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I did yoga for trauma classes last year and occasionally got drowsy but nothing else. But since practising more frequently at home, doing somatic yoga from YouTube and the yoga for trauma video classes, I have been CONSTANTLY burping.
I am wondering if this is because of how I'm twisting/compressing my stomach/lungs and its creating burps?
I have been told by someone it's energy releasing but I don't really understand what this means or if because there is so much releasing I should be doing some other energy balancing or energy type practices.
Any input greatly appreciated, thank you
Hi! Been wanting to go to more workshops but find it so hard to find them. The studio I go to rarely has them - is there any way to find them other than regularly googling? Sometimes I see old posts from other studios about the workshops they’ve hosted in the past but think it would just be luck to come across one upcoming! Or are there any studios you know of that (somewhat) regularly hosts workshops that you enjoy? Thanks in advance! Specifically looking for inversion workshops but would take any. :)
Right now my lineup of videos to choose from consists of 5 features. Twists, standing poses, forward bends, back bends, hip openers. I typically do 1-2 sessions a day but are there any I shouldn't do the same day?
Weak knees?
Hi folks. I've been doing Bikram for about 2 years now. I've done just over 100 60 minute classes and a dozen or so 90 minute classes. It seems that no matter what I do, I can't get my knees to stay locked when doing standing head to knee. This makes it hard for me to make any progress with extending my leg out and working towards forehead to knee.
I lift weights 3x/week, with one of those days being a dedicated leg day. I don't feel like it's a muscle weakness that's hindering me.
What can I do to improve my knee stability in this pose?
I really want to like yoga and in the past I did, but now that I am back at it for over a year, I find my further deteriorated right foot is in pain and making me less than serene. I have been thinking of quitting if I can't find another option for that foot.
I have very severe bunions on both feet but the right one additionally has something with the toes where they are not "connected" and I am unable to hold my arch up and therefore, my knee hurts. This isn't ok for yoga or my knee. Pain means don't do it.
I've got what my doc thinks is a planter plate injury. I don't know about that, but the total right foot cannot support a balance and now all standing poses hurt that foot and I can't wait for class to be over.
I have orthotics that make walking possible and never go without them.
Questions are:
I was thinking of trying to find some low profile gyms shoes with thin soles and wear my orthotics in there so my feet don't hurt.
Maybe my yoga days are over:(
My wife and I are travelling to Peru in May. We have plenty of day hiking planned, but I thought it would be a lot of fun to visit a studio in each city we're visiting.
I see a lot of retreat centers, but I'm looking for local studios to drop in for a class. Scheduling ahead of time could be fine, but I am thinking more like walking/taxi to a studio while my wife spends a slow morning on the balcony of our AirBnB. Googling is fine, but I was hoping to get some more personal recommendations here.
Itinerary is Cusco (after a VERY brief overnight layover in Lima) to Arequipa to Lima for a few days. Any suggestions would be great!
Where my question stems from: I actively practice non-judgement towards myself if I am unable to accomplish a certain asana, and immediately shut down negative thoughts towards another student's practice - however, I do often find myself in deep admiration of other students who are able to accomplish certain asanas or flow beautifully. As I was packing up my mat today, I felt compelled to tell the student next to me that I admired their flow but refrained because the thought crossed my mind - is admiration a form of judgement?
Some background context on me: I began my journey as a regular practitioner of yoga a little over a year ago and feel the incredible progress my body and mind have made. Recently, I've stopped wearing contacts to class and instead wear my glasses so I can purposefully take them off and practice without strong vision. I have found that this helps me focus in more on my body and feeling vs. looking to cue off of others or the instructor. Therefore, I rarely am able to see someone else's practice unless they are directly next to me in a packed class and only ever get peaks as I find my drishti while flowing.
Oh lawdy. I never expected something like this but a combination of grief and ill health caused me to lose about 25kg since last year. I just did my first yin yoga class after a year and omg. I was all over the place. I have done yoga on and off for years but never at any kind of advanced level. Is this a normal thing to be so off-balance after weight loss? Cause…yikes.
After a lot of suggestions I started to look for yoga studios around me. The problem is, no one opens til almost noon. Is that common or just my luck around here? I can’t do afternoons so I’m hoping I’ll stumble upon a morning studio.
Hi all,
I’ve had an idea to try yoga for stress relief and relaxation for the past few days now. It’s a bit impromptu but it’s been on my mind pretty consistently.
It’s a bit expensive, I’m not sure what I’d wear, and I’m not sure what any terms mean. I… don’t know what “hot yoga” is. I’m nervous as hell.
I’d like to hear some first-time experiences, proper attire, some motivation to get started. Are “Yin” classes beginner friendly? What should I know ahead of time?
Thank you. I’ve got a class reservation in my cart.. I just need a push.
Can’t seem to find this specific yoga mat anywhere and I’ve really been wanting one. Anyone have any leads that might be able to offer?
Thanks in advance!!
I laid down in shavasana for the majority of the class.
Sunday Power Flow classes are taught by an instructor who isn’t at the studio during the week when I normally go and they are admittedly harder. I knew what I was getting into when I signed up for the class since I’ve taken some with this teacher before and even though they are a challenge, I get through them and feel stronger at the end.
My wrist has been a little tweaked all week and the beginning of the class was essentially all plank related and I pushed the limit too far. I went to go for my first push up and it was very clear to me I had done enough. So I laid on my back and meditated for the last 35 minutes of class with everyone else powering through it.
It was definitely a little awkward being the only person choosing to chill out this class and someone near me even asked me if I was okay at the end. But instructors always give the option to stay on our backs for the whole class (although most of the time they’re joking) so I went for it. I guess I could have done the standing sequences etc etc. but it just didn’t feel right.
