
Photograph via snooOG

A place to discuss college majors and minors, as well as which one is right for you!

A place to discuss college majors and which one is right for you.


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Confused about what to Major in

I'm going to University next year but I'm not sure what to Major in. I do have a heightened interested in the Finance/Business industry but I also do want a STEM degree that will allow me to work in the US after graduation. My current choices are Advanced Marketing Analytics and CS. My counsellors are advising me to take CS but the CS industry seems very daunting at the moment with all the layoffs and hiring difficulties, and I am not sure that I'll be a competent programmer. Please give me your thoughts about this and thank you in advance!

11:39 UTC


Feeling overwhelmed

Im about to graduate high school,

I seriously don’t know what to do afterwards, as far professional/career wise, I’m not sure.

I’ve been working “crabby job that a teenager would work” ever since I was 16, can’t believe that 3.5 years have already passed by.

I know that my peers and family won't take me seriously if I don't take things seriously or enroll in college or do something else. It will be assumed by others that I gave everything up to work at a bad job if I continue to work there

I’m terrible at math, seriously, I almost wasn’t certified to graduate because of math, I got lucky with COVID and summer school, I don’t know if I should to university though.

I heard the rumors on the internet, “don’t go to university, only go if you want to be a lawyer, doctor or an engineer.” I’m for sure not going to school for engineering why would I go to just miserably surfer? Hardcore math isn’t my thing.

Only major that caught my eye was marketing, I’m assuming that I can study this major, graduate and just work a regular office job with my degree and make a good salary. That’s what the lifestyle I expect after I graduate with that degree, but I could be wrong, there’s people who despise the 9-5 route the “matrix route.”

But if that was the case that would be better than me working my current crappy job for life.

Then there are the ridiculous 14-year-old TikTokers in the style of Andrew Tate, who have no clue how to start their own business. They genuinely say things like, "I'm going to drop out of high school and watch every single Andrew Tate video, take notes, and by no time I'll be a millionaire." - Does that truly work, you know? or how does it operate? It seems like no one will ever post a simple solution or even a YouTube video explaining how to get out of the matrix. However, the point of this entire paragraph is irrelevant.

One more random idea In my mind, I thought that since university is so expensive, what if I had to pay an outrageous amount of money each semester or asked my parents for assistance? What if I ended up failing overall, regretted my degree, or just didn't like it? In that case, my money would be lost, and I would probably end up in debt.

But I should be ok, right? It’s not like I’m going to school for 8 years to become a doctor in Harvard University or a private expensive college. It’s a public research university that interests me is located not far from my house.

My parents have high expectations of me going to school, I don’t want to disappoint them but I also don’t won’t put them or myself in a financial disaster either.

If university is not the best route, is there alternatives? Any careers that don’t require hardcore math?

1 Comment
02:03 UTC


Is architecture worth it?

I’m 18F finishing up my first year of college in architecture, I go to a community college to save money and I love drawing and math so I picked architecture, I love the idea of becoming an architect and getting paid for something I like doing. But this this career worth it? I hear so much about the pros and cons and I doubt myself sometimes. I know I’m doing the right thing by going to school and getting a degree and I’m happy with it but sometimes I just think to myself are these next 5-7 years of school gonna be worth it? I’m saying 7 because of prerequisites which is so stupid but yea just a little rant some advice would be nice, Bless.

1 Comment
20:46 UTC


History or Philosophy?

I am a current community college student who is looking to transfer to a local state four year university. I really like history and always have in my life. When I was a kid I really was into history and throughout junior high and high school I did very well in my history courses. I am also interested in philosophy as well. I am not sure whether I should do history as a major and philosophy as a minor or vice versa. I will say that history is more interesting to me. I am thinking about applying to law school as well.

