
Photograph via //r/AnimalRights

Here we talk about the rights of animals and what we can do to defend those rights. Some topics include: animal experimentation, the ethics of eating animals and their products, animal used in entertainment, protests, activism, news about animal protection victories.


This subreddit has been created as a source of post regarding Animal Rights and related topics as animal cruelty for entertainment, food ethics, vegetarianism, veganism, and such. If your issue is more related to animal welfare, please note there is a subreddit for that!

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  1. Don't go overboard with links to Facebook or online petitions. Personal blogs are welcome.
  2. Only Animal Rights related post admitted. PLEASE do report (and message me) if a post is unrelated.
  3. Let's defend respect with respect.
  4. Do not post videos / images of individual acts of animal abuse.
  5. We can't do anything to take down Youtube channels or Instagram accounts or anything like that, so don't post them here.

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25,958 Subscribers


Do I need experience to work as an animal rescue worker?

I have brief experience with farm animals and pets, my mom being a vet but now professional experience. Can I work with just a bachelors in psych ?

20:46 UTC


Carnist Would Enjoy One Last Burger Made Out Of His Mom Before Going Vegan

1 Comment
15:30 UTC


Dog in hot car, North Vancouver, BC

Hello Reddit! I'm looking for help for an ongoing issue here in Vancouver where a beautiful black 3 year old Cane Corso named Diablo, is living in a black SUV with the windows cracked. That area has many campers/motorhomes where people live, many with dogs, but I've seen them outside in the grass with their owners on hot days. My mom works in the area and saw this dog in the car every day for a week with temperatures 30+ degrees. She and I have called the SPCA, police, bylaw, contacted lawyers and news platforms, created Reddit threads in r/northvancouver (all have been locked), and I have been updating on my Instagram (@lunicornnn). The police and SPCA special constable assessed the dog after I had been there 9am to 3pm. I took a video of him in the front seat of the SUV at around 11 and he looked in distress, but could use more opinions because the authorities have determined the dog "does not show any signs of distress in any shape or form" after assessing him at 3pm. The dog was let out of the car at around 2 after I notified a neighbor in the area who confronted the family with the dog. This was only for about 2 minutes before he was put back in the vehicle. An hour later the dog was taken out for an assessment by the police.

The dog is said to be aggressive, but it is clear from my videos that this is situational as I have evidence did men, women, and small dogs walking by without any barking or aggression. I have also come close to the car to take one pic during my 6 hour stakeout on the 17th and a short video from yesterday the 18th. Other than the documentation through photos and videos (mostly from afar) I have not interacted with the owners of the dog directly. I haven't spoken a word to them.

Laws here prohibit us from breaking the window (unlike in america from what I hear). I haven't gotten to the point of considering this YET because there is a huge group of people that sits outside the car and not going to lie, it's intimidating. Also, I have to TRY to at least somewhat trust the assessments by the police, even though I have a different opinion. I'm not a vet but I am a registered nurse. I know that this is not a day or two did this dog, it's his lifestyle.

I'm considering any options/suggestions so please send some my way! We are looking into seeing if they are willing to let someone adopt ($) him. He has been with the woman who locks him in the car for the entire 3 years of his life, so any aggression has to be from her training. Sources have told me that this dog was trained with attack commands and the owners (the father of the owner in particular, who lives with her in the trailer) have a history of abusing animals/training attack dogs. He's also wearing a shock collar which doesn't stop him from barking/whining at his mom from inside the car.


13:38 UTC


Avon Summer Festival in Avon, Ohio will no longer host monkey racing

13:21 UTC


Please sign this petition to put a nationwide US ban on dog tethering and penning. Thanks

06:25 UTC


Stray dogs will be euthanized

Stray dogs will be euthanized in Turkey due to rabies lie. Their one and only aim is to make us believe that rabies is increasing but no. There is no proof of that. As animal lovers, we try to protest and organize some campaigns but I feel like we will be defeated and they will kill our friends. Please pray for our friends idk what else we can do.

06:05 UTC


How can we put an end to pet stores keeping betta fish in those SMALL containers?

Every time I walk into the pet store for cat food I have to turn my head to the right when I walk past the wall of betta fish. These poor babies are so sad and lifeless looking in the small ass storage containers they "live" in at the pet store.

What can we do? It's a problem across the majority of pet stores. There has to be something. It breaks my heart.

Does anyone who has enough experience in activism have a good jumping off point for this?

I really wish we could ban the sale of all types of animals in pet stores and sell animals solely through rescues, shelters, or even specialty stores where the employees and manager actually care about the welfare of the animals they are selling. It's important for store workers to be well-educated so they can educate potential buyers on how to properly care for said animal.

I feel so helpless.

00:25 UTC


Gladys Porter Zoo Seeks to Shed Light on the Dark Side of the Exotic Pet Trade

19:56 UTC


Call For Action!

15:35 UTC


Omaha man facing animal cruelty charges after incident in Bellevue

So sickening! He deserves the same fate.


