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Welcome to the Star Wars Expanded Universe subreddit! We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories.
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It is 3ABY and you in the rebel resistance. What will you do? Become a resistance cell fighter, smuggle weapons and gear, become a medic, pilot. I am writing some stories and what to hear what your guys plan would be. What ships you will use, what gear, what planets etc?
Currently trying to write stuff set in the EU, and I now realize I have no idea just how the galactic senate works.
Background: The story idea is set in 50 BBY, and the purpose is to form a mini trilogy surrounding the Stark Hyperspace War. It follows a group of jedi who have to deal with an anonymous criminal org leader, specifically an arms dealer who will later go on to help supply Stark with arms. the dealer's goal is to sow discord in the Outer Rim, and producing conflicts and uprisings so he can profit off of them. The plot for the 50 BBY is about a backwater Outer Rim planet embroiled in conflict- its a mining planet where the majority of land is ruled by a very small percent, and the people have had enough. they're beginning to rebel, and attacked the senator outright, sparking the start of civil war.
my question is, what do senators do? im really unfamiliar with how it all works. would the senator be in coruscant, and is attacked there, sparking panic within the senate and pushing for jedi to go deal with the issue rather than just let it happen, as the Republic tends to do? would the senator be on their homeplanet dealing with it directly, would they have people in place to deal with it?
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I just finished Yoda: Dark Rendezvous, and I was pretty underwhelmed by the end of it. The more and more I read, the less and less hopeful I was that the plot could resolve itself in a way that didn’t feel abrupt. I’m saying all of this because nearly all of the comments I’d heard about this book before reading it myself were overwhelmingly positive, praising its prose and deep examination of Yoda and Dooku.
Dooku is my favourite dark sider in the entire franchise, so I was quite excited to see how his confrontation with Yoda went. To be completely honest, that part of the book was decent: the conversation felt very much like Yoda and Dooku, and was philosophical in a way I wasn’t expecting.
Otherwise, why is does this book have Yoda in its title? It’s hardly about him. When picking this up, I was ready to read an entire novel from Yoda’s perspective, something we very rarely have gotten. Instead, the POV shifted between about 8 different characters, half of which are completely irrelevant to the plot (Padmé, Anakin/Obi-Wan, Solis). The entire book felt very unfocused.
The plot was also lacklustre. Most of it was a whole lot of nothing, capped with an intriguing showdown between Yoda and Dooku. Overall, it felt very un-Star Warsy, and I got the feeling many times that the author has a very surface-level understanding of Star Wars and its characters based on small details and weird bits of dialogue.
What am I missing? How is this book fantastic? I’m genuinely curious, because I think this book had a lot of potential, but it was very much wasted. What do other people see in it?
I'm not the ultimate Star Wars aficionado: I've watched the movies, I played KOTOR back in the day, and TOR for a bit, I read some of the old novels, and some of the comics here and there.
I do really like the Jedi as a concept, and I'm thinking about piecing together a pen and paper campaign. I'm wondering which era would be the most interesting specifically for Jedi; with stuff to do, worthy adversaries, and such. Canonically, the Jedi are basically gone in the Empire era, and the centuries before the Clone Wars seem a tad too peaceful.
Just finished my re-reading of the trilogy last night for the first time in 15 years and felt like I was going to get whiplash from the last 15-20 pages. It felt like Zahn spent the first 430 pages laying out this slow burn leading to the big finale, only for everything to come to a head at exactly the same time and be over with just as quickly. Thrawn is apparently the only semi-competent person left in the Empire at this point, and after his comedic death straight out of a cheesy 80's action movie, Pellaeon immediately throws his hands up in the air as apparently no one else has a clue what they're doing without Thrawn breathing down their necks and hauls ass out of the system. The Bilbringi attack is almost completely glossed over after all the setup for the smugglers. We got more information on the hows and whys of Chewie and Lando rigging the cloning facility to blow than we did the penultimate death of the trilogy's namesake villain. The C'baoth stuff felt pretty well paced, but it was like everything else started and ended within two or three pages.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this trilogy and Zahn's writing as whole, just seemed like the pacing was all over the place.