07:21 UTC


Psych Degree Help

Im majoring in psych and i just finished my semester off with a CGPA of 3.33, I have been getting pretty much straight A’s for three semesters now and I want to go into a masters PhD program for forensic psychology in Canada. I still have like couple semesters left in my BA, what should I aim for in terms of my CGPA. I know alot of masters programs look at the last 60 credits cause they are upper levels. But is 3.33 even good for a psych degree like should I be much higher than that?

1 Comment
23:34 UTC


International business major

Hi, I’m majoring in international business (IB) and I have to do a concentration and functional/regional specialization; therefore I was planning to choose finance as my functional/regional specialization. However, since I heard you can’t really find a job with IB, I was wondering if it would be beneficial to do a double major in business administration it’s a concentration in finance?

21:28 UTC


Studying for an exam while experiencing severe insomnia

Studying for an exam while experiencing severe insomnia can be incredibly challenging. Here are some tips to help you prepare effectively despite sleep deprivation:


Optimize Sleep Hygiene:

· Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Even if you can't fall asleep easily, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle.

· Relaxing Bedtime Routine: Develop a calming bedtime routine that signals to your body it's time to wind down. This could include taking a warm bath, reading a book, or practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation.

· Optimize Your Sleep Environment: Ensure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Avoid using electronic devices for at least an hour before bed as the blue light emitted can further disrupt sleep.

Maximize Studying Efficiency:

· Short, Focused Sessions: Instead of long, tiring study marathons, break down your studying into shorter, more focused sessions. Aim for 25-minute intervals with short breaks in between.

· Prioritize High-Yield Material: Focus on the most important concepts or topics covered in class or mentioned by your instructor as likely to be on the exam.

· Active Learning Techniques: Don't just passively reread material. Engage in active learning by creating flashcards, practicing practice problems, explaining concepts out loud, or summarizing key points in your own words.

Mitigate Fatigue During Studying:

· Schedule Breaks and Exercise: Take short breaks every 25 minutes to get up, move around, and stretch. Consider incorporating brief bursts of exercise like jumping jacks or a brisk walk to boost alertness.

· Healthy Snacks and Hydration: Maintain your energy levels with healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, or yogurt. Avoid sugary foods or heavy meals that can make you drowsy. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

· Bright Light Therapy: Consider using a light therapy lamp in the morning. Exposure to bright light can help regulate your circadian rhythm and improve alertness during the day.

Alternative Strategies:

· Record Lectures or Notes: If possible, record lectures or take detailed notes in class. This allows you to review the material later even if sleep deprivation hinders your ability to focus during the study session itself.

· Study Groups: Forming a study group with classmates can be a great way to review material collaboratively. Discussing concepts and quizzing each other can help solidify knowledge and understanding.

· Seek Help from Instructors: Don't hesitate to reach out to your instructors and explain your sleep difficulties. They might be able to offer alternative learning resources or suggest adjustments to deadlines if necessary.

Remember: Prioritize getting some sleep, even if it's just a short nap. A well-rested brain, even for a short period, can function much better than an exhausted one. By combining these strategies with addressing the underlying causes of your insomnia (if possible), you can increase your chances of performing well on your exam. Consider consulting a doctor or sleep specialist for professional guidance on managing your insomnia.

20:17 UTC


Academically dismissed due to loss in family

hey everyone, I came on here because I’m not sure what to do. My college “academically dismissed” me because of low academic standards. But my grandmother passed away and told the school about it. They said that they could’ve put me on probation but refuse to. My counselor also said that the classes I took are the 2 most failed classes on campus bc of the teachers or course material. I let them know that I wasn’t doing great before the semester started & they pushed me to enroll for another semester and take out a loan. Then after I did terrible on that semester they said that I’m a bad student even though I literally told them before the semester what happened & they could’ve granted me a leave of absence. Instead they dismissed me without probation because they didn’t think I deserved it. Now I’m wondering what I should do. I let them know what I was going through before the semester started and they could’ve told me to take a leave or even just granted me the probation since I’m a good student just going through a tough time… any suggestions ?

