
Photograph via snooOG

Reddits Home for HOUSELESS Travelers! Created by Vagabonds, for Vagabonds!

Hitchhikers / Trainhoppers / Rubbertramps / Vandwellers / Skoolies / Backpackers / Biketramps / Boatpunks / Dirty Kids / Crustpunks / Squatters / All Houseless Travelers

Feel free to share stories and pictures about your adventures on the road, or share advice and tips with newbie greenhorns, and curious lurkers!


A digital community created by vagabonds, for vagabonds:

Hitchhikers, Trainhoppers, Backpackers, Rubbertramps, Squatters, Tramps, and other houseless travelers!

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1,171,803 Subscribers


These mofizzlers are following me

Pretty fuckin obvious some salty foods don't like me. What's wrong with this conversation? Who down votes this? This was exactly my point with my last posts, bunch a wannabe dorks...... Keep up the down votes though, only 6500 more to go, then I'll leave y'all alone and quit Reddit.......I give you my word!!!

Sincerely Quirky Blurky 🥭

06:38 UTC



Build a fire with patroleum soaked cotton balls, that is all..... I have a thing about the number 6, that is I don't like it, so here's my 7th post for the day.

Sincerely Quirky Blurky 🥭

05:48 UTC


I'm going there, asap, y'all aren't invited

I'm tired of cities and I'm gonna start focusing on traveling to places like this instead. Forest fires and fresh caught fish for as far as the eye can see. Also some mangoes for when I'm feeling lonely........💦

Sincerely Quirky Blurky 🥭

05:45 UTC


Imma artist, I think

Yo mangoes idk but this house up shit is really messing with my mind, on one hand I'm being creative as Frick Frack, on the other I wanna strangle a moose. So word to the wise, don't be housed, it's cancerous..... Like many of the Pele who comment on my posts lol. Like it goes hand in hand or something.......

What is 1+1 anyways? Anybody know?

Sincerely Quirky Blurky 🥭

05:41 UTC


A comment of mime..... Because why not eh?

Nothin' wrong with that. However vagabonds throughout history were villainized because we're free. Which is a real thorn in the arse of those who would benefit from us "participating" in "society" like everyone else. The problem isn't really a problem really, lol, it's more of a symptom of a terribly run social order.

So long as people put their trust in the dollar or equivalent (think gold, and jewellery) which have no real value and disregard what really matters (think family, nature, and time) then us free mofizzlers are gonna be demonized as a "problem". But real vagabonds don't care about any of that. What I care about is mofos coming into our space and polluting it with their crap. It's like I'm sleeping in the woods minding my own business when all of a sudden some random voyeur that's been watching me for who knows how long come up to me, wakes me up, asks me how to ride a damn train or comments that my fire that's fired down wasn't built right then argues with me when I tell them to fuck off.

I'm part native and grew up learning the in-depth history of what happened to us. I'm not at all surprised that society found our Vagabond sub and decided to kick their feet up and take it over. Bunch a vagabourgoise if you ask me. But as I've eluded to it's inevitable that normies fuck shit up, it's all they're good at.

That's why the environment is fucked up, the banks seize accounts when the government says so, the "economy" (whatever that is/they can't even define it) works only for rich mofos, animals are in cages, whole species are dying, gender is an argument inducing subject, the president is falling over and can't talk, were finding the massacres of poor people in places we haven't been to, racism, generational divide, housing isn't a thing anymore for most, relationships are irreparably dysfunctional if they exist at all, health care is almost wealthy exclusive, private jet owners blame us for the environment, can't find work thats sustainable and doesn't drain your soul, technology that tracks you and throws ads at you constantly, the glorification of social disorder and consumerism, I can go on...........

All of that is "society" I'm not responsible for that shit, I'm just a guy in the woods, who likes to photograph skylines, to do that I gotta keep moving. Usually on the tax payers dime as cheaply as possible. I live outside as both a choice and a necessity simultaneously, as I've explained to my family. My parents understand (which is crazy because they're boomers) my siblings call me a leach and hate that I'm freer than they'll ever be, and I think that the people who attack me on here are similar. Housed mangoes that have no idea what the road means to people like me, and wouldn't care anyways.

