Images, Albums, GIFs, or Videos only. Memes are not allowed. Political baiting is not allowed. Before submitting, please take note of the Warplane part of the subreddit title, WarplanePorn.
Reposts - Reposts are permitted if it's been 3 months or longer since the prior image's submission.
Video game renders are not allowed.
For images, include in the post title the resolution in brackets, like this: [1024x768]
. Original sourcing is preferred, but re-hosting is allowed. Please don't steal pictures.
The minimum accepted image dimensions are 1024 × 768. Images smaller than this may be removed without warning. Exceptions may be made for unique, rare, or historically significant images which do not have a larger size available. Please do a reverse image search to make sure you're posting the largest available version of the image!
For albums, put [album]
in the title. You needn't include a resolution.
For videos, gifs, and gfys, put [video]
, [gif]
or [gfy]
in the title, respectively.
Limit amount of posts per user to 5 within 24 hours. We have a bot (/u/FloodgatesBot) that will remove posts which break this rule.
Automoderator will attempt to assign the correct flair to posts, but it's not foolproof. If it makes a mistake, please manually assign the best-fitting flair to your posts. If none of the pre-made flairs match, use the "Customize Me" flair and edit it.
Special Thank You to /u/herrerarausaure and /u/dziban303 for our custom snoo!
Always loved how the F-2 looks
Definitely looks a lot nicer compared to the old A models.