
Photograph via snooOG

Veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.

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Veganism: "A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." - The Vegan Society

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Is Veganism Healthy? What about eggs?
Is Veganism Expensive? What about honey?
Why should I Go Vegan? What about Protein?
Effects on the Environment? What about Vitamin B-12?
World Health Organizations? What about Vitamin D?
Is Meat Bad For You? What about Omega-3?
Lab Grown Meat? What about Calcium?
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Rosarita Vegetarian Refried Beans and KC's Best Wild Rice Saved My Life, but Mostly, Becoming Vegan.

I was dying after a flare up of a chronic condition, eliminating only acid and undigested food waste.

My skin was turning yellow. The toxins coming out of my pores made it so I could not sweat when I got toxic heat flashes.

I was getting dizzy and feeling heavy.

I bought a VEVOR indoor sauna tent for a little over $100 from Wal-Mart's website with free shipping.

I had cut out all meat, dairy, but still couldn't digest things like anything alive, salad, fruit, etc. (Still probably can't).

After becoming vegan, eliminating gluten, fasting on and off, using that sauna, resting, exercising, fighting for life...

I can finally number two again instead of eliminate only acid or rabbit pellets though. Finally!!

This means I might just live. 🥹

Wild Rice and refried beans eliminated having to break down live, acidic, or gluten filled foods in my compromised GI tract.

Gave me the nourishment I needed when I could eat nothing else.

I am thankful to God for providing a way for strict vegans to have a way. 🙏✨

07:25 UTC


Favorite Soup Recipes

I love soup. I can make big batches of different kinds and portion the out and freeze them. That way I can have variety of meals through the week.

My hubby likes my: carrot ginger soup, potatoes leek, and Abondigas Soup the best. Trying to come up with others.

What are some of your favorite soup recipes?

05:55 UTC


Can y'all share your best high volume low cal recipes? (No artificial things please) Cheap stews a plus!

I'm trying to lose weight but I love food I don't eat out and I don't have sodas. I just have a very low bmr, I don't respond well to artificial sugars etc so mainly just looking for natural recipes etc. Any recipes very appreciated! I love eating and have a very undeveloped palette so I'm happy to eat basic things as long as big portions.

Also don't worry I know I am fat and should have self control until that develops I will be grateful for y'all's recipes or links to recipes. :)

05:18 UTC


Supporting companies in medicine that test vs. commercial ones

If u don’t buy from a makeup company because they test on animals and u don’t want to give them more money to keep doing that/ show them that ppl want them to develop new products that theyd subsequently test on animals, is that the same as medication? Like all medication rn is tested on animals, but it’s not rlly supply and demand based per say right? Like companies don’t develop another type of anxiety medication because so many ppl r taking the first one, they do it because there’s a different issue that a different type of pill would fix yeah? Would that extend to medications that aren’t necessary to live? Or would it still be that because more ppl r buying, they look for more drugs to make or different forms to make them in etc. ?

05:10 UTC



04:20 UTC


Does anyone know YouTube channels that push health and fitness with Veganism?

I heard about Vegan Gains, who seemed like a jerk. I’d like to find a channel of a similar type but without the baggage. I do BJJ 5 times a week, kickboxing/boxing 4 days a week, and lift 4 days a week. I’d like to cut out meat and dairy, both ethically and healthy wise, but I still need protein. Worse yet, I’m not a big beans guy. It’s just not in my palate.

Any recommendations or personal experience?

04:08 UTC


Scared of Vegan Lifestyle

Hi guys! I’ll start off by saying that I’ve never truly been vegan, but I have been plant-based. I found this lifestyle during a really hard time in my life and for all the wrong reasons. I didn’t stop eating animal products for a year because I cared about animals, but because I had an eating disorder which fed on extreme restriction. During that year, however, I did have my eyes opened to the cruelty and harm that the animal farming industry causes not only to the animals themselves, but also to our planet.

I feel the only reason I’ve had some healing from my eating disorder is because I reintroduced animal products, but doing so does feel morally wrong.

The truth is I’m scared of returning to my plant based (or whatever you’d like to call it) ways. I’m healing from binge eating disorder right now and don’t wanna trigger episodes or cause my past anorexia or bulimia to resurface (yes I’ve dealt with all three). I’m scared that if I restrict certain foods (even though animals shouldn’t be categorized as food) those things will happen.

I honestly don’t know what to do. Please don’t tell me to just get over it. I wish I could. I wish I wasn’t terrified.

Does anyone have any advice or would like to share their own experiences?

02:54 UTC


sustainability in cosmetics market

Hello everyone, I'm doing research about sustainability in Cosmetics market. I'd highly appreciate if you take 5 mins of your free time to fill in the survey, it will be really helpful. Wish you all a great day https://forms.gle/4t4aR3srTFcA6Lee9

02:37 UTC


What do you think is missing?

I have a friend who became vegan four months ago, and ever since, he's been comparing every product and brand to see if they are vegan. He's not happy cuz of the lack of choices available. On the other hand, I'm happier than ever with my vegan lifestyle and can’t imagine going back. What do you think? Are there specific products or alternatives that you feel are lacking?