One of the most amazing feats is that both Xizor and Plagueis can make the hutts like Jabba speak basic to them. Jabba will never speak basic to anyone he deems inferior and yet he would speak basic to those two indicating that they have more power over the Hutts. However I wonder who is more powerful, Xizor or Plagueis?
I mean, sure, Revan commited many heinous crimes during both the Mandalorians Wars and the Jedi Civil Wars (Malachor V and Telos IV come to mind, respectively), but he not only turned a new leaf, but saved the Republic from Malak, so the least the Jedi Order could do was to give him the benefit of the doubt, considering it was them who spared him and wiped out his memory to begin with.
Revan was suffering from WEEKS of sleepless nights (which is NOT healthy at all), being plagued by nightmares about a place he could't recall due to his broken memories, and when he finally decided to consult the Jedi Archives to learn the whereabouts of Mestra Surik (a known accomplice among the Revanchists), he meets Atris, who instead helping him, only twists the knife about Meetra, leaving him worse than he already was when he went there in the first place. She more than deserved the reality check she got in KOTOR II.
Nothing will dissuade me from the though that this asshole had a hand in Revan's decision in leaving his PREGNANT wife behind to confront this evil, when it was unecessary. Sure, had he been able to kill Vitiate, the events of The Old Republic wouldn't have happened, but I doubt he did much to delay the Emperor's plans. Instead, had he met a less hateful and more reasonable member of the Order like Vandar Tokare and Vrook Lamar, he could had been oriented to block these visions and he would have remained with Bastila to help her raise their son and grow old with her.
It's fundamentalistic jerks like Atris that make me feel the OG Jedi Order deserved to fall in Episode III, and that's why I much prefer the Old EU in terms of the post-RotJ content, as in LEGENDS Luke completely revamped the Jedi Order instead of basically commiting the same mistakes of the OG Order like in the Sequel Trilogy (🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕).
She may be my favorite character but there are times where i couldn’t stand her attitude and fans saying that she hadn’t faced the comeuppance of her past actions and she cares about the privilege when its not the life blames luke for the reason for “ruining my life” but its not even his fault .
I could tolerate mara but she’s kind of a person that i don’t want to meet in IRL
If you guys like mara jade that’s okey to me . I am just tired of people claiming that she’s “the best legends character” and i find it hard to believe that especially she cared about ben (her and luke’s son) and did not show compassion to leia when she loose her kid anakin solo .
Leia admits that she puts work above her family but mara never admits that she took away people’s innocent lives
This is the place to post anything related to fanfiction for Star Wars. Please keep all discussion regarding fanfiction to this thread. Post your recommendations, what you're currently reading, or even post your own creations here.
Any post about fanfiction outside of this thread will be removed.
I don't get it Darth Plaguies researched on the Dark Side of the Force to attain the power to create life and achieve immortality but did he ever expect Palpatine to betray him and become the new Sith Master or did he expect Palpatine to not betray him because Plaguies still held enormous knowledge in Sith and Dark Side?
A few months ago, I could find almost any legends book on Amazon prime. Now, it seems they're all gone or have a ridiculous delivery time. What happened? Did they stop printing them? Do they only print them around certain times?
The Je’daii are so interesting because there was no dogma, it was just the force as a whole, they were able to explore and express the force in it’s entirety, because of war and power the Jedi became strict and and cut off the dark side but Jedi like mace windu learned it and it was a powerful tool, perhaps the dark side was not for everyone and perhaps it should have been restricted until you became higher in the Jedi order but to make it forbidden was a mistake in my opinion. To another point similarly like if “alcohol” for instance is normalized at a younger age at dinner and it’s not such a strict law like in countries other than America, there tends to be less binge drinking and alcoholism, same could be said with teaching the dark side to young Jedi responsibility and then it could teach them to use it respectfully and also for those who can’t handle it just a little bit then the high council could decide how to move forward with that jedis training… imo
To anyone who has read Catalyst, Death Star and any other material about the DS project, considering the EU continuity, do you think this novel could work in our EU?. With some light retcons of course. Someone offered me the book at a very cheap price and I have heard that is not too contradictory to the EU. I am fully aware Rogue One is tho, but this prequel book seems fine.
