
Photograph via //r/misanthropy

Misanthropy is a general hatred, mistrust, or contempt of humanity, and a misanthrope is someone who holds such views. It is based on the flaws of mankind and can be expressed through emotions or judgments. It can be directed at all humans or exclude a few idealized people.

Misanthropy can take on many forms, from destructive to constructive, and can range from actively trying to hurt or improve humanity, or to simply resigning from society and mocking the absurdity of the human condition.

Misanthropy is the general hatred, distrust or disdain of the human species or human nature.

This is a place to understand and come to terms with your misanthropy, and turn it into a force for good. A place for catharsis, venting, and sharing our contempt for the human race.

Specific critiques of groups will be allowed- as long as they relate to the over-arching theme of hatred for the human race.

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  1. No personal attacks against other subscribers.

  2. No politics of any kind. (including gender, identity, race, religion, etc)

  3. No promotion of violence.

  4. All humans deserve criticism, be objective.

  5. No childish shit like "You're the reason I'm a misanthrope".

POSTING GUIDELINES (short version):

  1. All posts must be related to misanthropy.

  2. Videos must be submitted as a text post and include a description/statement.

  3. Posts must express original thoughts, contain new insights, or promote discussion.

  4. All submissions must be formatted properly and be readable.


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Here's somewhat of a sudden realization, the Industrial Revolution, only amplified our anti-social demeanors, from a strictly-logical cause-and-effect outlook it makes complete sense, but may also explain why we have neglected our social networks as a species in the last century

So, capitalism isn't so much about linear endless growth of profit as much as it is about emphasizing those fast effecient results onto something such as a product or a service

So from a logical perspective, without even needing to overexplain it, it would make complete total sense why capitalism/industrialism would dose on those anti-social/self-concerned behaviors

Socialization and hanging out would indicate to a corporate base that there's no sense of urgency and that the production team are therefore being complacent with delivering results

So I now understand the bigger picture, as much as I don't agree with it, unfortunately the darwinistic/dog-eat-dog attitudes espoused off by capitalism/industrialism were a neccesary evil back in the day in order to have that sense of competitive drive, urgency and resilience

Unfortunately it has done great damage and neglected some of our social development as a species and made us only naturally more greedy/self-concerned, almost a natural evolution of the Protestant work ethic on steroids

But I get it from a strictly logical cause-and-effect standpoint, even if it is morally abhorrent.

09:00 UTC


I realised a key difference between people here and normal people.

So, based on reading a lot of texts, I feel like people here operates based on rightness and wrongness, but most people operate on things that will be the most beneficial. People here are also likely to be kind-hearted and don't find anyone who can match their kind-heartedness, leading to disappointment.

I have been in the same situation here. Let's just say, it is not easy. I have hated humanity u to a point that I wouldn't give a f if humans extinct.

But further thoughts dawned on me. Yes, humans are imperfect, but are we gonna let that consume our energy? We deserve better than that. I slowly started to care less about how people's evil side shows and focus more on, what can I make of this situation. I also learned to emotionally detach from situations and people, which helped a lot. Being different is hard, but trust me, they don't deserve your energy.

22:49 UTC


Frustrated by the total hypocrisy of the human race

Told to get a good education to get a good job, but then you find out that good education to good job pipeline isn't guaranteed.

Told that people are there for you, but no one comes when you call.

Told politicians and governments are vested in your well-being, but they turn out to be liars, steal, rape, and more.

Told that parents and family are supposed to love you, but they abuse you, thought that even bringing you into such a corrupt world was a good idea.

On and on. When do the lies end? Navigating society's ideals and its naked, ugly truths is exhausting. I hate it here. I want to leave.

20:14 UTC


Loneliness is not a feeling but a harsh reality. People (reluctantly) coexist for selfish reasons.

I have always been sentimental about loneliness. I felt alone, misunderstood, lacking the proper attention. It was something passionate, momentary. The older I get, the more I perceive this as a reality. Not in a tragic sense of nobody caring about me at any moment, but rather the recognition that most emotional bonds are superficial and frivolous, and not even your own family has such a strong bond with you. They may not even comprehend what you feel and think.

