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The best forum for discussing mods and tools for the cult classic video game, The Simpsons: Hit & Run.
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Make sure to check out our Discord server and remember to follow the rules. Enjoy your stay!
The largest and most active subreddit for The Simpsons Hit and Run.
Need help with a technical problem? Want to talk about your remaster ideas? Post mods and Speedruns? You've come to the right place!
Make sure to check out our Discord server for additional help, and remember to follow the rules. Enjoy your stay!
Repost cuz my last post got no attention
What is your favourite level in this game?
I’ve not had chance to play around with this yet but I’ve got to assume Crossover should be able to run Lucas Mod Launcher and therefore SHAR.
Has anyone got any tips/experience with setting this up?
Many thanks.
despite the gamecube being unpopular thats the one most people played this game on............right?
If they made a remaster or another game what changes would you make???
So I tried downloading off of the Discord. I got the game to work once then it just stopped. I really want to play the game and experience the nostalgia.
What’s everyone’s favourite AI to race whether that’s actual racing, escaping etc. It always made me laugh racing against the ghost boat on level 7 and the skeleton car and then it made me laugh when I first discovered that the Hearse doesn’t even have a driver in! Another one of my favourites will always be racing homer on level 6 and for some reason on his circuit race his car always goes flying in the air when he nudges the barrier. My favourites track as a whole will always be the level 3 circuit race due to having to race down the stairs etc and sometimes if you don’t time things correctly sometimes you can be hit before reaching the stairs or sometimes you’ll hit and AI from the side and they will spin down the stairs. Was always extremely entertaining.
What’s the funniest things someone has ever done on the game? Mine would be to target the main car during the races of each level so level 1 I would keep crashing into Bart until he explodes and stuff like that, random moment for me was during level 6 and I was racing Homer and one minute he was right behind me and the next minute he disappeared and when I got to the finish line I decided to stop because I thought something must have happened and on the map his yellow arrow kept moving and then backing up and when I drove back to check what had happened Homer missed the jump and was stuck and kept crashing, eventually the game reset him and his car had black smoke but he managed to still cross the finish line, I’ve seen it happen in other races sometimes before where a car gets stuck or heavily damaged. Level 3 another example on the circuit race, marge often cuts off the 2nd car but on one of my races into the first corner she caught and invisible wall and the other 2 cars just went under her and dragged her for a few metres before she could get back onto the track, level 7 during the circuit race I noticed the Hearse and one of the other AI crashed into each other and they were blocking each others paths and they were pretty much stuck there all race while I cruised to the finish line.
I love
I doubt this can even be helped but I feel like asking anyways just in case. I played the Simpsons hit and run as a child a lot and always loved it. I dug out my ps2 recently and it could play a few games with struggle seeing as it is over 20 years old. But it struggled with Simpsons hit and run. I pinned it down to the disc being super super scratched from when I played it as a kid so I went out and bought another copy. It’s near pristine so when my ps2 had an issue where half the map was just invisible and wouldn’t load it was a let down. Mixed with impossibly long loading times I put it down to my ps2 being old and lo and behold it completely packed up a week later. Fast forward to today I bought myself a backwards compatible ps3 because it got discounted at my local shop. It works perfectly and I’ve played a few ps2 games on it with absolutely no issue. So I was extremely excited to pop in hit and run and relive my childhood. And it worked fine at first. It was a bit slow but it’s a ps2 emulation on the ps3 I can’t really complain. But then as I was exploring it happened again. The map wouldn’t load and the music started looping the same 2 second part over and over. I know it’s not the disc that’s the issue because it’s been cleaned and it’s practically perfect. 1 tiny tiny minute light scratch but that’s it. Is there any way at all to fix this or am I just going to have to relive my childhood through YouTube videos? (And no I don’t intend to try and play it on pc I don’t own one)
TLDR: Simpsons hit and run map won’t load and music repeats same 2 second loop both on ps2 and backwards compatible ps3. Cannot find a fix on the internet not pc related 😣
I am replying Simpsons hit and run on the Wii (GameCube version) with an adaptor. I’m now on level 2 and have saved, however I want to go back to L1 and complete the races. How do I do this?
I want to find ROM for Nintendo Gamecube of Simpsons Hit and Run, that will be compatible with retroachievments and has hash like this. Could you help me to find this correct ROM please
I’ve just 100% the game what mods do you recommend I try out, I already have Lucas mod looking for something to experience something new, Thanks in advance
I am trying to figure out how to get rumble working with my dualsense controller playing on my steam deck. Anybody dealt with this before?
I spose I just don't notice any difference... pls help!
Check out my socials @jayroastjams if you like this kind of stuff :))
I used to play this game so much on PS2 and made my childhood memorable, where is the best play were I can get a copy for PC ? Thanks for the help
Are Kang and Kodos behind this? Is this all for an episode of "Foolish Earthlings"? What are the space-ratings of that show?