I am a completist but not a complete purist. I am willing to add new canon material as long it doesn't contradicts the EU (heavily), as I love reading new lore (but I am not interested in the big New Canon things). So far the Tarkin novel is the only one I have added in my collection because despite minor contradictions (like the Imperial Palace) it works well and it's a very good read. Also it was written in the mid of the transition so it feels a bit like the EU. I also have Lost Stars but I didnt add it to the EU for the contradictions, althroug if you erase one or two chapters and the epilogue I think it could work. It was my first Star Wars novel ever so Im fond of it.
Please tell me what do you think about the book and if you think I could add it to my collection. If you know any contradiction (minor or big) please share it!
Also if you have any recommendation it's more than welcomed. I know for exaple that the first Thrawn novel from 2017 is EU friendly as it can be and Heir to the Jedi was originally written as an EU novel entirely before the Dark Times. Before Disney.
Has there ever been an in-universe explanation for how hyperspace calculations are done or why they’re needed? I know different hyperspace coordinates exist, like Coruscant being 0-0-0.
I don't know much about this Sith, only that he fought alongside Luke against Abeloth, and that he lived to be a problem for the Galaxy 100 years after this battle.
So I wondered if he lived this long, did he surpass Luke in terms of power?
I was curious if anyone has found a way to read the Star Wars x Manga titles "Black" and "Silver"? I have been going through all of the Star Wars legends comics but can not find these anywhere. They look like cool stories.
I'm once again asking what the next book I read should be. I just finished Darksaber, and I'm not sure where to go from that. Pictures is the next few novels by publishing date that I haven't read. I'm mostly going in publishing order, but would rather stick in series once I've started (X-Wing I'm counting the arcs separately). I want to avoid spoilers, and would like to have context for any easter eggs as they come up.
These time skips are frustrating. Wasn't he just 8 in the last book? So Raynar has been in rehab for five years? How old are Jacen and Jaina now? Jacen looks like a teenager on the cover of Betrayal. Do Jedi all age slower? How does Mara have zero gray in her hair? She's like fifty something and has been through so much stress. Maybe she dyes it.
I'm mostly refering to the claim that Mace didn't just beat him but was truly capable of killing him before Anakin stepped in. Some guidebooks seem to back this up. And if that's the case, was Palpatine truly panicking in that moment, or was it nonetheless a facade?
This is potentially a spoiler if you haven't read Rogue Squadron.
A few questions for the other EU fans:
1.Corral Horn escapes Corellia in an X-Wing and fights off TiEs to do. I always thought CORSEC was internal security, think FBI/US Marshalls, what is CORSEC doing with the equivalent of an F-16? Is CORSEC also Corellia's military arm?
I'm struggling to decide which books to read, so far I've checked out Revan, Deceived, and the first 2 books of the Bane trilogy. While I have enjoyed each of these books I'm looking for books that focus on epic lightsaber duels and formidable opponents/rivalries, I do also enjoy the philosophy around the light and dark side. It's why I started with the old republic era because you have a surplus of jedi and sith and sith are the ultimate rivals to the jedi. I would look into other era's if there are just as formidable foes in the story.
Hi, sorry if this isn’t the right flair mods, it was the closest thing I could think of
Basically a few years ago (sometime between 2014-2019) I read an EU/Legends book involving Leia (though she might not have been the main character) with her dealing with struggles fairly soon after VI being the daughter of Vader and also force sensitive and trying to reconcile her birth heritage vs how she was raised as a politician and princess in her adopted family. I think there’s a lot of pushback toward force sensitive beings? Or toward Luke being of Vader’s family? Regardless she’s struggling with her identity as she struggles with the messy politics of the newly liberated galaxy.
I think the book ends with her revealing to the general populace her heritage (possibly before an election?)
I’m fairly certain this isn’t a fanfiction as I have a memory of a paperback and I didn’t read fic back then
I’ve trawled the wikis trying to find the book but haven’t had much luck based on synopses (and covers where there were)
Does anyone have any memory of this book? Or have I just hallucinated it, haha
Thank you so much for your time!