02:14 UTC


Worried about becoming lactose intolerant?

Okay I know this is silly and might get me some backlash.

I'm recently almost-overnight vegan (was going to use vegetarianism to transition, but found tasty dairy alternatives really easily accessible where I am). Most things were pretty easy to give up, including some cheese! But one thing that's been weighing on my mind a bit (I'm not obsessing or anything, I just think about it from time to time) is that my mom and sister are very lactose intolerant so I might have a predisposition to it too. Which would be find in a commercial world that stays similar to what it is now, but sometimes with rising political tensions in different countries I imagine a wartime or refugee scenario where I experience food insecurity and at some point something dairy is the only option to consume. My worry is that I'd experience all the nasty symptoms that come with lactose intolerance (and my sister's is pretty severe, not just bloating).

Anyways, just wanted to see what you all thought. This is a fairly light-hearted post, I'm really not overly concerned. Just something that came to mind!

Edit: this isn't an excuse for me to eat dairy, I'm not eating it and I don't want to. Just a thought experiment.

01:33 UTC


How often do you eat burritos?

I’ve been vegan for about a year now, and have realized that I eat an insane amount of burritos. Mostly bean burritos of different varieties, but also breakfast burritos with tofu scramble sometimes.

Anyways, I’m curious if other vegans eat just as many burritos as I do, or if I’m going a little too hard on them. For reference, I eat a bean burrito at least every other day. Either for lunch or for dinner.

EDIT: Woah! I did not expect this much feedback. I guess burritos are a beloved topic around here lol. Thanks for all your feedback and support. I feel less insecure about my burrito habits now!

00:40 UTC


A Vegan Indian Cooking YouTube Channel: Udta Rasoiya

Hello everyone! I am Chef Athma, a content creator on YouTube, who specializes in vegan, Indian cuisine. I have attached the link to my YouTube channel right here. If you like what you see please like, share, and subscribe! The links to a few recipes are right here:

 Vegan Tandoori Tofu Snack 

 Vegan Spinach Curry

Vegan Tofu Tomato Curry

Vegan Potato Cauliflower Curry

22:16 UTC


Update on the Vegan status of Benjamin Moore

Hello, I know the vegan status of house paint is not something that frequents peoples minds, but I recently was looking for a job at BM and wanted to not support Animal Ag. I emailed them to ask if their paint is Vegan and got this response: "Thank you for your inquiry.  We do not consider any of our products vegan. While the processing materials are not directly manufactured from animal ingredients and none are intentionally added, we do not screen every raw material and its components or trace them to where they were obtained to insure, they are indeed vegan."

22:05 UTC


why does my head always tell me i’m eating meat whenever i’m out and order a veggie burger?

i try to avoid fake meats as much as possible just because i don’t like the feeling of eating overly processed things however i’m currently out with my church group and the only thing i could get was a veggie burger, the entire time my head kept telling me i was eating meat and i just kept feeling guilt. i kept smelling it and couldn’t really distinguish a smell which made me even more worried cause i recognize the smell of impossible burgers (the burgers brand was not specified) i struggle with ocd and anxiety so my head fucks with me over absurd and untrue things all the time so it’s likely that but i’m not 100% sure if it’s that. does anyone feel this way?

21:44 UTC


Anything we can do about this channel?


I was scrolling YouTube when I saw this channel: @ VirgieBurgess-vw5ed  , showing a 24/7 caged monkey that is abused and mistreated by it's owner. The poor soul is terrified, has half a finger missing, doesn't react to almost anything (when it reacts is when the owner tries to scare it by bursting a bag of confetti and that's the only times when you can see genuine sadness and anger on the monkeys face). In one of the shorts you can even see the monkey banging on the doors of the locked enclosure almost frenetic.

Is there any way to help this poor soul?

19:52 UTC


Slutty Vegan Restaurants

What is going on with Slutty Vegan's restaurants?

Locations on Bleecker Street in NYC and in Birmingham, AL are listed as "Temporarilty Closed." Previously the Athens, GA location closed.

Locations announced a while ago have not opened:

Maybe they are focused on the brand and outsourced production of sauces and dips to sell at grocery stores?

19:41 UTC


No going back.

Currently half way through land of hope n glory uk earthlings documentary, and well i feel sick, i feel disturbed, i feel ashamed. I paid for the death of animals and i now can no longer do this freely. The abuse and exploitation, we wouldn't dare do to a pet like a dog or cat.

Vegan for life from when i started to my last breath.

18:13 UTC


Looking for Vegan & Sustainable Companies!!

Hey everyone, my name is Tristan and I am with Ursa Nova. We are a new marketplace for sustainable shopping and we are looking for vegan/sustainable companies!! Would love to discover new brands :)

A little about Ursa Nova: We find real, sustainable products so shoppers, with all the greenwashing and false advertising going on today, can know that they are buying sustainably.