A "beloved" co-worker lost a member in a hydraulic press, had to leave. People made comments about it on the day it happened, and his name was never mentioned again. It was as if he never existed there.

If we strip away the layers of convenience and prudence (in the sense that you may need help) from human relationships, what remains of most relationships?

00:08 UTC


Just found out about misanthropy recently, this is exactly how I’ve been feeling for so long

My excessive distaste for humanity is only recently fully developed, but I’ve been feeling many aspects of it for a while. I was diluted by to much false hope, but around the past year or so, I really started to see everything for what it really was.

My misanthropy comes from a combination of both my own experience and looking at the world as a whole. My experience is a little different than most misanthropes though.

I have always been so frustrated regarding the fact that people never want to discuss anything that has any value. Unfortunately, I’m still surrounded by tons of people on a day to day basis. People can literally talk for hours upon hours about their meaningless dog shit personal lives and the latest gossip. If it’s not that, it’s about whatever entertainment they just consumed, whatever material item they just purchased, or whoever they will date/hookup with next. It disgusts me to my core, and I become intensely disgusted with myself whenever I engage/get roped into these conversations. I occasionally just walk away in utter repugnance. Whenever I attempt to bring up anything of actual substance, or try to deepen the conversation, I just get silence and blank stares. On the rare occasions people do engage, it’s for like 3 minutes max before going right back to talking about meaningless bullshit. It’s not because they are dumb either, I know multiple people who have IVY league educations and still don’t give a fuck. And please don’t take this as me hating cognitively less fortunate individuals, because I don’t. What I do hate however, is intentional ignorance while billions are suffering, when I know damn well you have the capacity to comprehend it. In fact, I wish at times that I was born with lesser intellect so I could just frolic in ignorance. I realize though that it’s a selfish thought, as most misanthropes are the way they are because they’ve been fucked over by people and society, which I will address in a minute.

First I just want to share how I’m so enraged when I look at our society and culture as a whole. Everyone wants to be entertained SO bad. People can’t go two fucking seconds without looking at a screen or distracting themselves with some form of “fun” like going out and drinking or partying. I’m not knocking you down if you like to play video games or whatever, because I realize it’s not the individuals fault but the fault of the people in power and the corporate overlords, which are really one in the same. A society of people always seeking entertainment keeps people distracted from their evil deeds. But at its core, humans are the inherent problem, because humans run the system, and the rest of the humans refuse to see the whole picture. Whenever I used to accept invitations to parties, I always got the “this is a waste of time” thought halfway through. Other distractions like racial, religious, and gender division play into this as well.

I also despise the fact that everyone is so obsessed with believing, the word that has LIE right in the middle of it. People wanna believe in their bullshit politics, their bullshit celebrities, their bullshit sports games and athletes, their bullshit news stations and news anchors, and their bullshit religions. Your vote never did and never will count, there is no democracy or constitutional republic or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, and there is not a single politician or person running for president who will change the world for the better. I know I’m not supposed to talk about politics here but anyone who sees through the bullshit should agree. Humans are a cancer, and anyone who climbs that high up in the ladder is not an exception. In order to succeed in this world, you are basically required to be a scummy individual who is willing to fuck others over, or at the very least look the other way, for your own personal prosperity. Don’t even get me started on celebrity obsession or I might just vomit. As far as religion goes, I am no atheist. Personally, I am unironically of the position that god is both real, and a major dickhead.

In regards to people as individuals, my opinion is just as strong as my view on society. Again, I am aware that most people in this sub have multiple bad experiences with people due to their looks, status, personality, or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I’ve heard some truly vile stories on here that only further my preconceived conceptions. I personally don’t have this happen to me all that much, with the noteable exception of dealing with people who thrive on bringing others down, even my so called “”””””Friends”””””””” share this trait, and it’s just truly infuriating. I do pretty much always hear frequent disgusting comments from almost everyone I know though, and they don’t even think twice about it. The obsession with talking about people in a sexual manner, wether negative or positive, is so indicative of a gross populace. We really do live in the grossest, sociopathic era. The average person is either self obsessed, an attention seeker, a gossiper, drama queen, a snake, a manipulator, or a robot with no unoriginal thoughts.

