
Photograph via snooOG

A place to safely share and discuss psychedelic trips in the Oculus Rift (and other HMDs).

A Subreddit dedicated to exploring the wonderful worlds created in VR whilst on psychedelics. But also strong feelings of presence are welcome.








12,281 Subscribers


Are you living in a simulation? | Comedy, Horror

Living in Sim is having a Halloween discount on Meta Quest store.

It's a virtual reality-bending trip to a post-party, drug-fuelled argument about whether the world is a simulation.

I released this during the pandemic and feel I never advertised it properly but it's the perfect film for this subreddit.

It's perfect for anyone who wants to watch a trippy 360 3D film involving simulated drug use with some novel filmmaking techniques. Enjoy!

21:28 UTC


New to VR

Hi I’ve done psychedelics numerous times, me and my boy are planning another L5D trip session & I’ve recently bought a VR. It’s a meta Quest 3!

Can people drop down the best apps, games & experiences for VR on L5D? Visually good things.

13:47 UTC


[4K60 HDR VR] 33 minute long mix of all my best Raytraced-3D VR animations!

1 Comment
20:18 UTC


Quick and last Reminder: Participate in our online survey “Psychedelics and Belief Changes”!

The Recreational Drugs research group at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin are looking for participants for an online survey. Psychedelics ("classic" / serotonergic psychedelics) such as LSD, psilocybin ("magic mushrooms"), DMT, ayahuasca or mescaline are currently experiencing a renaissance in science. But how they work exactly and what potential they offer for therapy is not yet clear. With this study, we aim to better understand how psychedelic experiences, beliefs about the world and ourselves, and mental well-being are related. 

You can participate if you've had at least one experience with classic psychedelics and you're 18 years or older.  

Our survey is entirely anonymous and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.   

We sincerely appreciate your participation and thank you in advance! 

Michael Koslowski, MD, PhD & the entire study team 


Please note: filling out the survey works best on a computer screen or on a mobile device in landscape mode. 

Access the survey here: https://belief-survey-psychedelics.charite.de/en/ 

Who we are: https://psychiatrie-psychotherapie.charite.de/en/research/substance_related_and_addictive_disorders/research_group_recreational_drugs/ 

13:09 UTC


Trippy painting game?

I'm basically looking for a trippy 3D painting game like Open Brush, except where things start morphing and/or moving around the space. Does this exist? I have the Oculus 2.

1 Comment
02:08 UTC


Participate in our online survey “Psychedelics and Belief Changes”!

The Recreational Drugs research group at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin are looking for participants for an online survey. Psychedelics ("classic" / serotonergic psychedelics) such as LSD, psilocybin ("magic mushrooms"), DMT, ayahuasca or mescaline are currently experiencing a renaissance in science. But how they work exactly and what potential they offer for therapy is not yet clear. With this study, we aim to better understand how psychedelic experiences, beliefs about the world and ourselves, and mental well-being are related.

You can participate if you've had at least one experience with classic psychedelics and you're 18 years or older.

Our survey is entirely anonymous and will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.  

We sincerely appreciate your participation and thank you in advance!

Michael Koslowski, MD, PhD & the entire study team


Please note: filling out the survey works best on a computer screen or on a mobile device in landscape mode.

Access the survey here: https://belief-survey-psychedelics.charite.de/en/

Who we are: https://psychiatrie-psychotherapie.charite.de/en/research/substance_related_and_addictive_disorders/research_group_recreational_drugs/

07:58 UTC


Realms of Flow - Teaser | "Altered States of Mycelia" - VR Experience [Generative AI]

Sprout from darkness, drawn to light, Patiently awaiting the seeker’s mind. 🍄

Curiosity reigns, a rush, a tingling thrill. The wait is over, released, forever. My essence floods, magic instilled. Let us know the world, together. ✨️🫠

08:54 UTC


Realms of Flow | Nature's Calling - New Experience

Tune into your essence, your roots, your inner truth. 🌿✨️ Breathe and blossom. 🌸

Meta Quest: https://www.meta.com/de-de/experiences/6062798767111272

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2397600/Realms_of_Flow

17:22 UTC


trippy music experience/rave Aug 13th, 10pm PST

If you have VR you should partake in this incredible music experience. We start with God is a DJ, the most professional, artistic, multi-layered VR music experience there is. It's something that has to be experienced.

If interested add me on discord at funhorroryes

We're hosting the event on August 13th, 10pm PST.

