Cheap, nutritious food for students. Recipes and advice for those starting to cook on their own
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My friend and I created a website to help people cook together with friends using leftover ingredients. The idea is simple: combine your leftovers with friends' to unlock more recipe possibilities.
For example, if you just have half a jar of marinara sauce and someone else has pasta, you can cook spaghetti together.
It’s a fun, collaborative way to discover new dishes while tackling food waste. The site is still a prototype with hand-picked recipes, so there’s room to improve—like adding ingredient substitutes and enhancing usability.
We’d love your feedback before building the full version!
Check it out at wheatfoodshare.com
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
🚀 Super - Recipe in 5 Minutes ❗
I need some fun side dishes to make dinner more exciting! Protein and veggies are great, but they’re just not cutting it for me anymore. I’m looking for sides that are healthy-ish but still taste great. What are your go-to sides that make a meal feel complete?
College dorm food is awful, especially the pasta. I’m trying to eat healthier and I’ve been loving Barilla protein pasta! I haven’t ventured to try others yet – what are your favorite healthier pastas?