
Photograph via snooOG

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Do you actually enjoy Metal horrors

I went into Anomaly completely blind, expecting my colony to be wiped out because that’s just how Rimworld goes. The metal horrors seem absurd. I’m used to losing everything due to my own hubris, but getting a hidden infection from any anomaly attack, or even from a random colonist joining, is just ridiculous.

How are you supposed to survive without getting wiped out? Especially when the only way to detect the infection is for an RNG event to trigger at least twice while having an uninfected doctor AND actually knowing about the event from the wiki, it just builds to a pretty sour colony wipe

00:12 UTC


Looking for the name of this flooring type.

I'm starting my first 1.5 run, and I want to replicate the flooring I used for my workshops in 1.4, since I think it makes for a clean industrial look. But for the life of me I can't find it in flooring options.

I've tried Concrete, Paved Tile, Sterile Tile, Slate Slab, Stone Slab (Slate) Asphalt, Steel Tile, Random Paving (Slate). The only thing I can tell is that its compatible with Kuratheris's ExtraStone mod as I did it in Thometzekite for the generator room.

I know some people are going to reach out to ask if I'm blind for not recognize a semi-common flooring type, and I've made my peace with that. After 2 hours of trying to replicate it, its stuck taking up room in my head, and I just want to move on.

Any help with be much appreciated.


23:56 UTC


[Official Guide] Difference Between Console and PC Edition

[A Detailed Comparison of RimWorld Console and PC Edition] __________________________________________________________________

You asked and we delivered! Whether you have played RimWorld on Console (Xbox and PS4) and the PC Edition or you've simply watched gameplay of either version, you know that one thing between them all stands true. They have significant differences between all of them in terms of UI, gameplay mechanics, and DLC content. Below is a detailed breakdown, categorized by core game aspects, controls, UI, features, and DLC differences.

## Note to Moderators - Please adjust this post and flair, if you think this is fit for being pinned that is. Remove this note afterwards thanks! ##

RimWorld Vanilla (No DLC Expansions)

.::| Gameplay Features |::.

  • |PC
    • Full control over colonists, extensive modding support, and a highly flexible game engine.
    • Manual keyboard and mouse interface.
    • Complex job prioritization and management using drag-and-drop priority settings.
    • Richer game control, including advanced AI behavior management.
  • |Console
    • Simplified control system optimized for gamepads.
    • Auto-prioritization of tasks based on preset configurations.
    • Limited interaction with AI behavior and job prioritization.
    • Some game mechanics like manually drafting and controlling colonists feel slower due to controller navigation.
    • Game speed options are slightly limited compared to the PC.

.::| UI/Controls |::.

  • |PC
    • Full keyboard and mouse control with customizable key bindings.
    • Complex, multi-layered menus for colonist management, building, and research.
    • Faster access to colonist management, items, and menus using keyboard shortcuts.
    • Higher resolution and supports multiple displays.
  • |Console
    • Radial menu system to navigate between building, colonist management, and item interactions.
    • Control scheme optimized for a gamepad, with shortcuts assigned to buttons and triggers.
    • Actions require more steps, such as accessing menus through radial options, rather than hotkeys.
    • Reduced resolution and UI scaling to accommodate TV and console hardware.

.::| Performance |::.

  • |PC
    • Game performance will be reliant on the player’s hardware setup.
    • Capable of handling larger colonies with hundreds of pawns with fewer performance drops, especially with higher-end PCs.
  • |Console
    • Limited to smaller colonies (suggested around 50-75 pawns) before performance dips, depending on the complexity of tasks.
    • Framerate can drop significantly during large battles or when many colonists are active.

DLC Comparisons

.::| ROYALTY |::.

  • |PC
    • All features are present, including the intricate honor and royal title system.
    • More extensive interaction with psychic powers and the quest system.
    • Full range of royal demands and needs (e.g., bedroom requirements, throne rooms, etc.).
  • |Console
    • [UI Changes]: The interface for managing titles, royal demands, and psychic powers is simplified.
    • Some aspects of managing royal demands and permissions are automated to reduce complexity with a controller.
    • Psychic powers and quests are still available but may be slightly reduced in scope due to UI navigation limitations.

