An invitation to post curses.
A curse (also called a jinx, hex or execration) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to some other entity—one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, "curse" may refer to a wish that harm or hurt will be inflicted by any supernatural powers, such as a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, magic, witchcraft, God, a natural force, or a spirit.
A curse (also called a jinx, hex or execration) is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to some other entity—one or more persons, a place, or an object. In particular, "curse" may refer to a wish that harm or hurt will be inflicted by any supernatural powers, such as a spell, a prayer, an imprecation, an execration, magic, witchcraft, God, a natural force, or a spirit.
All titles should be curses.
You are encouraged to be as creative as you like.
Profanity is allowed as long as it is in the context of the curse. Note: The best curses usually do not employ profanity.
When cursing, be civil. For example, avoid curses with political overtones which may become inflammatory for your fellow members.
Curses must be in text format, no linking to outside sites. (YouTube, Imgur, etc)
Old gypsy women never use acronyms.
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I want to curse that bitch ass idk how tho
Has anyone heard of this curse or casting spell idk what its called, so i think name is written on paper and you put it inside paper ball, with onions and coffee.please i would like some help!
Imagine it. Hell.
Where people share simple blessings like for example: I hope you always catch every green light when you're in a rush. Or: I wish that you always find your socks in pairs
This guy on Tiktok messaged me and I regret accepting his message request. He is now contacting me saying my ancestors have told him to message me and tell me that I am cursed. That his mom can perform a ritual for 100usd in order to permanently remove it and if the person who cursed me comes after me, he will protect me
He has been using names of people that I do know and just came out with this and telling me names of people that I have not told him before.
Now he is messaging me constantly on Tiktok asking me who all these people in my life are.
I am sure he will say that all these other people have put a curse on me too and that I need to pay him and his mom again to remove that curse too
I don't know this person but he knows names specifically
Feels like a creep or stalker
Also told me that my current relationship will end up like how my relationship with my ex will happen if I don't clear this curse.
I have no intent on paying him because i get a huge headache and feel a tightness all throughout my body even thinking about this.
Just want insights and perspectives.
Thank you
May all your body fluids be replaced with stomach acid 🥰
Help please baneful magick
Hey guys. I’m going to curse a child molesters dick and thought process this evening, the child molester being my father. Any ingredients or overall suggestions? I want his thoughts to flip and him have awful terrible visions of burning in hell every time he thinks about a child sexually, night terrors etc. Btw I’ve turned this in multiple times and nothing has been done and I live under the same roof as him with my 4yo. I take measures to keep her as far away from him as possible and watch very very closely every time he’s around but I can see in his eyes when he looks at her and if I snap on him and hurt him I can’t protect her from a prison cell. So turning to magick. Please I don’t want the input on the situation because I’m very aware I’m just not able to immediately get out of it, so the only input I care to hear is the baneful please…