
Photograph via snooOG

Anything and everything Columbidae! Whether you keep doves, have questions, or just like the idea of them, this is the place for you.

Welcome to /r/Petdoves! We're a community of people that love doves and pigeons. If you have questions about keeping doves then feel free to ask!

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  • Posts should pertain to doves, and pigeons of any species whether domestic, feral, or wild. General bird-related questions are fine as well if you are having trouble getting answers in other forums.

  • Respect should be offered to anyone posting in this forum regardless of their beliefs.

  • This is not a place to talk about pigeon hunting as a sport. The Sub itself does not hold a stance for or against the sport, but threads concerning it will not be allowed in order to keep content within the realm of pet doves and pigeons.

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Male dove pecking female dove.

I’m taking care of a female dove that has damage on its head from a male dove pecking the top of the head a lot. I’m holding it till I can go to a rescue or a sanctuary. I’m wondering why would this be the case?

18:50 UTC


Is my dove egg bound?

Hi! New to having birds but I got 2 ring neck doves from a rescue recently, both female. One of them recently laid 3 with no problem, but it's been a few days and there's no 4th egg yet. Yesterday she seemed lethargic and quiet which is strange because she's normally the more active and vocal of the two. I gave her a warm bath and held the food by the nest so she ate in the morning and the evening for sure, but other than the bath she was laying down all day as far as I know. This morning she was back to cooing at me and being sweet, but didn't eat until I held the bowl by her nest again. But after, she came out to stretch her wings and has been active and eating fine, although she seems a little bottom heavy when she tries to fly so there might still be an egg in there. I got a new calcium supplement that's stronger and will try another warm bath but otherwise not sure what to do at this point. The vet is an option if it sounds like that's the next step, but not looking to over stress them if it's unnecessary. Any help is appreciated!

17:54 UTC


Eggs not hatching

I have a ring neck dove pair that are bonded. They nest ed and the female has laid several eggs that never hatch. They are good parents taking turns sitting on the clutch. This has been months now. The male is pied so maybe he’s infertile? Not sure what to do. Remove the eggs? I fear that will lead to more laying and deplete the female. They spend so much time taking care of eggs that never hatch..

20:17 UTC


Anybody want a collared dove?

Hey all, new to the sub. A few months back i found a little baby dove on the ground with a pretty nasty head wound. I tried to get him to a rehab but they wouldn't take him because they were full. So months later, he is a fully healed fully feathered collared dove living in my home. He's an invasive species in northern California so I can't legally release him to live a free life, plus at this point he's highly habituated. I would just keep him, but I'm worried I don't have the time to spend with him that he deserves, since he doesn't have a companion dove to bond with.

I'm just reaching out to see if anyone has collared doves that would want to take him on. I care about the little guy and I want him to have a good life where he can fly around and bond with other doves.

Let me know if anyone has any suggestions or leads on a good home for Bashy Brains

01:29 UTC


Male or Female?

Getting “her” tested tomorrow at the vet. She’s been quiet since I got her today and just started doing this in response to my boys in the background. Person I rescued her from said he thinks she’s a girl based on behavior and how his other male doves acted crazy around her. Is this a male only behavior?

20:59 UTC



my dove got scared and started doing this, I've contacted a lot of vets but they aren't available on Sundays, she's having trouble breathing, her tail is very low and she's laying on the side I don't know what to do

20:49 UTC


🤔My baby dove layed an egg 🙄

Hey guys i have a baby ringneck dove , she is about 2 month and 15 days old . Today i saw an broken egg down under the perch she sits everyday. Is this normal ? Her mother succeeded in layying egg when she was 8 month old 🙄. Although there is a wild dove sometimes comes and visit my house maybe she has dropped the egg 😐 , I'm wondering if my baby has layyed an egg without any mating, does this mean she would layy another one tomorrow?

11:55 UTC


Looking for Recommendations on Calcium Grit for Female Doves

I have a female ringneck dove who is a regular egg layer. I would love to provide her with a calcium-rich grit, as I’ve heard it’s an excellent way to ensure female doves get the extra calcium they need.

Does anyone have any recommendations on specific brands or types of calcium grit that work well? I’m also open to trying supplements if those are more effective. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

22:53 UTC


How to make diapers less traumatic?

Got my birds into the diapers. Spent day one and two just leaving them in the cage for them to investigate. Day three we practiced going over the head. Day four I got them on. One of my doves is positively shaking and went back to his cage (he never goes back to his cage if I have the cage open). The other is annoyed and just keeps flapping. I keep giving them treats as they continue to wear them, but I’m unsure what else to do. Anything to make this “scary” activity a little easier on them?

23:25 UTC


Wings of peace and beauty

07:24 UTC


Wild fledgling help!