.::| IDEOLOGY |::.

  • |PC
    • Full flexibility in creating complex ideologies, complete with rituals, relics, and social roles.
    • Ability to customize multiple ideologies within the same game.
    • Extensive control over appearance, beliefs, and gameplay challenges.
  • |Console
    • [UI & Customization Changes]: Ideology creation and customization are streamlined to fit within a radial menu system.
    • Fewer options are available for setting up rituals, and UI elements related to relics and social roles are somewhat simplified.
    • Rituals and ideology settings are still present but not as fully fleshed out in the interface, especially when navigating through options.

.::| BIOTECH |::.

  • |PC
    • Full genetic modification and control over Xenotypes, with the ability to create and manage complex genetics within colonists.
    • Complete access to mechanoid control and managing new pregnancy and reproduction systems.
    • Extensive options for managing child development, age scaling, and education.
  • |Console
    • [Limited genetic modification controls]: While Xenotypes and genetic manipulation are available, the UI for genetic modification is less intricate.
    • Managing mechanoids and child development is present but slightly more streamlined with fewer intricate options due to controller navigation limitations.
    • Complex options like creating custom Xenotypes or controlling growth vats may require more UI layers and simplified menus.

General Differences

.::| UI and Control Specific Differences |::.

  • |PC
    • Players have full control of colony management with the precision of Keyboard and Mouse.
    • The UI allows for quickly switching between colonists, constructing zones, or using advanced control panels for managing work, health, and scheduling.
    • Hotkeys and key bindings can be customized to improve speed during management.
  • |Console
    • Radial menus slow down the selection and management process compared to PC. While optimized for gamepad use, accessing different colonists and menu items takes longer.
    • UI is scaled down, making it harder to manage larger colonies effectively.
    • Limitations on how many actions you can easily perform in quick succession compared to PC hotkeys.
    • Certain actions, like zooming and detailed inspections, may take more steps and time.

.::| Game Engine: Combat & AI |::.

  • |PC
    • More complex combat AI and strategy control, including advanced positioning, drafting, and micromanagement during raids.
    • Ability to rapidly switch between colonists and give precise orders.
  • |Console
    • Combat mechanics are largely the same, but with slower control responsiveness due to the gamepad interface.
    • Difficulty managing large numbers of colonists in combat simultaneously due to UI navigation speed.

.::| Game Engine: Research and Resource Management |::.

  • |PC
    • Research tree and resource management are more easily navigated with the keyboard and mouse.
    • Large-scale resource management and micromanagement of inventories are more efficient.
  • |Console
    • Research and inventory management are functional but slower, as they involve navigating more UI layers and using radial menus.
    • Resource management and stockpile management take additional steps and feel less responsive due to the lack of a quick drag-and-drop interface.

.::| User Interface (UI) |::.

  • Work Tab:
    • PC: Fully customizable with drag-and-drop priority settings for individual colonists.
    • Console: Simplified, no drag-and-drop. Task prioritization is preset with fewer granular control options.
  • Health Tab:
    • PC: Detailed injury and illness management, with full control over treatment types and quality.
    • Console: Streamlined; fewer layers to navigate but retains core functionality like tending and prioritizing care.
  • Gear Tab:
    • PC: Customizable loadouts and easy access to detailed inventory info for each colonist.
    • Console: Limited loadout management, with fewer item details on one screen.
  • Architect Menu:
    • PC: Instant access to all construction categories and options via hotkeys or clickable menus.
    • Console: Radial menu system. Slower navigation, with additional layers to access building categories.

.::| Controls and Actions |::.