The roads my life, always has been (nomadic family) I've lived the life of a poor man and travelled more than most will before I was 10, and way more since. I'm like a veteran come home to a bunch of people who don't understand what I've seen and try to argue with me about it. It is what it is, I'll Vagabond till I die, and when I do I'm gonna think about everything I did and smile as I take my last breath...... Good enough for me.

Sincerely Quirky Blurky 🥭

1 Comment
05:33 UTC



Tea gonna? Botoa wahuh? Idk why I decided to be English all of a sudden, but I did, and you can't change that fact...... internet. It's my birthday and I'll be Quirky if I wanna

Sincerely Quirky Blurky 🥭

1 Comment
05:03 UTC


I always be carrying

IV min art.

Sincerely Quirky Blurky 🥭

1 Comment
05:00 UTC


Woods at night

Looks like an old native guy.

Sincerely Quirky Blurky 🥭

04:59 UTC


New skill unlocked

Taught myself how to make Palm leafs into braslets. Been trying to give them away for free but people just hand me money for them and don't take no for an answer. Stonks man, mad stonks

23:52 UTC


These housies are ToO MUCH OMG 😂😂

there was also a twenty beneath this fifth note

23:38 UTC


This sub is oversaturated with non vagabonds, and I don't like it 👎

To all you fuckin oogles, lurkers, and wannabes out there. I just reached 6500 karma and seeing as I getdownvotes for saying true things I wanna go back to 6450 or even less if I can. So I'm gonna start off by saying, y'all who're on this sub just to keep asking about train hopping, I'd like to extend myself by saying get a real hobby.

Secondly to everyone who's not a vagabond coming on here and either trolling or being an idiot, feck you.

Lastly I'd like to say Canadian censorship is real and ever since I got back up here 3 weeks ago I've been getting weirder and weirder stuff showing up on my socials, and all the subscriptions I had on YouTube aren't being suggested anymore. America may have it's shite but it's a way better country than this place. I only know 5 cool Canadians (shout out Cap) every other I come in contact with or know/knew are cookie cut tiny little boxes that are subservient, nepotistic, and cliquish. So feck them too. Let the games begin..... 🧐🎩

This has been a message from the mango himself.

Sincerely Quirky Blurky 🥭

23:10 UTC


Last call for my nomadic bushcrafting squatters commune (Alberta, Canada)

So here's what I'm thinking. I've scouted several secluded spots for which guerilla gardening would work great, they are also all close to a river so water isn't an issue.

What I'm thinking is we come together as a nomadic band and cultivate this area. There is great fishing and ample opportunity to harvest small game. These are all very beautiful and secluded spots, all within hiking distance to each other.

The mountains are also within hiking distance and we're very close to expansive crown land. Most of my spots don't have any bears so I consider that a major plus.

Why don't I do it alone? Well I am, but I believe it would be so much easier with a few comrades. We could pool our resources and become pretty comfortable. There are great food banks all around this area which are a 3-5 hour hike away. I just want to be clear we would be far from anywhere in the wilderness but I figure that would give us the best shot at success.

It takes me 3 hours to construct a debris hut. With 3 people we could have a solid livable structure up in no time. I could guide you through the process of getting financial assistance and we would be very comfortable crusties lol.

So who's interested in starting a nomadic bushcrafting squatters commune? The soil has to be prepped and I wouldn't mind a hand with that lol.

21:51 UTC


Tips for trainhopping Norfolk Southern

I plan on making a trip soon from Roanoke to Knoxville via Norfolk Southern, and I want to know about anything I would need to look out for in the area. I know all the basics and safety issues, as well as I've heard that NS is strict. Is NS a good line to ride, and what/where should I watch out for? What railyards should I be worried about, etc. Any advice really is helpful, thank you!

17:05 UTC


Free mobile vet, Gainesville Fl

In case anyone needs to know, in Gainesville there is a free mobile vet. They go to the Grace Market Place shelter. It is a pet friendly shelter. I haven't been to Grace in over a year but when I was there they opened the gates to non resedence at breakfast time and it was a place you could be all day, you can get showers, they have a laundry house and will give you dog food, laundry detergent, and other needs free. They'll also help with medical, dental, and getting glasses if you need. But yeah FREE VET!!!!

