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    My worst dream so far

    Hey i would like to share with you my lastest dream and probably the worst i ever had. I apologies in advance if my English sucks i'm French. For the context, i'm a 19yo boy and i have a lot of regrets of some "childish reactions" i had back in 8th grade (i think this is the equivalent of the 4eme in US). Now that you have my context let's get started.

    For some reason i was supposed to pick up an old friend of mine to his school in a really big city this school was very special like there were only 2 classrooms and a corridor. So i went to my Friend's class and i realized i knew everyone they were old classmates of mine during middle school, then i went to the other classroom and realized i also knew everyone, they're still old classmates from middle school, and there was this girl let's call her Zoe, Zoe was the classmate sitting in front me during 8th grade i never had a crush on her, i mean liked her but more as a friend i suppose ? Anyway they were happy to see me after years and i don't know why i was really happy to see Zoe like i was in love or something. The next part is not really interesting because i was talking with my old classmates of random things. Then i exit the building (without the friend i was supposed to pick up) and can't go back into the school, so i walked to where i parked my car but can't remember where it was, then i realized there is no cars and no people outside, i'm alone in an unknown city and i can't find my car. Then the city slowly started to disappear leaving me in a pitch dark void, then i started to talk and i said these sentence: "I should've told her" "My classmates liked me and i never realized it" "Was i in love and didn't knew it ?" "It's too late" "I have to move on" I repeted this kind of sentences until i woke up alone in my bedroom like every day.

    I'd like to say something to the youngest part of this community or introvertis, if you have feelings for someone don't be scared tell them, it will keep you from going crazy when you sleep, most of the people cares about you, you are not worthless. Thank you for Reading my story

    11:56 UTC


    I used my phone

    I heard it was pretty rare, so I thought I'd share, lmao. I won't tell the whole story, since it's quite a long dream, but around the end of it I used my phone. I sent a snap to my ex-boyfriend, to be precise, asking him if he was okay. After I hit send, I woke up. It's the first time I've used my phone in a dream. Is it really that rare? Or is it more common than I think it is.

    11:50 UTC


    I fell in love in a dream and now I'm sad lol

    This might sound silly and useless, but it's the first "normal" dream I had in a while (I've been taking lots of meds, anxiety, etc.) and it was so sweet. I met this boy and didn't think much of him in terms of looks, then he started talking to me. He kind of grew more and more cute in my eyes until I couldn't look away, he was talking about rugby (I know nothing about rugby lol) and he was simply the prettiest, sweetest and most charming boy I had ever met. We talked quite a lot and I remember all of it. Now I feel like I actually met someone that I can never meet again and I can't stop thinking about him and smiling.

    Sorry for wasting your time, I just wanted to tell somebody and maybe hear similar stories...

    11:44 UTC


    Post your strangest dreams here

    I had a dream once where I went to some birthday party in some fancy neighborhood called Riverside Manor but it was at the top of a jungle?


    1 Comment
    11:41 UTC


    Me and My mother had same nightmare at the same time.

    So last night I saw a dream where me and my mom were in our house and we were scared to go anywhere because there was a chudail ( a very aggressive and demonic female ghost} in our house hiding in corners and behind walls. I woke up at 4 am 14 minutes, I was scared and I checked my mother who was also not sleeping. today morning I told her that I saw a demonic ghost and that's all I told her but she said that she had similar dream where she was scared to go near stair because there was a chudail sitting on stairs. It was the first nightmare she had after decades.

    1 Comment
    11:37 UTC


    What does it mean!?

    Dream: My mother died from overworking herself and then my brother goes insane and I have to hide from him but each time but he finds me, he murders me. Then I got send to another dream where my mom is alive but it all repeats itself.