  • Colonist Drafting:
    • PC: Fast with mouse clicks or hotkeys.
    • Console: Requires radial menu navigation to draft, slowing down reaction time in combat.
  • Commanding Multiple Colonists:
    • PC: Easy multi-select using mouse drag or shift+click.
    • Console: Slower, requires toggling between colonists via radial menus.
  • Zones and Stockpiles:
    • PC: Quickly drawn with the mouse for large areas.
    • Console: Slower, drawn using joystick, making large zone designation more cumbersome.

.::| Gameplay Features |::.

  • Time Controls:
    • PC: Fully adjustable with hotkeys (pause, fast-forward, etc.).
    • Console: Fewer time control options, requiring radial menu navigation for speed changes.
  • Job Assignments:
    • PC: Extensive control with fine-tuned priority settings for each colonist.
    • Console: Simplified job assignment, with fewer priority levels.
  • Research:
    • PC: Full research tree accessible with mouse clicks, can queue multiple research projects.
    • Console: Slower tree navigation using radial menus, no queuing feature.

.::| Game Items |::.

  • Steel Wall:
    • PC: Easily placeable with full rotation and alignment control.
    • Console: Same mechanics but slower placement due to radial menu navigation.
  • Weapons and Apparel:
    • PC: Easy gear management with drag-and-drop functionality for colonists.
    • Console: Slower equipment assignment, requiring more radial menu steps.

.::| Game Mechanics |::.

  • Colonist Behavior and AI Management:
    • PC: Micro-manage AI settings for each colonist (e.g., combat mode, work priority).
    • Console: Less direct control over AI behaviors, reliant on preset configurations.
  • Combat System:
    • PC: Greater control over individual colonist placement and micromanagement during raids.
    • Console: Slower to execute tactical movements due to UI navigation delays.

.::| DLC-Specific Mechanics |::.

  • Royalty (Quests and Titles):
    • PC: Detailed quest tracking, royal titles, and permissions management.
    • Console: Title management simplified, but retains core quest mechanics.
  • Ideology (Beliefs and Rituals):
    • PC: Fully customizable ideologies with multiple social roles, rituals, and behaviors.
    • Console: Streamlined ideology creation and management, with fewer options in customization menus.
  • Biotech (Xenotypes and Genetics):
    • PC: Full genetic modification system with complex xenotype creation.
    • Console: Genetic manipulation still available but with fewer detailed controls and UI layers.

.::| Graphics and Performance |::.

  • Resolution:
    • PC: Supports 4K and multi-monitor setups.
    • Console: Fixed resolution, scaled down for console performance, especially during large colony events.
  • Performance with Large Colonies:
    • PC: Better performance in handling large colonies and many active pawns.
    • Console: Performance drops significantly with more than 50-75 colonists due to hardware limitations.

This shorter breakdown can pair with the earlier guide for an efficient and detailed comparison between RimWorld on PC and Console. Let me know if you need more specific features or items broken down!

Following the Detailed Feature Comparison by Category, this section will focus on how to access features that are located differently or removed in RimWorld Console Edition compared to the PC version. Each entry highlights how to access these features, and where to find them on each platform, and will also mention any that are missing or altered significantly.

.::| Work Tab & Task Prioritization |::.

  • |PC
    • Location: Found at the bottom of the screen in the main HUD. Open via the “Work” tab.
    • Access: Direct access with click-and-drag functionality to reorder priorities from 1-4.
    • Missing on Console: Nothing removed, but no click-and-drag.
  • |Console
    • Location: Access through the radial menu.
    • Access: Navigate to colonist management > jobs. The priority system is automated and can’t be manually adjusted beyond predefined choices.
    • Difference: No click-and-drag options; changes take more steps due to radial menus.

.::| Health Tab & Health Operations |::.

  • |PC
    • Location: Available under each colonist’s menu (HUD).
    • Access: Direct click to view injuries, assign treatment, and conduct surgeries.
    • Operations: All operations like surgery can be selected through an intuitive drop-down menu.
  • |Console
    • Location: Radial menu under colonist options > Health.
    • Access: Navigate through health > treatments, making healing or surgery choices. Requires more steps to apply treatments, and there are fewer menu layers visible at one time.
    • Difference: More steps to assign surgeries and treatments due to radial navigation.