1 Comment
11:35 UTC


Seeking participants for study on differences in cognition between psychedelic users and non-users

We are recruiting participants for a study on differences in cognition between psychedelics users and non-users. If you were to take part, you would be required to follow the link to the study that applies to you as there will be separate links for psychedelics users and non-users. There would be a participant information sheet as well as complete a consent form for you to read through. Following this, there would be a questionnaire to complete which will include questions about yourself and your use of psychedelics and other drugs. There would then be a series of tests to complete which measure aspects of brain functioning. In total, the study would take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Please only participate if you are using a laptop as the experiment will not be able to be accessed on an iPhone or iPad. The experiment will not be able to be accessed using Safari so please use another browser.

The information gathered about you through the study would be kept anonymous and only individuals directly involved in analysing your data would have access to it. You would be free to withdraw your data at any point during the data collection phase without giving a reason. Due to the anonymous nature of the data, it will not be possible for you to withdraw your data following completion of the data collection phase. You are eligible to participate in this study if:

  • You are over 18 years of age.
  • Have a good understanding of the English language.
  • Have normal-to-corrected vision.
  • Have either used psychedelics at least 25 times, but not in the past 4 weeks, or have never used a psychedelic. Specifically, we are interested in use of classical psychedelics, which include psilocybin, ayahuasca, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and dimethyltryptamine (DMT). We are not interested in use of substances that may have psychedelic effects but are not classic psychedelics, such as ketamine, nitrous oxide, MDMA, or cannabis.
  • Have never been diagnosed with a mental health condition by a psychiatrist, such as depression or anxiety.
  • Have never been diagnosed with a neurological condition. These are conditions which affect the brain, spinal cord, or nerves, such as a brain tumour, dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, or epilepsy.
  • Have never had a head injury.
  • Have never been diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental condition. These are disorders that involve differences in the development of the brain which influence how the brain functions, such as autism, intellectual disability, or ADHD.

Please follow the link below to participate in the study if you are a psychedelics user:


Please follow the link below to participate in the study if you are a non-user:


08:32 UTC


Trip Together in VR/Online

1 Comment
08:35 UTC


Bound VR Goes F*ckin Stupid 🫠

Last night (06/12/24) was considerably 1 of the strongest trips I've ever had in my life leading up to this point in time now. Let me say 1st without hesitation that I WAS BEYOND fucking fried I made kfc look slightly crispy compared to the type of fried I was looking like. To even be able to fucking function enough to play a vr game was beyond me at that time but I wasn't discouraged so let me tell you a vivid story based on what happened that night. It's Wednesday night I'm smoking hella weed and I get the idea hey I just ordered a vr it comes in 15mins according to prime shipping fuck it I'ma go eat a 4 gram albino penis envy x tidal wave shroombar which was slightly more expensive then the other shroom bars my plug was selling and was like fuckkk it an just Mike Tyson devoured the bar.

1hr and 15mins goes by and I'm in my room mouth wide open auto breathing has now turned and found myself straight up drooling in my gaming chair going "omg, the world is fucking breaking apart all bc the objects looked so geometricly designed and are constantly moving and shaking it plays to this ambience that the world is alive and moving and plus all the ballerina dance moves u do in game the way her body flows too it's like art it feels like if your mind is in a state of calm your just apart of the game watching her story even tho your the 1 playing her in game. I'd take the vr headset off just to see if my real life reality was more beautiful then the reality of this VR world that doesn't really exist yet I felt more apart of the atmosphere and the overall Gameworld of bound then I did irl which was crazy bc %90 of my life I spent outside and just now recently started to get back into gaming heavy. It felt like I was in a separate realm trying to bridge and fix gaps in someone else's story which how I ended up relating to main character.

The colors and spiraling geometry make this game one of the most visually immersive and impressive games of this century even if the game is a oldie it's still a goodie. There was a couple of times playing this game where I peaked too hard and throw up on my monitor where it felt like I was spinning irl getting motion sickness but not realizing it. I watched the entire overalworld fold in on itself and then fold back out which made me lean forward and backwards out of my chair an visually I was in trance for 3hrs which felt like 7 hrs tbh. I highly recommend bound to anyone that is tripping super intensely that just want to ease anxiety and find simplicity and peace. This game hits on so many different levels I definitely highly recommend.

I stream on twitch everyday And I plan on doing streams live this week while tripping on shrooms and acting a fool playing some VR games so if you wanna follow me on twitch the support is greatly appreciated. Search up: (DankyDankkk) on twitch if your interested bc i can't find a link to my own twitch channel. Nonetheless i appreciate whoever read this God bless lmk your feedback in the comment's down below ↓

01:40 UTC


Do any of y’all take take drugs while playin flat screen too?