One personal example is my parents. My mother is a straight up demon from hell. She did her best to fuck up me and my brother’s life and always play the victim. I was emotionally abused throughout my entire life and to this day have never received one apology. I plan for her to be tortured in the most brutal way possible before I exit this world. Then there’s my dad who’s a fucking pussy and acknowledges it but refuses to do anything because of his bullshit fucking religion. Despite her constantly screaming at him and telling him how he is a horrible person for not doing everything she says. Whenever I call my dad about it, he just goes “well uh god loves all of us and uh he doesn’t like divorce”. When I point out that “God” doesn’t like abusive parents though he just tells me to shut up and respect my mother. Fucking pussy.

I could even give another example of how many people I knew willingly knew and withheld info of a 20 year old statuitory raping a 14 year old but didn’t report it because he was their friend. I still see these people on a day to day basis and it makes me so fucking sick thinking about it. And I have to play pretend like it never happened.

In conclusion, I look forward to living alone and have accepted the fact that I will probably never get married or have any real friends. It is what is and there’s nothing I can do about it. God I hate humans. Fuck everyone of every belief, race, culture, sexuality, and gender all equally. Wipe em off the face of the fucking planet.

05:23 UTC


Would you consider the Metal Gear series (and Kojima himself by extension) misanthropic?

i'm kinda interested on how you'd reply to this.

01:01 UTC


I love how society's idea of being a person worthy of respect is not thru the means of humanitarian and moral actions, nah is thru constantly taunting one's own accomplishments/achievements or showing off one's own wealth and material goods

You heard it hear folks, apparently being someone that can run 300 miles, someone that can lift the weight of a whole car or on the flipside, someone with the networth of a celebrity like Kim Kardashian and has the car collection the size of a mansion, is somehow a more admirable and honorary course of action than I don't know, being a scientist? Being a pioneer of something? Than actually finding the cure to something?

But personal selfish endeavors that mean fuck all to humanity's progress? Oh yeah let's applaud this in people woo-hoo

It wasn't always this way, but something very disturbing has happened in the last few decades where progress and advancement of humanity have been depriotized in the name of selfish pursuits and capitolistic endeavors

Somehow being an elite athlete is more respectable than someone running a charity for the homeless, unbelievable.

Basically the manifestation of the whole ''fuck you, I got mine'' mentality on full display.

10:55 UTC


Dirty Looks and negative gossip

So how do most people deal with those who are constantly watching, judging and wanting to see the worst in you? Spreading gossip, pointing our flaws so they they can keep their place higher on the 'social rank'.

I know they're insecure and we should ignore them etc. But I find this side of humanity one of the most toxic and accepted forms of in-drect and direct communication. People are often not called out on it for fear of being on the receiving end too. So it's ignored and the cycle continues. It happens literally everywhere there are groups of people and at any age.

03:44 UTC


Favorite historical or contemporary misanthrope? Quotes welcome.

I realise the irony of this question. Hating humanity but having a favorite? However, I truly believe there are, albeit in a small minority, truly exceptional people in this world and historical who had similar convictions that people in this group may have. And even these people had their flaws. I am personally a Misanthropic Activist. I hate what humanity is because I love what it could be.

16:34 UTC


Mystery: people really don't like it.

There's an unfortunate side effect to being a reserved and isolated human being, and that is people really fear the unknown and assume the worst of people that are passive in anyway. Too quiet? they must be plotting against you. A total loner? they must be a horrible person. Don't know much about them? assume that it's their fault.

This is the single biggest problem I've faced all throughout my elementary and highschool years where it was especially problematic and yet it still happens in my 30's-albeit not as much because I've largely isolated myself but it still happens and when it does it really gets to me so that's why I'm writing this reddit post.

13:46 UTC


How does one learn to fight back?

I mean how does one suppose to defend oneself against abusive and disrespectful people?

Specially for those of us who got bullied, ridiculed or isolated in childhood or adolescence for any reason. When we were young we didn't know any better. For me, personally, I had no one to protect me or to teach me how to navigate the social sea with all its cues and nuances.

My parents' only advice was to ignore the bullies and hope for the best which, quite frankly, never did me any good. In fact, it made the bullying even worse.