An Omaha man will appear in court facing a charge of cruelly neglecting an animal resulting in death Thursday.

Eduardo Acevedo-Jara, 20, will be facing these charges after being arrested Tuesday after an officer found a puppy lying dead in its dog bed on the front porch of their house at 40th and Gertrude Terrace.

05:13 UTC


Fb video of cannibalism


First time asking anything on this page, so will cut straight to the point; I’ve just watched a video on Facebook of around 12 hens consuming a rotisserie chicken.

That’s basically the entirety of it, my question is now, is this a form of animal cruelty or a ethical dilemma? Obviously chickens with attack nor just eat chickens which are bloody, are dead or heck, will eat eggs; mostly hens will consume egg shells when chicks hatch, just instinctively. But is uploading a video for viewers, opinions, laughs.. is it legal? Is it right?

I don’t think it’s okay, sure, humans do a lot o worse things and investing this much time, into a measly video that’s a bit morbid if anything.. I’m kinda kicking myself up the keister. But the question remains,

‘is this, an animal abuse video??’

Thanks for reading of you did!!

02:19 UTC


Is this considered animal cruelty?

So i take the bus every morning and i always see this emu in this enclosure that seems a bit too small for it. Id say i could run from one side to the other in about 4 seconds. I always see it just circling the enclosure as if it has nothing to do and now there’s even a bunch of tall weed that has grown inside which makes it’s space even smaller. I wondered if i should do smth about this? Is this even legal? Btw this is england

07:37 UTC


Is hunting wrong?

First and foremost, lets keep this civil. This is not intend to be a trigger post, nor is it intended to cause discourse in your community. I simply wanted to open myself to a society that I am not well versed in, in an unbiased, non-controversial manner.


I am a Canadian who has a deeply steeped history that is rooted in natural preservation, and living off the land. Much of my academic career has been dedicated to understanding sustainability through the lens of biological sciences. The vast majority of my practical knowledge was gained from tribal leaders who value three things: 1) conservation, 2) ethical management, 3) retention of heritage.


My pursuit is knowledge, to understand how folks feel about the topic of hunting. Are there certain aspects you disagree with, or is it (in it's entirety) a process that you feel humankind should move away from? Are there questions you have regarding the mentality behind the process? Is hunting wrong on a moral level, and does it promote a culture that we should really be trying to move away from?

03:10 UTC


(Volunteer needed!) Volunteer for data cleanup project

The Humane League needs help! If you're interested in taking on this job, please apply to help with your resume, website, or linkedin, your email, and a little bit about you - thanks for your activism!

Volunteer for data cleanup project

Website: http://thehumaneleague.org

Compensation: This is a volunteer role, please help the animals!

Description: THL’s IT Team is looking for volunteers to assist with a database audit and cleanup project to ensure all animal welfare policy commitments in our records are correct. This is a volunteer position and involves no compensation or benefit allowance.

Core Responsibilities:

  • Compare data from two sources and confirm which parts match and which do not.
  • Note inconsistencies and inaccuracies in data and coordinate with data record owners to make corrections.


  • High level of attention to detail.

  • Basic level of knowledge of Excel and/or Google data sheets.

  • Strong capacity to take initiative and work independently.

  • Willingness to take direction and embrace a collaborative spirit.

  • Ability to commit to an average of 5 hours per week for 12 weeks.

    Interested in this request? Please click the link below to apply to help on Playground!

    Click here: Link to request

    Thanks for your activism for the animals!

    VH: Playground by Vegan Hacktivists

    Find other requests to help animals, click here!

10:46 UTC


Appealing to our humanity

Appealing to our humanity

Before you form an opinion , be aware that we often argue  and form opinions for what we believe benefits us. We do this in both conscious and subconscious form.

Below I will list the consequences of industrial meat farming , the stress hormones we collectively ingest ,the ever present effects it manifests , the moral ambiguity of such actions , the effect on our lives and our planet , and the above as a root cause for the dysfunction plaguing our societies today, as these practices of global scale industrial farming , with high likelihood, is the producing factor.

Our treatment of animals and this planet, is at the present moment ,morally bankrupt. Ask yourself: If no one fights for them, then who will? Their experiences are very real and should not be discounted as some afterthought by using their intelligence as a pretext. Their sorrow and misery doesn't simply evaporate into the ether once they are dead , as many would like to believe. their meat is flooded in a stress hormone called cortisol that we later absorb into our bodies where it begins to act on us psychologically and physically . Who knows what elevated stress levels in daily life are causing to our societies.

