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Advice on Co-mingling with Conservative Coworkers

So this is a bit of a rant, but I also am wondering if anyone else has this problem.

Long story short my workplace is loaded with Trumpers. Like, I'm astounded that there are that many of them in one place, but considering its blue collar I guess it should be expected.

Anyway, we all have mostly kept politics out of the workplace until recently my supervisor started really going off the deep end. This person will tell anyone with ears to listen about how the Earth is flat, how the government is sending spy drones over his house, chemtrails are real, NASA is a secret military thing, Biden is dead and there's a guy wearing a mask pretending to be him??? like wtffff idk.

I mostly just ignore him, even when he tries to tell me about it I'm just like "Oh, that seems unlikely" or something to that effect and brush it off. I mean, he's my boss what am I supposed to do, debate the guy in the middle of work? Plus he's actually a cool guy underneath all that, I think, like a lot of alt-right people, that he's just misled and misinformed.

Here's the kicker though. The other day one of my coworkers pushed back at him a little bit, and I know for a fact she's a conservative, but even she's not buying it. He goes into this crazy rant about how he supports marshall law if it means gutting "evil" politicians from the government, and how we should start hanging them in the streets. I just sat at my desk and bit my tongue, focusing on my work, half enraged and half scared shitless at what just came out of this guy's mouth.

I'm not even sure how to process all that and its been days since it happened. Like I said the guy is my boss and I need my job desperately to stay afloat, I'm just unsure how to handle it. I enjoy what I do, but I'd really like to just say "hey, I don't think we should talk about politics at work, it's unprofessional" and leave it at that. I really don't give a shit what he believes, we have common goals in the workplace and we can, and always have, worked towards them collaboratively. I'm just tired of having it in my face all the time. Besides just quitting over political differences that could exist anywhere else, what do you guys think?

22:38 UTC


Y'all notice how conservative media/politicians magically all learned how to pronounce Kamala's name?

Why do you think they gave up on mispronouncing her name?

20:53 UTC


Wtf is up with the Kamala is a slave owner meme the right is pushing?

Even if it was true her family once owned slaves , which I'm pretty sure they didn't. Then what would that have to do with now? Aren't conservatives always saying you can't hold them accountable for what their family did in the 1700s?

Are they seriously trying to win over black voters or something? They know she's black right?

The dumbest is them saying being a prosecutor makes her a slave owner.

You can say prisoners are modern slaves, but Republicans are the ones who won't even entertain the thought of changing that loophole.

So the only proof is https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/2024/07/23/kamala-harris-is-a-descendant-of-an-irish-slave-owner-in-jamaica/

It doesn't say how she's related or if it was consensual. Most likely not.

Edit: here come the racist trolls

Her WHITE IRISH ancestor raped/forcefully married her black Jamaican ancestor who were yes, slaves. Her family were not "black slave owners". They were slaves.How is this so hard for people to grasp?

19:31 UTC


Build on the momentum!

I just ordered a ten pack of Kamala Harris for president bumper stickers and plan to give 9 of them away to friends and family and you should too!

The narrative right now is one of positivity and momentum and we need to keep that going. An explosion of Harris gear over the next week will help subtly reinforce the message that the people are excited about Vice President Harris.

22:19 UTC


Don't Forget How the Supreme Court Spat on the Constitution

I'm happy about Biden dropping out. I am happy about Harris' (pending) nomination.

Still, the current Supreme Court has done their level best to roll back the Rule of Law, a fundamental aspect of our democracy. The President has always had the unspoken ability to go above the law, so it's easy to forget that codifying it leaves no avenue for oversight at all. This has also made it an even longer and more difficult process to actually enact change to have the Rule of Law applied practically using the current system*.* It will be easy to forget this has happened until a landmark case reaches their laps (like Trump's documents case) and they do the obviously corrupt thing.

Vote. And if Harris wins, do not let up on Dem politicians to actually achieve something with the power they are given. Make the Supreme Court fear giving the President unchecked legal precedence by forcibly removing the overtly bought-and-paid-for judges as an official Presidential act. Issue a mandate that protects medical privacy and bodily autonomy. Remember the whole of what is at stake.

Defeating Trump in the upcoming election is just the beginning, and Dem politicians are far too unwilling to beat tyrannical right-wingers at their own game. It is, in no small part, the fault and failure of Democratic politicians that we are in this political situation, and if we wash our hands of it just because the Oval Office is blue, we will end up right back here.

At the end of the day, they are all richer and more powerful than us individually. And Dem politicians are equally capable of greed. Even if Harris is the most moral and progressive politician, she is surrounded by a system that will try to force her to reign it in. They are not to be trusted outright, even if they say all the right things. They have to DO the right thing, too. They have to feel the pressure from the public.

And PLEASE be safe. The supporters he has left will only be incensed by loss.

21:07 UTC


Conservatives are steadfast opponents of investing in middle class

This article from the Economist popped up in my morning read. The authors bemoans Harris socialist agenda writing

“ that includes trying to secure more funding for kindergarten, higher wages for homecare workers and paid family leave for all. So it was no coincidence that the first two unions to endorse Ms Harris, within hours of Mr Biden’s exit from the presidential race, were the American Federation of Teachers and the Service Employees International Union, which represents nurses, among others “.

As a ER nurses who got COVID 3 times and came back to work during the pandemic 😷 I am not at all surprised at the editors condescending voice towards America middle class, BUT OPPOSING KINDERGARTEN help for working families is just plainly vile and quite detestable IMHO

20:39 UTC


The time is now.

I am afraid for my future, and the future of my family. Project 2025 is the roadmap for Trump to end our country as we know it. Dictatorship, and an end to our personal freedoms, an end to power for the people and the values that have defined our country for generations.

