
Photograph via snooOG

A sub for discussing all uses of Memantine, from therapeutic to recreational.

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Take note: TripSit's Factsheet on Memantine does not include any form of RoA, the dosages they list are also much lower than what most would consider in the effective range for Memantine. It is not updated to reflect our current understanding of Memantine dosing ranges.

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Moderation changes

First of all, hello there and welcome back!

I will be brief. This subreddit will be read only from now on. It won't be like this forever, however. As a new mod, I'll make sure to clean up any possible mess that could've been missed by the absence of moderation, update the subreddit itself and then I'll open it up for further posting.

13:33 UTC


Trip report: Retrospective. 1 Year on Memantine

Hi y'all I just wanted to share my experience with memantine.

For the last year, I have been taking memantine, nearly daily, at differing doses. I started out Jan 2023 taking around 50mgs a day here and there, and slowly worked my way up to 100mgs daily. I took a break somewhere in July, about 6 months in. By September 100mgs was my daily dose. I even went higher, having sourced 30 gms myself. I ventured into the 300-400mg range and found myself feeling reminiscent of a pcp trip. I also felt similarlites to lsd. During this time I actually found memantine to be of help for my mental health, feeling more clear headed, calm, and less depressed. I considered lowering my dose and getting a prescription.

So by December 2023, I was somewhere around 100-400mgs, twice a day. I wanted out of this cycle of high dose memantine . I just wanted to feel better, without getting high. I told my psychiatrist about the memantine, how it was helping my depression, and that I wanted a prescription. So she wrote for 10mgs, twice a day. y'know I learned some stuff about myself, and made a lot of cool music.

I also take olanzapine, carbamazepine, and gabapentin. At this time (dec) my meds were Olan, carb, and buspirone. I had been running 4-7 miles daily, working and going to school. I also would supplement f phenibut and kratom daily.

Then, on new Year's Day 2024, I went for my daily early morning run. It was still dark out, and slippery from rain the night before.

I loved the feeling of dosing mem the night before and going for a run around the 7 hr mark of my mem trip. Idk something about the night scenery on a run during a mem trip is so beautiful.

I have a mile left in my run, when I tripped on a pothole in the parkway. I fell hard, concussing myself, breaking my shoulder, nose, and chipping my front tooth in the process. Somehow, I get back up and complete the run, falling a few more time in the process.

Now, I wear a Garmin 245, which detected the fall. In hindsight, I should have just looked at my watch and alerted my parents. But, hindsight is 20/20 and I toughed out the run, bleeding and battered I got myself home and into the ER.

This I when I had a change of heart. I realized I was taking way too much memantine, and threw the excess mems and f phenibut away, and decided to follow my doctors advice and only that from hear on out. I had my prescriptions for mems, gabapentin, and hydrocodone. I was set up for recovery.

On Jan 8, I had surgery, two screws in my right shoulder to repair it. It was chipped, badly fractured and in need of some serious hardware. Today I have my first PT appointment. I no longer take the hydrocodone. I still take kratom.

I have been through a lot. It seems like yesterday I was self medicating my depression and anxiety with dxm, and now I have a prescription for an nmda antagonist, and I couldn't ask for more. Finally I feel normal. Thanks for reading.

Ps: I actually prefer the lower dose of memantine. I feel more functional now, and occasionally I find myself feeling some psychedelia, but in a more manageable, healing way. It's pleasant. Memantine is a beautiful drug.

14:04 UTC


Discord Active?

Morning/Afternoon fellow memantine researchers.

Is our official discord still up? Shows to me our invite is invalid, I'd like to create us a new one in case the old one is dead. There's still much to talk about regarding this wonderful substance. If it was a mistake on my end, mods please DM me with the right invite and feel free to delete this post.

Thank you.


10:06 UTC


How often do you think I can take this? Please help. LSD & memantine

I use 1P-LSD 15 ug and memantine together for managing Borderline Personality Disorder pain, it helps to where I can function while being lucid and dissociated to the point where I still function and process the emotions in a more manageable matter.

I used to abuse the fuck out of dissociatives, such as; THC, DXM, and I have dabbled in ketamine, DCK, and O-PCE. My NMDA receptors are worrying, because I can take 900 mg of DXM and not feel much dissociation as I used to. I worry about the long term effects of using 20-30 mg of memantine on a near daily basis due to the permanent dissociative tolerance as people on the internet say, which, seems to be the case, but I cannot confirm this information with 100 percent certainty.

