
Photograph via snooOG

The bilingual subreddit for everything relating to Berlin, capital city of Germany. (Tourists and Visitors: Please read our sidebar first and consult the sticky post)

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Weekly Meetup in Neukölln every Tuesday at 9pm.

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Keine Toleranz für AFD und Rechtsextremismus

English language below

Die CDU/CSU mag vielleicht nicht mehr bereit sein, sich gegen die AFD zu positionieren, aber wir werden es tun. Wir sind der Meinung, dass die AfD regelmäßig verfassungsfeindliche Tendenzen zeigt. Wir sind zwar kein Gericht, aber haben festgestellt, dass Nutzende, die die AfD auf diesem Subreddit unterstützen, ein Muster von Hassrede und der Förderung einer totalitären Agenda zeigen. Das Mod-Team für r/Berlin hat beschlossen, dass dieser Raum nicht für die Förderung von Rechtsextremismus und Parteien mit verfassungsfeindlichen Ambitionen genutzt werden darf.

Wir haben auch einen Zustrom von Trollen und möglicherweise ausländische Manipulationen in den sozialen Medien bemerkt, die versuchen, hier für die AFD zu werben. Wir haben weder die Zeit noch die Möglichkeiten, jeden einzelnen Fall individuell zu bearbeiten. In Anbetracht der verfassungsfeindlichen Agenda der AFD und des grenzwertigen Verhaltens ihrer Unterstützer hier, wird die Unterstützung und/oder Förderung der AFD in diesem Sub nicht mehr toleriert. Das gleiche gilt für Akteure, die noch weiter rechts stehen.

Aufgrund des Zustroms rechtsextremer Trolle und Bots haben wir in den letzten Tagen eine Reihe von Konten wegen des Verdachts der pro-AFD-Manipulation in den sozialen Medien gesperrt. Wenn du in den letzten Tagen gesperrt wurdest und glaubst, dass dies ein Fehler war, kontaktiere uns bitte nach dem 1. März, um eine Aufhebung der Sperre zu besprechen, falls du zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch an einer weiteren Teilnahme auf r/Berlin  interessiert bist. Wir werden diesen Ansatz bis mindestens Ende Februar beibehalten und dann erneut prüfen, wie wir weiter verfahren.

Diskussionen über alle Parteien, die sich zur aktuellen verfassungsmäßigen Ordnung bekennen (einschließlich der CDU/CSU), sind hier weiterhin willkommen, solange die Nutzer respektvoll miteinander umgehen und die vielen Facetten dieser erstaunlich vielfältigen Stadt respektieren. Bitte denkt daran, dass die Beiträge und Diskussionen dabei auf Berlin bezogen bleiben sollen. Subreddits wie r/de, r/Germany oder r/politikBRD eignen sich möglicherweise besser für allgemeine politische Diskussionen.

Als Berliner wissen wir besser als jeder andere, welch schrecklichen Preis es hat, Faschisten an die Macht zu lassen, und wir sagen: Nie wieder! 

Wir werden zusammenstehen und alles tun, um Minderheiten zu schützen und die zunehmende Flut des Faschismus sowohl lokal als auch global zu stoppen. Lasst uns zusammenarbeiten, um Herzen und Köpfe zu verändern und andere davon zu überzeugen, sich mit uns gegen den Faschismus zu stellen.

Zero Tolerance for AFD and Right Wing Extremists

CDU/CSU may not be willing to hold the line against AFD, but we will. We believe AFD has regularly shown anti-constitutional tendencies, and while we are not court of law, we have found people promoting AFD on this sub have a shown a pattern of engaging in hate speech and promoting a totalitarian agenda. The reddit Berlin moderation team has decided we will not allow this space to be used to promote right wing extremism and parties with anti-constitutional platforms.

We have also noticed an influx on trolls and possible foreign social media manipulation attempts to promote AFD here, and we do not have the time or ability to handle each these on an individual basis. Considering AFD's anti-constitutional platform and the bad behavior of their supporters here, support and/or promotion of AFD, as well as political players even further to the right, will no longer be tolerated on this sub. 

Due to the influx of far right trolls and bots, we have banned a number of accounts over the last days for suspicion of pro-AFD social media manipulation. If you have been banned over the last few days, and believe it was in error, please contact us after March 1st to discuss reversing the ban if you are still interested in participating at that time. We will continue to uphold this approach until at least end of February and then review how to continue further. 

Discussion regarding all parties committed to the current constitutional order (including CDU/CSU) remains welcome here, as long as users are respectful towards one another, and the many facets that make up this amazingly diverse city. While doing so, please remember to keep the submissions and discussions relevant to Berlin. Subs like r/de, r/Germany or r/politikBRD might be better suitable for general political discussions. 

