
Photograph via snooOG

Ecology (from Greek: οἶκος, "house"; -λογία, "study of") is the scientific study of the relations that living organisms have with respect to each other and their biophysical environment.

Ecology (from Greek: οἶκος, "house"; -λογία, "study of") is the scientific study of the relations that living organisms have with respect to each other and their natural environment. This is the place to be when you want to discuss anything related to ecology!

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Plans for an Ecology Self-Study

Hello Everyone!

This upcoming year, I will be a junior in HS but will be doing school through a community college to get an associates degree early-on before heading to a university, and will have a lot more free time than if I was in school, and would like to study ecology on my own, on top of my college classes. Would a self-study without any courses be reasonable if I put in enough time, and if so, is there a rough road-map I could follow? I'd love to pursue a career in biology one day, and I think a self-study could be quite helpful.


1 Comment
19:57 UTC


Need help thinking of personal projects in Ecology / Env sci or anything related.

Hello! I'm a 2nd year British env sci student my plans for some internships had fallen through and I have a really big urge to do some personal projects however I cannot think of any good or interesting ideas I can apply. Besides some small environmental monitoring and Cloud arduino project I've been struggling and if possible how I could write it into my cv.

Are there any reccomendations for something I can do for my cv or for fun?

I have been trying to volunteer more but there are not any open spots for more science-based activities I got scared off after one week of working with child education 😅

I have access and some base knowledge in Qgis and other data analysis programs. I have a peat probe I impulsively bought a while ago.

I have also been reading about biogeography there's a lot I want to do but rn I feel a little restricted

Anyways sorry for my rambling any help is really appreciated Thanks!

18:08 UTC


Can you be an ecologist and be average at math?

Should I continue in ecology for grad school if my math skills are fairly average and I’m not super skilled at learning math quickly?

I can usually get stats eventually and kinda figure out calc etc, but I’ve never been great at it and I’m starting to wonder if I’m just not cut out for science in general. Seems like most the jobs require strong math ability and idk if I’m ever going to excel at it.

17:28 UTC


Virunga National Park is being decimated as the 1.7 people displaced by conflict place un-sustainable pressure on this biodiversity hotspot and critical carbon sink. This is s critical issue.

21:14 UTC


What useful skills should I start practicing before I study ecology at university level?

I’ve just started my a-levels but I’ve started learning how to program on R and I’ve also been learning multiple languages in case of travel (Spanish, Japanese, Italian and Portuguese) and I’ve been studying basic plant identification and properties, as well as anatomy and zoology (especially of reptiles and amphibians), so I was wondering what else might be useful for both studying at uni and for a career in the future?

11:22 UTC


Should I study abroad for ecology or study local? And what uni’s are good for ecology?

I’m taking my a-levels and thinking of where I want to go for uni. I am hoping to get a scholarship, but I am conflicted on whether it’ll be worth it to study in another country (such as New Zealand) for ecology and environmental related fields as they have more diverse ecosystems and ranges of species/conservation projects. Does anyone know if it would also help with job opportunities in the future as opposed to working in a country with common wildlife? Because I would like to work in another country, so would it be useful if I studied there first? Also, are there any uni’s anyone can recommend to study ecology (all around the world, but more directed at New Zealand, Australia, UK, USA and Canada)?

10:55 UTC


UK’s biodiversity net gain - in what ways is this scheme different from carbon credits?

I’m working on an essay and have come up empty on resources pertaining to BNG (maybe because it is just rolling out). I am trying to unpack the policy, and am hoping to counter detractors’ arguments of market based mechanisms by suggesting that this is technically a bartering of usage of nature. Is there anyone quite involved in its implementation who could clarify how it can be beneficial for nature, or share resources my way? TIA!

