Upload a sound file of you talking in a language you're learning and post it in this subreddit. Native speakers of this particular language will tell you how to improve your accent.
Ever wondered how you sound speaking your second, third or fourth language? Is it difficult to understand you when you talk, or have you achieved such a high level of proficiency that you almost sound like a native?
In r/JudgeMyAccent, you can get an answer to all those questions. Here is what you need to do:
Visit a sound sharing website and record yourself speaking your language of choice. The most popular service is Vocaroo.
Post a link to your recording to this subreddit.
You can either include the language in the title of the post or add a flair yourself.
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I have been living in the United States for 9 years now. Although I know it is almost impossible to have an American English accent like a native speaker, I want to reduce my thick accent. Can you please rate and judge my accent and also tell me where I can improve. Also make a guess on where I come from. Thank you.
Recording 1: https://voca.ro/17F2mZ55YQpC
Recording 2: https://voca.ro/12xDezVH1jsA
5 months ago: https://voca.ro/1lL5QnJe0blz
Today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEXODrTClas
Btw, I know my hair in the video was a mess haha
Explained in my prattling!! Just wondering if you can pick up which general region I'm from. I feel like as I get older my regional accent is getting a bit stronger but maybe it's still completely indistinguishable. I can't tell!! What do you guys think :3
Say you speak two languages, how common is it to have an accent in both languages? As I hear myself speak, I can say this applies to me.
Hola a todoss! Espero que estén bien.
I would be grateful if you checked out my accent and gave me any tips for pronunciation or let me know which accent you think I tend towards. I know it can be a bit of a mix but I kind of want to start working on a particular accent, just not sure which.
Eigentlich spreche ich ziemlich flüssig Deutsch. Während der Grundschule war ich in Deutschland, und jetzt bin ich wieder ab der 11. Klasse am Gymnasium. Dazwischen habe ich allerdings kein Wort Deutsch gesprochen, daher habe ich das Gefühl, dass mein Akzent irgendwie seltsam ist. Ich würde gerne eure Meinung dazu hören.
Despite English being my fourth foreign language, I consider myself quite well-spoken. However, my accent remains quite noticeable, which becomes a significant annoyance whenever I have to speak English with someone.
I haven't been back to my home country in a few years and I guess my accent has changed. People (non-natives) are often surprised when I say where I'm from, and don't believe me. I just had a student tell me I sound American...
Would be nice to hear what you think!
Please listen to my recording and tell me what you think about my accent. Can you guess where I am from?
Hi I want to ask for an opinion on a short reading I did. Can you give me your opinion? https://voca.ro/1hRfxcTqHuG3
Hey! Could you rate my accent? I’m from Belgium and English is my third language. If you could give me some tips that would be awesome, thanks!
Lo grabé muy rápido y muy tarde en la noche pero dime lo que puedo mejorar
I have been working on American Accent for couple months. Now, I'm at a stage where I feel like I don't sound American, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I would love to get your feedback and your guidance. Thank you!
Also, is it easy to tell what my first language is?
Taken from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TpfjxcZFLg
So where is the root of fear? Where does it come from and why do we have it? And the answer to that question has got to come through evolution. If you think about what you need to do to succeed in the evolutionary game, you have to reproduce, and you have to survive, and so what do you do in order to survive? Well, you have to eat, but you also have to avoid being eaten. There are all kinds of stress responses when a predator jumps out and tries to eat you. That kind of fear response is really well known and we can summarize it by calling it the fight-or-flight response. Trying to connect then what's happening in wild animals with what's happening in people becomes a little more difficult. Part of that I think it's because we do not face much predation pressure anymore, and so a fear of public speaking or a fear of taking an exam is a little bit of a different phenomenon. What's so important to humans is our social structure. This probably dominates almost everything that we do as a human, and what we seem to have done is co-opted the physiology and the mechanisms of fear of predators, and the wariness of predators, and co-opted it into other kinds of features and things like fear of speaking.
Appreciate any feedback you might have, thank you!
I am a daughter of immigrants born in the US, but my mom is Brazilian and my father is Japanese, so Portuguese and Japanese are my native languages. For some reason, I have a Japanese accent when I speak English. Part of me has wanted to embrace that because it is part of my heritage and culture, but part of me is concerned that people might not understand what I am saying. Can I be understood in this recording?
I’ve been working on my accent lately so I’d like to hear from y’all what you think of it. Any feedback is very much appreciated.
Would love some feedback
hello friends, i'd appreciate any feedback and maybe some pointers on how to improve my pronunciation, thanks! (also am quite curious where do i sound like i come from)
the text:
„Wie sahen die Jungen aus?" fragte der Kommissar.
Der Wärter sagte: „Sie trugen blaue Hosen und gelbe Hemden; sie waren so groß-” und er hielt dabei die Hand über den Tisch.
„Sonst haben Sie keinen Anhaltspunkt?"
„Nein, sonst habe ich keinen Anhaltspunkt", sagte der Wärter.
Am nächsten Tag stand in der Zeitung unter „Lokales" mit fettgedruckter Überschrift: „Übermütiger Diebstahl im Tiergarten“
Drei Jungen im Alter von 10 bis 12 Jahren gelang es gestern am späten Nachmittag, den im März zur Welt gekommenen Jungbären Puh an sich zu nehmen und zu entführen. Die Täter entkamen über den Zaun zur Flußseite. Nach Aussagen des Wärters trugen die Jungen blaue Hosen und gelbe Hemden. Der Verein für Tierschutz e. V. bittet die Bevölkerung, bei der Suche behilflich zu sein und zweckdienliche Angaben an ihn direkt oder an das nächstgelegene Polizeirevier zu machen.
Alle, die die Notiz gelesen hatten, sahen auf der Straße nach den Jungen aus.
Die Jungen klingelten mit ihren verchromten Fahrrädern durch die Stadt, sie standen vor den Schaukästen der Kinos und betrachteten die Cowboy-Plakate, sie lehnten vor der Eisdiele an der Mauer und redeten über die PS der Autos und Motorräder; auf den Wiesen, unten am Fluß, spielten sie Fußball, im Vorort legten sie Konservendosen auf die Straßenbahnschienen; sie trugen die Ledermappen zur Schule und die Geigenkästen zur Violinstunde, sie holten Romane von der Leihbibliothek und Kaugummi vom Kiosk, und alle trugen blaue Hosen und gelbe Hemden, und niemand konnte gegen irgendeinen Jungen eine Anzeige erstatten.
Mungo hatte am Morgen, als die Zeitung durch den Türspalt raschelte, die Zeitung aufgeschlagen und die Notiz entdeckt. Er ging in sein Zimmer zurück, nahm die Lederhose aus dem Schrank, zog sie an und steckte sein kariertes Hemd in den Bund.
Seine Mutter sagte in der Küche: „Warum ziehst du schon jetzt die Lederhose an? Es ist doch bitter kalt."
„Gar nicht kalt", sagte Mungo.
Er trank zwei Tassen Milch, aß ein Brötchen, und zwei steckte er, als seine Mutter die Bettvorlage vom Balkon klopfte, in die Taschen.
Er lief durch die Straße, klingelte zweimal bei Simson und sah hinauf, bis dessen blonder Kopf oben am Fenster erschien.
So, this is my little brother, he is 19. He is making a video and wants to know if his voice and accent sounds unpleasant. He wants complete transparency on people’s opinions because he does not want to make others uncomfortable and embarrass himself. Please help me so I can let him know if he should spend his time on this video or stop it right here. This will be a 2 hour long video. This is just a raw audio, a first take but obviously the voice and accent will remain the same throughout the video.