To those that may say I’m overreacting, recall January 6th. Trump attacked our capitol and attempted to murder our elected representatives with the clear goal of seizing power. He is now more prepared and capable than ever to complete this goal, should he be given the chance.

My whole life, I’ve stayed quiet and avoided politics and activism like the plague. I fear that further inaction by myself, and my fellow citizens is how our democracy will die.

So what do we do? How do we organize? I invite you to join me in brainstorming (nonviolent ideas only) in this thread. I’m going to take action, but I’m just one person. Together, organized, we can all make a real difference!

19:42 UTC


It's seriously sad how veterans have been brainwashed by Republicans.

The only surviving ww2 vets are for some reason Republicans. Its extremely sad they went from fighting the Nazis to joining them and don't even realize it. Being so old they don't know anything else but what their family and fox news tells them. I say this because there was one speaking at the RNC.

Republicans think they are traitors for fighting against the nazis, how are they not able to see that? They ARE the original antifa, yet they are being told being anti fascist is un american by these people.

Edit:glad some are, but I'm tired of seeing "interviews" where they take them out of context and have them say "this isn't the country they fought for", yeah no shit, they fought to keep people like Trump from taking over. Worst are the ones who have them react to modern antifa without giving them context. I hope they are minority, but it's disgusting how these fascists are using them as political tools.

01:00 UTC


There needs to be more remembrance and discussion of Trump's anti-immigration family separation policy

This was one of the most awful aspects of the Trump presidency, and one that lately isn't getting discussed as often as it used to be. Trump seems to be very much still in favor of this cruel and inhumane policy:

Trump touted the efficacy of family separations during a CNN town hall in May [2023], and declined to rule out reinstating them. He defended them again in an interview with Spanish-language television channel Univision that aired on Nov. 9 [2023].

"It stopped people from coming by the hundreds of thousands because when they hear 'family separation,' they say, 'Well, we better not go.' And they didn't go," he said.

At least 5000 families were forcibly separated during the Trump presidency, and as of February this year the work of reuniting them was still incomplete.

This is a topic that should be getting mentioned whenever Trump and immigration are discussed by liberals and commentators, and it's one that both Trump and Vance should be questioned about in interviews and debates leading up to the election.

13:52 UTC


I kinda would have liked an Oval Office “I will not seek or accept” moment from the president

I know it’s a different scenario and time, I just think Biden deserves a moment like that.

04:55 UTC


I feel like flying the biggest American flag RN


03:25 UTC


Former Trump DOJ attorney speaks out (Australian News)

Another reminder of the crazy behind the scenes when Trump was in office.


1 Comment
21:37 UTC


So, how do we feel? 🗳️☑️

The only argument that might sway me for his dropping out, is that a different candidate might, might, draw in undecideds.

That said, as a Black woman, I believe this country is frankly still too racist to vote Kamala in. I would love, love, love to be proven wrong. LOVE to be proven wrong but I’m not holding my breath. 

What are you thinking? 

Edit, 14 hrs later: as I said from jump, I’d love to be proven wrong. Very, VERY pleasantly surprised at the fundraising in the first 12 hours, and also with Haley Voters for Harris 👀

18:26 UTC


TRUMP MANIA? What makes this guy so appealing to conservatives?

I don’t understand the cult following? Some background: I was born in Russia and brought here as a child. Pls some1 explain to me the APPEAL of this narcissistic dipstick of an individual. He doesn’t lead particularly well, he speaks like a 3rd grader and he has no sex appeal/charisma to speak of. He mingles with alt right even though his daughter married a Jewish businessman, he warms up to Putin whose goals are incompatible with ours, ohh and he is clearly a bigot who has trouble recollecting what he said earlier and why he is in this race. He is literally a walking meme. How does a rational person say, gee wiz this guy is a winner and Ima going to support this guy!

17:11 UTC


So lemme get this straight

After nearly a decade of , facts don’t care about your feelings , fuck your feelings , libtard , demoncrats / rats , wokeness , let’s go Brandon , snowflakes , commie / communist , baby killers , Benghazi , lock her up , Obama was a Muslim born in Kenya and his kids are fake props , Michele Obama is a man , antifa , fake news , Marxist , law fare , and many others democrats have to stop being divisive and come to unity with republicans ????

12:38 UTC


So where was the unity?

I’ve seen a handful of Trump supporters saying that his speech was unifying.

Im assuming it was unifying for republicans, but curious to know what unity meant for the rest of the country in their eyes.

22:59 UTC


I have to be honest…I nearly forgot what an absolute moron this guy actually is

I mean it. I’m not trying to be cute and name calley. He’s not smart. He’s literally moronic. Of course this is nothing we didn’t already know but still. I have $5 saying he can’t say the alphabet all the way through even though it’s a song.

03:21 UTC


My prediction

Biden announces he’s withdrawing tonight, shortly before Trump delivers his acceptance speech.

23:39 UTC


Why JD my thoughts

So I watched Hillbilly Elegy (it's trending on Netflix again) as I wanted to see why Trump picked this guy a couple of takes.

  1. I can almost guarantee the fact he has a movie about his life is one of the sole reasons Trump picked him! They have nothing at all in common at all. How they could even make conversation is beyond me.

  2. Vance is incredibly relatable to the working poor especially with the addiction in his family he faced growing up.

  3. Why this guy is Republican is beyond me however he is dangerously relatable to blue collar workers and he is very young (for a politician). The fact the Teamsters showed up to the RNC also 😔 sigh

  4. After watching his RNC speech my household all agreed we need a YOUNG person on the ticket to match this energy.

We need a millennial running mate. He himself is a millennial.

16:42 UTC

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