    11:31 UTC


    For The EMPEROR

    Had a dream where the emperor of mankind sent me, Legolas and Gimli on a mission to stop some Tyranid that were sent back to the past in some giant fridge by something that wasn't mentioned. He gave us weapons which are 40k lore printed on some a4 paper and since I barely know shit about 40k the papers mostly contains gibberish. All took place in a cave at my local gym

    11:29 UTC


    Dream Highlights

    I memorized what I just dreamt about. I've been waking up/tossing and turning for exactly 10-12 hours now. I didn't dream much at all, most of the night. And it was around the afternoon when I fell asleep. In the first dream, I was at my sister's house. She had made food. I wish I could know what it all was. My niece and mom were there. I sorted though a box of bearclaw danishes that my mom had, picking three out. One fell apart/collapsed. They were a raspberry or strawberry flavor. My sister had made cream cheese danishes. I wanted to eat some. It is one of my favorite foods. My grandma has the original recipe, which my sister also enjoys. I wanted to photograph the berry danishes, upset later because the homemade ones had all gotten eaten. I cried, pissed off about it. I feel like there was something on the tv. I don't remember what happened next, or if there was a dream that followed this. I recall now, it was me at home with my brothers. We were avoiding sleep. It was late at night. My youngest brother stayed with me on the couch, unaware that I was unscrolling a paper towel that had porno frames/segments playing on it. My brother left it behind, before he went somewhere outside.

    In the other dream, I was with my dad's family. It was halloween. My cousins were harassing me, well, the one in real life, who does. He's always been very rapey with me. He placed pieces of dog shit on my head, which I had caught on immediately. I almost ingested the dirty air, knocking most off my head. 'I knew you were gonna do that..' I said. My attention went towards the vhs tapes in front of me, country style, some '80s and older. A plastic bag sat under a bundle/stack of them, guessing those were rentals. One tape said, 'romania.' It looked like the movie stigmata.

    I had ziplock bags of food that I was taking home, to feed my family. They got obviously thrown away by him, not lost. I got very agitated. Digging through my cousins belongings, nothing of my family was anywhere. 'Your pedophilic son who tried to molest me on multiple occasions, lost my food..' I spoke, pissed. Their mom has never liked me. She always has a indifferent, smug resting bitch face around not just me, but the rest of my family. I wanted to dig through the garbage bags. I found one bag, full of pizza. It had a bite taken out of one, which one of my brother's or me, did. That cousin tried to claim it was theirs, even though it wasn't. No one else cared but him. He was gaslighting me, as always. It's good that I stopped going over to our grandmother's house during puberty. Who knows what he could've done to me now. I haven't been there ever since, and the house has been demolished. I passed by and looked over at my dad several times. He was high. I was unfortunately relieved, because I didn't have to worry about being drove home soon, before I found the leftovers. He was not physically capable of driving. A woman or two had italian food, and they were apparently related to my dad's side. I mentioned that I can't eat pasta. 'I can't eat pasta. It has me constipated.' I mentioned prefering 'rice noodles; vegan.' I got annoyed expressions back from them. Things I recall seeing were busts of layne staley, kurt cobain, and probably chris cornell. A poster for a show, or ad, had layne spelled wrong on it. My grandmother was surprisingly being nice to me, letting me use her phone to take a picture of the wainscotting/walls. Edwardian era. We walked around the building, talking about the local supermarket. 'What it used to be, before it was a _' In real life, it was another local supermarket chain before the one it is now. I saw a scary godmother themed coffee machine, looking over at her to use the phone. I contemplating taking a selfie in front of it.

    I then saw something, a edwardian bathroom. I wanted to get a picture and I loved just looking at it. 'Look, a edwardian bathroom. Isn't it cool. It's like something out of a dream.' She nodded, sympathetic. It was very cramped, almost just a wall. Up above was a iron window, victorian and small. There was probably a vent on the floor, iron, floral and victorian as well. A wooden background/board from the vintage barbie dreamhouse was nailed or stapled to the doorway. And there was a door that was covering all of it. Like coraline, so edwardian. The door was likely pastel pink. The tiling on the floor was probably pastel too. Or a deep blue. Or black. Inside the main room, I started to vomit up doll hair. Lilac colored. And white/nude. I reached in my mouth to pull it out. I had originally went straight for the garbage can, barely hacking anything out. The teen girls around were disgusted by me. A woman who was a therapist, followed after me. One of the girls behind me was mixed, half black. She was very agitated by my presence. My dad walked past me, very high. He looked sick. 'Did you say something to-___?' The therapist asked, accusing me of bullying the black girl. 'No, I was vomiting up hair. I was pulling it out of my throat..' I retort, receiving a disgusted and judgmental expression.

    I found myself talking to another person, a girl had mentioned, 'robbie kay' from ouat. I lit up at her words. 'I used to be obsessed with that when it was released/came out..' She nodded, annoyance in her eyes. She did not care; you could see it in her eyes. 'I had a obsessive crush on him. Peter Pan. Then Felix.' I mentioned that Felix was my hardcore crush, which is true. 'He's in oblivion, waiting for me..' I took off running, spinning around. I was about to wake up and didn't even know it. I was so blissful and happy. In that moment.