Many times in my life, I tried to be assertive, to speak my mind, to explain how certain behaviors affected me, worrying about maintaining a respectful tone while doing it.

What did it ever get me?

The short answer is: trouble. Trouble with sprinkles of animosity and discord on top. I had to swallow the bitter taste of disrespect and abuse by people many times...

The long answer is: People are very contradictory. Oftentimes, they say one thing and do the opposite!! What they say is usually what they wish they were; a sort of an idealized version of themselves. Watch people's actions as they show you what they REALLY are.

It reminds me of a comment I read here saying:

"Don't get lulled by positive experiences in life. If you're on good terms with a coworker, ask yourself how you can come out on top the moment they stop liking you and the disrespect begins. [...]

People are selfish animals and will turn on you in a heartbeat, especially when you're already down, or after they've extracted everything they can from you."

And I must say I agree 100% with that !!

I realized it all comes down to power. Whether you have it or not. If one is powerless, then strategy is needed. For me, the strategy to protect myself became learning the power game of the place.

What do I mean by that?

I think every place we enter feels like a handbook. We have to learn how the power dynamics plays out in it. Read between the lines. Read the unwritten rules. Act and respond according to the assumptions of the group. Learn what these assumptions are without asking questions directly. Each place /group is different but humans will be humans no matter what. So understanding human psichology comes in handy.

Of course, you gotta be careful, because all it takes is one mistake and then BANG you're fuc**d for life! Your reputation is doomed. Unless, you've got a chance to redeem yourself.

But, after being fucked over by people time and time again I've reached a point where enough is enough. I promised myself I'll never tolerate being walked over EVER again!!

It reminds me of another comment I read here:

" I have seen what humans are capable of doing to each other and i will take no shit for hating people. [...]

Life has been a harsh teacher, but those lessons i took to heart. [...]

It has also taught me to fight for everything. Life is war, victory is surviving the next day. [...]

But i also developed a set of morals and principles not to be bent, never to be broken. [...]

I always side with the underdogs, i have firsthand experience from being one. Bullies and assholes are my nemesis and if encounter one, i teach the hunter how it is to become prey. "

That last phrase resonated with my spirit it started echoing in my mind for days on end. It only became louder and louder as if I was listening to a very loud music that would not stop until I do something about it.

Here I am doing something about it. Writing this post inquiring strangers, fellow misanthopes like me: how do you fight back?

01:19 UTC


Sinister Sunday - Free discussion/vent for misanthropes

Here you can write about everything that doesn't deserve a separate post.

However, Reddit rules still apply, so think before you post something that doesn't follow the rules.

23:22 UTC


My Origin Story of Misanthropy: People's Judgments

Well, here we go...

So, in this life. We're born, and when we're younger. We're told to do what we love no matter what, we're told to be ourselves and taught all types of lessons of living our best lives and letting our true selves shine.

But the moment we do that, we're often judged, criticized, mocked, belittled, hated on. And the list literally goes on and on.

This is a key factor into why I am slowly becoming more and more misanthropic, what is the point of life if what we do is we get judged for simply doing what makes us happy? It's like people WANT us to be miserable. It's like people WANT us to kill our inner selves in order to follow the tragic norms of society. Why would I want to do that?

Why the hell would I want to change myself for society? Wouldn't that mean I am a slave to everyone and everything around me? That I am at the whims of society, then it's like... Ok I change myself to fit the toxic norms of society. Then what? I am going to feel miserable inside. So when I feel miserable, suddenly it's MY fault. And people are like "You should go to therapy"

.....How does that make any sense?

So, essentially everyone who judges us is a hypocrite.

(Before we go on, I know some of you are going to say i'm a hypocrite for judging others, but here's the difference. I am purely judging the very FACT that they are judging. If they didn't judge us, I wouldn't even feel the need to judge them in the first place. I am judging the very nature of judgment itself. I don't judge based off of people's personality, interests, or quirks. Please remember that as I go on.)