.::| Architect Menu-Building and Zoning |::.

  • |PC
    • Location: Always visible at the bottom-left. Contains all building options.
    • Access: Directly click categories (e.g., structures, furniture, zones). Each category expands instantly for access.
    • Removed on Console: Nothing, but the UI is slower.
  • |Console
    • Location: Accessed via the radial menu, under "Construction" and "Zones."
    • Access: Navigate through multiple radial layers. For example, placing a steel wall requires:
      • Open radial > select “Structure” > choose wall type.
    • Difference: Multi-layer radial menus increase the time needed to build or zone items. No instant access to all construction categories as on PC.

.::| Time Controls (Pause, Speed, Fast-Forward) |::.

  • |PC
    • Location: Found in the upper right corner or by pressing keyboard shortcuts (e.g., spacebar for pause, 1-3 for speed adjustments).
    • Access: Instant toggling between speeds with keyboard shortcuts.
  • |Console
    • Location: Accessed through the radial menu for speed changes.
    • Access: Requires cycling through speed options using the controller’s radial interface.
    • Difference: Slower access. Cycling between speeds is less responsive without hotkeys.

.::| Combat & Drafting Colonists |::.

  • |PC
    • Location: Available directly in the HUD, just click the draft icon.
    • Access: Select one or multiple colonists by dragging a box with the mouse or using shift+click to select multiple colonists for combat.
    • Removed on Console: Nothing, but UI is slower.
  • |Console
    • Location: Accessed via the radial menu for drafting.
    • Access: Navigate to colonist options > draft. Selecting multiple colonists requires individually selecting or toggling between them. No direct click-and-drag functionality.
    • Difference: Slower and less precise selection. Managing large-scale battles takes more time and button presses on Console.

.::| Research Tree & Unlocking Technologies |::.

  • |PC
    • Location: Available via the bottom menu. Click the “Research” tab to access the full tech tree.
    • Access: Research projects can be queued with a single click.
    • Missing on Console: Research queuing.
  • |Console
    • Location: Research is accessed via the radial menu.
    • Access: Open radial menu > select research > choose the current project. There is no research queue system, meaning players can only select one project at a time.
    • Difference: No ability to queue multiple research projects on Console. Navigation of the tech tree takes more steps.

.::| Gear and Inventory Management |::.

  • |PC
    • Location: Access through each colonist’s menu, under the “Gear” tab.
    • Access: Direct drag-and-drop system allows instant swapping of gear between colonists or assigning new items from stockpiles.
    • Removed on Console: Nothing, but no drag-and-drop.
  • |Console
    • Location: Access via radial menu under each colonist’s gear options.
    • Access: More steps are involved. Navigate to colonist > select gear > choose the item to equip or drop. No drag-and-drop system.
    • Difference: Gear swapping and assigning new items take longer due to radial interface layers.

.::| Zones & Stockpile Management |::.

  • PC Version:
    • Location: Zones and stockpiles can be accessed via the “Architect” menu at the bottom.
    • Access: Quick drag-and-drop for zone designation.
    • Removed on Console: Nothing, but less efficient zone placement.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Accessed through the radial menu under “Zones.”
    • Access: Navigate through the radial menu to choose the zone type (e.g., stockpile, growing zone). Then use the joystick to designate the zone, which takes more time compared to PC.
    • Difference: Zone management is less efficient and more cumbersome due to the joystick and radial menu navigation.

.::| Rituals and Social Roles |::.

  • PC Version:
    • Location: All ideology-related content (rituals, beliefs, roles) are accessible through the HUD or ideologies menu.
    • Access: Easily navigate and manage multiple ideologies with a point-and-click system. Rituals are performed directly from the UI.
    • Removed on Console: No specific rituals are removed, but the UI is simplified.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Ideology content is found through the radial menu.
    • Access: Fewer customization options when creating or managing ideologies. Rituals and roles are accessed through multiple radial menus, making rituals slower to start or manage.
    • Difference: Ideology management is more streamlined on Console but comes with fewer layers of depth in customization and a slower UI.