16:48 UTC


what minor? Digital design or CS

Hello! I'm currently studying international economics with a minor in Math. I am able to fit in one more minor and can't decide between digital media and computer science. If I choose digital media, I will have less classes overall leaving me with 11 left to graduate. If I do computer science it will take me 13 more classes to graduate. Digital media is significantly easier due to scheduling and it has slightly easier courses, however, I think that they are overall less "useful" and don't combine as well with my other two areas.

My logic here is that no matter what I leave with a programming background. But since I'm a math minor too, I don't need the "clout" of the CS minor to tell employers that I'm logical and know about data. However, I feel like if I did CS I would be more knowledgeable overall and its just more intuitive on how my skills match up. As of now, I only know basics and I will only know basics of programming if I do digital design.

basically, my "resume" will look like:


Stats 1&2, micro macro econ, politics, political economics, economic policy, Japanese language, Asian history, Buddhism, Political violence etc

Math minor:

Calc 1&2, multivariable, programming for math (python & C++), discrete math, math modeling, difeq

CS minor:

computer/data structures, CS 1&2 (C++), Programming for math (python), Web programming (Java), any other cs elective


Digital design minor:

Intro to new media, ethics of media, web programming (Java), UX design, graphic design (adobe), another elective (ex: business of media, video game design, web design, data visualization etc).

either way I leave with some C++, python and Java but if I do design I gain adobe and design but if I do cs I have better C++ and data structures

18:13 UTC


Does your type of associates degree matter?

I’m in Community college currently, planning on transferring to a 4 year after, and am having trouble deciding on which associates degree to chose from, does it have to be related to my major? Or does it not matter and will transfer regardless?

15:28 UTC


Input on a criminal justice degree

My boyfriend is going to be graduating with a degree in criminal justice, however, he is basically only doing it to please his parents, finish what he started, and just trying to get that piece of paper. He doesn't really know what he'd want to do in this career field. He is passionate about the concept of criminal justice but when it comes to picking a job that'll allow him to support himself as well as a family in the future, he's stuck. He doesn't wanna be a cop or really any sort of law enforcement. So, any ideas or advice or guided wisdom on this matter?

15:08 UTC


Survey on College Student's Discussions of Vaping

Hi everyone, I'm a doctoral student at Arizona State University. I'm currently collecting data for my dissertation research and am interested in young adult's attitudes/experiences with vaping as well as if/how they have talked to their parent(s) about vaping. I'm looking for 18-24 year olds who live in the United States to complete a 10-15 minute survey on this topic: https://asu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8f9jBb0P28KN8F0

Please note that you do NOT need to use e-cigarettes to participate. If you complete the survey, you will also have the option to enter to win one of ten $100 Amazon gift cards.


06:58 UTC


Need help deciding on a major! :,)

I’m heading to Michigan State University in the fall and I have no idea whether I should pursue Zoology (the major I got in with) or Game Design and Development.

Zoology is something I’ve been so passionate about since I was young! But I’m afraid that I’ll graduate and have to get a job I can barely support myself on with that degree. I know that Michigan State has one of the best zoology programs in the country, so I feel like that could definitely help me land a job. However, I’m also not 100% sold on going into the veterinary profession (just because of the horror stories I’ve heard about it). So I wouldn’t really know WHAT to do with the degree.

Game Design and Development is something that I’m really passionate as well, although it’s a more recent interest. I would probably focus my degree in programming, though the degree itself is considered an art degree. I think that’s scaring me more than anything because I hear so much about art degrees not doing well, programming aspect added or not. I didn’t do well in my AP Computer Science Class at all, so that’s also something that I’m worried about. However, I feel like if I applied myself I could maybe do well since I have the fundamentals of Java down. Then, there’s the basic issue of is there gonna be a problem with me landing a job with a game company fresh out of college…? Probably not :(

I would love to get opinions though, I have like no idea of what I should genuinely do and with college starting so soon I’m kinda stressed about it.