So, the ultimate problem is.. Even when i'm actively harming no one, doing absolutely nothing wrong. People will still try to find faults in what I do or who I am, and they will try to make me feel like I'M in the wrong for being what I am. They will manipulate and gaslight me into making me believe that i'm the bad person for doing what I am doing. Or they will be even more toxic and bully and near-abuse me for what I am doing, EVEN IF IT IS HARMING NO ONE.

This is the problem I have with society, if I love something or like doing something and if it's not harming anyone. THEN LET ME DO IT. STOP JUDGING ME. I am tired of this world where everything I do is on this spotlight, as if i'm supposed to be performing in life for everyone else 24/7.

The key factor is, "I'm not harming anyone else". People could focus on judging people who are actually doing harm, or they could focus more on their own lives and focus on what they're doing. But no, they'd rather judge someone who's actually enjoying life and having fun. Makes no sense to me. If I saw someone who had a passion for trash, I wouldn't even judge them because it makes THEM happy. We should WANT each other to be happy.

Here's the questions I wish society asked before judging someone:

  1. Is what they're doing harming someone?
  2. Is what they're doing ACTUALLY affecting me in someway?
  3. Is this a situation where it's better to not say anything at all?

If people were like this, I bet you everything would be 1000x better.

The fact of the matter is, people are judgmental and they fail to realize how their words can severely affect someone else's mental psyche. We all have things we like, I love playing video games. But you'll have people think that it's "childish". What if I like it though? What if it's the one thing in this world that makes me happy? What if it's the one thing that KEEPS ME ALIVE? And here you are, judging me, trying to manipulate me into being like you. As if you're the center of the entire universe, as if you're god and your opinion means something to me. As if i'm supposed to take advice from some stranger. I can't believe this world, it's so depressing and soul-crushing. Who cares if i'm childish, weird, cringe. WHO CARES?! WHY IS THAT SUCH A BAD THING! IT MAKES NO LOGICAL SENSE!!


This is why I am joining misanthropy, this is my origin story because I am at my limit. I am at my ends. I am never enough for people, I am tired of being fucking judged every 5 seconds just because i'm "different". If i'm different and that's too much for you to handle, then that's not a me problem. That's a you problem.

I am not responsible for anyone's uncomfortable feelings that are based off of the idea that I am supposed to change my fundamental cores of who I am as a person for other people. HELL NO!

12:49 UTC


Being ugly allows you to see the shallow, evil, narcissistic nature of many people in society

I do not think most people realize the extent to which humans are selfish, evil, nasty, cruel, shallow, and rude to the people they find unattractive.

As someone who is objectively ugly, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that there are a never-ending supply of evil, narcissistic, shallow people I come across in my day-to-day life who only care about themselves and project all of their negativity onto the ugliest person there.

In group settings, I am outcasted, shunned, and villainized or painted out to be the bad guy or in old "friend groups" was just the clown to be made fun of or the background “friend”. People treat me significantly worse than the better looking people. I have been openly harassed in broad daylight for my ugliness. I have countless horrible stories and experiences of people making rude comments about me, purposely talking about how ugly I am behind my back, making fun of all of my facial and body features, calling me a fat fuck or ugly or making fun of some other physical feature I have, asking me out as a joke, taking pictures of me without my consent to show their friends or send in a group chat. In a group project, I was forced to do all the work and all 3 out of 4 other group members ignored me, spoke rudely to me, and treated me like shit in favour of the attractive people there. By the end they rated me the lowest and falsely accused me of "trying to take over the conversation" while others said I was "shy". Yet they were actively ignoring me.

Throughout my entire life, I was outcasted in my friend groups since people would always favour the better looking people. I was friendless many times as well. I was bullied extensively by many people or used by female "friends" to look better throughout my life.

All of this is to say that the vast majority of humans are deeply evil, narcissistic and selfish. Even people who claim are "nice" or "not bullies" are still bystanders who end up being friends with all the bullies and mean people.

at our core humans are just animals.

if people don't like the way you look, they will treat you like shit.

I can say without a shadow of a doubt that MANY humans are deeply shallow and value looks, money and status above all else.

You can cure cancer, solve world hunger, and create world peace, but if you're ugly, none of that will matter.

Few people care about your character, your personality or your morals. What people care about the most is

1) What you look like.

2) What you have.