1 Comment
11:36 UTC


Ecology in Cuba

Hola todos,

I'm an American citizen that is interested in working in terrestrial ecology in Cuba. In particular, ecosystem restoration and permaculture, supporting both biodiversity and resilient communities. Cuba has some of the best preserved ecosystems in the Caribbean and I've love to experience and support it. Maybe it's a pipe dream, but I thought I'd ask here if there are any avenues for an American with some Spanish language skills, but not fluency, to do ecological studies, teaching, or classes in Cuba. I'm not really looking for eco-tourism or volunteerism though, more like a reciprocal exchange of learning and teaching if that kind of thing exists, maybe with a university. I'm also an artist, illustration, watercolors, murals, crochet, photography. I'm happy to teach arts and craft as well. I have a masters degree in science communication with a focus on island ecology.

Anyone here have experience with Cuba?

04:11 UTC


I'm interested in potentially going into environmental policy. Any advice on transitioning from ecology to policy?

Since all my background has been in science, I'm really lost about what jobs in policy but related to environmental and ecological work might look like. Here are some questions I've been wondering:

What degree would be best suited to go into environmental policy? Are environmental management degrees worth it?

What does policy work related to ecology even entail/look like?

Is this a stable, feasible career path?

I currently have a bachelors in environmental science.

02:52 UTC


Can I do this?

I am going to be applying to obtain my masters degree in Ecology and Evolution or Wildlife Biology this fall. I have a strong passion for doing research with endangered species specifically, but am looking generally at labs that have a focus in Global Change, Fire Ecology, or Anthropogenic Impacts on Biodiversity.

I’ve gone back and forth with my confidence on my experience and my application so far and am becoming concerned that I’m not good enough. I’ve secured 5 letters of recommendation, but am struggling to find employment as a research technician for this year.

As far as my experience goes, I’ve done two undergraduate research projects. One on animal behavior and one on aquatic invasive species ecology. These projects were only one semester each, but I wrote a standard research paper about them and presented my findings to the corresponding departments. Due to COVID, I lost out on 2 summers of potential research because no professors at my college were accepting students.

After I graduated, I did an internship on manatee conservation in Florida, and then this summer I spent 3 weeks volunteering on an endangered species project in South Africa. I’m just worried that it isn’t enough, so I was trying to find one more position before applying, but I’ve had no luck.

Overall, I took a ton of classes ranging from ecology, cell biology, data science, statistics, animal behavior, and even environmental policy.

So I was wondering if you all thought I had a good chance of getting into a single masters program. Right now I have a list of 26 schools and over 50 professors. I’m just feeling unsure if my experience is ready to get a masters. Thank you.

21:17 UTC


An inspiring news story out of Pretoria - South Africa, in the fight to stabilize the dramatic loss of bee colonies worldwide.

19:55 UTC


In my 30s and considering a career change into Ecology. Has anyone else successfully changed careers into Ecology? (US)

Currently have a B.S in Information Security and currently work in CyberSec. I tolerate my job, but it gives me no fulfillment and I'm sick of corporate work. I love natural world and always have ever since I was a child. I am considering a career change into ecological work because I feel like its something I can be passionate about doing. I realize I would likely be taking a massive cut in pay, along with needing to go back to school. I'm fine with both of these realities but am having trouble gathering data on what kind of earning potential I will actually have, and what sort of work would be possible for me. Honestly I'm just looking for anecdotes of peoples experiences in this field, especially if you've changed to this field later in life. Is it really possible to make as much as 90k? or is that absolutely a pipe dream. Someone once told me, "look how far you've made it doing something you don't care about, imagine how far you could go doing something you do care about." That's stuck with me and I want to know what the reality is. Oh also, I'm going to reach out to my local university and see if I cannot gather information from them as well.

Thanks in advance!

14:10 UTC


What does Red Myrio (Myriophyllum heterophyllum) do in the wild?

I can’t find much information about this species outside of aquariums and that it gets cut down a lot

19:43 UTC


Does anyone here have experience being a fisheries observer?

