Images, Albums, GIFs, or Videos only. Memes are not allowed. Political baiting is not allowed. Before submitting, please take note of the Warplane part of the subreddit title, WarplanePorn.
Video game renders are not allowed.
For images, include in the post title the resolution in brackets, like this: [1024x768]
. Original sourcing is preferred, but re-hosting is allowed. Please don't steal pictures.
The minimum accepted image dimensions are 1024 × 768. Images smaller than this may be removed without warning. Exceptions may be made for unique, rare, or historically significant images which do not have a larger size available. Please do a reverse image search to make sure you're posting the largest available version of the image!
For albums, put [album]
in the title. You needn't include a resolution.
For videos, gifs, and gfys, put [video]
, [gif]
or [gfy]
in the title, respectively.
Limit amount of posts per user to 5 within 24 hours. We have a bot (/u/FloodgatesBot) that will remove posts which break this rule.
Automoderator will attempt to assign the correct flair to posts, but it's not foolproof. If it makes a mistake, please manually assign the best-fitting flair to your posts. If none of the pre-made flairs match, use the "Customize Me" flair and edit it.
Special Thank You to /u/herrerarausaure and /u/dziban303 for our custom snoo!