1 Comment
23:42 UTC


Is something like a business degree even worth it?

I have no idea what to major in for college, but something I'm interested in is having a job that involves an International outlook, like International business/shipping. Still, I don't know if I should take a business or economics degree or what, I'm really clueless about how taking classes in university even really works. I just like the idea of majoring in something that gives me a lot of options and can possibly lead to an interesting career. I'm scared of wasting time and money on something that won't really matter, but in also scared of choosing something too specific that it turns out I don't like it. I thought business could be good but it seems so broad and I don't know how good it would actually be. What kind of degrees would be good to major in?

22:06 UTC


Need advice choosing career pathway

I am currently working as a medical assistant and have been for several years. I got accepted to my local community college and my original thought was to pursue a degree in nursing. I’ve been challenged recently with working while suffering herniated discs most likely caused by my work, and need to rethink this altogether(nursing will kill me). I have yet to apply for any classes, and I’m open to any advice for people looking to move out of healthcare. I have good skills in writing, love science, hate math. Trying to find something lucrative that won’t be a literal pain in my ass (I need my spine to last a while longer).

13:36 UTC


Need help deciding a major

I am interested in a lot of things like inventing and creating machines, starting my own company/business and physics my ultimate goal is becoming an inventor and ik it’s gonna sound ridiculous and like a kids dream but to become the worlds first Trillionaire. So any suggestions as a major

03:52 UTC


Hello, I need advice on my dream in pursuing medicine(I feel ridiculous even having this dream)

Hello Lovely People!

I’m a 22 year old first generation, Mexican American woman.

Originally, I went to community college for occupational health, majoring in psychology.

I left school because my dad was punching me in the face-and my mom would physically abuse me. For context, my mom has abused me last December, she dug her nails on my right arm.

Due to my full time job, contract, and finances, I must wait until Spring 2025 to enter school. My work contract ends in April 2025. And I’ll have way more saved up for college. I will be living on campus as it’s the safest option for me.

Since I started school in community, in the back of ny head was always the sciences,always. Since even High School.

But, and this may be an excuse, with my trauma, I hear my parents voice in my head telling me I won’t be successful.

And successful shows in different ways, I know a doctor isn’t the point of full success. I can accomplish it without a medical degree.

But it makes me sick to my stomach, it gives me neck inflammation, and anxiety from the fear, the fear of going through it all.

I’m terrified. And I want advice. It’s mainly the MCAT and Organic Chemistry that worry me and the other testing.

What if I fail? What if my parents are right.

No one in my family or even my husband knows that I’m even thinking of pursing this degree. I only have to wait a little longer for my departure in Spring but currently my application has a major in ecological and environmental studies-P.A concentration.

But my heart still thinks: take the risk, go for pre-med. Help those who needs you.

03:42 UTC


Hey reddit

I'm really struggling with trying to pick a major for college. I'm am international student planning to study at an HBCU. I have interest in the business field, but don't think I'll be satisfied with just a business degree. I also find my econ classes in high school very interesting, but I don't believe I'll enjoy it when it becomes college level hard. I am not the biggest fan of technology but lately the idea of a business analytics/business information systems degree has sparked my interest, but I'm not sure I'll be able to handle college level tech. I'm also vaguely interested in the health care field, but wouldn't like to pursue the more popular careers such as nursing, medicine or dental. I've heard health care informatics was a combination of both things but I'm not sure that's a career worth pursuing (salary wise). I have so many interests and I have no idea which is the right fit for me. Advice is welcome.

01:02 UTC


help deciding my major

I genuinely do not know what to do. I feel like I am between engineering and economics mainly because I like math and the idea of working in the field of economics, but I do not know much more than that. My understanding of those majors are very shallow. Someone help

15:05 UTC


Trouble choosing major specialization: environmental policy vs environmental biology

Hi! I posted something similar a few months back in a different subreddit, so apologies if you've already seen this post. Anyways, I am majoring in Environmental Science and need to pick a specialization/emphasis for the major. I have gone through the options and am stuck between environmental policy or environmental biology. If each of these had the same amount and weight of pros and cons, I would choose biology, but there is one huge factor that is causing me to be nervous of choosing biology.