    Farther through the building, it got longer. It was a cinema. Maybe even a convention center; theatre looking. Traincars were inside, ready to go down the several hallways I didn't want to explore. Wouldn't have the energy to anyway. The therapist went down there, passing by. The main room was emptying, bags of garbage ready to leave. There were indoor trucks, loading with them. I was lucid, figuring it was 3AM in my head. Mom was gonna be pissed off that my Dad had us out, all night. We needed to get home before sunrise. I woke up, machines of loving grace playing through my head. The melody to the song, 'content' humming through the air.

    11:26 UTC


    TedTalk PS2 Game

    Remember in the 2000's every show had a videogame, well i had a dream that Tedtalk was one of them. When you had the game instead of 8 or 12 minute talks like in the show, You could only speak for thirty seconds and you couldn't speak without something they call "Tedtalk microphone". When Tedtalk themselves tried out the game, The microphone sounded crystal clear, when the Players played The game the audio from The microphone sounded slightly distorted. Not to mention The microphone was sold separately, so People had to play extra to play The game. The microphone only had a plug for the PS2, so People couldn't play The game on a Wii or Xbox 360, and the stupid part was they still sold the game for Wii and Xbox 360, so what was the point? A person in my dream found out you could use the microphone on the Wii using a couple docs and cable switchers, when you spoke into it, it sounded like Morshu's voice bass boosted one thousand times. That wasn't because the microphone was so old, The person tried the same microphone on the PS2 and it sound slightly distorted as normal. When i heard Morshu's voice, I laughed myself awake.

    11:15 UTC


    Braking the fourth wall in a dream

    This is the second time I’ve experienced this where someone in my dream (usually an unfamiliar stranger) will break character and point at me, saying “you’re different, you’re not like the others, you’re a human” and proceeds to follow me like they’re drawn and can’t stop. I immediately realize I’m dreaming and try to escape until I wake up, usually afraid. It didn’t stick out in my mind the first time until it happened again, just a few weeks later, tonight. I’m skeptic about astral projection but always found it very interesting. Anyone experience anything like meeting another type of being/the sense of breaking the fourth wall in a dream?

    10:36 UTC


    First time poster - last night I met Death.

    Hi all,

    I've never really looked into dream interpretation before but thought this may be a good place to look for suggestions - after all, if something exists, it's on Reddit 😂. I often dream however they don't often stay in my memory into the following day. Last night was different; I had one of the most vivid dreams I can remember and it's stayed with me all day.

    I was sitting on a bench in a quiet park, it was a clear day and tranquil - I could feel the cool breeze blowing across my sun-warmed skin. There was a calm pond in the distance and people happily passing their day.

    Looking to my left I became aware that I was not alone. A small, grey-haired, woman was sitting beside me quietly. Turning towards me with an intent stare, I was able to make her out clearly. While as in my dream it wasn't a connection to her as the real person however the woman before me was clearly Miriam Margolyes (yes; the actress).

    Without any words being exchanged, I knew with absolute certainty that this was death. I had always expected that if I ever met death it would be a horrifying experience; with a visage to chill to the core. This was quite possibly the furthest from that experience I could have ever imagined. This being radiated an aura of calm and peace unlike anything I have ever felt. The sensation still feels impossible to describe even after thinking about it all day.

    Looking at each other, I broke the silence and asked "is it my time?". Again, I would've imagined that being confronted by my mortality I would've been terrified but the sensation of peacefulness, if anything, intensified. Answering me with a reassuring smile she simply said, "It can be. Would you like it to be, Michael? Are you ready to say goodbye?"

    Before I could reply, she continued; "You need to know, before you answer, that there is no-one left who loves you." Now in no way do I believe this to be true; I am single however have very loving parents & sisters, many friends, and a puppy. In my dream I didn't feel any upset or sadness over the statement either; it was almost calming, as if to reassure me that I wouldn't be hurting anyone by saying 'yes'.

    Taking a moment to think, I eventually told her "No, no I'm not ready yet." To which she smiled, told me it was ok, and that I will be ready one day. With one final smile, she rose to her feet and was no longer there. With her departure I was left with an immediate and overwhelming sense of despair and regret; the pure sense of peace shattered like glass.