I need to know how you feel about microdosing memantine, 10-30 mg, on a regular, and or at least periodically basis in the long term? I am very cautious of what I put in my body and I want to make sure I am not a old man with an unbalanced brain chemistry when I become that age, I am only 22 now, but I need dissociatives to function.

If there is a dissociative nerd willing to elaborate on their research and findings I am all for it man. Cheers.

20:56 UTC


Extended release capsules

basically i have extended release memantine in my country its 28mg per capsule and its cheaper than tablets form so just so i save a few bucks is there any way to turn this into regular release? i would think taking the pellets out of the capsule and crushing it i think thats probably the only way right?

03:53 UTC


memantine first time

hi so i’ve done a lot of dissos and i’ve been wanting to do a longer want and since i’m in america and there’s not many long lasts dissos i thought about trying memantine. i’ve tried a lot of dissos like canket, 3hopcp (my fav), ket and a few others so i think i have an okay amount of experience. i obviously expect to be high for like 24 hours but how is the dissociation and say if you tried to hole is it just not worth it or is it kinda like a long lasting khole? anyway i’ve love to hear everyone’s experiences with high doses and if they have or even can hole on this. thanks for any info !!

18:10 UTC


Somewhat of a trip report

120mg and like 16 hours later. Would I do it again? Yes, is there a potential for addiction? To each it’s own but I’m going to go ahead and say no. I slept most of the trip since I took it after staying up all of last night but here’s a little shot of what to expect.

About an hour in i felt different and my breathing felt like it changed a bit. 2 hours in I knew for sure i was on something. It felt like the comedown of an acid trip. Eyes wide open, balance a little off, dream like state while fully conscious. I did a lot of stretching the first couple hours and man did it feel great. Music sounded amazing. After about 8 hours from drop I had woke up from a nap and I was still very much in the headspace/“high”. Visuals do exist but it’s more like the ones you’d get on MDMA, not so much movement involved in it. This is definitely something you can do at home around others and they won’t suspect a thing unless you flat out tell them. I did get the all eyes are on me paranoia but it didn’t stick too long. I did get some numbing in the face the first few hours in, but nothing crazy and definitely not to the extent of coke. Time as a whole was a little off, sometimes I felt like it was moving faster then sometimes it felt slower. For the first few hours I had burps but wasn’t “nauseous”. Anytime I tried dxm the biggest drawback for me was the nausea so it’s nice to see an alternative. Would I consider the experience spiritual? No but I will say there is potential for such experiences. I was definitely a lil more intrusive while under it. My mind was racing at points. I can’t really speak too much on this given I slept most of the day. Sleep was good by the way and if there’s a want there’s a will so it’s not impossible to sleep under this. Thanks to everyone who wished me a well time. I’ll be experimenting tonight aswelll, but with a lower dose lol. I would advise however for your first time you don’t take as much as me, 80mg would probably do u fine if you’re experienced in such things. If there’s any questions, shoot them I’d be happy to reply!

1 Comment
03:55 UTC


Just dropped 120mg as a first timer.

Did about a half hour of research on this and I’m a little worried I set myself up for failure taking so much but overall am feeling good and optimistic. I’ll be writing down my experience as it goes on and will post about it afterwards. Wish me luck

12:01 UTC


Memantine first time review 40mg, feeling wavey

It has been 1 hour since taking 40mg of memantine. I have a moderate tolerance to dissociatives, especially in the form of DXM, which I ingest regularly at high dosages [600 to 700mg].

Right now I am quite impressed with the effects. I feel as if I have taken 3-4 beers without any discomfort or negative effects. Feeling very sedate and calm and relaxed, like I am on a cloud. No alarming headspace effects, very clear headed. Great music enhancement.

I give my approval to Memantine.

00:17 UTC


220 mg HELP

Hello. Since I'm a fool, I decided to try 220 mg of memantine. I’ll tell you about what I saw later. This time the condition worsened. Severe tachycardia and vomiting. I feel a strong fear of death (although we can discuss it) HELP

