Music optimized for abandoned malls made from The Simpsons
Music optimized for abandoned malls made for and from The Simpsons. Don't forget to stop by /r/Vaporwave to see the roots of /r/simpsonswave.
Before you post make sure to consider these rules:
1) Posts must be related to The Simpsons. Flexible depending on quality of post.
2) No low effort posts. Don't just post a Simpsons picture with vaporware music.
3) Please don't promte your music channel on r/simpsonswave. If you make vaporwave or similar music and want to post it here it must utilize audio samples from The Simpsons or include edited video from The Simpsons.
Other Simpsons Subreddit: r/TheSimpsons r/Simpsons r/simpsonsdidit r/freedonuts r/SimpsonsGifs r/haveaduff r/unexpectedsimpsons r/tappedout r/SimpsonsFaces r/frontSimpsons r/simpsonsshitposting r/SimpsonsHitAndRun
Hello!! I am heartbroken that I cannot find an old simpsonwave i used to fall asleep to years ago on youtube anymore. It was called
S L E E P Y 2
From what I can remember, it had a picture of homer simpson sleeping on the front with a vivid dark blue background. I hope someone else enjoyed that simpsonwave as much as I did!! I just thought of it for the first time in years and am very saddened I cannot find it anymore. 😢
Been working on my simpson wave would love some feedback
First off, I'd like to apologize if this post is low effort, I've been trying to find this video on and off (mostly off) for maybe about 3 years now.
It's a video that features Attention by Joji, and it's edited to look like Marge has left Homer for Artie I think his name was?
It sounds funny when I type it out, but I hold that video close because it first exposed me to Joji's music which I listen to regularly nowadays.
If I could get some help in finding it, it would greatly appreciated. It could have been taken off YouTube, in which case I'm hoping to find that someone has somehow saved it.