First, for environmental policy, I find policy research interesting, especially when it comes to the environment and conservation, and can see myself enjoying working in that field, and also the coursework that would get me there. However, I fear that the lack of lab-based courses would make me bored and less passionate.

For biology, I am so passionate about it, especially ecological biology. However, specializing in biology means I will have to take two more quarters of chemistry. I am terrible at chemistry and it will have been almost 2 years since i took first quarter general chemistry (and I barely passed that one), so I do not have as much information retained as other students will, since they will be going into second quarter chemistry with only a few weeks gap. I fear that specializing in biology will cause my GPA to drop because of chemistry, and since it has been so long since taking the first quarter of general chemistry, I might even fail second or third quarter chemistry. Other than the chemistry aspect, there aren't many more negative aspects to this major for me. I really am passionate about biology, but I do not know if it is practical for me. Because of this I don't know what to do. Any tips, advice, etc will help!

TLDR; I want to specialize in environmental biology, but am worried that a 2 year gap between general chemistry 1 and general chemistry 2 will cause me to fail my final two quarters of chemistry that I have to take, causing me to retake them, stay longer at my university, and my GPA to drop. Additionally, I barely passed that first quarter of chemistry so because of the gap years, not much of that information I learned has been retained.

1 Comment
19:46 UTC


Major/Minor Combo for Social Sciences

Hi y'all! So i'm having a very difficult time choosing a major/minor combination and I need some advice about the best way to market my humanities degree to future job prospects. I've narrowed it down into disciplines i like enough and that I could see myself enjoying a career in. I'm planning on going to law school, but I want to take some time in between college to work a bit.

My major options are

  1. Political Science
  2. Anthropology and Sociology

My minor options are

  1. Political Science
  2. Anthropology/Sociology
  3. Human Rights
  4. Foundations of Artificial Intelligence

I really enjoy anthropology/sociology but i've heard the worst things about job prospects post-grad. I can't be 100% sure that i'm going to law school, and it seems like a bad idea to major in it. I like political science but its not as enjoyable as anthropology. But i would be content majoring in it.

As for the weirder minors, human rights was my original plan going into college. However, my concern is that is comes off as a fluff minor. Foundations of artificial intelligence is a minor that was created this semester, and it's described as a set of classes to prepare liberal arts majors to work in the tech industry. It sounds interesting, but i can't tell if it's a marketable major of a waste of time.

06:28 UTC


What are the pathways I can take

I want to major in computer science and finance. I want to go the ai and data science route so I can apply it to any field I want which in this case is finance. But I also want to know finance but i don’t know what topics I should learn. Currently I’m a junior in high school and looking to use the summer as a learning opportunity. Please let me know your thoughts !

05:46 UTC


I have been in love with music since middle school and have been dead set. Now I'm not so sure.

Hello all! I am currently a sophmore in high school.

Here's some background: I have a big passion for music and have always thought I would major in music something. Music performance, music composition, music education, etc. I settled on horn performance (my main instrument) and started scheduling classes to fit that goal. I never dreamed of even wanting to do something else.

This semester, however, I'm taking AP psychology. I've always had a small interest in psych, but never really explored it. My psychology teacher opened up all of the different fields of psychology for me and also made me realize how much I love "teaching" psych when I try to explain concepts to my parents.

Here's the dilemma: I don't know what to do. I feel like I have an equal interest in both, but I don't know if a double major+ certificate to teach is worth it, especially since I plan to do one or the other (not do something that would use both degrees).

Advice welcomed and appreciated!

tl;dr: I love music but teaching psychology is something I'm seriously considering now and I don't know what to do.