I don’t know about you fellas, but before getting VR I never did as much speedballs or other chem stuff in a home environment. Guess it shows I never threw house parties much lol (I was more of trance/rave guy). Playing just regular PC before that, I was blitzed out on OG Kush most of the time. Like, throughout most of college lol. It’s the state I did most of the Dark Souls games in, which I think also shows that they’re not *that hard*, since even I — the lowliest of stoners — could beat them. Eh, with some effort but none of the rage

Complete contrast with VR where I actually want to be hyped — I want that physical experience of immersion, and not be all up in the clouds. That’s what got me to try physical stimulants like speed and I think I left a post about this a while back. But man, VR shooters like Vail (for multiplayer at least, especially the Scoutzknives mode) and Superhot (for singleplayer bafoonery) and recently Bonelabs — are just amped up at least 2x or 3x when my whole body and mind are totally focused. IMHO multiplayer games feel better than singleplayer and improve results, but only in private lobbies both in Vail VR and Pavlov (of those VR FPS I tried) since kids in lobbies just kill the whole vibe.

It’s hard to put into words, but VR gaming is more of a physical thing for me and I want to feel the raw input I’m making with the finger tracking pad… and the rifle stock when I’m playing shooters hahaha. But flat screen has now become more of a chill mode for me when I want to play some 4X games like Age of Wonders or a low-dopamine, slow burning RPG like Pathfinder & Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s the Netflix & Chill version of my gaming life, while VR has a become my go-to rave substitute ever since I stopped with regular partying hahahaha

03:24 UTC


1994 posting



Virtual Reality, shaman child Posts: 1 dt@c**-..***i.edu 05/03/1994 20:43:41 UTC I'm not sure If anyone has made much of a big deal out of an insight

which I have developed over the past year. I guess It was inspired by a few

things, such as: Lawnmower Man (the movie), Virtual Reality(book by Howard

Rhiengold), Micheal Harner' and Terrence Meckenna's books.

My insight pertains to the deeply rooted, interelationship between the developing V.R. Cyberspace and the Shamanic space. To expalin this relationship, I begin with the begining:

Since birth of Homo sapiens, the historical

record has shown the global application and functioning of Shamanism.

This may possibly go back to Homo-erectus? Meckenna' believes that the

"shamanic reality" was opened by the prehistorical discovery and symbiosis

of man/natue via the psychedelic mushrooms. Meckenna' goes on to mention

that, through his own shamanic travels, he has come to know that it was a

special kind of psychedelic mushroom, called DMT. He provides well documented

research regarding this shamanically recieved hypothesis and argues most

convincingly(at least for a non-scholar as myself). He also believe that this

very contact may have cause the birth of the Homo sapien from predicessors by

bestowing such a tremendous amount of new information that it cause a species-

wide jump in complexity or something. This also sound reasonable to me.

Another thing he notes in his writting's, is the egoless nature of

human who were in this era of man/nature symbioses. Now, I believe that the

offspring of these first "ecstacies" became the religious traditons and of

course the current(psychedelic and/or drumming) shamanic practices. Hinduism

and Buddism, a couple of our older modern "religions"(term is loose) practice

ways which regain ,and/or seek ,to regain this egoless nature by methods other

than psychedelic. As time went on, I believe, religions lost the everyday

encounters with the egoless man/nature symbioses, provided by Shamanism, and

as a result were forced into reccounting these experiences in "good old days"

term. In essence, this created ritual which would, for most, dry up into ego-

seeking dogmatism that would reinforce materialistic pursuits and way of life.

As a product of this ego-seeking or Duhka(ultimate suffering which any good

Buddhist will tell you is the suffering that comes from grasping outside of

yourself for things you believe are missing, came an emperialistic and

materialoriented society that quickly became violent toward the egoloathing,

spiritual, mystical, and shamanic. As time went on, some religions where

forced to split in a "Mystical or spiritual side" and the "Ritual side". This

seemed to suggest that the whole which was created in the collective

consiousness needed fullfillment and so turned back to a more "ecstatic" way.

Now, the interesting thing is to note that the materialistic,

dualistic, ego-oriented, Duhka-oriented and persecuting societies would

search compete and slaughter for every and any excuse, only to have given

birth to the industrial revolution, which then gave birth to the computer,

and finally to Cyberspace.

Why is this interesting, and what does it have to do with shamanism?