18:36 UTC


I hate this AI garbage

Companies are using dark patterns to keep you away from actually getting any customer service. Their AI crap refuses to let you talk to a human, this is intentional, because they want to discourage you from getting help and righting wrongs.

They want to get away with fraud and make it as frustrating and annoying as possible so you will accept bad experiences.

IVRS was already torture for decades, now they're even more insidious where their crappy AI bot tries to prevent you from getting to a human as much as possible. It cannot possibly help me with my custom query and yet it keeps dissuading me from actually getting to a human.

We need to end this AI garbage now. Fuck these companies.

15:33 UTC


My ugliness led me here

I didn't really consider myself a misanthrope until I started working as a cashier back in November. I never really liked people anyway, but my dislike for them is getting worse. Customers are always treating me differently because of the way I look. They never even acknowledge me when I greet them, and they never look at me. They have no problem carrying on conversations with my other coworkers though. People will deliberately avoid getting in my line, even if they have to wait 20 minutes at another one that's packed with people. But the problem isn't just at work. Everyone treats me like I'm invisible or subhuman. Especially men. I just want to completely shut myself away from the world. I hate it so much. No one will ever see who I am as a person because the first thing they see is my face. People treat you like shit if you're ugly.

22:55 UTC


South Asia's horrifying ragging culture

https://youtu.be/lAooeNnC0Vw?si=vmbrnMZqJHZEhhNq The above video is an example of this vile practice known as ragging.For those who don't know what it is,it's a vile and monstrous act done by University/college Seniors to the juniors.They put juniors into some of the most terrible and vile tortures and break them mentally and they literally enjoy doing such stuffs.The worst part?These creatures aren't kids who still don't know about the world.They're not kindergarteners.THEY'RE FULLY GROWN ADULTS COMPLETELY CAPABLE OF UNDERSTANDING!!!Which means that they are very-very aware of what they are doing.

00:34 UTC


People Are Childish, Overly Optimistic, And Naive

My sister is 43 and still not married, nor does she have kids. When I mention birth defects of the baby, down syndrome, people say I'm being "too negative." Like Spinoza said (paraphrasing) 'the little children don't like it when you mention the harsh realities of life.'

People are pissed about my antinatalism. It's "negative." I don't mention it anymore because the argument from other people will be "well your family chose to bring children into the world, didn't they? Okay, then don't complain about it." So it's just for me. This shit show ceases with me. It's been going on for too long and there's no solution. Twelve years old prostitution, no solution.

But this shit will never cease. I will probably end up another single mom struggling to make ends meet, pregnant at age 41. Children are consumer slaves too. They just want what they want.

Amor fati.


Hail Satan!

1 Comment
18:01 UTC


How do you guys deal with this society in today's world?

I feel that people are growing more me myself and I, lack respect and its not the young people in general I see older men and women too.

If I look back over the years its insane, people try to walk all over you until they see you are not a push over, when you stand up to them they get scared and run away.

Yes I try to avoid people as much as i can but sometimes its inevitable.

A few weeks back I was leaving the grocery store, in the only exit 2 girls were in there car texting, the light came green they never moved, i got so mad i manage to get next to them and really gave them a piece of my mind. I mean how can you not see that you are blocking the way,

I know I read things about don't worry, shrug it off but at some point I just get mad.

I am a caregiver for my mother right now and live with her in the family home but after she is gone I will sell this house and try to find a place with a lot less people were i can have peace and quiet.

12:52 UTC


starting to tell how stupid they are. Society is not used to this at all

I am 6 feet and 260 pounds but when i was a teenager i got bullied a lot i was skinny, i promise myself one thing if one day i have the size i will never ever bully anyone.

The years went by and I always been a good person, to realize that the so called friends that i had and people around me were all back stabbers and using and manipulating me.

I am older now and tired of this me myself and I society we live in, and now i am being very vocal about it too,

I just came back from the drug store to buy things for my lunch since i agree to do last minute overtime, i usually order online from walmart great service delivery everything to your door.

There were 4 bosses of the pharmacy just standing infront of the cash register barely moving when clients went to pay.

So I am at the cash and shoot talk about a bunch of fucking morons just standing there blocking the way society is packed with idiots theses days is it not.