23:13 UTC


High Glutamate after Ritalin

Is Memantine a good approach to combat that issue? I can only guess it’s extremely high glutamate accumulation since I suffer from VSS and CPTSD, which both already cause a dysregulation in glutamate receptors. I only took ritalin in a span of 1-2 months and in low doses (5-10mg) for my ADHD which I may add, which already caused side effects for me that were overdose like. I called an ambulance for the first time in my life after taking 10mg day one. It felt like I was having a heart attack. After 2 weeks of taking 5mg like recommended by my psychiatrist my overall condition has continue to worsen. Called an ambulance again, took an MRI of my brain, everything was fine. Continued taking it cause no one seemed to take ritalin and a possible glutamate excess resulting from it as an option. Even my psychiatrist continued to gaslight me and told me I’m exaggerating things. Quickly after those 2 weeks I began to build what I was thought a tolerance so I upped my dose again. I’ve already began to have some personality changes with high irritability and numbness. My anxiety began to aggravate. Taking 10mg for four days straight was my breaking point. I stopped taking it immediately after that. That was 4 months ago and since then I’ve been struggling with immense deliberating symptoms such as extreme fatigue, freezing, constant high pitched noise in both ears, drunkenness like state with foggy vision, dissociation, depersonalization, low pain tolerance, numbness, lack of joy, apathie and high aggression. I also suffered from uncontrollable tremors, nightly terrors, insomnia, sweating, hyperventilation and hypervigilance, but those have gotten slightly to significantly better. I went to the ER loads but my blood levels were always normal. They brushed me off with the typical “it’s probably depression/anxiety” bs. Sure I’ve had issues with that before but prior to me taking Ritalin ive never experienced such symptoms that almost drove me to madness. Managing VSS symptoms was already hard enough but this state im in isn’t even comparable to that. I’m completely helpless like this. The only instant improvement in my mood related symptoms was when they gave me electrolytes per Infusion that one time in the ER. I immediately felt energized and that overall numbness and pain was gone. Unfortunately the tinnitus and foggy vision was still a big of an issue but the others were not as noticeable anymore. Sadly that relieve only lasted overnight since infusions don’t stay long in the blood stream. I’m guessing what made me temporarily feel better was because of the magnesium in the infusion itself which is known to help regulate excess glutamate. Then Memantine should be an even better option to combat and get rid of those symptoms for good, right? I listened to my gut and finally made an appointment with a neurologist who I will be seeing in about a week and discuss my possible Memantine treatment.

17:55 UTC


I developed memantine tolerance insanely fast?

I'll try to keep it brief. I have gaba b receptor kindling from baclofen abuse. I was taking memantine 5mg daily for about a month, i think. I was doing it so I could keep drinking. I stopped and was doing good for about a week-week and half, while managing withdrawal with about 7.5-10mg daily. All was good, to the point i was able to drink tiny amounts of green tea, until my re*****d ass decide to have a couple(7) beers 5 days ago. That morning, I probably was feeling the worst I ever felt. I consumed 25mg baclofen and 10 mg Memantine and seemed to work somewhat.

That day I took another 10mg before sleep and had a really good, 11 hour sleep. So I decided - okay, 10 mg in the morning and 10 mg before sleep every day + daily exercise for a week should do the trick.

Day 2 10mg Sleep was not as good as before and had much more dreams which started to concern me.

Day 3. I wake up in the morning and have 2 spoons of oatmeal and have AWFUL glutamate storm.

That night I again take 10mg, but this time I wake up multiple times and after 8 hours after taking the first dose it's becoming impossible to sleep. I take another 10 mg and 2 hours later fall asleep for 5 hours(no dreams)

Day 4 I decide to take 20 mg this time. 2 hours pass, no sleep. Another 10 mg i fall asleep for 3 hours(no dreams) and wake up unable to fall asleep again. About 2 hours later I take another 10 mg and a little bit of weed and fall asleep for 2 hours WITH DREAMS, meaning it was barely enough.

And this is where i am right now. I'm having pretty bad glutamate storms. I'm really afraid that if i keep going, i'm gonna be one of those rare cases where people develop memantine withdrawal. I'm planing to try to take 30mg today before sleep and if it's doesn't work, I'm going to stop.

p.s. Also AA for sure after I get trough this lol

15:53 UTC


100 mg no effects

I received my order from Cosmic Nootropic a week ago. I took ten ten milligram pills on an empty, and then ate a large meal as I'd seen a few people recommend. There were 0 effects at all and I was able to sleep fine only 6 hours after dosing.

16:54 UTC


400 mg dose

Planning on taking an 400 mg dose. Im kinda experienced and my average dose is around the 200 mg+grapefruit juice. What should i expect from this dosage?

10:11 UTC


Memantine for neuropathic pain

Update: wooo 5mgs memantine, tried today and yesterday, had no idea it would be so strong.

Orig post: Hey all I know this doesn’t apply to most here, but I’ve seen a few posts of people like me with chronic pain looking for anything that will help. I’m starting myself on memantine to see if it will help after reading through some journal articles. The evidence isn’t great (there aren’t lots of conclusive double-blind placebo controlled studies). But there is some evidence for memantine helping neuropathic pain. I’ll share my notes below in case anyone is interested and wants to check it out. If anyone else has had success with memantine for pain and wants to share or connect I’d appreciate that.

