Dedicated to unearthing great, but lesser-known, composed music.
The name is satirical and the joke ends there.
The purpose of this subreddit is to highlight composers and compositions that don't get the exposure that they deserve.
Nine Rules:
1: Music submissions or discussion questions only. Everything else will be removed.
2: When you post a music submission, the title needs to be in the following format:
Composer - Title [Year]
3: There is a limit of one post every three days. This is to avoid the problem of the front page being composed entirely of one user's posts, which has happened often in the past.
4: All music posts must be a link to a single piece on a streaming site (YouTube or similar). No links to playlists or downloads are allowed.
5: Submissions should be slightly lesser known works. You don't need to worry much about obscurity, but if your submission is a popular cell phone ringtone it doesn't belong here.
6: All reposts will be removed.
7: No posting links to your own performances or compositions. This sub is not for self-promotion.
8: Your post will be removed if the title contains commentary. Please only include it in a comment WITHIN the post, and not in the title itself.
9: We will only accept extremely low-fidelity recordings IF they are the only available copy online. Please don't post a video you took of your kid's recital over, say, a Martha Argerich studio recording (no offense to your kid).
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Composed for the 1967 International and Universal Exposition (Expo 67) in Montréal, an historical event in the History of this city and of the province of Québec.