Everything. We must recall that the "technological" or "western"

society(Mckenna calls them "dominator") has been a very brief era, a few

houndred years, and it's ancestral culture(materialistic), a few thousand.

However, shamanism , has been around for maybe 100,000 or more.

My point is that out of the collective unconsioussness of the newer

societies who came to create our current cyberspace, there was a hunger for

that connected nature they left behind. What has been created is the

man/machine symbioses, a product of that yearning, and hence the Net. But

whats more, the invention of virtual reality, which COINCEDENTLY, provides

a parallel to the shamanic origins!

When we take time to see this, we note many parallels(it boggles the

mind) :

1 - Both share symbols for practical interplay, like the "tunnels"

2 - Both use power tools which are only truly "seen" in that shamanic

or cyber reality.

3- Both can give the user freedom from the constriction of our

"ordinary" reality. Ex. flying, changing shape, morphing into different

physical states.

4- Both a shaman and a modern Cyber-doctor use a similar overlapping

display where the "other" reality provides information of the patients body

(malevolent organisms or whatever). One is done via a computer analysis the

other, who realy know? Both can work!

5- Both can result in the instilment of an ego-less nature! ( ask me

about this if anyone is interested!)

6- Both apply specific body position, at times, to produce a desired


7- both can provide tremendous knowledge and valuable information.

8- just as shamans once used their shamanic reality, to do things such

as : distant viewing, past viewing, future viewing ( at times with the

help of power crystals), so does modern cyber-society, using satellite,

computer imaging and predictive algorithms. And just like shamanic group

voyages, to unknown areas, so to does our Multi-media and telepresent


9 - In shamanic reality, the shaman frequently has interactions with three general types of "beings" or energies, all of which interact with the shaman in symbolic incarnate forms; just who chooses a particular form or how it manifest in a particular way is unknown. These are typically called helper spirits and power(animal) spirits which are both found in the lower world and the spirit guides, found in the upper world. Here helper spirits may be plants, power spirits are animals, and spirit guides are h

uman forms. This entire shaman space ecology works with a shaman to perform the practical tasks of healing, seeing future danger and avoidance of a wrong path.

This is all replicated (coincidently?) in our present understanding of V.R. Cyberspace's form and function. The Cybanics will also be working with an cyber-ecology of beings which fit the precedence of shaman space. Expert systems/Agent will be much like our power spirits that can assist us in accessing important knowledge(health or otherwize), Artificial life will scatter the cyber-landscape, in great multitudes, as ongoing experiments with computational evolution. It is reasonable to assume that they, m

uch like helper spirits, will be guided to assist us too. Finally, sophisticated A.I. (perhaps proginy of cyber-evolution) does seems to fit a guide role, maybe?

The parallels go on and on, (I will write more If asked) but what's

important is the, so to speak, "return of the prodigal son". In this modern

era the old and new, the materialistic and spiritual, east and west, shamanic

and Cybanic must meet and work side by side. This is, and will, continue to

happen. What we are witness to is a re-entry into shamanic and Cybanic space,

so tremendously vast, that the result will be the begining of the new paradigm,

.....................THE NEW SPECIES.

1 Comment
01:27 UTC


Realms of Flow | New Experience 'Dissolve'

What exactly makes you ‘you’? What even is the 'self’? Isn't the idea of ‘me’ just another thought, appearing on the canvas of your consciousness?

Unravel the tightly wound spool of self-identity - not to lose, but to expand it. Let the ego's clamor fade into a symphony of silence!

~ Wind down and drift away in the infinite Realms of Flow! 🌬✨️💜 (Store links in the YT video description)

10:11 UTC


The degenerate joy of playing Vail VR on amphetamine

This is going to come off wrong but dammit if I can’t hold it in — I found out really recently that I absolutely crazy love playing VR shooters on amphetamines. I did the substance before at parties and during my time in college, during raves especially, and I thought that time was way behind me. Well, it is — but it seems another era of speed-gaming is right now. For disclaimers, I mostly just smoke weed and chill out when playing games, but something about FPS games in VR — about the feeling of handling the guns and reloading them — is so much more enhanced when I do high-grade German speed. It’s not even large quantities (I don’t wanna become an addict to this sorta crap), but the experience is magnified about 5x to 10x times. In Vail VR, where the textures of players and the maps are so slick, and the optics on the rifles so realistic, doing just one line did something to synergize me with the gameplay. I guess it also helped that the lobby I was in also had some people who were on…or rather in questionable non-straight states of mind lol

