
Photograph via snooOG

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Welcome to the Star Wars Expanded Universe subreddit! We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories.

If you want to get into Legends, Canon, or both or want to learn more about the Expanded Universe in general, you can find a few links in the sidebar that may be helpful. Feel free to ask the community as well! Also, join our Discord for even more discussion.

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305,880 Subscribers


How were sectors reformed after the Ruusan Reformation?

Sectors are each given their own representative in the senate after these reformations, but before the Ruusan Reformation, Wookiepedia says that there were millions of sectors. How were old sectors defined and how do they differ from the 1024 established after these reformations? Supposedly this change was to allow smaller outer rim worlds more representation?

06:45 UTC


which character from the Old Republic era shouldn't have died?

12:01 UTC


What if the Bad Batch Existed in the EU?


Now that the series has officially ended, I wanted to know what your thoughts are on how the Bad Batch/Clone Force 99’s lives would be different if they had existed in the Expanded Universe aka the Star Wars Legends timeline?

Would the squad be considered Null ARC troopers? Would they end up becoming Clan Skirata-style Mandalorians? Would Omega still join the Rebellion?

10:28 UTC


33 years since Zahn's Heir to the Empire was published on May 1st, 1991

09:13 UTC


Is Fatal Alliance important for Satele Shan’s story?

I’ve never read Fatal Alliance before but based on the brief description of what people have said it seems to not really have much to do with anything. But I wanted to double check. Without spoiling me is this a novel that drives forward the character of Satele Shan/does she progress majorly somehow. Or is this just completely skippable.

1 Comment
06:11 UTC


I dunno if this fits better here or in a Magic The Gathering subreddit, but at some point during lockdown I did a pass at assigning Star Wars planets to a bunch of color pairs and tri-colors. (This might also belong in /r/notinteresting. No clue.)

1 Comment
05:17 UTC


Got all the Legends infinity stones

04:02 UTC


What was your introduction to the EU?

Did you start with comics or novels?

23:30 UTC


Which journey from Yavin to Hoth do you prefer?

Personally, I think they both have different strengths.

I'd say Marvel's attempts were more 'fun' and tonally similar to the films. Kieron Gillen's Vader was excellent imo, but Star Wars (2015), while overall good, tended to fluctuate in quality. Jason Aaron started out strong imo, and the Journals of Ben Kenobi were probably his Magnum Opus. But even his best arcs had some strange moments and he kinda lost steam a bit in his final 3 arcs. Larroca taking over the art only made things worse for those, and I think Aaron tended to exaggerate certain traits like Luke's naivete and the Han/Leia tsundere dynamic too much.

Kieron Gillen's tenure was excellent all around. It really took the characters to their ESB selves flawlessly, and Luke's arc throughtout both Aaron and Gillen's arcs is really well done. Although Gillen was overall much more consistent and plot-driven than Aaron, and did a great job delving deeper into the war aspect of the series with more interconnected storytelling. The final arc by Greg Pak, however, is overall mediocre and ends rather poorly. Phil Noto's art is beautiful, but I'd say that Rebels and Rogues by Pak is the only arc I straight up don't consider canon.

When it comes to The Empire/Rebellion runs, they were a LOT bolder. The tone was definitely darker, grittier and edgier, and the writers elected to focus on new characters to create stakes as opposed to focusing primarily on the Falcon's crew like Marvel did. Both Deena Shan and Able The Clone were pretty enjoyable characters. However, I didn't love how they handled the character of Biggs Darklighter. Although I will say that In their Fathers' shadow was a cool sequel to The Jabiim arc from Republic.

What do you guys think?

22:36 UTC


I need a vaguely inspirational niche quote for a year book.

Basically the title. I am a teacher at a high school. Id prefer to use a Star Wars quote as the one for my page. While there are the normal and basic ones that you find with any google search, mostly from the movies. I want something niche. Something from the books or maybe an old game. Something vaguely inspirational but short enough to put in a small year book caption. I also just love hearing about niche subjects. So hit me up with as many niche quotes and the locations of them so I can not only get something for this book, but also some new things to read or experience.

tl;dr Hit me with your favorite niche Star Wars quotes!

21:43 UTC


Mecha/gundam'esque power armour

Are there any races that use suits similar to mecha/small gundam armour? Preferably clone wars era but any info would be massively appreciated

21:09 UTC


If the Star Wars prequels were never made, which actor you would have imagined as the Pre-Prequels Anakin Skywalker?

