This subreddit is for discussing and sharing anything relating to Naughty Dog's Uncharted series of video games on Playstation consoles and/or the bonus adventures in other mediums such as the Uncharted movie
This subreddit is for discussing and sharing anything relating to Naughty Dog's Uncharted series of video games on Playstation consoles and/or the bonus adventures in other mediums.
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No sé si es una opinión controversial, pero para mí Uncharted 4 es el único juego de la saga que entendió quién era Nathan Drake.
Cuando miras a los otros juegos, aunque sea por razones egoístas en primer lugar, Nate siempre acaba salvando al mundo : en Uncharted 1, evita que Navarro venda a El Dorado como arma bioquímica sobre el mercado negro ; en Uncharted 2, impide que Lazarevic crea un ejército invincible para controlar al mundo y en Uncharted 3, para a Marlowe y Talbot antes que extirpen el veneno (o el espíritu de los Djinns) contenido en la jarra. También hay todo un lado sobrenatural en la trilogía original que a mí me molesta un poco. Que sean zombies, pitufos impulsados con un jugo azúl o literales demonios, Nate siempre se enfrenta a entidades fantásticas. Siendo el humano que es, no debería sobrevivir.
Uncharted 4 es diferente : es el único juego donde Nate no salva al mundo, sino solo su hermano al fin del juego. Sus motivaciones egoístas (para mí, siempre ha querido regresar a su vida de antes y la llegada de Sam solo era una excusa para el) tienen consecuencias (caza a su mejor amigo y pone su matrimonio en peligro). No hay piratas fantasmas, no hay Avery que vuelve como un boss sorpresa, solo una historia de ladrones que pelean para un tesoro. Y para mí, eso es la esencia de Uncharted : un tipo que va a cazar un tesoro porque eso es su pasión. Voy a citar a Rafe, porque resume ese post perfectamente : "last time I checked, we're all a bunch of thieves digging around where we shouldn't." Nathan no es in héroe, no debería salvar al mundo, ni siquiera es tan buena persona : está listo a sacrificar sur matrimonio para la emoción de la aventura. Es un cazador de tesoros, un saqueador de tumbas, un ladrón.
De todos modos, díganme si están de acuerdo conmigo, me encantará leer sus opiniones. Que tengan un buen día ! :D
I played Uncharted 4 for the first times in 3-4 years, when I first played the game I could not understand the hate for Nadine. But as I started playing again this time I began to not enjoy her character after the second fight with her, with Sam & Nate, I realized she’s a boring character that reminded me of all the main characters in the Charlie’s Angel remake, she has no depth & she is a character who is good at everything & displays no flaws which makes her character extremely uninteresting. A good character has strengths AND weaknesses. I understand them wanting to start to be more inclusive, but it went beyond that, to that point of virtue signaling. If a character is good at everything then what’s the point of watching them if you know they’ll never struggle or face adversity?
At the same time, Rafe is also just a weakly written antagonist as well in that same way. Neither of the “villains” in this game are very fleshed out at all. I kind of would like to see a remake in the future with the villains being more fleshed out, rather than background characters who are there to pad the conclusion to Nate’s story. However, it’s such a small complaint and I’ll always love this series and particularly this game since I really enjoy the more grounded approach.
I’m going to try out Lost Legacy and see if perhaps that flesh’s her character out more.
First time posting on Reddit, so I hope there’s some mercy here. I’m playing uncharted 4 for the ??? time and after all these years it still holds up as such a beautiful game. Shit on Neil all you want, but that man knows how to make a beautiful video game.
I recently got the uncharted bundle and I have really been enjoying the first one until about 80% in when the silly monsters show up
I loved battling the rival treasure seekers and the platforming and the puzzles, but I wouldn’t be missing much if there were no monsters
I’d really like to play the rest of the games because of the reviews and I also paid for the first 3 games
Are there monsters in all of the games?
Thanks :)
I played and got the platinum for the ps4 version of Lost Legacy (the stand alone game) if I download the ps5 version of uncharted 4 there is a trophy that needs to get all lost legacy trophies. Can I use my ps4 save to auto get the trophy? I want to platinum uncharted 4 but don’t really want to play lost legacy all over again
Buy it while you still can! He’s going to be super expensive in the future, that’s for certain.
Just for fun. Not necessarily your most personal criticisms of the games, but rather some of the negative comments that have been floated out there or nitpicked from the larger community. If you want, you can mention if you agree with them or not
Uncharted 1: The gunplay and level design
Uncharted 2: The last boss fight
Uncharted 3: Disjointed story
Uncharted 4: I genuinely don’t know..
Idk if there are any supernatural fans here but I've seen Dean vs Joel Miller with Dean being more than likely to beat him. So, I was wondering who might win since both characters have been in crazy situations along with great luck and plot armor (I also think they'd be best friends at the end of the day).
Hello everyone! I need help with the DLC multiplayer. I want the trophies, can someone help me?
My PSN: gusfsoarez
I'm trying to get the platinum for the legacy of thieves and I got all of the other trophies just charted: crushing and I have played though the game maybe 8 times now and don't really want to do it again is there anyway I can do something like what people did for the speedrun exploit?
I’m totally stuck here. Every time I push the top button on the D-Pad it points my vision to the box. I’ve tried grenades, shooting it, walking up to it for a prompt button, nothing.
When Video Game commercials were iconic.
(please watch with sound lol)
My favorite game of all time is Uncharted. I’m really sad that they’ll not make a new Uncharted. So, I will continue their story, through my art..
Before I start, I'm not saying that Uncharted should be rated M, it's fine rated T. I'm simply doing a comparison only. There's M rated games that have less inappropriate content in them and are more tame then many T rated games. Uncharted is the example I'm using.
Relicta, a physics-based puzzle game is rated M only for strong language, whereas in Uncharted, you shoot to kill with small blood splatters. ESRB'S logic is that you have to be 13+ to shoot and kill by any means but 17+ to hear F words in a puzzle game.
USA Today Crossword Challenge DS is also rated T just because of a couple words referencing drugs like heroin, ecstasy, and marijuana in the crosswords. The ESRB is saying that a crossword puzzle game with those words is as bad as Uncharted because they both share a T rating.
My girlfriend likes to watch me play story games as if they were film series. I don’t remember the story from when I first played it when it came out. Do you think she will understand if we don’t play the other 3 games? Which I remember quite well but not 4 somehow