all of person C's injuries or ailments would be healed.

Natural aging is not "healed", but all other ailments are — cancer, broken limbs, etc.

How do you help the most people while keeping your identity a secret? Or perhaps you don't try to maximize the help/healing.

What do you do?

Edit: "Touch" means skin-to-skin contact.

20:45 UTC


what would a casino do if someone had unnatural levels of luck?

say they notice someone going around, no evidence of cheating or card counting, they frankly aren't even playing very well, but no matter what they seem to win, at the card games, the roulette, the slot machines. just ridiculous levels of dumb luck. would they kick that person out?

19:57 UTC


What form do you choose?

After a normal day of gaming and messing about on the internet you look over and see a cat standing on two legs in the doorway.

All of a sudden the cat starts talking and explains to you that in 10 minutes he will turn you into a cryptid of your choosing (Even the fake online ones so eg: siren head, the rake , long horse) . After which the cat will transport you to a nearby wilderness that’s you can occasionally encounter people. (Enough to build up a local reputation)

The cryptid you become must be non-human but and at most you could look vaguely humanoid in shape (but still look nonhuman, so no shapeshifting into regular joes)

You will be allowed to visit your family and friends as a human every Sunday

Other than that the cat just tells you to pull some shenanigans once transformed.

19:20 UTC


You get mugged and shot by a random street thug

You lie bleeding on the ground from the hole in your chest on a cold winter night. It must have hit your heart, because after just 30 seconds, you black out.

The next day, you wake to the sound of a distant car horn. Traffic as usual. You check your wound to see if it's still there. It is, but it isn't bleeding anymore.

It's weird because you don't feel any pain, even when you touch the wound. You were going to go to the hospital, but you decide to go home instead.

You finish your morning jog in record time, never getting tired or stopping to catch your breath. It's not until later that you realize you aren't breathing at all.

You're also still not hungry or thirsty despite how long it's been since you've eaten or drank anything. You don't want to, but you come to the realization that you're a zombie.

You've still got a couple months of winter left. The cool should preserve your body for a while, but eventually, your body will rot away, first taking away your mobility, and then your life.

How will you spend your remaining time on Earth?

19:18 UTC


You're sent back1000 years in the past and given immortality. Your goal is to reach you birth date without being recognised as an immortal. What's your strategy?


1- You're sent to May 13, 1024, on the outskirts the nearest human settlement from your current location.

2 - Your goal is to reach your birth date without being discovered as an immortal. People can get suspicious, but if someone ever becomes 100% sure you're immortal, you'll have to restart the whole process.

3 - You need to live among fellow humans. You can decide to become a hermit, but you're limited to 5 years off the grid for every century. You can leave for another inhabited place whenever you want, but be aware of the time limit if you ever settle down alone. The time you spent alone while searching for another place to stay doesn't count (intention is important: if you're having trouble finding another settlement, but honestly looking for a place, you'll be okay)

4 - Yes, your actions could change the timeline and prevent you from ever being born, but don't worry. As soon as you reach your birth date, you'll get back to your present self, and be able to choose if you want to keep your memories form all these years, or erase them and go back to your normal self.

5 - On immortality: You don't age. You can get sick. You can die, but whenever that happens, you're immediately sent back 1 year before your "death", memories kept. Any diseases or injuries from that time are cured. If you die on the first year of the journey, you simply restart it. Suicide is impossible, whatever you try will miraculously fail (unintentional/accidental suicide doesn't count here)

19:15 UTC


What would you do if you get hit by a frisbee in the back of your head but you tell him to stop but you get hit three more times and the persons are filming?

19:11 UTC


The Konami Code Conspiracy Uncovered

In a shocking turn of events, a group of rogue geneticists have stumbled upon what they believe to be the holy grail of human potential... a hidden Konami Code embedded deep within our DNA. According to leaked documents, this genetic cheat code is said to unlock incredible abilities, but with potentially hilarious and chaotic side effects. Imagine a world where a simple sequence of button presses could turn an ordinary person into a superhuman... or a walking meme.

The leaked research suggests the following potential effects:

Up, Up, Down, Down: Activates a "super jump" gene, granting incredible vertical leap. However, test subjects have reported a disturbing tendency towards spontaneous backflips and uncontrollable parkour urges.

Left, Right, Left, Right: Boosts coordination and reflexes to superhuman levels. Unfortunately, this also seems to trigger sudden outbreaks of impromptu breakdancing and an inexplicable desire to wear brightly colored tracksuits.

B, A: Unleashes raw, unbridled strength... but at the cost of emotional stability. Test subjects have exhibited Hulk-like rage, uncontrollable fits of laughter, and an alarming tendency to shout "Hadouken!" while throwing punches.

The choice is yours, dear Redditors. Would you take the risk and unlock your hidden potential, or would you play it safe and stick to button mashing on your controller?

19:01 UTC


The Paradoxical Elixirs: A Choice of Perception

Before you rest two vials, each filled with a liquid. Drinking either will forever alter your existence.

Elixir of Cosmic Oneness:

Should you choose to drink from this vial, you will be granted the ability to perceive the interconnectedness of all things. The secrets of the universe, the underlying patterns of reality, the true nature of existence. But this profound knowledge comes at a steep price: your individuality will dissolve, your sense of self merging into the vastness of existence. You will become one with the cosmos, but cease to exist as a unique individual.

Elixir of Individuality:

This elixir offers a different path. By drinking from it, you will retain your distinct personality, your individual perspective on the world. You will continue to experience life through your own unique lens, with all its joys, sorrows, and complexities. But this path also has its limitations. You will remain forever blind to the deeper truths of the universe, unable to pierce the veil of ordinary perception.

18:46 UTC

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