The Spiciest and Sauciest Place on Reddit...
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I finally found a good recipe for a lemon forward sauce! It’s just orange habaneros, lemon zest (a fuck ton), salt, sugar, water, and white vinegar.
Purée everything as fine as you can sans vinegar, simmer for 30 minutes, strain through very fine mesh sieve and bottle hot.
The only acid comes from the vinegar so it’s mostly lemon oil and fire in the back of your throat. Definitely needs some xanthan gum though.
Not to sweet, a nice amount of heat! Not my usual, Delicious.
I really love the high vinegary flavor of crystal, franks, Louisiana, etc. but it’s just not hot enough. I have franks extra hot and crystal extra hot but not much difference there with the generic version. I’ve thought about buying some scorpion tobacco and adding that to my normal hot sauce but haven’t done it yet. Anybody come across a hot sauce that has that high vinegar flavor that’s actually spicy?
I've been fermenting some habaneros for a few weeks. Going to blend it with some fruit, bring it to a boil, and jar it this weekend.
What do you think of blueberries and habanero as a flavor profile?
I bought the Hot Ones box of season 23 sauces and did the at home challenge a few weeks back. And I kept coming back to the Queso Sin Queso sauce. What a killer wing sauce! Just the right amount of heat and amazing flavor. Anybody else loves this thing? I got two more bottles on the way already.
Had to downsize because I just moved into my girlfriend’s house before our baby is born. This is what I kept minus the Lola’s. Moving day had several pit stops for spoonfuls.
Does anyone else do this? I just started. I had 3 bottles that just had a bit left on the sides , bottom and some crust on the bottom of the lid so i filled one halfway with vinegar and shook it up and then poured it into the next. I think I'm going to do this until it's to thick to pour easily. Maybe I'll have a delicious one of a kind sauce at the end maybe it will taste terrible. The unknown is exciting.
Kept seeing some mad love for this sauce on here. Y’all were spot on ! Thanx 🍻👍🏻
Out of curiosity: is 'Hot Pepper Sauce' a particular type of flavour? I swear I've tasted something similar but not this brand.
I usually find this at a local Hispanic grocery store for under $5
I've tried the Nopal already, delicious. I like a good sour sauce.
I cooked 10 habaneros and a whole red onion in a frying pan with the lid on until I was over it. I then blended it with one pear, white vinegar, salt, and olive oil.
It's so freaking good, even my girlfriend loves it and she isn't a big fan of hot sauce. It's very spice but also sweet. Definitely worth a try!
I wasn’t much a fan of regular Tabasco. It was okay. Then I found the habanero and scorpion, which I adore. Does anyone else notice tongue irritation though? I eat pickles like crazy and vinegar content but this seems extra. Still gonna use it though.
It has a very nice lingering kick to it. I could eat it on anything but I highly suggest dosing each bite of your preferred breakfast sandwich.
What are your top 3 hot sauces?
Name was funny but then I realized it’s a yellow plantain hot sauce. Never heard of that as a base before
They were all good but the Cholula Garlic and the Tabasco combo were my favorite.
I've been on a hot sauce journey for a bit over six months, and I started logging my various acquisitions, and like a true phony scientist, I've created a spreadsheet to log and rate the goods. Some of the sauces have been underwhelming in terms of heat, but have made impressions for other reasons. My wife, for instance, (who used to be really into spicy foods, but has scaled back over the years) really loves Crystal for its flavor, which I agree with. Some sauces I've used for years, like Huy Fong Sriracha, but have since abandoned, which led to some experimentation with lesser srirachas.
Here are my top five that I've rated as staples in a field of 13. I've listed them based on my likelihood to reach for them when I'm cooking eggs or seasoning some under-flavored fare. I'm sure some of you experts will find some of my choices a bit mundane, but I'm really only venturing out into whatever's available at our local Hispanic grocery chain (Vallarta) or whatever is available in mainstream supermarkets like Ralph's/Kroger. I'm still searching, though!
* Brother Bru-Bru African - Zero salt, and the flavors are phenomenal. Just a rich, rich seasoned sauce with a heat that creeps up on you. This goes well with so much stuff. Definite staple. A buddy of mine recommended this and bought me a bottle online, and I'm so glad he did. I've since found a local outlet that carries it, so it's a few bucks cheaper than the online price.
* El Yucatero XXXtra Hot Habanero - Spicy and tomatillo-y, with a phenomenal smoky flavor, this isn't the hottest sauce in the world, but it makes my scalp sweat! I love using this to sautee leftover rotisserie chicken, or even fresh carnitas. Great flavor, respectable heat, not too many day-later regrets.
* Valentina's (regular) - Great viscosity and flavor with a touch of heat. It clings well to substrates like pita or pizza or what have you. Also, CHEAP! $2.50 (in Los Angeles circa 2024) for a 32oz *glass* bottle?! Great value! How do they stay in business?
* Underwood Farms Sriracha - It's the sauce that current-day Huy Fong wishes it could make. Bright red color, thick sauce, super flavorful. Maybe needs more garlic and maybe just a *pinch* more heat? (Or maybe that's me being less of a spice wuss?) I'll go 50/50 in terms of reachability with Valentina's. Some days I'm in the mood for sriracha, other days, Valentina.
* Tabasco - Versatile and familiar, this adds heat and tang and good flavor. Thin viscosity, so not great if you want it to cling to something. Just on American tradition, I feel obligated to have Tabasco in the house. What if I want a Bloody Mary one day? My wife also loves it on popcorn, so having it as a staple is a no-brainer. I'm willing to kick this down a rung when I find a new #5.
The list of my trials thus far:
* Crystal
* Tabasco
* Valentina's
* Huy Fong Sriracha
* Picamas Salsa Brava Hot Sauce
* Kroger Sriracha
* Lee Kum Kee Sriracha
* Red Rooster
* Texas Pete
* Tapatio
* Brother Bru-Bru African
* El Yucatero XXXtra Hot Habanero
* Underwood Farms Sriracha
Is my first time ever making hot sauce also my first post here thought I’d share this the Caribbean style mango habanero sauce, pretty spicy and great flavor from a YouTube channel called Chili Pepper Madness great stuff I don’t have any fancy bottles to put it in so it’s just in a mason jar right now, but I do have some coming tomorrow.
5 habanero peppers chopped 1 mango peeled and chopped 1 small white onion chopped (about 3/4 cup also I cooked my onion on high heat until brown to knock down some of that raw onion taste) 4 cloves garlic chopped ½ cup apple cider vinegar ¼ cup water 2 tablespoons honey ¼ teaspoon cumin ½ teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon ginger powder 1 teaspoon salt (I also added 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika)
Cooking Directions
Add all ingredients to a food processor. Process until smooth. Add to a large pan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Cool then transfer to serving bottles.
Bought it as a joke but it’s got some damn good flavor.