“Of the various N-methyl-d-aspartate antagonists that are alternatives to be recommended in first-line NP treatment, memantine has the safest side-effect profile and has long been approved in Alzheimer's disease. The review covers memantine studies in postherpetic neuralgia, diabetic pain, postoperative pain, complex regional pain syndrome, chronic phantom limb pain, opioid-refractory pain and fibromyalgia.”

“Two recent randomized trials, however, showed significant efficacy of memantine: one demonstrated prophylactic effects against postoperative neuralgia and pain-associated psychological impairment; in the other, memantine improved pain and cognition in fibromyalgia. Both studies found no side effects or adverse events.“

Pickering, Gisèle, and Véronique Morel. “Memantine for the treatment of general neuropathic pain: a narrative review.” Fundamental & clinical pharmacology vol. 32,1 (2018): 4-13. doi:10.1111/fcp.12316 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28802070/

“Magnesium, ketamine, amantadine, memantine, and dextromethorphan are the drugs classified as NMDA-receptor antagonists. Methadone, carbamazepine, valproic acid, and phenytoin sodium also possess NMDA-receptor antagonizing properties.[4]”

“It is tolerated well even in doses of 40–60 mg/day (starting from 10 mg/day and can be increased as tolerated) even after several months of use. Memantine has been used successfully in treating conditions such as complex regional pain syndrome, phantom limb pain, fibromyalgia, and postmastectomy pain. There is no described contraindication of memantine. However, it is recommended to modify the dose in renal and hepatic impairment. No monitoring is required for a patient who is on long-term memantine.”

Nair AS, Sahoo RK. Efficacy of Memantine Hydrochloride in Neuropathic Pain. Indian J Palliat Care. 2019 Jan-Mar;25(1):161-162. doi: 10.4103/IJPC.IJPC_189_18. PMID: 30820121; PMCID: PMC6388583. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6388583/

“N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are involved in pain signalling and neuroplasticity. Memantine has been shown to have analgesic properties in pre-clinical and small clinical studies. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the efficacy of memantine to prevent or reduce chronic pain.”

-conclusion of this paper- no reccomendation Kurian, Rouvin et al. “A systematic review and meta-analysis of memantine for the prevention or treatment of chronic pain.” European journal of pain (London, England) vol. 23,7 (2019): 1234-1250. doi:10.1002/ejp.1393 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30848504/

“Memantine was started at 5 or 10 mg QHS, before being increased by 5 or 10mg every 4-7 days, as tolerated, to a maximum dose of 40 mg - 60 mg, as tolerated. In all, 13 patients showed complete remission from CRPS with VAS 0 and the disappearance of allodynea for at least nine months after the use of memantine. In addition, 18 patients showed partial improvement of VAS and allodynea. Eight patients showed no improvement even after continuous use of memantine at a dose of 40 mg QHS for two months. Seven patients could not take more than 5 mg of memantine per day and had to stop it due to side effects. In terms of subjective improvement in short-term memory, nine patients showed much improvement, 14 patients showed some improvement, three patients showed no changes and one patient did not answer the questionnaire. Regarding subjective feelings of a having better quality of life, 17 patient answered yes, three did not feel any changes, six could not give an answer and two did not fill out the questionnaire.”

Ahmad-Sabry, Mohammad-Hazem, and Gholamreza Shareghi. “EFFECTS OF MEMANTINE ON PAIN IN PATIENTS WITH COMPLEX REGIONAL PAIN SYNDROME--A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY.” Middle East journal of anaesthesiology vol. 23,1 (2015): 51-4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26121895/

00:16 UTC


Memantine + MDMA report

I posted a while back inquiring about the combination and because of the lack of information I’d thought I’d tell my recent experience with it. Mainly to help with the comedown.

TLDR: small doses didn’t affect the trip itself, definitely helped with the negative side effects during the roll. Helped the comedown for the first 24 hours. Had to redose to continue the positive effects on comedown.

9pm night before: 10mg Memantine + 600mg NAC

10am- 10mg Memantine + 600mg NAC

5:25pm- 135mg MDMA 7:30pm - 150mg half Tesla pill

The memantine didn’t take away any positive aspects of the MDMA but I noticed I didn’t need gum to help with gurning, I also didn’t have any painful sores on my gums from grinding my teeth.