.::| Performance and Save Management |::.

  • PC Version:
    • Location: Save files are easily managed via the main menu or quick-save hotkeys.
    • Access: Instant save/load times depending on PC specs.
    • Missing on Console: Faster save management.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Save management is through the main menu and is more restricted by hardware.
    • Access: Slower save/load times, especially with larger colonies, due to console hardware limitations.
    • Difference: Save times and loading large colonies are slower on Console due to hardware limitations. No quick-save hotkey equivalent.

1. Work Tab (Task Prioritization)

  • PC Version:
    • Location: Found at the bottom of the screen in the main HUD. Open via the “Work” tab.
    • Access: Direct access with click-and-drag functionality to reorder priorities from 1-4.
    • Missing on Console: Nothing removed, but no click-and-drag.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Access through the radial menu.
    • Access: Navigate to colonist management > jobs. The priority system is automated and can’t be manually adjusted beyond predefined choices.
    • Difference: No click-and-drag options; changes take more steps due to radial menus.

2. Health Tab (Colonist Health and Operations)

  • PC Version:
    • Location: Available under each colonist’s menu (HUD).
    • Access: Direct click to view injuries, assign treatment, and conduct surgeries.
    • Operations: All operations like surgery can be selected through an intuitive drop-down menu.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Radial menu under colonist options > Health.
    • Access: Navigate through health > treatments, making healing or surgery choices. Requires more steps to apply treatments, and there are fewer menu layers visible at one time.
    • Difference: More steps to assign surgeries and treatments due to radial navigation.

3. Architect Menu (Building and Zoning)

  • PC Version:
    • Location: Always visible at the bottom-left. Contains all building options.
    • Access: Directly click categories (e.g., structures, furniture, zones). Each category expands instantly for access.
    • Removed on Console: Nothing, but the UI is slower.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Accessed via the radial menu, under "Construction" and "Zones."
    • Access: Navigate through multiple radial layers. For example, placing a steel wall requires:
      • Open radial > select “Structure” > choose wall type.
    • Difference: Multi-layer radial menus increase the time needed to build or zone items. No instant access to all construction categories as on PC.

4. Time Controls (Pause, Speed, Fast-Forward)

  • PC Version:
    • Location: Found in the upper right corner or by pressing keyboard shortcuts (e.g., spacebar for pause, 1-3 for speed adjustments).
    • Access: Instant toggling between speeds with keyboard shortcuts.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Accessed through the radial menu for speed changes.
    • Access: Requires cycling through speed options using the controller’s radial interface.
    • Difference: Slower access. Cycling between speeds is less responsive without hotkeys.

5. Combat & Drafting Colonists

  • PC Version:
    • Location: Available directly in the HUD, just click the draft icon.
    • Access: Select one or multiple colonists by dragging a box with the mouse or using shift+click to select multiple colonists for combat.
    • Removed on Console: Nothing, but UI is slower.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Accessed via the radial menu for drafting.
    • Access: Navigate to colonist options > draft. Selecting multiple colonists requires individually selecting or toggling between them. No direct click-and-drag functionality.
    • Difference: Slower and less precise selection. Managing large-scale battles takes more time and button presses on Console.

6. Research Tree (Unlocking Technologies)

  • PC Version:
    • Location: Available via the bottom menu. Click the “Research” tab to access the full tech tree.
    • Access: Research projects can be queued with a single click.
    • Missing on Console: Research queuing.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Research is accessed via the radial menu.
    • Access: Open radial menu > select research > choose the current project. There is no research queue system, meaning players can only select one project at a time.
    • Difference: No ability to queue multiple research projects on Console. Navigation of the tech tree takes more steps.

