A place to appreciate, and share information about, Australian Native plants.
This reddit is about Native Australian Plants and Trees. For exotic plants and trees please go to /r/GardeningAustralia
A place to appreciate and share information about Australian flora.
This reddit is about Native Australian Plants and Trees. For exotic plants and trees please go to /r/GardeningAustralia
Questions are welcome here. Not just welcome, encouraged. A lot of us enjoy answering questions, especially when it comes to identifying plants, whether in your garden or in the bush. Please include your location and any other information you have.
Indigenous Nurseries:
Australian National Botanic Gardens
CDTLI Bush Garden Nursery - Townsville
Coolum Community Native Nursery
Carrum Indigenous Nursery Inc.
St Kilda Indigenous Nursery Co-operative
Victorian Indigenous Nurseries Co-operative
Related subs:
Useful links:
Australian National Botanic Gardens
Biodiversity of the Western Volcanic Plains
Native or indigenous: do you know the difference?
The flower in the top right hand corner is Chrysocephalum semipapposum, Clustered Everlasting.
I’m new to native plants. I’ve planted this acacia golden wattle and it’s really surged in the last two weeks (Adelaide) I’m using this chain type things at the moment and two metal green stakes from Bunnings The tree is supported but I don’t know I’ve done it right. I read you need to allow movement with wind so the trunk gets stronger
Suggestions very welcomed.
In Central Queensland (Gladstone region). Was slow growing and has recently taken off, curious how tall it may grow.
What are these?
Mysteriously appearing in my front and back yard, indeed my whole neighbourhood!
Like small shiny kidney beans with a light brown bit on the end. Also some broken (germinating?) revealing light brown pulp inside.
Can’t be dropped by a single tree (area of distribution too wide), nor can they be airborne themselves (too heavy).
Could birds or bats be dropping them? If so are they pooing them out, or just carrying them?
Any ideas welcome!
This fabulous grevillea inhabits the arid outback, but makes a great feature tree elsewhere too.
Hi and TIA,
I would like to plant some small trees in my yard (up to 5 metres) which would preferably be native. I am in SW WA and did want to plant some Dawson River Calistemon but as they are so flammable I have been advised against it. I have no idea now what to plant and would love some ideas.
Any tips would be much appreciated, thanks.
Any advice on what's happening here to this potted Maple? It's been fine for months but in the last few weeks, leaves have started browning and curling?
Too much water from all the rain?
I have a block in SA that I plan to plant eucalyptus trees, native shrubs, and grasses on. Creating a sort of nature corridor. To attract birds and insects.
I'm looking for books, blogs, anything you can recommend that could advise me on how these plants grow naturally in the wild. Ideas on how to plant that is beneficial to the native animals.
For example I have been told to plant the Eucalyptus gracilis (Yorrell) in groups of 5-10 trees with 20m clear space around so that cockatoos can watch for predators while feeding.
Any books or other resources with information like that you would recommend?
I'm looking at "Australian Native Plants - 7th edition Cultivation, Use in Landscaping and Propagation By: John Wrigley, Murray Fagg" but it is expensive, so I might look for a used 6th edition instead. Can anyone recommend it?
I'm On the Gold Coast and the other day The neighbours got landscapers in to were clearing their land and my wife noticed that they had an excavator on our 3/4 way across our property clearly scrub (and flattened a heap of my seedlings) and had felled a mature iron bark, some other trees & damaged others. I believe that's it cut up in the photo.
This is a great small shrub from WA closely related to Melaleuca. The friend is a juvenile eastern bearded dragon (Pogona barbata)
A well-known small ornamental tree with a strong weeping habit.