As Berliners, we know better than anyone the horrifying cost of letting fascists take power, and we say never again. We will stand together and do everything we can to protect minorities, and reverse the rising tide of fascism both locally and globally. Let us work together to change hearts and minds and convince others to stand with us against fascism.

15:55 UTC


Demos am Wochenende in Berlin: Infos, Routen, Zeiten

Samstag 01.02.2025

  • 11 Uhr bis 13 Uhr: Aufstehen gegen Rassismus- Stoppt die AfD, Gabriel-Max-Str. 6A.
  • 11 Uhr bis  13 Uhr: Wer AfD wählt, wählt Nazis!, Alfred-Scholz-Platz.
  • 12 Uhr bis 14 Uhr: Kundgebung von Sozialismus von unten: Stoppt die AfD! Keine Waffenlieferungen in Nahost
  • 16.30 Uhr bis 19.30 Uhr: Laternenumzug gegen hohe Mieten, Route: Roedeliusplatz - Normannenstr. (ZK Ecke Ruschestr.) - Ruschestr. -Schulze-Boysen-Str. (ZK vor Buchberger Str.) - Pfarrstr. - Kaskelstr. - Geusenstr. - Tuchollaplatz
  • [...]
04:29 UTC


Merkhilfe für den Wahltag: So haben die Berliner CDU-Abgeordneten heute abgestimmt

Czaja - Tritt als Direktkandidat in Marzahn-Hellersdorf an. Kein Listenplatz

Grütters - Tritt nicht mehr an

Heilmann - Hat Direktkandidatur verloren, Listenplatz 11

Klein - Direktkandidatin in Neukölln, Listenplatz 2

Luczak - Direktkandidat in Tempelhof-Schöneberg, Listenplatz 1

22:46 UTC


A place/cafe to play cards

We, 4 friends, would like to meet somewhere to play cards. None of our apartments are available at the time, you know, kids and stuff.

Is there any advice on where we could play some cards? We can’t do it in a regular cafe or bar, as the card game (something similar to bridge, but not exacty it) requires some proper setup and a not-so-loud ambiance.

I guess we can’t just hit a bridge Verein as well, as neither are we members nor is the game bridge. Poker table is also not a possibility, as they’re quite big and not suitable for a card game in which you have to throw in your card 13 times on every round. And advice?

16:26 UTC


Turning the Tide Against the Right

There is a demonstration Sunday against the right. Some trolls have been going on about how demonstrations aren't effective at changing hearts and minds, and sadly they have a point. You know what is effective at change hearts and minds? The lost art of community organizing. We've substituted statistics and gadgets and for real communication, and it's only hurt us.

Go to a pub, common public social place, or even door to door, in neighborhoods where the right is gaining ground, and ask people about the problems in their neighborhood, and what the government could do to improve them. Really listen to the answer. Avoid talking about major social questions at first, ask about parks, schools, workplaces, public transportation, etc. Things that matter in people's daily lives, and whatever the person wants to talk about. Ideally this is done with an organized political party or group, and you take notes then discuss together what issues it makes sense to work on, then hopefully by bringing together a diverse group. While this is ideally done with an organized group, that is not needed for this to work. You can just pick a train take it Brandenburg, or the outskirts of the Berlin, find a pub and start talking to people.

Try to come up with fair solutions to issues people bring up instead of ignoring them while the right uses them to foment racial resentment. For example, if people complain housing in new buildings all goes to refugees, while they're stuck in their crappy old place, ask what's wrong with their place, and talk about making sure landlords keep older housing in good condition. Suggest a lottery for who gets to move into newer buildings, that gives people in older public housing equal priority to new residents, so everyone will have a fair chance to move into newer buildings if they want to. The apartments those people leave will then be open to others.

Talk about issues that affect everyone, like income inequality. The right loves telling the working class people their hard-earned money is going to those worse off. Counter that narrative by talking about how much wealth is in the hands of the top 1% (in Germany that's something like 27%) and how we can fund needed social programs by raising taxes on the rich and lowering taxes on people barely scraping by. Campaign for a more progressive tax system, where the rich pay a higher share of taxes and the working class pays less. "I want to lower your taxes and increase public services while raising taxes on the rich," is both good politics and good policy. It reduces income inequality, and we should design the tax code to reduce income inequality. Talk to people about things like increasing funding for public transportation to make it more reliable, talk about workers rights, free birth control, lowering taxes on beer, etc. Remind people about all the hateful shit AFD has done, and why it's important they lose, but only after you hear them out first.

When you try this some people will be racist shitheads, or even threatening, but just move on. Many people love to talk about what they want to see in the world, and the things they think are unfair to anyone willing to listen. So be the person who listens instead of letting some racist shithead be that person. Will this always work? Of course not. But it is the best way to change minds one by one, and to build a movement to oppose hate.

