
Photograph via snooOG

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Ugreen Steamdeck Dock

Hi Deckers, i just got this dock and i use the original charger for the steamdeck and my steamdeck led colour is amber orange, but when i plug it direct from the charger it shows white led. And im waiting for my other shipment which is the Ugreen GAN charger 45w. Can someone help? is it good to keep it on the dock always? Do i use the original cable to charge the dock or use the GAN 45w charger? sorry im new thanks guys! Btw im using Steamdeck OLED 512gb

07:59 UTC


Micro SD not appearing when using USBC


A strange thing happens when I have a usb hub plugged in (has keyboard, mouse, controller, and harddrive and hdmi).

For some reason my Batocera microSD doesn't appear in Boot Menu. However if USBc is not occupied it does appear.

Any help or tips would be appreciated.

1 Comment
07:41 UTC


What are the roguelites with the “quickest”, most satisfying runs?

Self-explanatory. Since I see that roguelites are pretty much the be-all and end-all of Deck gaming (and I fall into that category). They’re just that good for both serious and casual play, perfect for the deck, so totally get the hype around this specific genre.

So, my question — what roguelites give you the biggest, quickest dopamine hit with the least time invested? The most fun runs with the least amount of side crap, story wise or in some other way. Just pure gameplay tuned for the most chronic ADHD brain (and mine is kinda in that category…) Personally, only these 3 fit that category right now

  • Duelists of Eden — Pick a character, build a “deck” (more like a shuffle of several cards for the fight) and get into that grid and fight. At first I thought it was simple, then I felt overwhelmed, but now I think it’s just a damn nice palate cleanser for “bigger” games. Lots of builds, lots of ways to outsmart someone with well timed skill combos + love the fact that aside the skills, there’s regular attacks and blocking, though dodging can feel kinda iffy. Still, for $5, it’s something that keeps on giving when I want low-toxicity pvp that actually relaxes me
  • Balatro — What can I say that hasn’t been said already? This game is dope to some people, and I’m sure that doing dope and playing it probably just enhances the experience (haven’t tried it nor do I recommend it lol). Very addictive RNG, very quick, very simple, and just a great concept of a game tbh. Deserves the acclaim it got
  • Brotato — Ah, a more (and forgive me for using the word) casual replacement for Binding of Isaac. Lots of different potato bros to unlock, runs are straightforward and just pure chaos. Lots of win-or-lose close call moments, and also another joy of a game to sink time in when others are “too much”, either in gameplay, mechanics or other stuff (also, same as Duelists, cheap as dirt at just $5 rn)
07:33 UTC


Cluster sync not working right.

For work I sail across the ocean and take my steamdeck with me. I play loads of differnt games. My steam deck is offline the whole time.

When I eventually return to land and reconnect to the internet to get updates the cloud sync dosnt update correctly. It will change the dates and play times of games.

Some games thay I've put over 100 hours into will now be less than 5 hours and vice versa. Some games thay I played yesterday steam says I havnt played in over a month.

I'm not quite sure how to fix this or where to start any advice is greatly appreciated.

Edit: "cloud sync" forgot to spell check.

1 Comment
07:22 UTC


Bazzite defaulting to 90 degrees?

Hello everyone hope you’re all doing well, this little guy just arrived in the mail today and I’m having a hard time installing Bazzite (steamOS) on it because when I do it defaults to 90 degrees with no way to change it (in Game mode) in desktop mode I can change it back to landscape but I’ve been scratching my head trying to find a solution for hours. This is probably happening due to the fact that the deck needs to compensate for having a portrait based display, but the gpd has a native landscape panel so it doesnt require that… if anyone has a solution let me know please

06:58 UTC


Mario 64 DS analog hack. Is it compatible with melonDS or Citra?

I’m very new to emulators and such, but I’ve been hunting for an optimal way to play Super Mario 64 DS on my Steam Deck, whether that be a simple Controller Layout or an Action Replay cheat.

