
Photograph via snooOG

The Path is an American Hulu television drama series starring Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad), Michelle Monaghan (True Detective) and Hugh Dancy (Hannibal).

A man who converts to a controversial following suffers from a crisis of faith.

The Path

The Path is an American television drama series on Hulu created by Jessica Goldberg and executive produced by Jason Katims, Executive Producer of Friday Night Lights and Parenthood.

A man who converts to a controversial following suffers from a crisis of faith.


Cast and Characters

  • Aaron Paul as Eddie Lane

  • Michelle Monaghan as Sarah Lane

  • Hugh Dancy as Cal Robert


Season 3 Discussion Threads

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The Burner Phone...

How did the phone get taped under the exam table in the cult clinic?

I have watched this episode 3 times now and still havent seen who put it there.

I thought maybe Sam put it there to get the heat off of him as the FBI informant.

Or, was the nurse who got the boot over the burner phone actually the owner?

Can anybody unravel this for me please?

03:59 UTC


The ladder

Anyone else looking to climb through rungs

1 Comment
03:48 UTC


I know this is way late. But thoughts on final episode?

This whole show I’ve been curious about whether or not it’s true. I know in the actual world I’d say it’s a cult, but having eddy a denier have visions and they be right. And Lilith having visions.

If there was a season 4, do you think it was true?

And is Eddy just saying fuck it, I’m a leader let’s be a religion?

Is it trying to show this is how all religions are?

Any input?

22:48 UTC


Opinions on Mary and Sarah…I find them infuriating

I’m doing another rewatch and found this sub. I love this show but holy hell Mary and Sarah bother me! Mary is manipulative AF and Sarah is beyond hypocritical and selfish. What are your thoughts on the leading women? Eddie and Hawk are my favorite characters.

17:55 UTC


What happens when I get visitors to my bird feeder while watching The Path…

16:29 UTC


Just finished the show, and I love it for what it is

I don’t know how active this subreddit is but figured I’d post in case it still gets traffic. Stumbled onto this show and just wrapped up season 3 and wanted to share my thoughts. Seems like this is the only place I see any discussion of the Path which is wild to me!

Is the show perfect? No. Not even close. The dialogue can be overdone, the characterization is all over the place sometimes, hell even the acting is a bit rough.

And yet I still love it. I smiled at Aaron Paul’s breath whispering every scene when everyone else is speaking at normal volume. I laughed throughout season 2 when Hawk and Sarah kept playing hot potato with their allegiance to Cal. I love that the first two seasons is through and through a love triangle with some cult drama, and as weird as some of the writing choices for the third season were to me, Cal’s arc was god tier and I LOVE that it ended with the three of them working together.

I really am bummed that there was no season 4, I think season 3 prepped them perfectly to have a dope final season where it’s the three of them and maybe Mary later on taking down everyone in their way to save the Meyerist movement, in whatever context that means to them. Gimme my four guardians finally happy and let them live next to each other somewhere with a garden in between damnit!

17:05 UTC


Sarah makes mad

I am on season 1. Sarah just keeps pissing me off. She is totally unreasonable, unrelatable, and a hypocrite. The character development is awful.

02:51 UTC


Characters (actors) disappearing with no explanation

Nicole & Russell and their kids, especially by the last few episodes they're all just completely gone and not spoken of.

Noa (Melanie Griffith's daughter/Hawk's gf).

Abe/Sam (FBI).

Bill (Felicia's partner).

Alison (the OG girl who left and hid in dirty motel rooms).

Please add to this list or tell me where I missed the part explaining what happened to these once important-to-the-plot people.

03:24 UTC


Why did 'sam' tell the Mayerists that his daughter died?

01:23 UTC


Wouldn't Eddie know who Barney is?

Chloe mentioned Barney the dinosoar and she had to explain to him who that is. It's been mentioned a few times he was in the movement for 20 years.. barney has been around since before he would have left for sure.

Update: he remembers GI Joe... ???

10:19 UTC


New to the Path and I have a few simple questions!

I know why Sarah thinks Eddie is cheating but why does she think it's Miranda frank? Who is Miranda frank; is she a member of the movement? Also, if he's so easily swayed back into believing in meyerism (understandably so- because he loves his family) then it seems like admitting that you're having doubts for a minute is better than letting your wife think you've cheated. Seems like they would help him to stay in their movement rather than punish him as bad as they did for cheating and wife wouldn't be as pissed but be proud of him that he got over his doubts.

And another... what is IS?

18:55 UTC


Finally watched this series

I was wondering have the creators of the show been asked how they planned to end it? It looked like a season 4 would be about government, other religions, and spin-offs of Meyerism all coming after Eddie and the Meyerist as they fight for church status. Then you had Calvin’s secret being dug up as well.

