A community for people to post about showcasing vintage or hard to find wrestling memorabilia.
Screenshot the item on the marketplace, then post as image post, no link needed, don't say "for sale", "for purchase", prices, delivery mode, or any other transaction inferences.
Comments are for talking about the object, not negotiations.
Commenting about worth, as oppose to price is acceptable.
Reddit is not designed to be a Marketplace; Content is prohibited if it directly uses Reddit to solicit or facilitate any transaction or gift involving certain goods and services.
You may not use Reddit to solicit or facilitate any transaction or gift involving certain goods and services, to include, but not limited to, Stolen goods, Fraudulent Services, or tax evading entities.
I'm looking for WrestleMania cups. New & unused. Need everything from WrestleMania 25-32. If anyone has any for sale, please let me know with your asking price.
Anyone interested in buying some older WWE t-shirts? Most are medium a couple large
Seth Rollins Roman Reigns Dean Ambrose AJ Styles Finn Balor Matt Hardy Bayley Alexa Bliss Kevin Owens Tye Dillenger
Just saw this company giving away a signed Bret Hart poster! Pretty sick piece of merch, haven't seen anything like it before from the Hitman!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BkLpe3EALkl/?hl=en&taken-by=rootsoffight