Madlib aka Ahmad Miller, Beat Konducta, DJ Lord Such, DJ Rels, Duma Peterson, The Jahari Massamba Unit, The Jazzistics, Joe McDuphrey, Joe McDuphrey Experience, Junior Taylor, Kamala Walker and The Soul Tribe, Jaylib, The Loopdigga, Lootpack, Madvillian, Monk Hughes, Monk Hughes & The Outer Realm, Morgan Adams III, Otis Jackson Jr. Trio, Quasimoto, Lord Quas, Russel Jenkins, Sound Directions, Suntouch, Tyrone Foster, Yesterday's Universe All Stars, Yesterdays New Quintet, Young Jazz Rebels.
A subreddit dedicated to Madlib's various projects. Including but not limited to: Lootpack, Quasimoto, Jaylib, and Madvillian.
Be civil. Overly-aggressive comments, flamewars and posts that may cause them will be removed and may result in a ban at our discretion. Use common sense.
with kanye’s chipmunk sample technique, and j dilla micro sampling technique makes me justify sampling as a art and not stealing.
but i dont get how mf doom or madlib or alchemist are great producer coz all they do is take a section if a song and just loop it. i mean anyone can dig through a lot if records and come up a catchy or different beat right??
there are also lazy producers just looping a section of a song, so how different are mf doom, madlib or alchemist??
This took me some time and to be honest there are too many to choose from. That being said, I've gotta go with Steal This Beat.
We all know Malibu the producer but is he the goat? Answer plz
I genuinely dont understand why people dislike sample "snitching", like bro, it's a song, why the fuck do you care so much about it. Like I'm tired of motherfuckers going like "ooh I hate you, no sample snitching." Like why do you care about a song that ain't even yours to begin with.
My gf ended up making me these as a surprise for my birthday! These things are so cool!
I'm almost positive Madlib has sampled this. I know he's a fan of The Residents. Anybody?
We need to hear it!!! You upload the music to youtube pls 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 what if us people we die before hearing it..
My Quasimoto tattoo
Listened to it the first time and it sounded so familiar- I swear I heard the guitar riff in a beat somewhere, but I couldn't remember what song.
They certainly don’t sound off of the iPad. Way more raw and lively.