7. Gear and Inventory Management

  • PC Version:
    • Location: Access through each colonist’s menu, under the “Gear” tab.
    • Access: Direct drag-and-drop system allows instant swapping of gear between colonists or assigning new items from stockpiles.
    • Removed on Console: Nothing, but no drag-and-drop.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Access via radial menu under each colonist’s gear options.
    • Access: More steps are involved. Navigate to colonist > select gear > choose the item to equip or drop. No drag-and-drop system.
    • Difference: Gear swapping and assigning new items take longer due to radial interface layers.

8. Zones & Stockpile Management

  • PC Version:
    • Location: Zones and stockpiles can be accessed via the “Architect” menu at the bottom.
    • Access: Quick drag-and-drop for zone designation.
    • Removed on Console: Nothing, but less efficient zone placement.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Accessed through the radial menu under “Zones.”
    • Access: Navigate through the radial menu to choose the zone type (e.g., stockpile, growing zone). Then use the joystick to designate the zone, which takes more time compared to PC.
    • Difference: Zone management is less efficient and more cumbersome due to the joystick and radial menu navigation.

9. Ideology (Rituals and Social Roles) - DLC Specific

  • PC Version:
    • Location: All ideology-related content (rituals, beliefs, roles) are accessible through the HUD or ideologies menu.
    • Access: Easily navigate and manage multiple ideologies with a point-and-click system. Rituals are performed directly from the UI.
    • Removed on Console: No specific rituals are removed, but the UI is simplified.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Ideology content is found through the radial menu.
    • Access: Fewer customization options when creating or managing ideologies. Rituals and roles are accessed through multiple radial menus, making rituals slower to start or manage.
    • Difference: Ideology management is more streamlined on Console but comes with fewer layers of depth in customization and a slower UI.

10. Performance and Save Management

  • PC Version:
    • Location: Save files are easily managed via the main menu or quick-save hotkeys.
    • Access: Instant save/load times depending on PC specs.
    • Missing on Console: Faster save management.
  • Console Version:
    • Location: Save management is through the main menu and is more restricted by hardware.
    • Access: Slower save/load times, especially with larger colonies, due to console hardware limitations.
    • Difference: Save times and loading large colonies are slower on Console due to hardware limitations. No quick-save hotkey equivalent.

This breakdown follows the flow of the original Detailed Feature Comparison by Category, providing an efficient summary of feature access differences between PC and Console. These detailed comparisons will help users quickly understand where differences lie and how to access each feature on both platforms.

.::| Mod Support |::.

  • |PC
    • Extensive mod support through Steam Workshop and manual installation of mods.
    • PC players can add thousands of mods that extend functionality, add new mechanics, and customize the game almost infinitely.
  • |Console
    • **No Mod Support** - Console players cannot install mods due to platform limitations, restricting their ability to customize or expand gameplay.

.::| Game Updates and Patching |::.

  • |PC
    • Faster access to game updates, patches, and hotfixes directly through Steam.
  • |Console
    • Slower update cycle due to the console certification process. Some updates take longer to implement after they’ve been released on PC.

Final Conclusion & Closing Statement

While RimWorld Console Edition stays true to the core experience, the biggest differences are seen in control schemes, UI navigation, and performance. The PC version allows for greater complexity, faster control, and access to modding, while the console version sacrifices some flexibility and speed for a more streamlined, accessible experience. Each DLC is largely intact on both platforms, but the user experience differs due to the UI and control constraints of consoles.

Let me know if you need more details on any specific areas or additional features! If anyone has anything to add or contribute, please send me a message or an email with your recommended edits.

1 Comment
23:45 UTC


Renaming after i got "Boy"

Hello again from my 500% run. This is my first ever rimworld, and im wondering how to change names. after i got that new guy i really wana know. What even is a name "Boy"?


23:39 UTC


I love Rimthunder, but I need targets to shoot at. Any mods to increase the game's challenge?

I am currently enjoying playing Flight of the Valkyries as I swarm down on unsuspecting pirate encampments with a couple of Bradley IFV's.

