This subreddit is an alternative to r/Libertarian and attempts to provide a space for more on-topic discussions of libertarian and libertarian-adjacent philosophies.
We're building a new sub that takes liberty seriously in all its aspects. We embrace new means of change apart from mere politics. These strategies for change are intended to be effective without engaging in political action, to route around existing power and make it irrelevant rather than to face it head on.
Join us.
Please don't downvote content simply for posing a different view or criticism. Discussion is valuable and we can learn a lot from talking with those who disagree with us. Downvoting only discourages this behavior.
Related Subreddits:
What is libertarianism? Here are a few places to start:
What wikipedia has to say on the matter
A more definitive source, Rothbard's For A New Liberty: A Libertarian Manifesto
On libertarianism as a 'political' movement: I Am a Libertarian & What Libertarianism Is, and Isn't
How rights can be protected, and security provided, without having a state: an illustrated summary of David Friedman's The Machinery of Freedom
Awesome libertarian essays you can read in one sitting:
Do you know where you stand politically? Take this short quiz to find out.
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
As a longtime libertarian sympathizer I understand that Ross is an important figure to particularly the crypto/drug legalization/anti law enforcement overreach sides of the movement… but if the guy was willing to actually negotiate to get support from Libertarians, why not ask for something more? Decriminalize all drugs, promise not to invade Mexico as part of the war on drugs 2.0, pledge to spend less on the military, promise to not increase the deficit as much as he did last term, cut taxes for the WORKING class, legalize online poker and gambling nationwide? Or if you’re going to pardon Ross, maybe you actually pardon some of the other people incarcerated for non violent drug crimes?
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
This includes but not limited to:
Subreddit rules do not apply: Mods have no power here, only votes, so behave. Also be mindful of our Reddit Admin overlords and don't get us nuked.
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
Fiction or non-fiction, Smith or Marx; what are you currently reading and what are you learning/enjoying from it?
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
Big government and big business are two sides of the same coin. Freedom cannot exist when inequality thrives.
This includes but not limited to:
Subreddit rules do not apply: Mods have no power here, only votes, so behave. Also be mindful of our Reddit Admin overlords and don't get us nuked.
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
This is December's Monthly Concern Index / poll. This informal poll provides an idea of what the sub and its visitors are currently concerned about as it relates to all things libertarian and forces acting to diminish freedom and liberty. Going month to month, these polls serve as a barometer of what concerns are persisting, rising, or subsiding.
Use the comment sort to sort by: best, top, controversial.
Past monthly polls will be made readily available around the end of each month so we can look back to possibly identify patterns as well as how concerns shift over time and in relation to current events.
This is still a work-in-progress feature for the subreddit, and comments in future polls may be locked to keep this streamlined. But for now we're going to leave it open ended. Please try to be as concise as possible - topics should be intentionally broad so that they don't become irrelevant over time. This also means that this thread will be subject to higher moderation standards as we attempt to hone and define "topic comments". Please also remember that you are free to post your concerns in a new thread, as long as they fall within the sub's posting guidelines. If it isn't worth a post, use the "everything else" weekly post.
Please bear with us as we refine this feature throughout the next few months, and thank you all for participating!
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
Fiction or non-fiction, Smith or Marx; what are you currently reading and what are you learning/enjoying from it?
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
This includes but not limited to:
Subreddit rules do not apply: Mods have no power here, only votes, so behave. Also be mindful of our Reddit Admin overlords and don't get us nuked.
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
This is November's Monthly Concern Index / poll. This informal poll provides an idea of what the sub and its visitors are currently concerned about as it relates to all things libertarian and forces acting to diminish freedom and liberty. Going month to month, these polls serve as a barometer of what concerns are persisting, rising, or subsiding.
Use the comment sort to sort by: best, top, controversial.
Past monthly polls will be made readily available around the end of each month so we can look back to possibly identify patterns as well as how concerns shift over time and in relation to current events.
This is still a work-in-progress feature for the subreddit, and comments in future polls may be locked to keep this streamlined. But for now we're going to leave it open ended. Please try to be as concise as possible - topics should be intentionally broad so that they don't become irrelevant over time. This also means that this thread will be subject to higher moderation standards as we attempt to hone and define "topic comments". Please also remember that you are free to post your concerns in a new thread, as long as they fall within the sub's posting guidelines. If it isn't worth a post, use the "everything else" weekly post.
Please bear with us as we refine this feature throughout the next few months, and thank you all for participating!
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
Fiction or non-fiction, Smith or Marx; what are you currently reading and what are you learning/enjoying from it?
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?
This includes but not limited to:
Subreddit rules do not apply: Mods have no power here, only votes, so behave. Also be mindful of our Reddit Admin overlords and don't get us nuked.
Let's hear some good news or something that gives you hope! What's something that's happened this week that you think furthered the idea of libertarianism, or simply brought a smile to your face?