Hi folks, I recently graduated with my degree in Fisheries Ecology and Aquaculture. I’m finishing up a second degree program I’ve been pursuing this Fall, but I’ve been pondering what I’ve wanted to do after this summer. I know I want to go to grad school, but I’m not sure whether or not to jump in immediately or get some seasonal positions first. Commercial fishing is something I find very interesting (most of my research interests lie in the marine side). I’ve been looking at fisheries observer positions, and I’m curious - has anyone here been a fisheries observer, and if so, what was your experience?

15:23 UTC


What is the timeline for applying for an ecology master's??

I'm looking to start grad school in Fall 2025, that's around when my current job will end and I'll be in a good place financially. I've heard that you should start the process 1.5 years before you actually attend, so I started looking for programs back in February.

But most schools/programs didn't have any information about their Fall 2025 sessions yet. Similarly, I've been watching the Texas A&M and ECOLOG-L job boards very closely, but it seems like professors are only now posting positions for Fall 2024.

Should I just wait for a few months before researching programs again? I've already been getting my other requirements ready (References, Updating resume, etc.)

15:00 UTC


ecology related careers for someone with a chemical engineering degree?

hi! i’m currently working as an engineer at a chemical plant with a chemical engineering degree. i’ve realized that this career path is not for me and that my main interest is conservation/ecology/herpetology. are there any career paths which would work with such a background and interests or should i consider going back to school? my largest interests are herps, particularly snakes

14:29 UTC


Wanted to share this talk, found it really insightful into the interconnectedness of systems

20:26 UTC


environmental educator looking to transition my career

I’ve been seeing some similar posts here, but I have a bit of a different background compared to others.

I have an undergraduate degree in conservation biology and a masters in agricultural education/extension. I was an environmental educator/naturalist before COVID, then did property management for 2 years (had to pay the bills somehow!!!) then I was an elementary science teacher for the last two years. I have always wanted to work as a biologist in some capacity and I decided to take the leap and switch directions in my career.

I am interested in a lot of things… restoration, community ecology, entomology, wetlands….

I’m considering going for a masters assistantship in conservation biology/ecology. Or perhaps going for some seasonal jobs? In all honesty, I’m freaking overwhelmed.

Have you ever did a career transition like this? What advice can you provide? Anything would be appreciated:’)

1 Comment
19:16 UTC


The Elk in Northern Arizona are Dying right in Front of Me.

I happen to know these elk. I've lived in the Colorado plateau all my life. They didn't get to A1 tank lake this year. The cows are out there, in their summerly rotation by the cowfolk. This time last summer the elk were out there with them. And I know these elk, and they can't get to ponderosa shade in the summer as of now, 2024. I'm out there looking at it.

17:49 UTC


I need help finding an internship

What the title says. I need help finding an internship related to ecology. I've tried Indeed, government sites for my state (Maryland) as well as the USDA and found nothing. I'm going to graduate from college this coming spring and I want some experience so I can get a job out of college easier.

13:22 UTC


Population distribution of bobcats

Hello! I’m curious about why the population of Lynx rufus is the way it is. Is there a geographical reason they avoid the big blank spot near the Great Lakes? (Map cred: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobcat?wprov=sfti1#)

09:13 UTC


Evolving intelligence in a simulated ecosystem

21:58 UTC


Definition of "Selected class" in expression "selected class release"?

I am buying a pound of Glue Grama grass seed, Mad River cultivar, which is described as a selected class release. Is this just an ecology term that means the same as "cultivar" or is it a wider or narrower meaning?

21:40 UTC


Best Moth Traps to buy?

Hey everyone

Trying to buy a moth trap but having trouble choosing

Based type of trap for the UK

19:36 UTC


Should I try to go to grad school in the region I want to work in?

I'm interested in working in a particular state after graduating. Should I try to go to grad school in that region? My state school has a pretty good ecology program, but I don't think they are one of the top schools. Someone advised me that going to grad school where you want to work makes sense because then you have a network in that region.

1 Comment
17:17 UTC

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