    Let me be clear; I do not wish to die and think mental health is extremely important - in no way am I looking to do anything detrimental to myself.

    But in my dream I was absolutely distraught, almost immediately I begged for her to come back, screaming that I had changed my mind and that "Yes! Yes I am ready!". Despite my pleas, there was no return of Death, I was alone and the day was suddenly cold.

    The dream ended with me trying to force Death to come back and take me by throwing myself off of a building. All through the fall I felt none of the peace that I had in her presence. Unlike many falling dreams I did not wake before I hit the ground, though when I hit there was no pain; I was alive, unharmed, and bitterly distraught.

    I'm in no way religious and have little to no time for organised religion however Death left me feeling certain that there is something that comes after and I was heartbroken to not be able to reach it. Laying sad on the pavement, I awoke from the dream; my alarm blaring, safe in my bed, and feeling exhausted.

    Congratulations if you've reached the end of this marathon! I am not sure what I'm looking for as far as 'answers' go however I'd love to hear your thoughts on this dream, and why it was so emotionally vivid to me.


    1 Comment
    10:31 UTC


    DO NOT ask for the time in your dreams

    I had a dream last night and it was going so well and was a really nice dream. I was sitting on the floor in a living room and I saw a device that looked like a phone it said the number 13:15 on the device. I looked up at a person who was in front of me and I suddenly felt the urge to ask what the time was… I then asked them what is the time. When I did that it’s like the vibe changed and I remember being pushed by someone and the room spinning it felt like I was pushed out of the dream and i remember my eyes being half open and closed because I was still asleep but awake. I remember my head shaking and my body shaking like I had a seizure and me looking up and realising im back in my room. I was then suddenly paralysed for 1 minute I couldn’t move. I have not had sleep paralysis since I was 7 years old so this was strange. I then went on YouTube and TikTok to see many people talking about having similar experiences when they asked that question which now scares me as I will never ask that question again !

    10:27 UTC


    Recurring theme of hidden rooms and bad consequences. Interpretation required.

    I seem to keep having dreams where I'm in a house living with people I love and care for but there is a hidden and empty top floor that's always boarded off and run down (always looks abandoned), when moving things into storage I always seem to discover the hidden floor like it's just appeared and never been noticed, as soon as I access this area, bad things start to happen to all the people around me.

    The only changes I have to the dream is the people involved, the house and the consequences of what happens to the people.

    Any interpretation of this would be extremely helpful (any take on this accepted) because it's starting to leave a bad feeling hanging over me the rest of my day when I'm awake, leaves me feeling with a huge sense of dread and guilt.

    If I can pinpoint what's causing these dreams and themes I can work on fixing the issue, I just don't know where to start 😔

    Thankyou in advance

    10:17 UTC


    Visiting a place in a dream that doesn’t exist

    I’ve had lots of odd places that are so familiar and so vivid when I get random flashbacks, these places I feel good when I remember em feels like I went to some different dimension, it’s places that are odd like once it’s this huge mall that probably doesent exist but I wish it did.

    09:43 UTC


    Murder in dream?

    I had a pretty elaborate dream last night, not going into detail, but I drew out the whole layout/infrastructure on a napkin lol since it was a school.

    I basically strangled a twin child, female, in front of her sibling, in front of their classroom. The boy screamed very loudly. I was with this group of friends, my clique, and we all just collectively agreed to kill her. I remember there being 4 of us there, and 2 were holding the door shut so the boy wouldn’t come out of the classroom to find me strangling his sister to death. He eventually burst through, and what killed me personally was when I said to my friends:

    “Let me hold the door next time, I’m stronger.”

    I said it with a smile, so monotonous, with no emotion whatsoever. It’s not the words that are chilling, but the fact I told them that whilst strangling a freaking kid. Literally what is wrong with me lol? Why did I dream this. I always have very vivid dreams every day, I ALWAYS dream, but this one tops most 🥲

    09:18 UTC


    what does my dream actually mean in a non religious way, but rather psychologically or any way!!