Also also in the grass up by the main office theirs those plants that the leaves close when you touch them. :D

1 Comment
11:50 UTC


what animal is medium sized, solid, heavy, stealthy...

and hisses and growls?

whatever it is, it burrowed a 18 inch hole near my spot, is active at night, and is right outside my tent.

it stomped or jumped too

04:18 UTC


Driving from Bmore to wester NC on Friday 05/17

I'll be driving from Baltimore to western NC near Asheville on Friday if any of you folks could use a ride. It's a single cab truck, so I could do two people, but it would be cramped. Dogs are welcome. Hmu

1 Comment
03:02 UTC


Greetings from Seoul, South Korea. It's alright, similar to Japan.

23:39 UTC


$11 at grocery outlet

19:51 UTC


hobo cooking chicken-hotdog teriyaki Udon

1 Comment
16:31 UTC


This is handy

13:01 UTC



Anybody in Denver atm or this week? I have a friend with a big audience looking to interview some transient fellows.

12:58 UTC


I want to learn how to ride freights

Just posting this wondering if anyone can share resources for safety I can learn from or tips, things I should look into and tips thanks.

08:20 UTC


don't know what you got till it's gone

So, I've been a semi nomadic sketchbag for my entire adult life(39afab), and disabled since before i grew tits. campers , buses, backpacks, hitching from NY to ATL to The ville, haggling with chinatown bus drivers, the occasional hop out of rocky mount, trading tit pics for airline credit or gas, whoring for truck repairs, facilitating psychoactives, etc etc. last year i ended up in the hospital, numb from the waist down, not because of a car wreck, fight, or fall.... because i grew a cyst inside one of my vertebrae. two emergency surgeries in a week . I was told I'd never walk again, made peace with the fact id never have another genital orgasm, and started learning how to straight cath myself so i could be independent of the piss bag. To everyone else's surprise, i got competent with a wheelchair , and then a walker, and now i use a cane about half the time. no need to catheterize, and i can use my genitals again. Pretty awesome. but what sucks is.... i can't even carry water. a gallon is 8#. my lift limit is five pounds, and even that is agony to carry for more than about 2 miles. recently relocated on the word of former partner, and they have basically hung me out to dry - housing was promised but not actually available, and i don't have like 3k laying around to toss at a lease... and, Praise Eris, how frustrating. it's damn near summer, weather's good, there's hella urban camping available. but i can't even haul water. i use rolling luggage for my personal 'property. so instead of making camp and figuring out stuff from the comfort of my own independence, I'm begging friends and family to help me stay.. somewhere. I'm going to have to leave this city/region to have stability again, and doing so means i have to drop out of school. you dont know what you got till it's gone. your health and the accompanying ability to do what you need to is fucking invaluable. to all you vagabonds: take care of yourselves. hop a freightliner for me. hike that ravine that i can't. tell your sled dogs FASTER, for me. i hope one day i will be well enough to shrug off being tossed on. the street as the minor inconvenience it used to be, but until then... get it, y'all. don't let your spirit die. see you on the road.

08:11 UTC


Mom is homeless and I can’t help

This is somewhat of a long story but l'll try to keep it short and simple. During the pandemic my mother who was in her late 50s at the time and I was in my early 20s, were living in an apartment in Los Angeles. Just for reference l'm a student and my mother has multiple degrees including a PHD but has not had a steady job in over ten years. She received an inheritance after her parents passed away and used it to pay rent for a year at $2400 per month in 2022. By this time I had left for school out of state and hoped that she would have found a job and a cheaper place to rent but she did not. Her inheritance is now gone, she does not have a job she does do gigs and sells things on the side, she did say she applied for jobs and never heard back and blames her age for it, which I know can be a thing. Fast forward to January of 2024 she received a 3 day notice after not paying rent for a year since her inheritance ran out. She did not tell me until May about what was going on. I work full time and most of my money goes to school or bills as I live in an expensive city and have no help from any family. She is now living in her car and I'm not sure how I can help. She does not want to go to a shelter or rent a room. She wants to buy a van to convert but I'm not sure how safe that is. I offered her to come here and stay with me but she does not want to leave LA. She's so far away and I don't make enough to help her. Any advice is really really appreciated

22:15 UTC


I might get downvoted for this stupid question but...

I know it all depends where you are at but what is the usual wait time when you try to hitch hike?