1 Comment
23:37 UTC


Any advice on majors/careers

Hello! I am a current freshman at majoring in Electrical Engineering + Computer Science but I'm not sure if these are the right majors for me. Also would appreciate a little advice on how to go about choosing career goals!

  1. I have a very strong interest in neuroscience, cognitive science, math, EE and cs. I generally find consciousness, the human brain, and human intelligence to be fascinating and what pulled me to computer science in the first place was because of the artificial intelligence component which I think is the essence of trying to mimic and therefore learn about intelligence and consciousness. EE is there because it's like the "intelligence" of a machine almost, in a hardware sense.
  2. I am realizing from my couple of math college classes here (multivariable calculus and linear algebra) that I really enjoy this type of math (suuper excited for discrete) because of I think it really stretches human intellectual capabilities with its ideas. I did extremely well in these classes because I enjoyed them so much.
  3. I have always liked/enjoyed coding for a similar reason of liking math. I feel torn because I really enjoy both and they each have their pros and cons that balance them out (eg. more critical thinking and toying with ideas and feeling really good because after you struggle and understand hard permanent ideas for math but less job prospects + I'm not a math genius but I'm finding now I just really like it and I'm willing to put in the hard work to understand, more job prospects and cool immediate feedback and ability to make really useful stuff I can bring to the fields of my interest for cs but more "temporary knowledge(?)" since the language you learn right now may not even be used in the future, saturated, idk kind of struggling to come up with more cons for cs but I think I'd rather learn about human brain architecture than computer architecture?). No real EE experience yet because slugging through lower divs.
  4. In addition to toying with ideas, I am fascinated by the human brain thats able to generate these ideas and a neurodegenerative disease took one of my family members away so I would love to study neuroscience (I have not taken a bio class yet but I love general chem I took last semester and I'm currently taking a self-paced course on medical neuroscience online and find it so fun).
  5. I also realize neuroscience has a lot of shortcomings and it can be drastically improved with CS or EE applications (eg. AI for detecting early signs of neurodegenerative diseases from MRI scans or developing new machines? but I think I'm not super into engineering tbh I feel more drawn to human-centered (less machine centered?) things).
  6. I love to teach and interact with people so being a professor/some form of teacher sometime in my career is one of my current goals. If I go down the pure engineering or CS route I don't think I'd be happy being stuck to the computer screen as my main component of the job. I think one of my biggest strengths is my ability to teach and communicate directly with other people.
  7. Similarly, because I love interacting with people so much I'm considering premed and becoming a neurologist/psychiatrist (md/phd) where I can interact with people directly and learn about human intelligence from direct human experience.
  8. I don't know why I'm so certain given I've had 0 internships so far but I've attended so many tech career talks and panels yet I genuinely cannot see myself being truly myself in industry to because I have this thirst for knowledge (happiest when learning and teaching and interacting with other people) but I also realize how academia really pays little and you do need to get your bills paid and is toxic in its own way (public or perish?) -- any academics on this reddit who can provide input? or people who can point to industry positions that align with these interests?
  9. As a summary, the careers I'm considering are AI researcher, computational neuroscientist, neuroscientist, cognitive scientist (cognition researcher), doctor (neurologist, psychiatrist, pediatrician), mathematician, professor/teacher (subject of neuroscience, cs, or math).
  10. Current major considerations are: Applied math, pure math, CS, EE, neuroscience, cognitive science (last one I am a bit hesitant since I am planning on pursuing some form of higher education and cog sci seems a bit too fluffy. when I've been researching on various sources people tend to recommend being technical skills if possible to the field because of how much more potential it has in advancing the field. thoughts?). I feel like if I want to go pre-med I gotta really lock down on neuroscience but I'm having trouble on how to choose if pre-med is right for me vs other routes. My problem is that I tend to enjoy learning anything so I'm in a situation where I enjoy everything so I can't eliminate stuff.