The most depressing part was they were still on track for the depressing apocalypse that Sarah saw when Lillith did that cleanse on her. Remember it has to get as big as it does and then Eddie dies and when it collapses so does the world. And in the vision Eddie and Sarah are back together. They didn’t change anything. I even bet Bali comes back to being a new location and it being on a wolf moon night.

Just wonder did they ever intend for the show to end with the apocalypse happening and Eddie dying to usher that in or did he find another path that helped save the world? That’s my question because it setup to seem like the world ends and the only few saved are those following Lillith and btw are as armed as Branch Davidians. How are they going under the radar.

19:07 UTC


I just finished Season 1. I enjoyed it. But I could probably stop here. Does it get better in season 2 and 3? The episodes are long and many

08:00 UTC


Once you notice, you can't un-notice...

Not one scene lasts longer than 45 seconds tops. Few last 1 minute. Once in a while they'll go a full 2 minutes but that's very few and far in between. As soon as it's over, immediately switches to a different situation and character/s.

That's 45+ different scenes per episode

Now this may not seem like anything, but it's what makes the show jarring in the worst way.

Season 3 seems to atleast be more interesting. Would like to know if anyone else notices. Why do they do this?

04:09 UTC


Extremely frustrated!

I'm only part way through season 2. Every single character is making decisions that don't align with their character development and who we are supposed to believe they are. Worse, as much background as we get on the characters, it's not clear who they truly are, what they truly want and believe. This is done in a very confusing way. Such amazing source material and it's just wasted. Starting with the main Mom. She freaks out about her husband having an affair and she's so devout, yet she has an affair herself. If she was self riteous, it would make more sense but she isn't. She's empathetic and..it doesn't make sense. "Sam Feilds" the undercover is good, wish his storyline moved along better with more pow but ok. His wife? Leaving him & taking his kids away because he is busy with a huge takedown? Why? I keep asking why for every character and the things they do. I'm going to watch a bit more. I honestly wish this was written better. Completely understand why it was canceled. Great cast but it doesn't matter because who are they? Really frustrated. I hope to find another cult drama where the audience is sort of the fly on the wall but done much better.

20:22 UTC


Getting awful

I'm on season 2 episode 8. Somewhere between Aaron Paul's acting and the plot, I am losing interest fast.

It feels more and more like "this is Aaron and his show. He is the main character and the protagonist, just the all around good guy who gets to have a dumb blonde girlfriend AND lead on his beautiful wife". It's like a child playing pretend.

He is over-dramatizing his character and its not cute. And please stop holding women's faces in that way ( especially ew, Chloe), it just makes you look like a dramatic rapist

00:20 UTC


Season 1 Epi 7 what does UR stand for? I can’t find it anywhere or remember. A friend is asking me.

01:23 UTC


So everyone forgot about Silas?

I'm a few episodes into S3 and just find it kinda ridiculous that nobody seems to notice Silas is missing STILL (except Sarah of course). Makes it pretty easy to get away with murder if everyone happens to simultaneously forget about the victim's existence right after you kill them.

05:08 UTC


The cornerstone of every good story: the love triangle

21:37 UTC


Season 2 Hawk cutting his hair

20:53 UTC


The M Machine?

Does anyone know what that tiny machine with the person outline the lights (on the chakras?) is or how it "works"? My google searches are not coming up with anything even remotely useful...

21:13 UTC


The Path reigniting?

Anyone think there could be a resurgence in interest in the show considering the last 12 months of our lives?

21:15 UTC


WTF is going on, ever? [spoilers]

So, I’ve just gotten through the entire series I’ve been so frustrated and lost the whole time. Episodes starting out like an ending, re-capping things I never saw, it just seemed like plots were changing so quickly without any explanation and I sometimes would have to pause and make sure I hadn’t accidentally skipped an episode. It was literally not until the series finale that I realized Hulu was starting the episodes at random points in the episode while watching in auto play. So I’d start an episode and not realize it was already midway through the episode, then the next episode they’re re-capping things I never saw but since I was watching on auto play I assumed I wasn’t missing anything and it was just a weird choice the show made to keep is in the dark. When it auto-played the finale it started at them letting Felicia go and then Vera’s funeral. I’m like, this is weird yet another episode beginning that feels like an ending and doesn’t explain wtf happened to get us here....and then the episode ends! I knew I had literally just started it so that’s when I finally figured it out. I thought the episodes were 30 min all along bc every episode was starting at least half way through. I was DESPISING the show because I thought the choppy style and leaving us in the dark was an artistic choice.