The nagging idea that people thought I couldn’t handle this level class has been bothering me all day but I have to keep reminding myself who cares really? I did what’s best for my body and it was actually pretty great
Edit: spelling
For the first time ever, I experienced a really uncomfortable rush of nasal drip into my sinus cavity in down dog. I did not have a runny nose before or after blowing into a tissue. But the feeling was specifically that of getting water up your nose when in a pool/lake/ocean. Thinking maybe it's the air quality post wildfires in SoCal? Though I live in a relatively clean air area and have never experienced this during/after other big fires.
Anyone experience anything like that regularly?
I suppose it was inevitable, my first post expressing frustrating about yoga class.
I regularly attend an early morning class. A new student has shown up. He's clearly experienced with yoga, very fit, clearly practiced at the poses. Hooowweevveerr...
He arrives very late (5-10 min late for a 1hr class), and he doesn't follow the flow at all. He also has a very prominent ujjayi breath, which I understand isn't considered a bad thing, but he projects and his breathing isn't in synch with the instructor's breathing instructions. He isn't just taking alternative poses or opting out, he engages in entirely different poses and breathing patterns from the rest of the class.
As far as I can tell, he is not otherwise disruptive nor does he set up unnecessarily close to anyone or bother people, so that isn't the issue here. But because he is late and the class is well attended (but not crowded), his late arrival and non-participation in the flow would affect someone who might have preferred to find a different spot, if given the choice.
I also need to acknowledge that I am unusually noise and distraction sensitive, to the point that I am a clear outlier. My guess is that most people are not as distracted as I am, though I also think that if this bothers me, it almost certainly irritates other people to some extent. I do know people who won't attend yoga classes because they've experienced the late arrival who shacks up too close to them too many times, after it's too late to find a new spot.
For now I'm just going to see how long this lasts, newcomers who do their own thing often don't stay long term. But eventually I may need to look for a new studio or time slot (this is possible but not trivial, I really do like the location and the early session is ideal for my schedule).
Bought this yoga mat in the thrift shop some time ago. Does anyone know which brand it is?
Has anyone else been exploring this fantastic heart-centred interpretation of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali? Nischala Joy Devi brings them to life in a way that feels so much easier to grasp than many other versions. Her heart-cented approach, illustrated with inspiring stories, is so accessible, engaging and vibrant. 💗🙏
Hey everyone.
I've recently started doing yoga every day, but I'm very challenged by wrist pain after. By this point the pain is present non-stop.
I'm 28 and a short, medium-sized women, who haven't been working out on a regular basis i years.
Is this normal? And could this pain be prevented by strengthening the muscles around the wrists? Should i go to a physiotherapist?
My instructor tells me to simply stop doing yoga poses, which envolves the wrist, but I have a strong wish to be able to perform these poses, when my wrists are strong enough.
Any good advice would be appreciated!
I'm a complete beginner, but the one main goal I have is to someday be able to turn on some music, hop on the mat, and just flow. No teacher, no guides, just myself. I know I need to get a good foundation of the basic poses first, but if anyone could share how long it took them to work up to the point they were able to do that (and how they knew they were ready) I would greatly appreciate the inspiration!
Ask questions/discuss asana.
And it was worth it!
I’ve been doing a DIY refresher from a YTT program I did over 10 years ago. I’m an artist so I took a run at some asana cards and I am really enjoying them. Feedback and suggestions welcome 😊
Online being YouTube / recording or a live class on Zoom etc. As someone who loves being in a studio, I’m curious about what makes online better for you.
Was doing kapalabhati and anuloma viloma every day for a few months, working my way up to three daily 35 minute sessions following the Sivananda youtube channel. I feel like i didn't notice any benefit from the practice, nor did i notice anything after stopping a week ago. Can someone explain to me why this has been my experience? Thanks
Not trouble with poses, just having the motivation to actually get through a sequence.
I've been doing yoga since 2013 and I started with videos. In 2017 I began regularly attending in-studio power yoga sessions when I was living in the city and that became my main practice.
I'm in the suburbs far from a studio now and I struggle to get through a video longer than 30 minutes. Idk what it is. I get bored doing hatha and yin, and power or ashtanga tire me out faster than when I'm in the studio. Ig being in a room full of people makes me feel like I have to finish what I started.
Anyone else have this issue?
I'm an absolute beginner and barely finished day 1. I have some wrist & Achilles heel pain. And even Day 1 seemed difficult. I really want to do advance poses someday, just not sure if I am heading in the right direction. Would love redirection as well.
P.S.: Can't access a good instructor, I'm in an underdeveloped country. Book is also not an option for me as I like videos with cues.
Where my sweat finally meets its end.
Hey yogis, I’ve been practicing yoga for a long time and also move a lot, so have been to many studios over the years. A lot had a policy that if fewer than x number of students reserved a spot, then the class would be canceled. About a month ago a new studio opened up in my area and the space and teachers are great, so amazing really that I can’t believe it just opened and how grateful I am that it did. They hold true to yogic values and the teacher/student community has been everything I could hope for. My question is that while some of the classes are full, there is one that I’ve consistently been the only student there (sometimes the studio head will go so it’s not just me). The teacher is advanced and the class is challenging with really unique sequencing/flow so I think it might be a little intimidating to some. I have a seasonal pass so don’t pay for classes individually, and I feel bad that the teacher has to come out just for me, know what I mean?? What would you do? Wait to book and only do so if others have too? Book anyway? Cancel the night before if you’re the only one? Something else I’m not thinking of?? Thanks for reading and considering :)
Any mantra recommendation for beginners trying to get into chanting?
How many days a week, how many hours a day? And how do you feel about your progress with the amount of practice you put in?