This little mourning dove (I believe it’s a fledgling but not positive) is in the arborvitae just outside my front door. About three days ago I unfortunately found it’s sibling, who was much less developed, dead on the ground below. It looks like the nest fell apart. I’m not sure if this living baby was outside the nest because it was ready to be or if it somehow made it out before the nest fell apart. I’ve been keeping an eye on it since then. Until this morning the parents seemed to be taking care of it and staying with it. But I haven’t seen them with the baby since early this morning and it’s evening now. I haven’t seen them in the area either. I obviously haven’t had eyes in this guy every single moment so I realize they could have very well come and gone when I wasn’t looking. But especially with this heat wave I’m a little worried. Could they be feeding the little guy still and just not sticking around anymore? Is the baby at the right age for this to be happening? Any insight on normal behavior for these birds, warning signs to look out for, or any other advice is much appreciated. Thanks!

1 Comment
21:51 UTC


Travel carriers?

Looking into a traveling carrier for my doves. I have a solid plastic one for a small dog right now that works for the moment. I don’t have room for another one and wanted to know if mesh carriers (for like a cat or a dog) were stable enough and work for doves? Something I can fold up when done. Recommended or no?

17:03 UTC


Is a pet dove right for me?

Hello All! Thanks in advance for any advice given. I am a few months into my first full time job, and am wanting to get a pet. I was raised on a farm originally and found a great love for birds. I had chickens and ducks and geese that I would dress up, hold, cuddle, and spend my days with. I now live in a town where having farm birds is not allowed, so I have been trying to look into other options. I have considered cats and guinea pigs, but I really really miss having birds. I looked a little into doves/pigeons as the main factors that I am looking for is that it would not be too loud like many talking parrots, the lifespan is not too large of a commitment, and I have seen some people talk about how they are very affectionate. I of course want to make sure that my lifestyle would align with having a dove/pigeon, and am wanting any advice I can get.

In an ideal world, my pet would want to sit with me in the evenings and be cuddled and pet, but could also be okay during the day when my roommates and I are at our jobs. I have seen several people talking about how they let their dove/pigeon fly around the house and poop wherever (with towels and mats to catch some) and didn't know if a little diaper would be an option?

Please let me know what you think :)

1 Comment
14:37 UTC


Pet Ownership Research for my Master Thesis! :)

Hi guys!

I am a Masters student at Kingston University in London, and I'm conducting research on the needs of UK pet owner's in caring for their pets, in order to build an app that caters towards that.

I'm currently in the beginning stage of my research where I need to gather data via survey, so if you're based in the UK and over 18 I would love to hear what you have to say!

Here is my Google survey, it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to complete :) Please note it the survey does ask for some personal information to indentify the target market, nothing too invasive! https://forms.gle/rWEpXf8qcP1xSNUi8

  • Also important to note that the data collected is not shared with any third parties

Everyone's opinion would be incredibly valuable in ensuring my app meets pet owners' needs effectively!

Let me know if you have any questions!

-And thank you to the mods for letting me post this! <3

18:48 UTC


Are the feds really that strict when it comes to people raising and keeping wild doves?

Someone in a local town group posted a baby dove that fell out their nest, they found it in their backyard and didn't know how to care for it. I said "I'll take it" and have been raising, feeding, and bonding with the little dude since. I found out it's a mourning dove when it began feathering out. I used to raise pigeons so I figured it would be similar.

Well elsewhere on FB, in a group about cats being an invasive species, there is a bunch of very argumentative women telling me that conservation officers use groups and will knock at my door, fine me, and confiscate the bird. I commented on a post about raising orphaned baby birds and shared a pic of my fledgling, so that's why the people are arguing with me.

I thought the MBTA was more for critical and endangered species. I just don't think anyone gives a fuck about a mourning dove that much to ruin someone's life about it. Nearest wildlife rehab is 2 hours away from me. I think these people are worrying for nothing.

05:33 UTC


Could you please help determine its sex?

14:32 UTC


is it possible to buy fertile ringneck dove eggs online?

my dove bowie has been sitting on fake eggs for about 3 weeks now and she seems so sad that they will never hatch, i know she would be a great mom.

00:16 UTC


Vent area viewing for Gender identification?

Hi everyone

I can't figure out the genders of my doves and its frustrating me during the process of pairing them.

I've received conflicting guidance online and in person face to face, books, by people and artificial intelligence ..

I keep various doves (senegal, ringneck ..), but I'm looking to identify specifically my Diamond doves, which I've been told repeatedly are 'dimorphic'...

I've checked the vent area, I can't notice any difference between any of them aside from some very subtle differences in two protruding bones between the anus...

The eye rings- I've been told males have wider, females thinner.

In other cases I've been told its not the size, its the intensity of colour - so females are paler yellow rings, and males are an intense red.

I want an exact method of figuring this out on my own without causing myself a head trauma .. There are no images online of what to look for in terms of vent area - descriptions alone don't support me at all.

Also I have too many, so dna testing would be too expensive ...

---mine are about a year old, I've been told.. I think the comparison images online of male and female, are of older doves because I have none with as thick orbit rings as I've seen on youtube videos...

18:36 UTC



11:30 UTC


Looking for advice (warning gross egg photo)

18:37 UTC


New (to me) Behavior

Cody here has started stamping his feet rapidly whenever he perches on my arm or hand, almost like a little river dance. I haven’t been able to record him unfortunately. Anyone ever seen that or know why they might do this?

14:47 UTC

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