The looked at me like what did he just say, I left with a big smile on my face.

Yeah I guess I just hate humans.

19:05 UTC



00:03 UTC


What do you guys think of the quotes "a flawed world is better than a perfect world" and "beauty is found in the imperfections"?

03:19 UTC


Does anyone else feel that they chose the right path by avoiding toxic people and their stupid mind games even at the cost of being a loner?

Admittedly, I’m a hermit and a bit of a recluse. I don’t have many friends but I also don’t feel the need for many. After encountering lots of toxicity, drama and bullying throughout my life, I’ve chosen this path- and I’m loving it. Although, I do sometimes wonder about the road not taken, if you get my drift.

That being said, I do feel a bit of “Fomo” at times; the question of what if I chose not to be a loner but go out and interact more- - inspite of the toxicity. Does anyone else feel this way or do you guys guess it’s for the better?

15:39 UTC


Mankind's superiority complex is a result of the creation of society

It's safe to say that had humans not created civilization than the human race would be obliterated as humans have no fighting chance of survival in a life of natural order against most of the species that inhabit this planet. So as a result social order arose which is the conditions in which you and I live in today. Overtime humans created tools, goods, services, economic systems, social hierachies, social constructs, means of authority, and means to control the population (i.e. religion and the media). Whether one agrees with this conditon of living is their own opinion, me personally I have nothing but scorn for authority, social hierachies, and social order as I don't believe anyone has the right to tell someone what they can and cannot do; hence I have a hatred of society and mankind as a whole. With that out of the way let me explain my claim.

It can be assumed that humans think they are the dominant species on this planet; why wouldn't they, despite their inferior biological makeup compared to most of the species on this planet they managed to survive for millions of years and create a new way of living with countless innovations along the way. But the only reason they think that way is because of what I just listed and not due to something that can be compared with the rest of the species such as biological makeup. We are animals yet think we are superior to the rest; for example when someone is "dehumanized" it is thought that they are belittled to the extent of a weaker being; they lose their human traits so to speak. They are belittled to being nothing but an animal. Yet humans are animals too. We are "people" but that does not change the fact that we are animals too.

There are also several other animals with "human like" traits such as dogs, cats, giraffes, and elephants. They are social beings, have emotions, and are able to make connections with one another; it could hypothetically be said that they are conscious though not at the same level as humans. So why are cats, dogs, giraffes, elephants, and other animals with "human like" traits referred to as only animals and not people as well. It is because humans created the label "person" and "people" as a means to stroke their own egos.

23:54 UTC


I like how misanthropes are criticized for always being ungrateful & overly critical, yet the majority of society is always finding little things to moralize and bitch about it, it reeks of projection

Let's see

From complaining about diversity in movies and video games, to always going about how people dress a certain way, to being hurt literally by non-threatening things like nudity, profanity, being called the wrong pronoun even if by mistake, to critiquing other people's work ethic, to being annoyed by the smallest things like the way someone talks or acts, to always nitpicking pieces of work like movies, video games, songs or books to being too overly concerned and invested about the latest celebrity scandal, to always hating on particular subjects of interest like anime, sports, video games, etc

If there's a group of people who could use a little more ''GrAtItUdE'' is not misanthropes, is normies/the majority

We just don't sugarcoat reality, the majority of people want to sweep anthropological realism under the rug simply because systems of consumerism and escapism wouldn't work nearly as well as they do now.

Seriously, to the normies/the majority projecting their misery onto us:

Get a life, work on your own mental health and leave us the Fawk alone. That would gladly be appreciated.

11:00 UTC


More of an intellectual critique rather than a moral complaint, but does anyone else hate how society lacks so much omnipresence and is always looking for that ''next big rush'', even if those things end up being counter-productive for society?