I just stumbled across this user-created Action Replay hack that enables both 3DS joysticks as functional analog joysticks. I’m wondering if it’s compatible with the emulators I already have on my Steam Deck (melonDS and Citra)?

Let me know if you have any info/advice!

06:50 UTC


Issues with Minecraft Fullscreen in Desktop Mode

I am trying to make Minecraft work in Desktop Mode because when I play with mouse and keyboard the scroll wheel does not work while in Gaming Mode. But I am having the issue where when I fullscreen the game in Desktop Mode the screen gets stretched vertically on the left side of the screen. Is there a fix to either the fullscreen issue or scrolling not working in Gaming Mode? Thank you!

1 Comment
06:32 UTC


I get eye strain from playing small text games like Diablo 4 and have intense health OCD about damaging my eye vision which I doubt will happen? Any gamers struggling with mental health?

I don’t know why, but I get eye strain from gaming on the deck.

Perhaps I am not used to it or something. I have great eye vision with my glasses up to date and I am 26. I feel like the text in some games like Diablo is readable but just a tad bit small.

I heave intense fear of my eye vision worsening. I have huge health anxiety and cancer, so any advice from gamers struggling with anxiety is appreciated 🙏🏻

06:00 UTC


Do my steam deck won't turn on.

So my steam deck has been charging call night but when I try to turn it on the LED turns off and nothing shows up and now when I plug in my charger the flight flickers with every wire I have I don't know what's going on

05:32 UTC


Why is my deck doing this?

It was looping like this for a while until I intervened and pressed the power button, It then stayed on that screen for a count down, After the countdown ended it had a stereotypical 2000s hacker screen after which point it restarted, Since then (About fifteen minutes) it has been fine, Any thoughts on this problem and how to solve it?

05:27 UTC


Ea launcher help

I'm trying to play battlefront 2 on the deck and it brings me to the ea sign it says to send a verification code to my email I click that but never get the email how can I fix this?

1 Comment
05:14 UTC


What is the easiest way to install battle net and XGP launcher ?

I added battlenet.exe to the steam, ran it. but the installation was stopping during the process. So, what is the easiest way to install it? my goal is play diable 4 which I already bought it from battle net directly.

Another question is, how to install this xbox game pass PC launcher ?

I just got my steamdeck oled 2 weeks. so my questions could be very simple and silly. thanks for the help.

04:29 UTC


4K possible?

Sorry I’m not tech savvy, was just wondering if when using moonlight to stream from the steam deck OLED, if the PC it’s streaming from can handle 4k graphics/is connected to a 4k source, will it be able to display 4K graphics from the steam deck screen, or will it always default to 800p as the highest no matter what?

1 Comment
04:14 UTC


Updated Daggerfall Unity to 1.0 on Steam Deck anddddddd wtf is wrong with the FPS

Someone please help. Idk why it’s doing this.

04:11 UTC


For Honor EAC (Easy Anti Cheat) weird Issues

I have two versions of For Honor and I am having the most bizarre issues with the game.

  1. If I try to play directly from the Ubisoft Connect version (Non Steam Launcher) I get the message on the menu that says that EAC is not running so I can't play.
  2. If I try to play the steam version it works fine.
  3. If I close the game's Steam version and go the Ubisoft Connect instance that was launched as a side effect requirement for the Steam game to start, I can actually launch the NON Steam version of the game from the Ubisoft Connect Launcher that was Opened with the Steam version of the game...

In conclusion either EAC must be able to detect whether For Honor (any version) was launched with a Steam license on the side and won't allow gameplay on linux otherwise or Steam runs some kind of script to run the EAC software, a step that doesn't happen if you launch the game from an instance of Ubisoft Connect that wasn't launched as a side effect of launching the steam version of the game... This is nonsense.

