
Photograph via snooOG

We are an LDS subreddit for all types of gaming. The Mormon Gaming Community. The LDS Gaming Community. LDSGamers.com

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We are an LDS subreddit for all types of gaming. The Mormon Gaming Community. The LDS Gaming Community. LDSGamers.com

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1,204 Subscribers


Is anyone still here?

What games are y’all play!?

Right now I’m still playing “for honor”

Thinking about getting call of duty.

Did you guys hear about that age of empire 2 “Mormon mod”?

17:41 UTC



G’day friends!

Anyone still active here?

Looking to connect with some church member over PSN, and the gaming community in general.

Thanks :)

00:24 UTC


Anyone play Ring of Elysium?

1 Comment
03:45 UTC


My Liahona For Auir

15:44 UTC


Anyone playing Farcry 5 on X1?

The language is pretty bad but... well dang it, it’s just a really fun game! So I’m looking for a co-op buddy.

I’m an adult... if that matters.

XBL gamer tag: ferixon

01:21 UTC


Our Missionary did this incredible DS drawing.

17:09 UTC


BYU Minecraft

02:36 UTC



Anyone at BYUI play competitive CSGO? I'm not that great but queuing with friends is always better than going in alone

07:46 UTC


Why Retro Gaming Ruled 2018 - Top 10 Countdown | Retro Gaming Rewind

01:43 UTC


Hey guys, im new here, anybody got ps4?

15:15 UTC


So I’m 14 and go to seminary. Lucky for me the church is a gym in pokemon go

13:15 UTC


The Army of Helaman - LDS LoL Clan Looking for members!

Hi Guys,

Figured I'd make a clan on League of Legends for LDS players. It'd be nice to have friendly folks to play with (that have similar standards, especially regarding profanity)!

The Clan is called: "The Army of Helaman" :)

If you are interested, just send a friend request to me (username: Darangrail)

17:42 UTC


Anyone play Fo76?

I'm curious if anybody here plays Fallout 76 and if they would be interested in teaming up some time. I could use more friends that play the game and would enjoy some people to chat with that are of a similar spiritual mindedness. XBL GT:ElderofIsrael

02:41 UTC


Any OSRS players out there?

This might be a shot in the dark or maybe isn’t allowed, but I was wondering if any fellow members play OSRS (an online mmorpg). I’d like some friends that share my standards to hang out with in the game.

23:46 UTC


PC Overwatch Tournament! Sign Up by Dec 6th!

We're hosting a PC Overwatch Tournament on Dec. 15th! Follow the link here to sign up!

20:23 UTC


Red Dead Redemption 2?

So is there any redeeming value (I guess there's a pun there ;) ) in Red Dead Redemption 2? I assume I can turn off the blood, at least? I got a really good deal on an Xbox One S bundle because that was included, and it actually looks kind of fun. But I could also sell it.

20:42 UTC


Do we have an Xbox group?

Do we have an Xbox group? If not, we don’t we make one?

17:05 UTC


Twitch Stream for Members of the Church! Follow us and Watch us Live on Twitch @LatterDayStreams

20:41 UTC


Objectively bad vs. truly bad

Hi! I’m back. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, pondering on this scripture (Moroni 7:16-17):

"For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil; wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge; for every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ; wherefore ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of God.

But whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do evil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God, then ye may know with a perfect knowledge it is of the devil; for after this manner doth the devil work, for he persuadeth no man to do good, no, not one; neither do his angels; neither do they who subject themselves unto him."

What does this mean about video games? Good question. You may have noticed I have not, as of yet, posted an objective review. I have in my past posted such reviews on websites under different names. But this scripture has me hesitate doing so again.

Why? Because its implications are clear: Any thing that persuadeth someone to do good is of God, and the opposite is not. There are thousands upon thousands of games that lead men to do good if used well, at the very least. There are, in my opinion, many fewer that do not, despite the most popular games often being games that glamorize or trivialize violence or poor behavior of other sorts.

What games, then, are “the best”? Also clear: The games that lead men to believe in God and Christ the most. This does not necessarily mean the best games are of LDS origin. I have played thousands of games from youth until now, and, well, I suppose nearly all of the games that have brought me closest to Christ were not by LDS game devs. I’ve played some LDS games, and they do not generally have deeply moving storylines. They generally are on the fringe, and includes mild games or puzzles for children, not deep stories that evoke emotion.

