
Photograph via snooOG

The symbiotic cultivation of plants and aquatic animals in a recirculating environment.

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The symbiotic cultivation of plants and aquatic animals in a recirculating environment.

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Lava Rock Dust Suspended in Water

I could use some advice!

Setup: Finished setting up my first aquaponics system and jumped the gun by putting about 50 tilapia fingerlings I caught in a pond down the street in my 275 gallon IBC. I have a 500 gph pump going through lava rock and draining back into the tank for filtration.

Problem: I have a ton of lava rock dust clouding my tank as I did not properly wash the rock before beginning filtration. Any advice on how to remove it? Will my fish be okay?

Thank you!

01:20 UTC


Self sustaining aquaponics system?

Hello I am very new to aquaponics and I’m wondering is there a way to make a system self feeding I know tilapia forage alge and duckweed mostly is it possible to grow algae in the tank without killing the fish in order to feed them so they feed the plants? Even if it’s not completely self sustainable and requires intermittent feeding The idea is to make a aquaponics system in my survival bunker so I don’t want to waste space on fish foods.
And is it beneficial to put prawn in the tank too? I’ve read they help with further breakdown of the tilapia poop and they also don’t interfere with the fish
Obviously I understand you can’t be completely hands off since you have to check oxygen and PH in the water but I want to minimize as mutch as possible I am planning on having a fairly large garden and tank I will have a whole section in my bunker dedicated to aquaponics and my bunker does have a generator pod so if my house power goes out it will not be hard to to keep power to the pumps and lights. Yes I know I’m breaking the first rule of a survival bunker by saying I have a survival bunker but it helps give context as to what I’m doing and why I require it a specific way. Because I really had my heart set on aquaponics because it’s extremely renewable if you have any questions on what I mean just ask so I can clarify

11:28 UTC


My first aquaponic

This is my shrimp tank that I cut a hole in the top to put an areo garden plant how good is this ? Any advice?

20:08 UTC


Mystery valve/air stone

This is on the output side of my air pump. It was recently broken off by a student. We really aren’t sure what the point of it was in the first place. It’s just an air stone with a valve that can be opened.

Any ideas?

14:15 UTC



I live in Los Angeles and it’s in the 80’s and pretty hot My reservoir is under the table so not exposed to sun Why is my water disappearing? There are no leaks Is it just that much evaporation in summer heat? It’s maybe a quarter to eighth of reservoir every few days and is weird

13:41 UTC


Is anyone trimming roots?

Should I just let them grow? Or trim?

19:20 UTC


Free hyacinths

Stopped at an irrigation canal on the way home the other day. It was completely overgrown with these.

1 Comment
18:25 UTC


Self sustained Aquaponic fish tank?

Hi I am wanting to set up a 55 gallon aquaponic tank. Any advice and/or pictures on how you have set up your own self sustaining tank? Is even realistically possible? Thanks in advance ☺️

18:19 UTC


Comparing air temperatures to sump tank temperatures. Air temperatures peaked between 3 and 4 pm while water temperatures peaked between 7 and 8 pm. Minimum water temperatures occurred around 8 am.

15:16 UTC


feeding time for my native sacramento blackfish

1 Comment
16:16 UTC


Aquaponics Grapes

12:45 UTC


How do you filter out solids when you only have 1 tank and 1 pump

I have a small grow bed that the pump drains into for biological filtration what should I do for the solid waste ?

17:21 UTC


Advice for making current setup viable for aquaponics

Hey all

So my dad and I are working on a system to get some more exciting biology happening in our pond. We have an old swimming pool that we converted into a living pond. We have about 10 fish who seem happy and we get visits from ducks and frogs regularly. We also have 4 chickens in the same area. We also live in a pretty heavily wooded area with a ton of eucalyptus. The pond has a ton of plant matter and is quite clouded with algae.

We have had some water re-circulation happening for a while with a bubble pump style setup, but we have failed pretty much every attempt at filtration we have tried because there is a lot of dirt and we have mostly been using stuff we have lying around. I made a tiered water feature out of garbage which I intended on turning into a bio-filter and filling them with rocks, but figured it could be a viable aquaponics setup if we built it right.

What would be the best direction to take this to turn this into a setup capable of growing a few veggies?


03:10 UTC


Yellow water?!

Day 3 of cycling my Aquasprouts tank and the water suddenly turned yellow. This morning at 8AM I was commenting how clear the water was looking today, then came down stairs at 9:30AM to this yellow water.

Do I need to start over? Is this just a bacterial bloom or something?

This just looks like I did something wrong, but I’m following the directions.

20:42 UTC


Simple aquarium and and gold fishes

So I have a 5 gallon tank maybe? Have some resilient goldfishes and they make a whole lot of mess. I've always want to try to use aquaponics to try to naturally clean the tank. Is this even possible? I don't really have any filtering going on right now in the tank. What is the basic setup I will need to get this started?

I can make the platform to which the plants will start growing but just confused about what setup is needed for the filtering/pumping and all that stuff to the plants. Thinking of using clay beads for bed?

I thought the whole point of aquaponics is that it's an easy system you don't have to much up keep. Or am I getting this completely wrong?

Need help.

01:37 UTC


Can I just throw some baby tilapia in an above ground pool?

I was advised to ask here about my question.

We have well water. I haven’t tested it to see what’s in it.