17:35 UTC


Dave Wolverton did not give respect to Zsinj/Iron Fist

Zsinj was an overarching villain for the Wraith squadron and a minor villain for the Rogues throughout the X Wing series and they had multiple battles. The Wraiths had to strategize and plan for a long time to even get to finding and ambushing the Iron Fist. Even then every fight with the Iron Fist was very difficult and brutal and ultimately Zsinj/Iron Fist still escaped.

But in Courtship of Princess Leia, Zsinj and the Iron Fist was shoehorned in during the final pages of the book and the millennium falcon just soloed it.

I found that highly disrespectful. What do you think?

16:12 UTC


How long to read all the books and comics?

I've been reading Star Wars for a few years, yet I feel like I've only put a dent into the huge number od materials to get into! I've read about 120 of the books so far (junior novels and above in reading level), and read perhaps a few hundred of the thousands of comics.

How long will it take to get to the point where I only have to read new releases?

15:59 UTC


Has anyone else noticed that Michael Stackpole’s chapter lengths are particularly short?

It doesn’t bother me. I don’t like or dislike it. I was just curious as to if anyone else noticed. I usually read a chapter or two a night and was wondering why it was taking so much longer to get through Rogue Squadron.

15:54 UTC


In which eras of legends would you put the canon Sith Lords?

The only Sith Lords in canon right now are Darth Momin, Darth Shaa, Darth Krall, Darth Tanis, Darth Sanguis, Darth Noctyss, Viceroy Exim Panshard, Darth Caldus, Ry Nimbus.

We know nearly nothing about when they lived and canon gives us no concrete galactic history before the High Republic Era.

So in lack of a canon timeline. Where would u place these Sith in legends eras ?

Krall in New Sith Wars? Caldus and Nimbus in Banite line? Tanis in Pre-Great-Hyperspace-War Sith Empire?

13:26 UTC


Which non-Jedi Force religion did get along with the Jedi the best ?

Amongst the many many Force religions or orders that weren't part of the Jedi Order, nor of the Sith, which include the Fallanassi, the Baran Do Sages or the Witches of Dathomir amongst many others, which order/religion did have the best relations with the Jedi and were the most likely to have friendly or at least cordial philosophical and theological debates on the nature of the Force and the universe, and to work together against common issues ?

13:11 UTC


Specters of the past

So I’m currently reading specters of the past and I’m at the part where Mara is chasing that one weird ship that keeps disappearing every time someone gets close to it with the weird indecipherable language message that it keeps bursting out from its ship is that the Vong, the hand, or the chiss? I’m at the part where they are at the Errant Venture.

12:39 UTC


Help with novels

Hi, im looking at reading some EU books and listening to audio books at work, was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. Really interested in the post endor era, mainly around the warlord factions seen in the ‘thrawns revenge’ EAW mod and the books that lead up to the dark empire. Is there a ‘main’ set of books that anyone could recommend? Sorry, new to all this continuity.

11:53 UTC


How powerful would a Wizard/Witch from Harry Potter be if trained as a Jedi/Sith? I've seen a lot of fics for this

Basically Dooku/Jedi order find Harry Potter and take him and he's trained as a Sith/Jedi, and notes to be extremely powerful with his magic and the force

23:49 UTC


The “Prequel” events implied by pre-1990s Star Wars Material (Especially Dark Empire and the Thrawn Trilogy) would make a great “The Star Wars” type comic

Like how “The Star Wars” adapted much of George’s original plans for the Original trilogy, I think a similar Prequel type comic focusing on things like the “Jedi vs Clone” clone wars would be really interesting.

23:11 UTC


Star wars Legends Epic Collection: what are the "high priority items"?

If I want to get them all. Which books are hard to find/never in stock and which are eazy to find?

And are they doing new printings on everything?

22:41 UTC


Where to go with EU books, preferably Sith focused?

I've read KOTOR and Revan books, Bane trilogy, Red Harvest/Death Troopers, aftermath, battle front, Sith Lords, Tarkin, newer Thrawn Books, Plagues, Maul (on my list), so what should I read next?

Lost Tribe of the Sith?

I dunno where to go from here. The rabbit hole can't be ending lol. I've all read the high republic and newer cannon adult books too.

20:43 UTC


It begins!

So i posted in here a few days ago about wanting to read "I,Jedi" and alot of you guys recommended starting off with the xwing series to see Corrans development from then on up until I, Jedi. Welp my local library finally called me and said that rogue squadron was available and Im super excited, already on Ch 7!

