A sub dedicated to Tekno.
Everything Tekno, Hardtek, RaggaTek, AcidCore, Frenchcore,.. is allowed
Only Tekno Music and its affiliates
Use this format for posting music
Do not USE ALLCAPS or put needless info in the title like "Official Video", [HipHop], your opinion, (new), emojis, ...
If you feel like you need to put more, you can always use the correct flair, and add more information in a comment.
Tekno Sample pack with +30Kickbass +5attacks +25 FXs (loops/one shot/kick fx/fills) +drums loop/ snares/tops/melodies … And some Serum Preset
For 15€
You can get it this way:
Make a PayPal transfer to the address tom.cato@hotmail.com, then send me a message on Insta with the email you used for the transfer, and I will send you the Sample pack !
I am looking to throw some open airs this summer and need some tips.
What are some things that make a good/ safe location and what would be a dealbreaker?
How far should I be away from houses if i wanna run my subs at 140db (1m)?
Do 2x2meter Hornsub Walls already have a passive cardioid effect?
hey, looking for fun tracks like this one https://soundcloud.com/phatotiz/phat-otiz-robotic-orchestra?si=57c68781fad049f992de1eb36aa72515&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
im taking every suggestion :))
Hey i just want to share my new track with you guys :)
Hellooo lizards ! Does anyone know this track id ? Its from yeasterday’s party District23!
Hello everyone,
im starting DJing on DDJ FLX4 and i want to know, where you get quality tracks? Do you use some DJ pool?
I have many tracks from freeteknomusic.org, but its not very good to use a search. Do you have some tips please?
Have a nice evening with the best music you love.
Heard this at BFP 3 worth a chance to see if anyone knows what this is? Thanks
What genre is this track ? I labeled it as mental and tribe but dont really know. Thank you if you listened it :) https://on.soundcloud.com/p7oGVHBjRk3AZJ1RA
i need help finding this id…not sure if its a live set or not