
Photograph via snooOG

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Are people aware of the animal cruelty that goes on in rural midwestern communities in the US?

I saw the first rule of this subreddit about no sad content, and I hope this doesnt break that rule as I find this important info to spread if no ones aware.

In highschool it was quite common for kids to tell stories of their Raccoon hunts, in which they would beat them with bats, pipes, and whatever else they could find. Kids would intentionally swerve to kill any animal on the road including cats, possums, baby possums (i was in the car when someone did this), dogs, etc. I was once with someone who threw an m80 into a pond full of geese in the middle of the night, more than likely killing crippling many of them. I heard stories from kids who worked in chicken barns about how they stepped on baby chickens and we're laughing while telling me.

From what I've seen, this cruelness starts to fade as these people get into their thirties, and they begin to hunt with rifles that kill these animals quickly. And by the time most reach their upper forties or fifties, they quit hunting all together and actually help animals when the given the chance.

So I'm curious, is this normal everywhere? If not, were you aware of things like this happening?

03:48 UTC


Uh… now I have a baby bird that idk what to do with

So I was at work today, and saw a little bird. Like always, I watched it cuz ya know, needed to just stop and see nature, and then I realized… it wasn’t flying… AT ALL. I thought it weird but then I was like “oh no!” and then it kept getting into the road and I was like “OH NO” and I scooped it up and took it home with me.

My plans are to get it to flying and then take it back to where I found it, since I don’t think a vet would do anything other than be like “I’ll take care of it for 1,000 dollars”

It looks like a fledgling, but I’m not 100% sure. When I got home I put it in my shed and put some dead grass down into a form of a nest, and I tried to hand feed it a worm but it wouldn’t work (though on the way home it did drink some water), but I’m stumped.

So here’s my questions… • did I do the right thing? I tried to leave it be but it kept getting into the road and I had to stop a car from running it over. • is the shed okay for now? What should I use if the shed’s not a good idea? BTW there are some mice in there but I’ve never heard that mice can hurt birds. • how do I go about giving it food and water? If I put out some live/dried/etc worms, would they eat it? What about water? I’ve heard that a water dish can easily drown a bird. • what else can I do? • how do I NOT kill it? The last bird I rescued YEARS ago got stuck and couldn’t fly and it died as I was releasing it from a thing it was trapped in (traumatic experience) (probably stress/heart?)

But anyways, I want it to be safe and everything so what do I do?

21:54 UTC


Imagine this.

A bear selectively bred to be as tall, hairless and affectionate. It has lanky arms and legs (7ft tall on hind legs) and loves to hug people, but their existence isn't public yet and one of them is loose in a city and you see one standing in a dark alleyway with some stranger and the naked mystery tower beast stretches out it's arms while bending over to the person.

21:29 UTC


Can you please tell me ideas for an application or a website about animals or to help animals?

19:20 UTC


Some one help me identify this image? My friend sent me the image this morning.

10:56 UTC


Is it true that animals don't kill their own kind for fun?

Somebody told me that animals don't kill other members of their own species for fun, but only for things like territory ecc.

Is it true?

22:55 UTC


Do animals have gender?

Obviously it’s different from human gender. So, disregarding biological sex/genitalia, do animals experience gender that determines their role in their society?

18:10 UTC


Can you actually beat a black bear with your bare hands?

I know that when you meet a black bear youre supposed to make yourself big and scream and etc. but can you actually beat it i.e knock it out and or kill it only using your body?

08:27 UTC


I hear a weird coughing sound in the woods

It's like 4 am and I can't sleep but in a rural area surrounded by woods, I hear a dry coughing sound all night, what animal is this? (quebec region)

08:20 UTC


The deer ate my dad's ghost peppers in the garden

How is this possible they eat everything we plant nothing stops them

11:59 UTC


Is my cat mom over feeding its kittens ?

My 1 year old cat mom has been feeding its kittens for 4 months, and I've seen on the net that after 2 or 3 months the cat mom should have stopped it.

I'm worried that it affects the kittens health since they maybe will be dependant on it or they won't be able to live a crucial part (which is being independant of their mom). Their mom also used to feed her brothers when she was young, so maybe the habit won't go and that's why it's lasting too long, but maybe I'm wrong and 4 months is too soon to worry.

11:58 UTC


Pet love

Is it possible to love your pet more than it loves you ? 🤔

03:12 UTC


How often does prey get stuck in spider’s web?

I spotted about 3 cellar spiders in my basement last week. And I just wonder with them sitting there for so long in their web. How often are prey actually getting stuck in the web? Don’t want them to starve of course. I had saw one cellar spider wrapping up a firefly in it’s silk.

But the firefly eventually ended up escaping but it was barely moving and couldn’t fly. It’s light was flickering slowly here and there. The spider didn’t seem too interested in keeping it as it would start wrapping it up and then move to another part of it’s web and sit there, then it would move back to the firefly and start wrapping silk around it again. Could it have already eaten recently?

Makes me wonder how often do bugs really get caught in these web building spider’s webs? How often, the most common type of bugs, and how abundantly? Because they often make their webs in seemingly avoidable locations.

01:06 UTC


Sailor Jupiter / Species = Human (Homo sapiens)

Sailor Jupiter / Subfamily (taxonomy) = Homininae

Sailor Jupiter / Family (taxonomy) = Hominidae

Sailor Jupiter / Superfamily (taxonomy) = Hominoidea

Sailor Jupiter / Infraorder (taxonomy) = Simiiformes

Sailor Jupiter / Order (taxonomy) = Primates

Sailor Jupiter / Class (taxonomy) = Mammalia

Sailor Jupiter / Superclass (taxonomy) = Osteichthyes

Sailor Jupiter / Subphylum (taxonomy) = Vertebrata

17:05 UTC


I don't think that snakes are smart animals...

...buuut, my brother had a black and yellow Florida king snake. He potty trained it. He'd take it outside next to the trailer. It would slither along next to him as he walked. When it got to the end, he'd put his snakeskin boot down (yeah, weird), and Abagail (the snake) would turn around and slither the other way, until she was ready. Then she'd evacuate and he'd pick her back up and put her in her always-clean tank.

19:48 UTC

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