I'm really enjoying playing with vehicles and a bunch of static defenses from Fortifications-Industrial and citadel, but I seem to have pretty much jumped the power curve for any difficulty the game can throw at me. I know Smash Phil has said that he is working on trying to get AI factions to use vehicles, but that capability is currently out of reach.

Does anyone know of any mods that will either add in additional factions that almost exclusively use heavy weapons and power armor, or any way I can get the AI to use these OP defensive weapons at their own outposts? Like, wealth be damned If I'm getting a melee raid give them all mono swords, cataphract armor, and jump packs.

23:01 UTC


There's a mod I want to try my hand at making, but I have no concept of how difficult it will be or where to start

TLDR: I want to make relic quest objectives spawn really far from my colony but I'm not quite sure how to do that or where to start, armed only with basic knowledge of coding and Rimworld's code, so now I'm bugging you guys for advice and/or guides.

So, a feature I have recently decided needs to be in Rimworld as I continue with a Medieval Overhaul colony is the ability to customize the distance at which quest objectives spawn on the map. Which is to say, I am clinically insane (as I assume most Rimworld players are) and I always wish that the quest objectives for certain quests, like the relic quests from Ideology, could spawn at basically the other end of the continent like the ship quest does. I really want it to feel like I'm going on a quest for that holy grail, not like I'm sending someone to pop over to the grocery store to get it.

The only thing is, though, I haven't been able to find any mods that let me do this, at least in my 20 minutes of searching. So, I've decided that I've gotta do this myself.

It seems to me, with my extremely limited knowledge of modding any games at all, like most Rimworld mods are made through either messing around in text files or directly editing the game's code. I'm definitely no stranger to digging through the text files, but I'm not sure if quest spawn distance is something that can be edited from there. This means I might have to edit the code itself, though I'm not familiar with the code structure of Rimworld or how easy it would be to make a change like this. I know just enough about coding to know that this has the possibility to be nightmarishly difficult depending on how quest spawns are generated, but not enough about coding to be considered actually capable.

Most of the modding guides I've found seem to focus on creating new things rather than editing existing ones, which leads me to my actual questions: where might I find a guide that helps explain how to mess with Rimworld's code? And if any of you are more intimately familiar with the code, do you have an idea of how difficult this might be, as well as where in the code I should be starting to look?

22:26 UTC


Descobrir mod

Alguém pode me ajudar a descobrir um mod? É um mod que voce marca em algum lugar no mapa e o colono vai atrás.

22:18 UTC


Quest choice

So I've got a quest that I'm not sure what reward I should pick. I'm using grimworld 40k btw just so you know. I could have

A) brookie (13 medical and 13 intellectual kinda just a joke I already have way to many people but she's an option)

B) 14 glitterworld medicine, 1 psychic emanator, 16 advanced medkits and 176 jade

C) 1 resurector mech serum 1 skilltrainer (social) and one bionic arm

I just finished researching microelectronics and they want 16 button down shirts for it.

22:05 UTC


Thoughts on future DLC

I love rimworld, I've played close to 3,000 hours and I can't get enough of it, that's why every time they announce a new DLC I get excited like a child on Christmas Day, but the company rarely promotes that it's going to be the next thing and at the same time Being a small team it takes more than 1 year to finish something that I will eagerly finish in 1 week or less (anomaly I finish it in 6 days) that's why I ask you: what do you think the next DLC will be? And why?

In my opinion it will be related to creatures like trumbos or insects, I think they have never touched any of that and we will have meat factories (like biosculpture) but creating animals from others with X probability of failing and not ...accidentally create a manhunt event inside the base or something lol

21:52 UTC


Ideology Apostasy behavior

Recently bought the Ideology and Royalty DLCs, and am prepping my first Ideoligion.
I started with a fluid build (ill learn and make changes as i go) and Proselytizer.

One of the precepts i have access to is called Apostasy.

I have read repeatedly that this precept works in a surprising way, in that when you convert people to your ideologion everyone will be mad at them (for changing from any religion to any religion).