Don't play along if the person starts blaming minorities. If anything try to talk about how minorities are affected by the same issues and try to build solidarity between different groups, or at minimum talk about how the political issues these people have issues with aren't caused by minorities but the system failing everyone. Suggest real solutions instead of giving people scapegoats, and engage in mutual aid if you can. If they keep blaming minorities walk away, and find someone else to talk to. Don't waste time with people set in their ways, but mainly with apolitical people or people who aren't fully decided yet.

Go to the demonstration Sunday, talk to people at the demonstration about organizing to do this together. You have to do this offline and in person. Our performative online personas are part of the problem. Look someone who doesn't share your world views in the eye and hear them. Let them hear you.

15:39 UTC


What is it about Berlin?

So, I’m Irish. And I’ve joined a bunch of ‘Expats in Berlin’ groups on Facebook and beyond, as I’m moving to Berlin in the next few months with my job. Have moved numerous times across Europe, and across the Middle East - but my god, i have never seen so many people posting about how they are just after moving to Berlin with no job, no leads on jobs, no permanent accommodation anywhere near in sight and no income. Like 10’s and 10’s of posts from people being like ‘just moved to Berlin, looking for work. I’m qualified as X, but will happily walk dogs or take on menial jobs’. Some people even asking about how they can claim social welfare, immediately after getting there. What is it about Berlin? I’ve not seen it in any other city at this scale! It seriously makes no sense to me. You’re willingly choosing total instability and then resorting to pleading with people for a source of income once you land there! Confused 😵‍💫

14:44 UTC


Kleidung verschenken

Zu Beginn: ich weiß, dass es die Stadtmission und Möglichkeiten wie Kleinanzeigen gibt. Ich würde die Kleidung aber am liebsten direkt an Mädchen verschenken, die aus nicht so gut situierten Familien kommen. Es sind Teile, die ich eigentlich auf Vinted verkaufen würde, alle in sehr gutem Zustand und auch viel Markenzeugs dabei. Kennt da jemand eine Möglichkeit?

10:21 UTC


Inflationary ‚sth bad has happened to me’ posts

Wondered if I am the only one seeing a growing number of posts here that disguise as first hand negative experiences from this city but read generic and often made up. Are there really so many people having bad encounters in Berlin and coming here to vent, or is this sub a playground of fearmongering trolls?

Asking because other countries have seen an increasing problem with disinformation campaigns on social media, in which a part of the malign interference was amplifying negative local news or pushing outright made up stories just to make real people feel worse and anxious about their place and sow division.

09:23 UTC


Komodowaran im Berliner Zoo?


Eigentlich sagt der Titel schon alles.

Wir haben einen kleinen Urlaub geplant und mein 4jähriger Sohn würde gerne einen Komododragon sehen. Gibt es sowas in Berlin? Zoo/Aquarium oder doch “nur” Naturkundemuseum?

Vielen Dank!

19:13 UTC


Best Baklava in Berlin?

Where to find, whats your experience and recommendation?

17:27 UTC


Dealing with ppl in public transport who blast music/video from their phones.

In the last couple of months I had to take public transport (usually I cycle). And, oh boy, it drives me crazy how comfortable people are at watching videos or listening to music. Or, even worst, talking to their relatives via video. Often, I want to ask them to turn it off, but I am a bit afraid of them becoming physical. I am a woman.

What would you recommend?

16:17 UTC


Zoll Berlin: Uber und Bolt Mietwagenpreise nur durch Sozialbetrug und Schwarzarbeit möglich

Die Mietwagenbetriebe arbeiteten demnach mit einem innerhalb des Zolls „Drittellösung“ genannten Modells. Ein Drittel der Profite werde demnach durch offiziell abgerechnete Fahrten erwirtschaftet, ein Drittel durch Schwarzarbeit.Als letztes Drittel komme hinzu, dass die Mitarbeiter statt auskömmlicher Gehälter illegal Sozialleistungen beziehen, führte Osmenda aus. 


Und wenn dann die Taxis verdrängt sind, werden die Preise verdoppelt.

09:44 UTC


S2 cancelled the whole day. No replacement buses!

How does Deutsche Bahn openly lie and say they have laid on replacement buses when there are none! Just packed to capacity BVG buses that serve that route!!! They even cancelled some buses. My kid was late for school. We waited as 3 packed buses passed us on our 90 konute journey home. How the hell does DB not even have an estimate for when this will end???? Arrrgh.

18:24 UTC


BVG Ansage

Hi hat einer diese Ansage aus den Bussen: „Berlin ist hart aber herzlich“? Hab online gesucht aber keine Audio dazu gefunden und heute hab ich es im Bus nicht mehr gehört.

Also wenn wer die Ansage als Audiodatei oder einen Link dazu hat gerne melden✌🏻

17:05 UTC


What is this shit?

Saw this on Landsberger Allee. Weird that this is allowed on the streets..

16:54 UTC

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