So excited to see such positivity and dedication to sustainability within this community. A pleasure to meet you all! Here is our site if you are interested: https://shopursanova.com/

17:31 UTC


mental health worse since going vegan? any advice? :(

hi everyone,
i've been vegetarian since i was a child - have also struggled with depression since i was a child. however i went vegan a couple of months ago and since then my mental health has taken a rapid decline. i cannot remember the last time i felt this bad. without going into detail i'm feeling dangerously low.
i don't know if it's just a coincidence that my depression suddenly worsened this badly exactly when i switched from vegetarianism to veganism, but it seems like a big one if it is.
does anyone have any experience with this, or any advice? i don't want to go back to being vegetarian -- dairy products disgust me now and i really don't want to contribute to the industry. but i also can't keep feeling like this. i don't know what to do.

edit: thank you for all the helpful replies! i'm going to book a bloodtest and have ordered the vitamins i wasn't already taking. tbc i posted this not for general mental health advice (though i appreciate it), but because i was wondering if other people had experienced similar symptoms since switching to veganism.

also, if you're a meat eater and you're going to message me about why veganism is bad, actually, don't fuckin bother. i know plenty of vegans who are very healthy and happy. nothing you can say will convince me to eat the flesh of a dead animal. thanks.

16:56 UTC


Tofu question

I opened a pack of extra firm tofu to press and left it on the counter for about 2-3hrs; is it still safe to eat? I put it back in the fridge when I realized, it still felt cooler than room temp. I have done this in the past no problem but my husband is sketched out by it, so just wondering what y’all think. I would rather not waste it but I would also rather not kill me and my husband lol. Thanks!

15:11 UTC


NotCo NotBurger question

I really don't know where else to post this

I made a NotBurger the other day and I covered the pan with the lid (that has a silicone lip) and no matter how many times I clean it the smell DOES NOT GO AWAY

Has anyone else had this? what can I do?

(I guess after this I'll go back to making my own patties with lentils)

15:02 UTC


Vegan housemate in Tübingen

Hi Everyone!

I'm a student, 19 (soon 20), female, just received admission to the University of Tübingen and thus I am planning to move there in September. I am looking for student housing and I've heard it would be much cheaper to share a house with other people. If I would share a kitchen with others, I would feel much more comfirtable with vegan house mates. Is anyone else in a similar situation?

14:21 UTC


Water retention in face due to high fiber meals?

I’ve noticed that my face is puffier now ever since transitioning (even while losing weight or staying the same weight), and I think it may be because my main source of food and my meals are now very high in carbs and fiber. Is that the case for anyone else? And Is there any way to reduce this effect?

13:39 UTC


Best place to live for young family

Hello, Where would be the best place to live for a young vegan family? We grew up in Spain but have British passports. Ideally somewhere that has a small community feel but has access to independent vegan cafes/restaurants, not too expensive and safe. I don't know if this place exists but would love to hear any ideas 🫶😊

13:32 UTC


non beany beans?

I’m trying to incorporate more plant based meals into my diet, my problem with fully committing has always been with getting enough protein in without meat (I’d also like to up my fibre and improve my gut health in general) I know legumes are the best way, the problem is I can’t stand the texture of most of them, I recently discovered that edamame beans are more palatable, are there any others that aren’t as much of a mushy texture inside please?

11:55 UTC


(Volunteer needed!) Volunteer for data cleanup project

The Humane League needs help! If you're interested in taking on this job, please apply to help with your resume, website, or linkedin, your email, and a little bit about you - thanks for your activism!

Volunteer for data cleanup project

Website: http://thehumaneleague.org

Compensation: This is a volunteer role, please help the animals!

Description: THL’s IT Team is looking for volunteers to assist with a database audit and cleanup project to ensure all animal welfare policy commitments in our records are correct. This is a volunteer position and involves no compensation or benefit allowance.

Core Responsibilities:

  • Compare data from two sources and confirm which parts match and which do not.
  • Note inconsistencies and inaccuracies in data and coordinate with data record owners to make corrections.


  • High level of attention to detail.

  • Basic level of knowledge of Excel and/or Google data sheets.

  • Strong capacity to take initiative and work independently.

  • Willingness to take direction and embrace a collaborative spirit.

  • Ability to commit to an average of 5 hours per week for 12 weeks.

    Interested in this request? Please click the link below to apply to help on Playground!

    Click here: Link to request

    Thanks for your activism for the animals!

    VH: Playground by Vegan Hacktivists

    Find other requests to help animals, click here!

10:46 UTC


What do you think of H5N1 (bird flu) ?

Reports say it's spreading rapidly into the cattles too. Will the meat eating demographic even consider going vegan at least now ?

15:55 UTC


Bachelor diploma. The effectiveness of Social Marketing to increase the popularization of micro greens in Germany.

Hello guys! I'm doing the survey for my bachelor degree, and my topic is about micro greens. The effectiveness of Social Marketing to increase the popularization of micro greens in Germany. Could you please fill out my form, i will appreciate it so much and also this analysis can be useful for your business as well. Thanks in advance for your time ! The questionnaire will be anonymous.

The link for survey is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7frpY_ph5YVqFH0cigcThftSynb8NnFfzINMmieFrolvVmA/viewform?usp=sf_link

10:35 UTC

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