Clearly, you can probably tell I'm overthinking this a bit but I get excited by these things so this is my dilemma. It's quite a lot and I'm stuck in rut of what major to eliminate due to class enrollment starting soon for next semester so I would love any advice on how to move forward to eliminate some of these and maybe some inputs on the different majors/careers! Thank you so much!!

1 Comment
09:26 UTC


Humanities Pivoting To STEM: How To Start?

Hello all,

I'm about 2 years deep into 'some' sort of psychology/humanities degree. Started vaguely philosophy, then on track(ish) to finish out a psychology bachelors, then aimed to slide into a Masters in Therapy/Counseling.

After about 4 years diverted from college, as I debate going back now, what I really want is hard neuroscience. The mechanics of the mind. The little chemicals and dynamics- I love listening to Huberman Lab Podcast. I want to understand the mind on that level as well.

However, the last hard science class I took was an intro geology course, and I haven't learned any chemistry in any sort of real manner.

If my goal is to learn the brain's fundamentals of function, as a humanities student till now, where should I START? Organic chemistry? Neuroanatomy? Some statistics? Probably all eventually, but where do ya'll think I should begin first? Even if I don't ever finish my degree, it jusy feels good learning about this stuff when I have time- it's just overwhelming to consider where best to start building.

Thanks :)

1 Comment
01:25 UTC


What major should I choose?

I originally went into college thinking I wanted to major in chemical engineering. I am in my junior year of college and I am deciding this is not what I want to do with my life. However, I don't know what the next step for me is. I don't know what major I should switch to. I don't really feel like I'm good at anything. I have thought about a computer science degree. I've looked into Data science. I'm good with numbers and just plain chemistry but I'm not good at the engineering aspect. What should I do?

1 Comment
01:07 UTC


Looking to get my Master's. Any suggestions?

Graduated with a Bachelor's in Teacher Education two years ago now, and have been in the field as a teacher since. I'm not loving the job and am looking to switch careers. I'm looking to get my Master's in something that can allow me to venture into other careers outside of education. I applied to a Master's program in Instructional Design and Technology, but I'm not convinced this is my best option. I'd love to get any insight on the best majors to pursue! I've always loved to design and want to be in a career field that is in the service of others, if that helps.

00:26 UTC


Dual degree?

Hey there! I'm a senior in high school and am currently trying to decide the path I take in college. For some background, I have a ton of experience in journalism and a bit in marketing. Im hoping for a career somewhere in the realm of content strategy.

Is a dual degree in marketing and communications worth it? In my head they seem like they would be a combination and, while I know dual degrees are difficult, I have heard that communications isn't necessarily a super challenging degree.

Will I be more hire-able? Or will it not make much of a difference? I'm also considering a master's in business management or something along those lines in the future, but also debated double majoring in marketing and management at the same time, which does seem like too much.

I have a pretty good work ethic, but I don't know if that's enough for a dual degree. If anyone has gotten one or currently is, how is it?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks! 🫶🫶

23:21 UTC


I’m trying to decide what to minor in-Film studies or Theatre

Hi, I’m trying to figure out which minor I want to take and will help me more or be more useful for me. Some information is that I plan on going to Denver Metropolitan State as a freshman if this helps and I am planning to major in Politcal science and hope to either work on movie sets as a director, set designer, or maybe even actor, but really I’m pretty open to all jobs on a set. My other more realistic choice/path of being an entertainment lawyer or industry manger. I’ve always had a big interest in film like film making and behind the scenes and props and set decorating and I’ve always thought I’d enjoy acting but I’ve also never taken any acting classes or done anything for that. I’m questioning which minor will help me or be more helpful because the theatre minor also has a lot of hands on work with production like a directing class and a stagecraft class but idk if I’m cut out for acting and I do believe that class is required for the theatre minor. Sorry this is long but any advice is much appreciated!!

22:30 UTC


12 Best Apps for Mental Health Support for Students

12:05 UTC

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