18:28 UTC


If you’re an in-universe Mandalorian scribe/historian who lived an hundred years after the retaking of Mandalore (say 109 ABY) and they are currently writing a history of their people How would they portrayed events that preceded the retaking of Mandalore?

Hi everyone! I've making an in-universe mandalorians history I need help about how would a mandalorians scribe/historian in a century after the retaking of the planet by Bo-Katan Kryze which was the events from season 3 of the mandalorian.
How would they viewed the Mandalorian Civil Wars The Great Purge, and The Scattering along with the New Mandalorian Era (Satine's Cultural Reforms 39-22 BBY and the clone wars 22-19 BBY)and The Occupation of Mandalore
Will the time period between 40 BBY and the purge would probably be generalized as a time of complete chaos since all future generations will hear about it is the constant wars. The Purge itself will probably be seen as the biggest turning point in Mandalorian history, much like how the World Wars marked a drastic turning point in human history.
Followed by the scattering a term that came up with to describe the period between the great purge and the retaking of the Mandalore will be considered the darkest period of Mandalorian history?
Will the new mandalorian era by Satine be viewed as the last era of peace for the planet before chaos returns to Mandalore?
My inspiration for my history is the ancient jewish historian Flavius Josephus two works the antiquities of the Jews and the Jewish war.
Also along with their biases how would they portrayed these mandalorians as historical figures

  1. Satine Kryze
  2. Bo-Katan Kryze
  3. Prime Minister Almec
  4. Pre Vizsla
  5. Paz Vizsla
  6. Din Djarin
  7. Jango Fett
  8. Boba Fett
  9. Gar Saxon
  10. Tiber Saxon
  11. Adonai Kryze (granted we don’t know much about him other then bo-katan words along with how his daughters reacted as well as their actions?)
  12. Sabine Wren (mostly rebels content not the stuff with Ahsoka besides her family getting killed.)
  13. The Clones in general.
  14. Qui-Gon Jinn
  15. Dooku
  16. Obi-Wan Kenobi
  17. Kanan Jarrus
  18. Anakin Skywalker
  19. Ahsoka Tano
  20. Ezra Bridger
  21. Hera and the rest of the Ghost crew?
  22. Grogu
  23. Moff Gideon

Which of these historical figures will be viewed as positively or negatively. Obviously considering she united the Mandalorians Bo-Katan is definitely going to be viewed as a positive historical figure especially if The History concludes with a long encomium to her to whom the whole work is dedicated in-universe.
Also how would I handled periodization of Mandalorian history especially giving historical terms for the Mandalorian Civil Wars instead of the generic name. As well as the time period where the empire occupied Mandalore like say The Empire's yoke (a nod to the Tatar Yoke for Russian history.) and the name of the period between the great purge of mandalore say the scattering (A nod to the scattering from Dune.) Finally what would one call the Return of the Mandalorians would it be the Reconquest of the Mandalore or just '"The Return.'' instead of well the conflict on Mandalore given by Captain Teva from Ahsoka?

18:00 UTC


Canon Plagueis

I just finished reading Darth Plagueis, and it was an absolutely amazing novel. For being maybe the single most hyped up thing in Star Wars, it earned every ounce of praise I’ve ever heard about it.

I thought I’d ask, how would you all like to see Plagueis reintroduced into canon? It will obviously happen eventually, but as far as I know, his canon references are far and few between.

I was reading up on the development of the book and saw where it was originally his search for eternal life contrasted against Qui-Gon’s. That was abandoned for the novel we got, but what if Luceno came back now to write a book like Zahn does in somewhat of a dual-continuity. A new book could be slid into the 10-year gap separating the first and second parts of the novel, where Plagueis learned more about the Midichlorians while Qui-Gon discovers the Force nexus that Yoda finds in Clone Wars.

What’s everyone else’s pitch? Or do you think he should just be left to mystery this time around?

16:47 UTC


Best/favorite bothan design?

It's no secret bothans have a habit of dying and more importantly of having quite a fluid nature when it comes to design. From slightly hairier humans to straight up space furries, which look do you think suits them best?

15:18 UTC


Which Star Wars ancients or modern Sith Lords fate/defeat just doesn't make sense, and why?

15:11 UTC


What if Darth Maul had killed Obi-Wan ?

What would have happened if Darth Maul had killed both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in Theed ? What would he have done immediately after about the Naboo and the Trade Federation ?

What would have happened to him, Anakin, Padmé, Nute Gunray and the others ?

How much would this have changed the story of Star Wars ?

13:38 UTC

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