Update: my suspicions were correct. Steam was doibg something extra. Just add the variable on launch options: PROTON_EAC_RUNTIME="/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime/"

04:07 UTC


I want one sooo bad

03:40 UTC


I’m having trouble with the emu deck citra

03:11 UTC


Has the Steam Deck made you want to try or swtich to Linux on your main PC

thanks to the steam deck and Valve I hsve switch (well not fully I still have have a windows install just in case I fuck something up) to linux as my OS! Been loving it so far and gaming isn't that hard thanks to proton and lutris!

02:28 UTC


Acquire OLED Deck vs Legion Go

Hi, I'm in a dilemma. To give you some context, I already have a 1TB LCD Deck, which I use to play mostly 7th gen games and some latest game releases. Also, I have an OLED Switch, and I love the screen. I prefer to play indie titles that run almost the same on the Deck as on the Switch just because of the OLED panel. But my problem is that I want to play current-gen games portably at 60 fps, or as close to that as possible. Obviously, the Deck has its limitations, but I could tolerate 30 or 40 fps with a better screen and some more battery time. In my country, both the OLED Deck and Legion Go are priced at 800 USD. So, I can't decide if I want the power and gimmicks of the LeGo, or the better battery and screen of the Deck. My current Deck will be used as a portable emulator machine, or a Windows machine in the case of picking the OLED Deck. So, what do you think?

02:26 UTC


Pokemon with controller

I’ve been trying to use my ps5 controller to play pokemon soul silver with the deck but it doesn’t work, does anyone know how can I fix it?

02:22 UTC


Fallout 4

I been playing fallout 4 on the steam deck since verified last week. Today it download a proton hotfix and now runs kind of choppy and doesn't hit more the 60 fps. It use to run at a solid 90. Any advice?

02:11 UTC


Win 11 booted from USB

I’m setting up Windows to boot from Windows 11. (256gb SSD USB drive) It installed fine however, I cannot extend the volume to use full usb. Extend is greyed out. The box to the right of the C:/ is unallocated.

Please help.

01:56 UTC


SD OLED & Official SD Dock Frame rate issues with plugged-in Mouse and Keyboard

So I started playing the SD with the official SD Dock and I noticed that when I play a game with an Xbox controller the game runs great at 120 frames on Ring of Pain but when I use a Mouse and Keyboard the game drops to half the frame rate just from moving the mouse or pressing a key. Does anybody know what's causing this issue? This problem seems to occur in every game I play not just Ring of Pain. The SD runs great without the dock so this seems to be a problem with the SD Dock having a MnK plugged-in

01:27 UTC


Trucker setup

01:03 UTC


On-screen Keyboard Trackpad Lag

On certain games (not rimworld only) my onscreen keyboard is incredibly laggy when trying to type with the track pads. I'm only using a single track pad at a time as seen in the video. Keyboard is clearly standard, haven't messed with the custom stuff.

Is anyone else having this issue? I haven't seen many threads discussing it. Suggestions?

00:45 UTC



After 3 weeks waiting i finally got mine!!

i work as a cargo bike courier, so it's easy to me carry the SD around, and sometimes i have to wait 10-30 minutes to have a job on a quiet day even an hour, from now on I'll be on my SD instead of the reddit about SD haha

00:31 UTC


Steam Deck: "No PC" Video Capture Line/Mic Mixing!

1 Comment
00:14 UTC


More than twenty years ago I got my first console, a ps2 bundled with this exact game-- and now inner-child me is going absolutely crazy over the fact that I possess the PSP of my dreams all these years later!

00:09 UTC


Steam Deck not turning on after replacing SSD

Hey guys, I need help plzz I basically replaced my 64gb ssd with a 1tb ssd today but the deck only powers on when I connect it using a charger and when I plug it off it the deck just turns off, I've tried reinserting the battery 3x but no luck...

23:59 UTC


Fallout 4 console commands

I’m trying to bring up console commands on my deck for fo4, I’ve found one other discussion on it but it’s a year old and I a bit unspecific, I could not get any of the directions to work for me. I understand that you need to press the tilde key, I have not been able to bind it. I can bring up the keyboard in game but it does nothing for me.

23:52 UTC

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