    When I was a kid. I always dreamt of going outside, and standing in the middle of the road. Then there’s something picking me up (something literally non existence I’m just going) anywho, I was standing still but I was going up up up higher higher higher in the sky endlessly. My mom was taking out the trash and she looked above at me as I went higher and higher, she stared at me. Dead in the eyes she did not care, she just stared and watched me go up up. The same dream happened over and over three or four times we contacted a religious priest. Actually a sheikh, but he told us that this means that I’m gonna become somebody high in society. Someone abundant, someone that is close to a high position in society lets say a manager ceo etc. What do YOU think? I remember when I was a kid I never thought of any of this. So it’s not any random dream basing my daily life.

    08:56 UTC


    I dreamt of a girl and don't know who she is.

    I woke up today at around 4 am after having accidentally fallen asleep at 11pm the previous day while in a call with online friends. When I woke up, I couldn't remember my dream, so I stayed up for another 2 hours and slept again at 6am. This time, I dreamt of this girl. We were in a field with a bridge of some sort. I was sitting with her, holding her hand and nuzzling into her cheek. Her cheek was soft, warm, comforting. I felt like I belonged there. I felt like I loved this girl and known her for a long time. But when I woke up, I can't help but ask myself "who was that girl?" Note: I didn't see her face at all in the dream.

    08:18 UTC


    Weirdest dream i've ever had recently

    I was walking in somewhere seems to be a warehouse. I looked around, then i found 2 cartoon-like humanoid creature watching me from vent at the ceiling. One was fire one, and other seemed to be a ice one. As soon as i see one of them sitting sassy(it was the flamy one. Icy one was looking at me curiously behind flamy) i got triggered for some reason(i don't know exactly why) i threw a bottle of freezing substance to instantly freeze the flamy which tried to jump and land near me then shattered it's frozen body to pieces with a wooden baseball bat. (I actually swinged a shortsword but it was useless because i was not strong enough so i changed to a bat) the icy was watching me decimating flamy.(like, it teleported to floor? Idk) I charged to the icy then the dream ended.

    08:17 UTC


    Super Powers in some dreams

    having super powers in a dream is totally uncommon to happen on my dreams, but there was some dreams that I had it, here 4 of these dreams.

    1-I could create lightning with my hands, I was in a beach just relaxing with my family, I could create lightning but I couldn't control where the lightning goes so it keeps travelling very fast in front of me and after some time disappears, I was creating a little just to annoy people with it, it was pretty funny and I was having a lot of fun with it, then I wanted to test my full potential, I unleashed my most powerful lightning as I could and it went to a bridge and destroyed all lamps of this bridge, then I heard my mom screaming my name in a angry tone, and the dream ends here.

    2-I could create fireballs with my hand and throw then like projectiles, I was just having fun creating fireballs and throwing then into the walls of my house, they weren't very powerful, but was still slighly damaging the walls, in a moment I created a big fireball to throw it at something that I don't remember, it exploded in the wall and it did some really good damage to the wall, not much I remember from this dream.

    3-I could predict the events of that dream, it was an apocalyptic dream and I was seeing chaos everywhere, I could predict with 100% precision all of the events that was going to happen before happening, and wasn't something obvious, there was some stuff that was impossible for someone to guess that's going to happen just seeing it, I don't remember the stuff that I predicted in the dream, but it was a good amount of stuff that I predicted, I believe that it was around 10-20 things, I also don't remember much of that dream.

    4-I could shoot very powerful lasers with my hands, this dream happened today, the lasers that I could shoot was powerful enough to kill people, I remember that my brother was at all cost trying to stop me from using it, but I wasn't listening to him and there was a point that I tried to kill him and I remember that I shoot the laser on his head in a moment, I could see that I created a hole on his head, but he was still alive, the dream continues like that for some time: me trying to use the lasers and he trying to stop me. after some time I woke up.

    07:57 UTC


    Ever seen Tattoos in a dream?

    What did they look like?

    Have you've ever seen your own tattoos in dreams? Did they look the same?

    Has anyone have any tattoo experience in dreams?

    1 Comment
    07:42 UTC


    Dreamt I was stalked by a lion

    I was in this weird cave doing exploring of some sort and I came upon a river. I turn around and this lions stalking me all the sudden. Like within 2-3 feet. I backpedaled down to the river as he followed me, and when we got in the water I started using my hand to hold his head away. Next thing I know I'm wide awake lol.

    07:30 UTC


    Ami the only who experienced this as a child?

