A community for fighter jet enthusiasts, to discuss and research armed, high-performance, fixed-wing combat aircraft, generally small to medium sized, with one or two crewmembers and one or two turbojet or turboprop engines (fighter, attack, CAS, COIN, etc.) and related content, including their armament, tactics, equipment, and units.
A community for fighter jet enthusiasts, to discuss and research armed, high-performance, fixed-wing combat aircraft, generally small to medium sized, with one or two crewmembers and one or two turbojet or turboprop engines (fighter, attack, CAS, COIN, etc.) and related content, including their armament, tactics, equipment, and units.
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same pass as my other posts just shorter and clearer
after they went by, a couple car alarms went off lol. sorry for the bad quality
Was a really impressive demo this plane has given at RIAT this year, the sound is also just WOW! Have some pics with the full armed bird that i will post later.
I recently got back into sims and jets, and I was wondering why people keep calling the F-16 “viper”. In the 90’s I would read all about jets and was all over the F-16 Falcon game/sim and its 300 page manual, and I don’t recall at all the name “viper”. I read up on it and saw that apparently it was called “viper” pretty much from the start. Why would I be so clueless about the nickname, did it only become common later on?
Any help would be much appreciated. Also, if possible, were As converted into Cs? Or given the updates and given another name?
Given the level of detail, I hope this doesn’t fall foul of ‘unknown aircraft’ question ban in the rules.
Thanks again!
I'm a plumber so I noticed it right away. I would of assumed that compression, or other unique fittings would be used on a fighter aircraft. Is this common place, or is this the usual Russian shenanigans? Will link video in comments, Timestamp on video: 6:25.
koreans and Indonesians cooked hard on this one... fyi Boramae means "Young Hawk" or "Fighting Hawk " in Korean
Tito's megalomaniacal idia Mountain mig 21 on of the coolest military airport ever
Simple question. Would performance of fighter aircraft be able to be increased significantly if no considerations were necessary for a human pilot? Purely technical with all moral or ethical matters set aside.