Some of the games that have inspired me deeply are Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, Owlboy and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. These games have stories that moved me to tears and gameplay that pushed me to my limits. As an aside, one reason I persevered in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was its gameplay: Why? It actually brought me exercise. The Wii is a very notable console for family friendly gaming, and one that had many games that brought families together. I will not include a list, but suffice it to say that it may still be worth getting a Wii (or a Wii U, as it can play Wii games) in 2018 and beyond.

But a number of games that are “objectively bad” may have great stories or worthwhile gameplay (even if it is buggy or perhaps in some cases, especially if it is buggy. If you play LEGO games, for example, it can be rewarding to take advantage of these glitches...as they can lead to funny or fantastic moments). The indie game “Never Alone” received both praise and negativity upon release and was panned by some by being very buggy. The gameplay does not do very much “new” (despite the wonderful co-op) and there are significant possible odd occurrences due to bugs. Yet the story therein is told masterfully. If you play this game with a friend who is willing to look past the game’s flaws, you will have an experience that transcends so much in this world. Seeing this game through the eyes of a child does wonders.

Looking over these things, it is clear that “objectively bad” games are possibly not bad at all...simply possibly flawed. Might we be criticizing games that don’t deserve criticism? Might we not be playing games that would enhance our earthly experience dramatically simply because of what a critic or acquaintance said?

Perfection, in my opinion, means seeing what part of perfection the “out of tune” notes play. Might they be in tune if singing them was our intent all along?

1 Comment
23:08 UTC


Heroes of the Storm

My battle.net tag is BlesedDragon #1947 and I play HOTS almost everyday since beta. Would love to hook up with more LDS gamers.

1 Comment
13:09 UTC


Anyone play TF2 here?

I love this game and I wonder if anyone here does as well. :)

15:25 UTC


Moral Relativism and Game Reviews

We live in a time of moral relativism, where people are searching for the truth, but suppose it to be something other than what it is. Where people hold themselves to be wiser than each other and engage each other in pointless roundabout debates. Where one person’s “truth” is considered more valid than another’s. Thanks, President Uchtdorf

Enter the world of game reviews. Where games are measured by differently shaped yardsticks. Reviewers have differing opinions, sometimes vastly so. Their scores may be similar, but each may criticize a point that another praised. Their scores may be wildly different and each review may sound similar. Some may use different yardsticks at different times.

Many, many reviews claim that a game is less than the sum of its parts. Others insist that a game is more than the sum of its parts. But few reviews truly encapsulate what a game, in its purest essence, is.

What should, then, be said about a game when reviewing it?

Well, for one, each of its primary flaws and strengths. What does a game do well? Where does it fall short? And perhaps the question that is most ignored by reviewers, is a perceived flaw a strength when viewed from a different lens or angle?

But I feel the most important thing that should be taught is what a game means to each person playing it, including the reviewer. Did it inspire them to be better? What did the game cause them to feel? Was it consistently fun? And if not, did it inspire them in a way so that they could receive more joy? What will the game mean to others? Could it be viewed in a good way? Could it be viewed in a bad way? And what would that mean for each?

We know not all games are fun. Some are thought-provoking. Others are desensitizing. Do we know the difference? And could a desensitizing game become thought-provoking? Could a thought-provoking game become desentizing?

I think the answer to those last two is an affirmative “yes”. I don’t believe this mean we should pick up a game intended to desensitize and play through it hoping that we will somehow overlook its flaws to find the good. If the flaws are as deeply embedded in a game as they are in some games, it will be incredibly difficult to overlook, and we will be guilty of sin. There is no Vidangel for video games.

Beware the outside cover, as well. It doesn’t tell the full story. Many movies and games get away with a lesser rating or lesser descriptions than what is actually contained within. Even the sometimes sainted Nintendo is guilty.

Of course, this does not necessarily mean we should avoid “M”-rated games. There are some out there that may be far more worthy of our time than games with a lesser rating. Yet the tendency skews lower. It is my belief that there are far more appropriate “E” games than “E10” games. There are far more appropriate “E10” games than “T” games. There are far more appropriate “T” games than “M” games. And of course, there are far more appropriate “M” games than “A/O” games.

Does that mean we should only play “E” rated games? I think not. But we need to be educated. We have resources like Common Sense Media and Plugged In. Any gamer who plans on playing anything maybe ought to go there and check out whatever they might be interested in before they shell out money for anything or even play something.

We have a responsibility to fill our minds with good material. Choose games that will do so.

15:11 UTC


On a scale of One to Even: I just can't

21:49 UTC


Nice guy from Norway gives away hard to find Sea of Thieves custom controller just because! Go leave updoots and pirate puns!!!

18:52 UTC

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