BTW the following is a refined copy-and-paste version of what I was originally going to post, but I wanted it to come off more understandable and better-detailed, not gonna post the original draft to save space, anyways

I've been contemplating something that really grinds my gears about modern society: our pervasive ingratitude and lack of appreciation. It seems we're constantly manufacturing artificial pressures and problems out of self-imposed human constructs and hierarchies. Contentment, laziness, and stillness are often frowned upon, and every minute must seemingly be devoted to some grand, major endeavor. It doesn't even have to be necessarily productive; in our society, someone experimenting with different recreational drugs is often seen as more exciting and noble than, for example, someone who enjoys playing video games as a hobby. Yet both are significant outlets of escapism and overstimulation, with one perhaps being perceived as worse than the other. Nevertheless, the point remains: Western culture is heavily driven by stimulation and action.

Make no mistake, this cultural inclination has played a pivotal role in the global dominance of Western culture. North America and Western Europe are veritable wonderlands of constant escapism, overstimulation, over-productivity, and overachieving. To some extent, this drive was necessary to prevent stagnation and paved the way for the West's pioneering achievements in entertainment/cultural assets, as well as industrial, manufacturing, and scientific advancements.

This is why, to many, Eastern cultures, particularly in their traditional forms, may appear reserved and unexciting—unless one has a deep interest in historical intricacies. However, even most individuals are so deeply immersed in the societal stimulation machine that they fail to recognize this.

What truly irks me is how this cultural standard has been weaponized to the extent that it becomes a relentless competition of who can have the busiest and most action-packed schedule. This fosters a rigid social norm that marginalizes those perceived as boring, lazy, or simple.

The moral of the story? Simple living is glaringly absent from Western society, and people often overlook the consequences of this reality.

10:03 UTC


Misanthrophic rappers/hiphop songs

Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows of misanthrophic rappers, or maybe just a song that could be regarded as having misanthrophic themes?

In example, would Eminems Relapse classify?

13:55 UTC


Even if religion is feel-good bullshit, would you at least agree or try to consider the perspective, that if everyone were to follow some of the moral principles of any given religion with consistency, society would actually be the closest to a utopia?

I understand religion, much like politics, can be a very polarizing and emotionally-charged topic, especially in this sub, no kidding

But with that being said, let's put the fact to the side that almost no one follows any given religion consistently and seriously anyway

But more people were to follow like the guidance of an established religion, assuming, of course, there are no atrocious things to commit if we're going by a perfect script of it

Would you at least allege society could come closer to a utopia, but again, this implies serious conviction and consistency of it

Of course, I agree that a lot of religious folks are not always the most virtuous and only like to stick the fabric of religion when it feels good

Btw I am not religious at least in the traditional sense, I am an unaffiliated theist with my own custom package of supernatural/spiritual/religious beliefs, with Christianity influencing most of my morale, with a hint of buddhist/hinduist influence on my philosophical outlook, such as that I don't really have much firm belief in an underground hell, rather I believe that karma is instead our judgment here on Earth, Karma is God's calling to any bad actions that we inflicted upon others, my belief in karma is still strong despite sometimes not seeing it always play out right away, but it eventually happens, just recently, I assume, but a friend of mine who worked at the same Sam's Club I used to work made a recent protest to that same Sam's Club and brought up how the main front end manager was being a unworkable bitch to everybody, come to find out she no longer works there because her bad actions were being called to attention by corporate, as they say you reap what you sow

As cringe as this is going to sound, I would much rather deal with a religious proselytizer than a narcissistic overachiever or a pretentious hustlebro

But without pushing a blind acceptance of religion, what would you all say?

09:08 UTC


Left on unopened

The herd love to cling to hypocrisy

They say “people are good and they care about others. I am good and I care about others. I am a kind person. People are kind” etc etc

However there’s a true saying which I may be misquoting “don’t water dead plants”

I’ve taken a step back and stopped watering the dead plants (it’s a metaphor by the way in case there is some sanctimonious greenie reading the post.. I am only joking around) and I have not heard from some people for years

The messages I sent are still on unread lol

When I encounter them in the street - they avoid me lol

Basically - if I was not maintaining the interaction does not keep surviving

Yes the herd are unfortunately fake and dishonest with themselves and hypocritical. Of course we all can be hypocritical at times and we all can be like the herd from time to time

But they do not want to break free or recognise they are being fake. Whereas - I speak for myself and if you agree then you agree - I want to break free. If I say “I am kind” then I want to be kind and if I say “I care” then I will demonstrate that

It is just so amazing

20:52 UTC

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