18:15 UTC


Michigan Hitchhiking/Trainriding

I was wondering if there is anyone in this sub who has hitchhiked/trainhopped Michigan? I’m planning to do a low-cost trip from SE LP Mi to NW UP Mi this summer to see friends. To my knowledge no record of any trip of this sort has been attempted. So, this will be difficult, but not impossible. Specifically I’m looking to catch out near Ann Arbor and ride the rails North to Cadillac. And then I’m planning on hiking to the bridge and riding the rails from Rexton area NW to Marquette area. This trip should take me through Brighton, Howell, Durand, Owosso, Ashley, Ithaca, Mt. Pleasant, Clare, Cadillac, Walton, Kalkaska, Mancelona, Boyne Falls, Petoskey, Pleasant View, Pellston, Carp Lake, Mackinaw, St. Ignace, Trout Lake, Engadine, Manistique, Rapid River, Escanaba, Brampton, Mcfarland, Sands Station, and (hopefully) ending in Marquette. Any relevant information on anyone’s experiences/expertise would be welcome.

(Note: My Marked Route is in blue)

16:45 UTC


Advice and Tips for Urban Camping and Backpacking through Japan?

I do not have an immediate plan, trip date, or timeline at the moment, this is purely all hypothetical for something I would like to be able to do in the future at some point.

With that in mind, like the title says, I would like to backpack Japan from top to bottom, hiking across it and seeing and doing as much as I possibly could. I specify backpack because I'd like to be able to be semi-free of any timeline restrictions such as committing myself to pre-scheduled/reserved hotels, hostels, train/bus tickets, etc that aren't taken care of in the moment. I recently learned about the idea of 'urban camping' and have been doing some research into it regarding its legality in Japan - from what I've seen it's legal in posted/approved areas, and follows the standard deal of 'be considerate to your surroundings and always clean up your messes' and such, although is relatively looked down on by most Japanese citizens (but maybe foreigners given a little more leeway regarding that?? Unsure, didn't see too much about this.) It's an experience I would like to have. I've been studying Japanese for a little while now (only about a month since I decided this is something I'd like to be able to do) and don't plan on actually doing this trip until I can comfortably converse basic needs and such so that I'm not a burden on the people around me.

BUT to get to the main point - I'd like to hear more experienced travelers general advice for an endeavour like this. I know there's plenty of places I can use in bigger cities to do laundry, get food, bathe, etc, however I'd like to know what y'all would suggest to pack/bring for this kind of trip. I know seasons/weather stuff isn't always the easiest to predict, but I'd just like general advice for things more experienced travelers would be thinking about and looking out for - I'm posting this here on this sub, because it's a little more in line with what I'm trying to go for rather than a glamping backpack trip and the like. I may or may not overstay the visa for this kind of trip, it all depends on how things go, but if I'm being honest I'm at a point in life where if I get caught with an overstayed visa then so be it, it's whatever. I just want to enjoy the experience of seeing something in a country that is so vastly different than my own.

The last thing I want to do is be another annoying tourist that everyone looks down on for being inattentive and rude to their surroundings. If anyone has more knowledge about the legality and such of urban camping in Japan as well, I'd really appreciate it. I just want to basically be as little of problem as possible for the people around me and not cause issues.

17:31 UTC


mental illness and train hopping as a youth

im sure this has been talked about. but i have mental illness and i wanna be a traveler. its a bit worse than just anxiety disorder and depression but not as serious as schizophrenia or something like that. so considering this, i know the best option for me is stability. finding a job that works for me, and a schedule i can follow. so why knowing this, do i have an insanely strong urge to leave? i guess its something i have always wanted to do, and i dont wanna give up on that dream. and i know im young but, also for some reason i feel like im gonna be dead soon, or atleast crippled, so i want to experience something beautiful. i want to go on the journey of a lifetime. i feel like it would make my life worth it, if i could just acomplish that. riding some trains around the country and seeing sights. maybe meeting some wonderful people. i know it will be incredibly hard, but i really feel like i can do it yk? but also im 17, and idk if my adolescent brain is just being stupid. although i think my circumstances are different than most my age. i have been saving up money for this for a while as well. idk, what do you guys think? genuinely? is it stupid? will it not be that meaningful? am i better off traveling by car instead? idk. i just want to do something meaningful before i die. have some tremendous experience that isnt taking a bunch of drugs in a parking lot.

14:18 UTC

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