Welp, just wanted to put this out there for any of you speed-users. Vail VR, Pavlov and the new Contractors are the way to go. Do try it out — it’s probably just coincidence that Vail was the one that did it for me since it’s the latest VR shooter I started, so it was my first pick. And anyway, let me know of your experiences with amphetamine and VR games. Really wondering how, when, and what games click with you when you’re UP (and I have to add an obligatory LMAO to this, since I was laughing my ass off for some reason while playing the game, felt like a WW2 era soldier on pervitin) 

PS: Might leave an update on this post when the binge ends since I’m just taking smoke & reddit break while writing this. Cheers fellas

BTW I know racing games are recommended as really really good for trips like this, but I wouldn’t know, played no racing games yet in VR so feel free to comment on that if you have and what YOUR experience was like. Cheers again!

06:29 UTC


My favorite VR trip toy

Just wanted to share this app for anybody who doesn't know about it! It is an absolute blast even while sober just for messing around in :)


A Walk In The Woods is also fantastic for meditating in on the come-up of stuff:


02:40 UTC


No wonder why everyone is so quiet in the metaverse

1 Comment
07:06 UTC


Which genres go well with which drugs?

So, I recently had a great ride playing VR while totally drunk. First time trying it and it went like a 1000x times better than I expected. Kicked it off with something casual (Walkabout), then switched to Vail VR to see how good I could hold it down in a hectic shooter while yelling insults at people and shooting. The real alcoholic VR experience.

Now, weed’s usually my go-to so I’m not even mentioning it, whether it’s VR or just regular PC gaming. But I’m wondering what games (and specific genres) you’d recommend I play in VR while doing some heavier stuff. I’ve tried LSD and shrooms before, but it was never in combination with games. Only once watched the LotR Trilogy on lsd and… the results were disappointing. I just laughed through the whole thing and didn’t remember a single detail of that experience.

Anyways, yeah, considering to combine my next shroom trip with VR, so any reccos for it are welcome :)

16:39 UTC


Blade and Sorcery on Psychedelics (Magic Truffle)

11:53 UTC


Hexarcher VR! Drop a comment with ideas

Hey, a quick summary was making a game with a phenomenal background and some targets that you can shoot. A chill game with some sort of strategic input but mostly chill with some music and vibes overall.
Its in the demo now but i would like to have some feedback on it and make it so it can be chill and entertaining


13:41 UTC


Quest 2/3 Handtracking recommendations for Ketamine Therapy

Hello, I have a Quest 2 and was thinking of bringing it to use with handtracking during one of my Ketamine spray treatments.

Quest 3's a little slimmer though so may wait to get that, but need software/game recommendations that are handtracking supported.

13:05 UTC


Realms of Flow | Update: New Experience - "Home Within"

Your mind is not a prison, but a palace! 🏰💫

1 Comment
16:16 UTC


Can anyone recommend any good walking sims or games that have minimal user input?

Me and my friend plan on doing a vr ket night and we need some good material for the evening.

I am a total vr novice so I haven't really used it before but will soon have my hands on a quest 3. I'm thinking some sort of immersive vr simulation where you sort of just watch what unfolds could be good. Do many of these exist? Or anything similar?

Anything that pairs well without me having to use much brain power really would be great.


Edit - thanks to anyone who commented, got some great suggestions in here!

20:22 UTC


🦇💎Bat swings and crystal shards: The ultimate combo in Blade Ball gaming!

21:15 UTC


VR rave event in the most insane world in vrchat; you should come!

We're hosting another rave/musical/visual experience on February 24th, pacific standard time. It's free to join, and we're trying to get as many as we can this time around. Our previous two events had 12-16 attendees and we'd like to beat that this time.

The show itself is a beautifully crafted new medium of art and experience. Words can't do it justice. Anyone with an interest in electronic music, VR, full body dancing, visuals, and artistry should come check it out. We'll be doing two worlds back to back then maybe some fun side worlds after. The first world we'll use is God is a DJ by PK. Its a public world but the experience is best done with a group. The second will be a brand new release by the same creator.

It's pcvr only, and gets very intense so be warned.

If interested add me on discord at funhorroryes

09:18 UTC


Apple vision pro + mind altering


Does anyone have any stories with the new apple vision pro and mind altering substances?

I'd guess it's just more fun/relaxing with weed, but I'm more interested about things like LSD, shrooms etc.

I don't have the headset myself but I'm very keep on hearing stories. I haven't found anything relating to this elsewhere either.

1 Comment
10:24 UTC

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