People seem(ed) to be of the position if you convert them to your own ideoligion its bizzare that the pawns are mad.

I see many posts and discussions about how this is intended however.
If so that is fine.

But I also notice that those types of discussions all end years ago, and I can't really find anything current on it.

Maybe this is because it was changed so that your pawns are not upset by people converting to the ideoligion.
Or maybe people just accepted that this is intended behavior.

Before I hit go on this thing, can anyone tell me how Apostasy will work in regard to converting people to your own ideologion, in the most current updates? I plan to do lots of converting, and while I would like the global certainty boost from Apostacy, its not worth it if everyones going to hate each other. So this will decide if i want it or not


20:33 UTC


First time seeing a 'random genes' pawn and he's an absolute unit

no that's not another muffalo

Smelly here is also the oldest pawn I've ever seen at a limber 96 with dementia, frail, and a bad back.

All I could do was marvel at the glory of the "Sickdol" and his 175% hunger rate.

20:06 UTC


Did anyone realise all pawns named Bowman are starfighter pilot?

İs it from a film or something?

19:33 UTC


My Friend asks "How do I turn my colonists into Unitologists?"

"Hi, I'm new to the game. Id like to ask you guys which expansions paired what mods would be the best to turn my colony into Cultist Base of Unitologist akin to those from Dead Space universe? We are talking about human sacrifices, body horror and/or weird alien in origin artifacts to worship. Every recommendation is welcome"

My Friend is currently banned and patiently waits for his ban to end, and i know nothing about dead space so i couldn't help Him myself outside of "Buy anomaly and check the workshop".

19:22 UTC


Randy kept on sending militor-Bug/Glitch Spacedrone quest

1 Comment
19:06 UTC

19:00 UTC


Builders don't work on plans unless materials are already delivered.

Title basically. Unless other pawns bring resources to plans, my builders will completely ignore them and instead start doing lower priority jobs. I have plenty of required materials, so it's not that. Also, no zone restriction whatsoever. If I manually (prioritize) pawn to work over plans, they will bring materials themselves, but it's not how it used to be like a day before. It's like that for two different builders. Mods I have:

  • Interaction Bubbles
  • Medical Dissection
  • Recycle This
  • Doors Expanded
  • Actually Vanilla Music Expansion (so nothing really related).

Any ideas what can cause this issue?

EDIT: It works flawlesly, just like before. Maybe restarting the game was enough?

EDIT 2: Okay, I think I found the problem. Because it seems it happens only while constructing things out of stone bricks. Pawns ignore such plans, but make wooden chairs just fine. I suspect it has something to do with my blueprint to build Relic Altar.

  • Relic Altar requires 300 bricks.
  • Stone trap requires 45 bricks.
  • I have 150 bricks in my storage.
  • For some reason, pawns won't build ANYTHING out of stone, before being able to comple Altar first.

That sounds a bit reasonable, after all Altar was placed way before I placed traps blueprints. Maybe it wasn't a bug, just a feature all along? Don't know how to change flair, but this problem is solved.

18:43 UTC


How To Hide Error Message

Hello everyone. Is there a way to hide this error message and suppress the annoying "ring" sound it plays?


18:42 UTC



I don't understand why I'm getting these errors, everything seams fine from compability point of view.

Rimpy Modlist: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10AZT6ESwwExr4lUraRU_ENIyt6AkHbTS/view?usp=sharing

18:35 UTC


Work priorities mod

Hey guys i`m need mod for have two work priority layouts, how`d named this mod? Sorry, my Ingresh not so very good/

18:27 UTC


Keeping infestation for defending raids

18:23 UTC


1.5 medieval and cowboy themed runs available?

So I am currently approaching the end of my spacer run, and I already have a want to try some other play styles primarily a cowboy wild west themed run and a medieval run but I remember the medieval storyteller mods hasn't been updated to 1.5 since they're trying to remake it and I think it's the same for the industrial mod so I'm curious if there is currently a secondary mod I could use or if I just have to wait for those to come out

17:47 UTC

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