About the old german Kurrentschrift as well as the Sütterlinschrift
Welcome to the Kurrent-sub. This is intended to collect all kinds of posts related to the German Kurrentschrift as well as the Sütterlinschrift, including translation requests that pop up every so often.
Many of those post come from
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If you see a post about Kurrent in one of theses subs, please link to the original thread (and not directly to the image) and answer all questions there. Please also include an estimate of the length of the text.
If you have multiple or very long documents, do not post them all at once. Wait a day or two before posting the next one. (If they are related, ideally you add links back to the previous posts.)
This should just be a place for everyone interested in Kurrent no matter whether from a historical perspective or as a ressource for learning Kurrent or any other reason.
A nice overview and history about Kurrent can be found here. (by Ralf Herrmann).
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In der nächsten Zeile steht der Name, so dass ich vermute, dass hier der Beruf steht. Kann mir jemand helfen? Danke!
Ein paar Wörter kann ich entziffern aber den kompletten Text leider nicht. Würde mich über Hilfe freuen - danke 🙂
Hi, Can anyone help me to read this cursive German text? It was inside the front page of a Rilke biography I got in Darmstadt Thanks very much in advance
Guten Abend. Hier ist ein Auszug eines Trauungsregisters mit dem Posten "Namen und Stand." Neben dem Namen Ferdinand August Wehler kann ich leider nichts mehr lesen. Er dürfte etwas mit Dampfschiffen und Inspektionen zu tun gehabt haben. Das kleinere auf der linken Seite ist nicht so wichtig, denke ich. Ich bedanke mich vielmals für jegliche Unterstützung! LG
We have a floor plan from decades ago and are having a hard time reading this text. Could anyone help? Thank you!
Hello, wondering if someone might be able to please transcribe these two entries?
Lichtenberg kann ich erkennen, aber was steht dahinter und darunter?
Hey everyone, I’ve been working on my family history to apply for German citizenship, and I’ve come across a few documents that I believe are essential to my application. Unfortunately, I’m having trouble finding someone who can accurately translate these old documents, and I’d be incredibly grateful if anyone here could help! These documents are related to my 4th great-grandparents, who were born in Germany. I need a clear translation to verify some key details about their citizenship before they immigrated to America. If anyone here has experience with historical German records or could help me understand the text, I would deeply appreciate it. Your help would bring me closer to my goal of reconnecting with my roots. Thank you to everyone who’s willing to lend a hand, any assistance would mean the world to me! I highlighted the names that I need information but anything that has the name Weber, I need information on.
Es geht um etwas kirchliches: "Umfang der .....?" Evtl. kenne ich den Fachbegriff einfach nicht.
Hey, ich benötige Hilfe beim Tranksribieren des Textes, welcher mit „Lieber Kurt“ anfängt, da ich mich mit dieser Handschrift schwer tue. Danke schonmal im Vorraus!
Sollte sich um eine Todesursache handeln (… in Folge von …) Danke!
I'm currently researching my family history and I have a birth certificate for my 5th great-grandfather who's born in 1817 (https://imgur.com/a/rrQGoAp) that I need help interpreting.
Could anyone transcribe the text for me?
Thank you very much in advance!
Bis auf die Geburtsdaten und den Namen Robert Schenke kann ich da leider nichts entziffern.
Wondering what these few lines say?
I was hoping that someone might be able to please transcribe these marriage records either into German or English (if possible) as I can't read it unfortunately. Only looking for the very bottom entry (no. 24) (and column headings, if possible!) for Carl Ludwig Altmann and Regina Rohde, and the top entry for Friedrich Rohde and Regina Wiedemann.