    I don’t know if this has happened to anyone else when they were a child but when I was little I used to dream that I was falling and when I would dream that it would feel like there was no ground and it was like it was all dark except where I was falling it was like there was a spotlight on me like something you see in the movies but not as bright and I could remember seeing myself falling and now as an adult I no longer have those dreams I’m curious what did those dreams mean? And is there a way I can dream like that again?

    07:29 UTC


    Fever dream?

    So I woke up with a fever this morning and remembered my dream so I wrote down some key words so I that I could ask about it later here on Reddit.

    I don’t remember how it started but it wasn’t any people in it, it’s more of a landscape with colors and noise. The more noisy and with colors mixing “wrong” the more uncomfortable I felt.. and when the noise was more slow and peaceful with colors blending more nicely like a sunset or sunrise the more comfortable I felt.

    I remember having dreams like this as a child but with different things happening, like I was in a dessert with sand all around me and when it was smooth I felt ok and when it got rough and bumpy I felt more ill.

    Is this usual for a fever dream for anyone else? Cause I knew to check my temperature when I woke up from that kind of dream. And do they usually mean anything besides my comfort level?

    Edit: spelling

    07:21 UTC


    I hate what I think my dreams are telling me

    It feels more and more like I am telling myself to get back into music at 39 fucking years old. I would not in a million fucking years tell any other human that they should try to make a living doing that shit in any way shape or form, let alone at this age.

    I seriously look back and wish my dad were a more deliberately abusive asshole because I’d either have the fucked up emotional drive to make it in that industry or I’d be too brutalized to have ever thought I could do it.

    I want to burn all my fucking instruments, not drag myself back into the most oversaturated market one could possibly be in.

    Fuck the emotional processing, too. A lot of good it’s done me. If I could physically meet my inner child I’d smack the shit out of him the way his dad should have done more often and told him his dreams are stupid.

    Edit: looking forward to all the short, useless platitudes that people will use to try and validate their own egos and pat themselves on the back for being good people, when those statements ONLY make people in crisis or with severe depression angry.

    Then you all get to tell yourselves what angels you are for not being like me. So if any of that describes you, obviously feel free to say what you need to say so you can keep sniffing your own shit, but I’m just going to preemptively tell you to go fuck yourself.

    07:10 UTC


    Dreamt of my best friends bf twice

    My best friend and I have been friends since 2018, we met in hs during our freshman year. That’s when I also met him (they weren’t dating then) and him and I became friends quicker than her and I did. Eventually we drifted apart and by that time me and her were already super close, so close that we had kissed a couple times and even had feelings for each other. I ended up in a relationship and like 8 months later she started dating him. They’ve been dating for 2 years now and I haven’t been friends with him for 3 years. I don’t even find him attractive and I find his personality even more unattractive but ya know he makes my bsf happy so that’s good. This week tho I’ve had two dreams about him and they are both kind of the same. He’s there and he goes up to me and I start flirting with him and he starts flirting with me and then my friend walks in and we continue to flirt. We don’t kiss or do anything else we just flirt a lot and like feed each other food. Both times I’ve woken up so confused because I don’t like him and I’d never do that to my best friend but idk I feel like it happening twice is kind of weird. Can anyone let me know what it might mean please? Thank you!

    07:04 UTC


    Dreaming about oral sex

    I had a very strange dream where I was performing oral sex on a man. It felt very realistic. I wonder what it might mean.

    1 Comment
    07:02 UTC


    Unusual vivid dream about knowing it's my last few hours alive (please help me interpret)

    If someone could please help me maybe interpret different parts of my dream or it as a whole, that would be lovely. As of late my sleep schedule has been awful out of no where, suddenly I go to bed and I can only sleep for 5 hours before I'm awake again, and I keep having very upsetting dreams, but none of them or so bad I'd consider them nightmares.

    Content warning for at the end of the dream I talk about feeling like I'm gonna throw up a lot

    It's a little past 2:30am as I'm writing this, and I'll try to keep it short but I just had a really weird dream. It wasn't a usual death/dying dream where I die to some nightmare monster or I'm falling and I always wake up right before I die or something, and it starts out okay and the very end is what freaked me out quite a bit It's like I had only a day or so to live, and everyone around me also knew I only had a day or so to live. Some acquaintances came over, they didn't say anything about my death but were super nice and we got along well, more than usual in real life. We were cooking one of my favorite comfort foods, i dont think it was going well but we were having fun. I went and talked with some people and made some weird accouncement in the cafeteria about some give-away for one of my favorite foods(same food we were cooking earlier), I don't remember that part well.

