For all your Rimworld memes and reaction gifs.
Have you ever had traders and raiders show up at your door and wonder "do they go great with some Chianti or Amerone"?
Have you ever taken apart prisoners piece by piece and fed them their old allies in the process?
If so, SpaceCannibalism is right for you! Come in today and we'll even throw in some totally not human leather chairs.
Jerks will be turned into hats.
No NSFW, period.
Use common sense. If something makes you say, 'Wow, that's fucked up,' don't post it.
genie is there because they would just go into pain shock if they tried anything remotely freaky.
I’d just like to know what you think is the best Rimworld play-style, in your own opinion 🧫
Evidently I'm pretty Anti-Moon in general.