Anyone who witnesses this treatment can agree of its barbarity. So why does it continue ? Why is this injustice being allowed to propagate? I'm not currently recommending the ending of meat consumption as a whole immediately, but as a species, if we continue the practice, then we can at least aim to reduce that consumption down to 2 days a week, and I would hope that should be suitable for anyone to be content with. When animals sacrifice their lives unwillingly for us, the least we can do is try to balance the scales and give them some semblance of proper existence and livelihood. This is a transaction written in moral fabric and the bare minimum We can do is provide proper housing, leisure activities, space, quick and painless humane killing methods and comfort for them simply because it is the right thing to do. should we resolve to embarrass ourselves to the Future generations who WILL look back at this as a draconian and brutal age where we subjugated our distant kin on this planet to industrial scale for our pleasures? completely disregarding their pain and suffering as non-existent, as long as we didn't think about it too much and focused the people involved in those labors into a very small proportion of the population? Through butterfly and domino effects, these actions have ramifications that reverberate through our entire society. There's no action of any kind that does not have some sort of consequence or reaction. In this case, the cortisol that is produced through the mistreatment of these animals is transferred into their meats and absorbed into our bodies. As a result, we are feeding on their terror, desperation, and suffering. As well as confining these terrible acts to be perpetrated by a very small part of our population who, as a result, suffers from witnessing this carnage. Their psychological state as well as ours due to this elevated cortisol intake, is then transferred into our society and their offspring in consequential ways that we cannot fully fathom. The majority of the population ingesting these high levels of cortisol and perhaps many other hormones produced by these atrocities may be a partial reason as to the dysfunction in our society and the high levels of stress, depression, and other psychological disorders experienced by individuals today. While this is not the only cause, as there are many other causes such as microplastics, generational trauma, etc., it is a noteworthy cause that must be worked on as a species. We must sacrifice what we deem as pleasurable so that our society can function with more fluidity and functionality.

What are some things to be gained from meat intake reduction? Well, for one, 44% of all flat land on the planet has been converted into farms mainly to feed farm animals and create meat, which is highly inefficient as a calorie versus workload payoff, as well as highly destructive to our planet. As a species, efficiency should be our main focus as we are already on the brink of collapse. If the oil reserves will indeed be extinguished, then we are depleting our metaphorical trust fund that the planet has left us, in which case farming for energy will be greatly hindered and will pose a great difficulty on our future generations, which is something we should be greatly invested in instead of worrying about ourselves. Secondly, if global warming is indeed occuring to the extent research is showing ,it will greatly reduce the impact that is currently being exerted upon the planet. Due to this new reserve of caloric intake, overfishing in the ocean will stop, which will allow more ocean life and more cyanobacteria and microorganisms in the ocean to behave as carbon reduction mechanisms and further reduce the impact. Thirdly, it is morally imperative for us as a species to respect each other and the life on this planet. We are currently undertaking terrible practices that we should have never allowed to become what they are. There's a sustainable and moral way to raise animals for consumption. If there's an argument about the pricing of meat increasing, then it should be subsidized by other areas of our government, such as reducing the prison population, which may even occur naturally as a result due to lower levels of the stress hormones being pumped into our bodies daily. Obviously, this is just an idea. The implementation of this can be more nuanced. Deforestation may also be reduced greatly as a byproduct of using our caloric production more wisely, as most deforestation is caused by creating more farms for animals to graze on. This is currently one of the primary things deforesting the ancient Amazon Forest.

Our world is forsaken, and despite our progress as a species, we have endless problems ahead of us .  We awoke into this world as little more than cavemen, and our dire need to survive allowed us to look upon this world and bend it to our will. We put sticks together until we made houses and machines. We crushed rocks and Earth and distilled it into all of the wonders we have today. If you were looking at the world 10 thousand years ago, The ingenious solutions we developed would seem like pure magic and an absolute impossibility, We have exposed particles that cannot even be seen , and manipulated them to function and perform In such a way to suit our needs, such as telecommunications or light. Try to Imagine yourself explaining to a man in the distant past that there are unseen objects going tremendous speeds , flying past our bodies by the billions every second and we have harnessed the The power of these objects. Try to Imagine yourself hearing that for the first time. The sheer impossibility of it yet we have done it. We were presented with the challenge of our existence, and we figured out a way so that this existence would suit our whims. Nothing is beyond human perseverance. Our determination is immutable. There's no challenge we cannot solve given a proper aptitude for solving it.

 My thinking is obviously imperfect, and that is why I'm writing this so that these ideas may propagate and hopefully, with greater minds, be perfected and by some luck , someday implemented. We have an obligation to virtue itself to complete this task."

01:06 UTC


the Empress Hotel go fur free!!

15:57 UTC


Pls help me out - looking for people to interview for my university thesis

Hello everyone! I’m currently writing my university dissertation on online political advocacy and am hoping to do some qualitative research. My thesis aims to look at the rise of online petitions and the motivations/ experiences of those who sign them.

If you have signed a petition in the last 2 months, and have a spare 25-30 minuets to chat about that experience, I’d love to hear from you! I am more than happy to pay £10 or so (sorry I’m a broke student) to anyone who can spare the time. Preferably, you’d be a frequent signee of petitions and post them to your social media pages, although that is not a dealbreaker.

If this interests you, please message me and include some brief details about what the petition was about and where you signed. Hope this is okay to post, thank you!

12:14 UTC

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