ABOUT: Links to interesting content that more people should know about. A place for iconoclasts and autodidacts to share.
We like sharing ideas that have been misrepresented, suppressed, ignored, or otherwise excluded from mainstream discussion. If you know of a good article or video that fits in here, add it to our archive of educational content.
Sometimes good information can be a little tainted by the viewpoint or the agenda of those who are presenting it. This doesn't mean it shouldn't be displayed here. We believe that people are smart enough to discern this on their own and can still benefit from the information while disregarding the bias. Don't be afraid to post. Others will discuss in the comments.
NEWS: If this place ever gets off the ground, I think a salt shaker should be the first thing used for user flair, for people who take things with a grain of salt.
Is there a popular version of the same idea? Because if there isn't then I'm surprised that this subreddit isn't more popular with an obvious concept and a simple url. If this is all there is then is there any interest in kickstarting the subreddit? There's not exactly a shortage of potential content to post and we could maybe get a similar but fundamentally different subreddit (ELI5, howdoesthiswork, any learning subreddit) to put us in their sidebar.
He starts speaking about Inner and Outer worlds, how getting a promotion in a job or hitting yourself are outerworld events and when you are happy or proud or hurt these are inner world events. Lets keep in mind that he asks as to have a pretty open mind (This means to evaluate everything he says not necessarily to accept it)
Then he goes and mentions how everything is governed by laws, but it seems that things that happen to us just happen by accident. (He mentions gravity, and some other physical laws). He says that in the past people believed the sun moved and the earth was still. However, Copernicus came along with maths and science and proved that it was actually the earth moving and the sun staying still. Now everybody believes that the sun is still and the earth moves, even though our basic senses see the sun going up and down, but never see the earth moving. He says this is the same way with events that happen to us. Not only simple cause-effect events, but for example: if some car crushes you, or if something else (that seems totally unrelated to your actions) happens to you is your fault only. He says this is a law that goes against our senses, but still it is a law.
My point is though.. that Copernicus proved it. That's the reason why we believe it. Using mathematics he was able to prove his hypothesis. However, this guy is stating laws... with no prove.. I just (being a science guy) can't digest. Any arguments or opinions about that? Feel free to post them.