But I have an above ground pool that was given to me. Standard pool filter and pump. Not sure how big. Maybe like 10 or 12 feet if I remember.

I’m just curious if I can just grow tilapia like that for eating, potentially breeding if I leave them?

I live in south Florida so cold isn’t an issue. Heat would be a bigger problem. But I read they’re pretty heat tolerant.

Is it more complicated then what I’m imagining? I’m trying to get as uncomplicated as possible.

Is it just a matter of feeding them and harvesting when ready? Should I worry about water changes or chemicals or extra equipment and supplies?

As for the aquaponics part, floating rafts would be what I probably choose to do. I have hydroponic knowledge already.

20:33 UTC


Suggestions for an Aquaponics outdoor pond filterless setup


Introduction and Specifications
Hello everyone, this is my first time doing a makeshift aquaponics setup the box is roughly 22 gal so 12 or more gallons of water (including air). 29.5L 17W, 11H

I added an overflow hole on the side (left area)

I am planning on doing water changes every Tuesday and Saturday, conditioned using rock salt in deep well water.

The plants are more than likely temporary (I do not know if they will do well in a submerged or potted submerged state)

It has a bit of guppy grass on the side, also some hair algae to prevent green water.

I used styrobox as my pond since most aquarium hobbyists in my country that I know use it and it ends up fine for a long time, also which fish do you guys recommend I get? Right now I'm thinking of making it into a guppy pond.

If you noticed It has a filter, but it'll only be temporary because of mosquitoes, and until I get the water somewhat cycled (added beneficial bacteria from previous tanks and a bit of fish food to jumpstart the process)

I live in the Philippines, also there are cats in my neighborhood.


Basically I want to establish the water parameters now so that when I get fish, they won't die which is why I made a draft of sorts, I need your thought on how I can make this into an aquaponics setup, which plants I should go for, which fish I should get (I'm thinking of guppies), and what other things I should look out for.

I also have a bigger styrobox, around 28 gallons, I also don't have to get lots of produce, I just wanna learn how to do it so that I'll learn how to do a better setup in the future.

I will be updating soon

PS: I don't mind harsh criticism, as long as it would help me make this project great so the plants, and fish would end up happy :D

15:16 UTC


options for floating rafts

I was just curious if there are many float rafts for sale? I had seen some a couple years ago but my searches aren't coming up with any.(possibly because the new AI search version of edge doesn't like my old computer) I am at the point I might just 3D print some 12" by 12" ones out of Tough PLA or ABS.

My main question on this is if I can leave the bottom open so an air cushion helps it float and how thick I should make it. I was also planning on doing about 5 plants per tray, 4 greens and one herb or flower in the center. Is this a good density or can I go tighter? My plan is romaine and butter type lettuce in the summer and spinach or another cold tolerant green/succulent. probaly calendula and German chamomile during summer as well.

Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.

21:58 UTC


Loop questions

Will this loop work? Should I switch settler tank around with the bio filter? I am trying to use a one pump solution.

19:55 UTC


Looking for sage advice

What do I do with all this sage?!!

18:59 UTC



How much air do the fish need? If I wanted to use a venturi aerator will one at a bio filter be enough for the fish or do I need to supplement more air? Is there a loop that allows one pump and two filters using a venturi aerator?

18:32 UTC


Filter media

What is a safer filter media? I'm trying to reduce the mount of micro plastics created through the process, I've see people use sponges and some fabrics. Is raw wool or hemp cloth usable and how long until they degrade?

07:43 UTC


I want to grow marijuana with fair goldfish

I found an old second hand tank (50 gallons) and I'm really into aquaponics. The problem is that my partner and I aren't great off financially, and we can't splurge too much on our electricity bill or equipment.

Our local fair is coming up pretty soon, and I think I'd be able to get a good amount of goldfish.

We have a filtered spring near our house, so I'll be able to do water changes as necessary, and I can easily buy fish food. I wanted to know if I'd realistically be able to grow some marijuana plants with fair fish. How many fish would I need? Is this realistic?

03:58 UTC


Bluegill or green sunfish

Tilapia didn’t last the winter (I’m in SoCal so I was hoping temps would stay warm enough) so I was gonna add green sunfish bc they were awesome looking but the fishery only has bluegill right now. Debating just getting bluegill or waiting up to a few weeks for green sunfish (he usually gets about a dozen in every so often). I’m also thinking of adding bullhead cats or channel cats. They would all be going into a 120 gallon aquarium I have setup in the patio (that feeds the system).

22:03 UTC


Are there any panfish in this hobby?

I'm still in the research phase of things, but I hope chatting with folks will help me take some real steps.

I'm asking about panfish because I live in an duplex, second floor. I have pretty decently sized veranda, so I thought I had enough space for a small setup. I have a couple of 55 gallon tubs to use as tanks.

I see small indoor setups and I see large outdoor setups. My thinking is that a good panfish sounds like a logical middle-ground, but most of what I know about fish and gardening came through trial and error. I'd like to skip as much of that as I can this time. I live in the Midwest and know it's late in the season. Still, getting something running this summer would be nice.

So, by way of introduction here I ask; Are there any edible fish I can grow in 55 gallons of water?

04:31 UTC


I compared the water levels in my sump tank and media bed. The bed is cycling twice an hour and based on the trend line of the sump tank, my water losses are just under 1% per day.

23:49 UTC

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