I think partially the show did have that style which is why it was possible for me to write it off as intentional that I was missing a ton of info. The characters were constantly changing their minds and doing things to contradict their own character, everything about the show seemed dis-jointed and based on other reviews I’ve read I know that was not just because of my personal viewing error. I hate that the show didn’t have a clear viewpoint on the subject. Is it a cult? A religion? Supernatural? Is it good? Bad? They couldn’t seem to pick a lane and stay in it. The characters seemed to have so much conviction when it came to some things and then none when it came to others. Storylines would start and then never be resolved or mentioned again. And god the intense whisper yelling and slow talking that Eddie did every time he was on screen in season 3 was infuriating. Do we ever find out who ran Sarah off the road? WTF was the whole point of the nazi kid? There were so many sub plots that seemed like they started just to lead into another plot or support some other storyline but the damn dissonant music playing in the background during these scenes makes you think it’s an important plot point, but then it turns into nothing and it’s never mentioned again. I just feel like you never really get a sense of who ANY of the characters are except maybe Cal and Mary. Everyone else it’s like they’ve got a brand new personality with a brand new belief system every few episodes.

I had to push myself just to finish the series and now I feel cheated bc my hatred of it isn’t valid bc I didn’t watch it right! I don’t think I can force myself to watch the whole thing again, but I am curious to see if my opinion would change. I just don’t understand why Hulu would let this happen especially to one of their original series. It wasn’t like it was a re-watch and it was autoplaying near the end because of that, I had never watched the show and it started the episodes mid-way through the episode. So annoying.

Also it really bothered me that Sara and Eddie so nonchalantly decided to tell everyone CAL’s truth about HIS trauma. Like I get it, the people deserve to know they’re worshipping a pedo but Sara knew for a while and kept it a secret and then they literally ask him to go on TV and defend his abuser [which is just like- WTF??] then a day later they’re like lol JK now we’re gonna be honest and tell everyone about your trauma that you just recently discovered and are trying to work through. And he’s like “please I’m not ready” and they’re like “well too bad.” The level of entitlement there is nauseating. Most of the characters were incredibly unlikeable, it made the show very hard to watch.

I wonder if the show resonates more with people who have actually been in a cult. Maybe it’s a great representation of people in cults and what it’s like to be in one and I just can’t appreciate it because I’ve never lived that experience 🤷🏻‍♀️ orrrr maybe the show was just poorly executed.

21:55 UTC


Something that really bothered me about this otherwise pretty good show

In the first season they are focusing on helping addicts. Specifically, it seemed like they were focusing on opiate addicts as they had buprenorphine at the ready for that blonde girl who has the relationship with cal. Then they are helping the really rich family and talking out giving their drug addict son ‘the medicine’, which sarah explains is DMT/ayahuasca. What has always gotten my goose was their choice of drug to be ‘the medicine’. DMT has some anecdotal history of helping drug addicts and people with other emotional/psychological issues, but IBogaine, extracted from the roots of an indigenous plant from Gabon, has a much longer clinically documented history of actually working genuine miracles for people with heroin addictions. It’s been documented as also working with cigarette addiction, depression and whole host of other ailments. So my point is, why the fuck did the writers of the show choose DMT over iboga. It makes no sense, especially since it’s safe to assume that if your aware of one drug, your alMost certainly also gonna be aware of the other drug. It reallly bothers me that they missed an amazing chance to educate a larger part of the population about this amazing drug that is sadly illegal in America (as DMT/ayahuasca is also). I know this is specific and almost odd as a thing to bitch about, but this is Reddit so whatever.

01:43 UTC


Nagging Question about S2E13 "Mercy"

(Spoilers) Question about S2E13 "Mercy"

Just finished Season 2 and pumped to watch Season 3. At about the 17:38 mark of S2E13 Agent Gaines says to Eddie "Don't fuck with my kids anymore." To what is this referring to? When was Eddie fucking with his kids???

12:48 UTC



If this is against guidelines I will happily delete.

I am conducting a survey about the depiction of religion in pop culture and the influence it holds on youth identifying with religion.

It would mean the world to me if you would take two minutes out of your day to complete it :)


02:06 UTC


(Spoilers) Question about S3E13 "Mercy"

EDIT: My bad y'all. I meant Season 2 Episode 13 Just finished Season 3 and pumped to watch Season 4. At about the 17:38 mark Agent Gaines says to Eddie "Don't fuck with my kids anymore." To what is this referring to? When was Eddie fucking with his kids?

13:25 UTC



ok so i know what this means for the show, i mean the show is about some kind of a religion/cult that seems very positive but the show shows the dark secrets underlying it. anyways, just want to bring it up cause i have lately been seeing this symbol in various things and then i thought of the show, which has it very prominently on their season posters, so it's an extremely important symbol to the show. also makes me wonder if there is anything i'm missing in regards to this besides the obvious. I wonder if more would have been revealed about this in another season perhaps? also as the show progresses deeper layers of lies are revealed, last season i think, Lillith is revealed to be the true person who had the visions. And she is so completely dark compared to the much brighter outside surface version everyone sees.
Also of course been a couple actual burying and unburying in the show as well.

08:24 UTC


What episode of the path features 'plato's cave' allegory?

I need to see this interpretation, and i forgot what episode it was on.

08:13 UTC

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