    It time skips a bit, and it suddenly I'm at a house I've never been at before, it was like a house dedicated to my granddad, like a big memorial house, he's been dead in real life for a while now. I was never particularly close with my family, especially aunts/uncles/etc., I only really see them on Thanksgiving and that's it, very rarely a Christmas gathering. In this memorial house there's like paintings of him hung up and rooms full of things he liked(whether it was actual things he liked or stuff my dream made up, I'm not sure) and I was casually peaking around with my brother and we were looking around and commenting on things. My dad and aunt(who I've never dreamed about before and I'm not super close with but not on bad terms with, she's essentially just a random lady to me besides a few things and encounters) were talking in the living room or something about death and maybe how my death is coming up soon.

    I cant remember at what point, but I was eating like my last meal at some point as I was starting to feel sick and couldn't finish it well, but I oddly rather vividly remember stuffing my face with big mouthfuls of peas and joking to myself about peas being the last thing I eat(I rather quite like peas, but they're not like a star favorite food or anything).

    It skips again I think, my memory gets a bit fuzzy about what happens there, I talk with my acquaintances again, and then they leave, and I see my brother taking out the trash before he goes back to bed(it's the early morning in the dream, but this is common for my brother) and I go and talk with my dad in his room. It's like an hour or less before I die and he starts grabbing puzzle boxes off of his shelf for us to maybe do(he normally has books there in real life, and I don't play with him a lot, nonetheless puzzles. But I do love doing puzzles in my freetime) and as he's doing it I feel a wave of unwell and fuzziness clog my mind and like wash over me, and my body shuts down for a second, like it dies for a moment and I fall over before it goes to moderately okay again, and I figure I'm going to die any minute now. My head feels super weird and I can hardly stand, and I feel sick to the stomach like I might throw up. I NEVER throw up, ever. I can't stand the feeling of it and last time I threw up when I was like 10, and I will battle with my body and do anything I can to not throw up. I tell my dad I feel like I'm gonna throw up as we are talking and he says something along the lines of "yeah, I hate throw-ups when dying. I wouldn't want to die throwing up" and it gets super bad now, I can feel it in the back of my throat and I feel like at any moment I will drop dead, and I can't see well or anything. I groggily have to ask my dad to talk about something else. I know I'm going to die any second and it's like I can feel everything in my body shutting down and he talks about something else.

    The dream ends around there. A bit after I woke up I also found it noteable how I never got those moments of peace before dying that people talk about.

    I dont know how good I am personally at interpreting my own dream, but I don't know how applicable typical death meanings in dreams are since this wasn't a normal death in a dream that I normally have.

    1 Comment
    06:54 UTC


    I dreamed Putin wanted me to be his concubine.

    This dream was extremely vivid, kind of funny and honestly would make a decent movie.

    So when I woke up I wrote everything that happened in the third person so here you go…


    A low ranking American envoy goes to a summit meeting with Russia, Putin is there

    While there, Putin sees him and takes a liking to him, snubbing his mistress

    The envoy freaks out and tells his boss, she freaks out, but then tells the envoy to continue, as it may help America, the envoy doesn’t know what to do.

    Putin then introduces the envoy to his upper staff, all fat and repugnant human beings.

    While at dinner the envoy accidentally lets slip about an important piece of military equipment

    Putin is interested to hear more

    The envoys boss says he should show him to gain trust

    The equipment is a machine that takes an idea in your head, defines it through reality, simulates it and allows you to examine it.

    If you build something incorrectly, you die

    The envoy is told to build the ATLAS with Putin by an entity.

    ATLAS is a large stone that when touched allows two people to fully understand each other.

    That’s kind of as far as the dream went. Not sure what it means, personally I think Putin shouldn’t be alive for what he did in Ukraine but it’s interesting how our subconsciouses have different ideas.

    06:43 UTC


    Dreaming about celebrities

    Does anyone else dream about celebrities and being one themselves? I'm not big on celebrities but in the past week, I've had about three or four dreams about famous people and one of me being being famous. It's like my subconscious is OBSESSED with the idea of fame. It's getting annoying.

    Please tell me I'm not the only one. Maybe I just have an inferiority complex and these are compensatory dreams.

    06:36 UTC

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