The comedown the morning after was nothing, I just smoked some weed and went along with my day with nothing more than a little fatigue. The following couple days I had to redose 10mg each morning to continue the effect. But along side 200mg 5-htp the second and third morning and I was good.

I wouldn’t go out of my way to buy Memantine to use only for MDMA, I just happened to have some. But if your interested in it’s benefits and supposed neuroprotective effects, then give it a shot cause it seemed to help in my case. If it did do anything I have no idea so use this info at your own discretion

1 Comment
04:26 UTC


Has anybody tried low dose memantine + recreational shrooms dose ? Does memantine help with come up anxiety ?

Looking to do a low dose of memantine ranging from 2.5-10mg just for the sake of helping any come up anxiety that shrooms has. Has anybody tried this and what was the experience like. I wanna try a low dose of memantine + like 2 grams of shrooms. I’m not really looking to have a dissociative trip just looking for anxiety reduction with the memantine

19:25 UTC


Is It nootropic source legit?, Is memantine legal to export to Spain?

Hi, I would like to try their memantine and make a purchase to Spain. Are they legit?? Do you know if in Spain are problems to get memantine throught the customs? BEST wishes

08:32 UTC


How long should I wait to drink alcohol after a 10mg dose?

04:39 UTC


How much should I take

My only experience with dissos is DXM, which I've always had a decent resistance too, needing at least 900mg for a decent trip and going up to 1350. Besides that I've done low dose acid, shrooms, and high dose DPH for my other hallucinogens. If I wanted to kind of "throw myself into the deep end" without risking black outs or worse, how much should I take?

16:15 UTC


Rat memantine fiend?

I had a 10mg capsule of memantine hcl on the desk and I have two pet rats, one of whom discovered said capsule, feverishly bit a hole in it and started slurping down memantine powder. Will give future updates on how hes doin but he really seemed to like the stuff and idk why

01:34 UTC


Memantine sweating

Would a low therapeutic dose of Memantine (2.5-5mg) cause increased sweating?

1 Comment
13:42 UTC


Dosage for neuroprotective effects against MDMA

Has anyone used Memantine for help with the neurotoxicity of MDMA?

I was just thinking to take 10mg the night before and maybe like 5mg the morning of along with other supplements. I don’t think there is one right answer but wanted to see if anyone has done this

Let me know your experiences! Thanks

02:17 UTC


problems with urination

Hi all. I had experience with memantine. On the first day I took 95 mg. The next day I decided to repeat the trip and took another 80. I think because memantine takes a long time to be eliminated from the body, the trip intensified. I felt unwell for 2-3 days. Today it is generally difficult to go to the toilet. Could it harm the kidneys? I drank cranberry juice and water and seemed to go to the toilet. But today it doesn't work. Help!

1 Comment
01:16 UTC


Memantine for energy?

Will Memantine help my energy and motivation at a 5mg dose? Will it start helping me right away? My fatigue is pretty bad and I have ocd and adhd, trouble with executive functioning. But I don’t want to feel worse in terms of energy levels and probably won’t be able to deal with difficult side effects.

Any advice or thoughts on this

23:18 UTC


Is Memantine work for improve memory ?

How much time does it take. For how many toxicity What is your dosage

19:08 UTC


Will this side effect likely go away

I’m just starting memantine for severe ptsd. I’m prescribed 5mg daily. Due to extreme drug sensitivity, and long half life, I’m going slow. I took 5, then 2.5. I’m experiencing jaw clenching and also tightening in my butt muscles.
Another question I have is do others taking therapeutically dose at night or am? Thanks. From a previous short course, I know I can’t use caffeine when on this drug so have stopped today.

21:42 UTC


unexpectly pleasant memantine + DXM

"trip report" 50mg Memantatine, 40mg DXM, nothing else, ended up being a very chill evening then a very good sleep with some nice dreams. woke up in a great mood, no lingering side effects, and no negatives. (yes, i know the half life of memantine)

20:25 UTC


Memantine for anxiety/depression?

How much to take for these mental illness issues and what kind of effects would I likely feel from it? Thx

01:35 UTC



Had a friend who say they took a super low dose of memantine one day and afterwards they just felt different. It's been years and it's still that way for them. They were about 14 at the time though. They say this drug made it so they felt a bit more dull in life, and that their interactions with other drugs and such were too intense after to the point he cannot drink alcohol or smoke weed or anything. I find this very strange cus I can't find anything online about but he does say this only started happening after he took the extremely low dose of memantine. I was wondering if anyone had an idea how this could happen

08:45 UTC

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