Extreme Electronics, Splintered Beats And Music For Riots.
1 - Keep posts relevant to breakcore
While Breakcore is loosely defined, it has some distinct characteristics that determine the genre. Heavily edited breaks, lots of distortion, generous sampling and High-BPM are elements that accompany the sound. Off-topic submissions or submissions that belong better on another sub will be removed.
Newer subgenres of breakcore are welcome. However, making use of appropriate subgenres (such as /r/lolicore) are encouraged. Drumandbass belongs on /r/dnb as do its subgenres, such as /r/AtmosphericDnB/.
To avoid driving off interested users or if you would like feedback on your music, please make use of the feedback flair.
2 - Be civil
On-topic discussion, relevant questions and content sharing is encouraged.
No throwaway comments. A comment should always further the discussion in some way, whether it be through adding onto the original post, contributing new information, offering an opposing viewpoint, etc.
Rude and abusive posts and comments, or those meant to incite arguments or drama, will be removed.
No hate, no racism, no fascism, no sexism, no homophobia, no transphobia.
If your contribution has been deleted and you feel peeved, feel free to let us know.
3 - Self promotion/Spam
Self-promotion is encouraged. If the moderators feel your self promotion is spammy, it may be removed. If sharing your own work, do not ask for likes/views/subscriptions/etc. If the first click on your profile shows you're simply spamming your links everywhere, it will be removed.
Low effort submissions, promoting unrelated events or posting your socials for no other reason than visibility will be removed.
4 - No piracy
Do not post illegal filesharing content.
New to breakcore? Check out
Interested in Breakcore Production?
Producer Snafu's Breakcore Purist Sample Pack
peep out Ned Rush's Ableton Tutorials
For FL studio Tutorials check out Producer Snafu
Breakcore Podcast hosted by Oxygenfad "Bassfug"
Experimental Radio Show hosted by Dj Skymall BL_K NOISE Radio
Drum and Bass podcast: Vision Radio hosted by Noisa
Datacide: Magazine for Noise and Politics
Breakcore Mixes by Sepix
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It sounds almost exactly the same, ecxept it's a bit faster and there are Japanese vocals backing it. It was used in a music video featuring a bunch of wind up toy robots. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the song.
Techstep was a big influence on breakcore and this mix knocks it out of the park! Enjoy!
sorry moderator!
I released this album on New Year’s Day 2024, I just didn’t promote till now, listen if you like IDM, breakcore, flashcore and glitch music. Here are the bandcamp and SoundCloud links:
Hi guys, it's me again. I originally intended to post a video but when I watched it, it was just too cringe to post.
I'm not really sure where to start, and I don't want to bore you guys. The words, the time you guys put into this, everything, was a lot, not even in my wildest dreams id thought that this would ever be possible.
Thank you, guys. Thank you r/breakcore, thank you r/DnB, thank you r/jungle.
When I made the album, I said to myself that 2 plays would be more than enough for me to consider it successful, but I promised myself that I put the effort to actually try and promote it. While I enjoyed it, I wasn't sure how people would receive it and I thought reddit would eat me alive. Turns out I was wrong.
All of you, and I mean it, every single one of you said nothing but positive things, praises I don't deserve. The support I got is life changing, the things you guys said were beautiful and also really thought provoking in regards to me and how i view myself in relation to music. I don't deserve this, yet you guys came and acted so nice and polite, I can't be anything but grateful to you guys.
When I left music, I didn't want to look back, I was ready to head onto a new life and I did, yet that shame stood there for the longest. I never thought I'd get to see the day my work would reach almost a thousand plays, I've never won anything, or gotten anything like this, much less seemingly overnight and even less being showered in support and beautiful words.
You guys changed my life for the better, and I'm not talking about music at all, I mean it in a deeper personal level. There really is no amount of money I could ever give to get something like this.
I've been trying to process this throughout the day and I'm still feeling like I'm in a dream. Earlier before I left for class I had to stop for few minutes since I started crying when what happened started sinking in.
Thanks to you guys I can look at my dad with less shame, I feel like I didn't fail at a dream that I never would see accomplished.
The words and the good will that came my way is not something I can buy with however many plays I get, It is something deeper and more meaningful that I can hardly understand myself, let alone explain.
All this things you guys made possible for me are things I didn't know how much I cared about, how much they meant for me, and having them handed to me in such a way is incredibly touching.
The fact that you guys came and gave me your hand to hold onto while I'm just one of many is really humbling.
It is hard for me to write this without crying out of joy.
Thank you so much guys, I don't have enough words to express how much this meant for me, I don't think I have enough notes to tell you guys about how much you've changed my life.
just sharing
Ive seen people ask related questions, but every time i look at the answers its always "get a plugin or import amen break loops" which is cool but i really have been looking to find and create a drum track only using the drum machine designer or its kits... sorry I'm new to creating this stuff but it would help if anyone knows :)
Hi, as the title says, im a failed musician whom just recently finished his first album, ive never really done anything that i feel is worth showing, much less try and promote, most of my track record is terrible music really.
I was obsessed (yet im not really good at it) with music, this obsession really lead me to take terrible decisions, and ended up failing at most of my endeavours. I was riddled with depression, and was really scared if i had a future in music (hell no, i suck).
A few years ago i left music school to pursue other things, and music was now to the side (but pretty much stopped entirely) and i just came back to this a few months ago and managed to pull a small body of work which i feel is worth showing. if you guys wish to give it a go here is the link.
Thanks for reading, i do appreciate a lot the few minutes you just gave me.
I hope you find this album tasteful.
That's like my biggest problem ever, the other stuff I can do okay but transitioning between breaks is something I simply cannot do.
who's got the anthems to "Fuck this Administration"?
Hello, I'm a euro raver (or was when I was a kid) who has been listening and mixing vsnares, igorrr, ruby my dear etc for coming on 10y now (Jesus I'm old).
I posted a live set I made recently on this sub, because I've seen a lot of people post bits of their music, and I love that. But the post was removed for being off topic.
Now granted this live set isn't entirely made up of semi randomly sequenced break chops, like most of the recent breakcore posted here, self made or otherwise. But for me and everyone around me we would call what I made breakcore, on the chiller side but breakcore non the less.
So I'm wondering if times have just changed, and breakcore to youngsters today means it has to be 24/7 full break chops (no over arching melody etc).
So Im starting a poll to see if the most classic, least breaky vsnares would be classified as breakcore today or not. You have to remember that this came out in 2005, so for us back then there was 0 question this was anything other than breakcore. I'd almost say this more so then ultraviolent junglist which at the time most people just said was experimental af.
ongyilkos vasarnap venetian snares :
Basically if this isn't breakcore then times have changed and thats fine, or maybe the divide is EU and NA?, but if it is I have no idea why the mods would take down my post and am a bit sad since this is the community I identify with musically and would want to share my musical escapades.
Anyway peace 🌾 and thanks for taking the time
I can’t find anything abt it and I’m curious to know where it’s from. Idk if it’s a movie or show but I’m interested