
Photograph via snooOG

The community for those interested in faithful discussions related to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members, known colloquially as "Mormons".

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Reddit's Faithful Latter-day Saint Community

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27,467 Subscribers


No “swearing”

Can someone please enlighten me on those scriptures that talk about not swearing? What does that even mean? Is it truly sinful to say something like, “I swear it wasn’t me” or “I swear that’s all I know” without including God? Or have I misunderstood what the scripture is referring to? It just doesn’t make sense to me.

00:43 UTC


Seeking general ideas for church history trip

My wife and I are from Europe and are planning on doing a church history trip next year (2025). We expect to fly to New York and rent a car and drive westward visiting sites for about a month.

Has anyone tried it and can give suggestions on how to make it more enjoyable, spiritual, worthwhile, etc? Are there any specific sites you recommend visiting? Best time to go? Pageants happening? Places to see (or avoid)? Experiences with renting a camper vs booking hotels? Other places to stay?

So far we have the church website to go from Historic Sites (churchofjesuschrist.org) but don't know if we should or could even visit them all

Appreciate any and all advice!

11:04 UTC


Help please

My(16f) mom left the church a few months ago. I’m still here, but I really don’t like Sundays because “family time” just consists of her ranting about how bad it is and why we should all just go to the non-denominational church she found. I’m already depressed and she works full time and I rarely get to spend time with her, and when I do the topic always turns to religion. And when I tell her I don’t want to hear about it she gets offended. She gets offended really easily. I’m not even sure what I’m asking for help with, I just need to share my situation with someone. Please talk to me.

00:51 UTC


Returning to the Temple

I have been a member of the church for all of my life and served a mission, kept my temple recommend active. Due to family, work and other commitments, I’ve not been to the temple in over 10 years. The recent talks about the importance of attending the temple have hit me and I realize that I need to start going regularly.

Since it’s been so long, what can I expect? I am fearful that I’ll stand out to everyone as I don’t remember any of the processes, and there have been many changes from what I’ve been hearing. Any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

23:46 UTC


Another photo from my Baptism

I shared a photo from my Baptism last week and went AWOL. I got baptized in a lake in Poland. Our congregation is really small here. There are no stake centers. No Temple. No ward. Just a small chapel. I hope I can visit the Temple in Freiburg soon as I’d love to experience that and do some Baptisms of the dead. I received the Holy Ghost last Sunday as well. I’ve been noticing such monumental changes within me. I’m convinced this was my best decision in life. Growing up (I grew up elsewhere and moved to Poland 4 years ago) I had some LDS friends. They were some of the nicest people I knew. I was always interested but never really felt compelled to learn more. Perhaps all those were signs along the way. :)

17:30 UTC


Why aren't we considered Christians?

I've been posting on some Christian subreddits and have been told several times that because I'm a Latter-day Saint I'm not a Christian.

Edit: I've been reading every single comment! Thank you so much for answering my questions!

I've found myself asking more questions because there are things that I don't understand about the Gospel and our Church.

01:08 UTC


Questions for a member OBGYN

Hi everyone, I’m a medical student considering becoming an OBGYN and was looking for a member who has gone through OBGYN training to ask a few questions. Specifically I’m wondering if performing abortions was a required part of your training, feel free to DM or give advice and answers in the comments.

21:24 UTC


Speaking to Missionaries Today

I was born a Latter-Day Saint and was blessed into the church here in Upstate, NY but I never practiced it as my mother wanted me to make my own decision and outlook on everything. I’m going to a Chapel and I’m going to look around and talk to some missionaries. I’ve been doing research into the religion and it’s fascinating and interesting. I’m hoping the missionaries can answer some questions I have because I’m really considering beginning to practice the teachings of the church.

Update: It went fantastically! I got all the answers I was looking for and even got answers to question I never thought I’d ask. The Chapel was beautiful with the walls having wonderful paintings of Jesus Christ and their teachings are also wonderful! After today I am considering beginning to start going to Sunday Service. I felt nothing but peace and tranquility while inside the chapel and I can’t wait to go back.

16:08 UTC


What are some of the BEST FHE activities you've ever had? Myself and another person just got called to be coordinators for our 18 person group and we want to start out with something awesome!

04:18 UTC


Do any of y’all have non-member in-laws?

Kind of seeing this girl who is a convert whose family hasn't joined the church at this time. Probably getting ahead of myself lol but was wondering if any of y'all married someone like this and if/how it affects the relationship at all. (even though I'm sure it depends on each situation) Thanks!

22:21 UTC


Amsterdam/Arnhem Area YSA Activities?

[I am not sure why my previous post was removed so I'm posting again]

Helloo! Can anyone help me figure out if there are any YSA activities in the Amsterdam/Arnhem area tomorrow (or even sometime this week/next week)?

My husband and a new member friend of ours are in the area for the commemoration of Operation Market Garden. unfortunately, they are busy on sundays when sacrament meetings are scheduled. Does anyone know if there are any YSA activities (family home evening and the likes) our friend could join to meet and mingle with other lds young single adults?

If you know of Facebook groups, contact people, or the likes, that would be great.

Thank you!

18:26 UTC


I love my ward

The title says it all. My bff who is like 80. The missionaries. My bishop. Every one.

21:42 UTC


Service, and invites?

My husband and I, along with my two young children are recent converts (my youngest yes yet to be baptized according to the age of accountability)

My mom is a member; but currently inactive. Pioneer and Church Leader ancestry so amazing the nudges from the Holy Ghost were so strong guiding me towards baptism because I believe my family and I were meant to bridge that gap.

We pay tithing according to God’s law and the guidance of our bishop, I have given talks at Stake Conference, my husband in Elders Quorum, both have callings within our ward, our children are thriving in primary, and both hold current Temple recs and visit about once a month.

We both get a lot of invites to things centered around the church, like weekly courses in which we would have to find babysitting, or to join the choir, or volunteer on Saturday mornings. At first I found them overwhelming and I had a really hard time saying no, and still feel some guilt I suppose so that is what I’m posting here to seek anyone’s advice to see if I I have this right;

  • Full Tithe payers
  • weekly sacrament attendance
  • ward callings, family cleaning assignments
  • participate in Stake Conference talks and Elder Quorum (my husband had been confirmed part of the Aaronic Priesthood)
  • Current temple rec holders
  • Children thriving in primary (children always attend activity days, and we always attend family related events, like a birthday party at the ward in honor President Nelson)
  • Relief Society for me, Elders Quorum for husband
  • participated in both pre and post baptism lessons
  • social with everyone, yet also whole family is on the spectrum so just participating is in itself amazing

In my opinion, and also that of our Stake Patriarch, our family is an amazing addition to the ward and Stake.

Am I correct in thinking that invites to most things are always extended to everyone, and that is what makes us so inviting and accepting? It’s up to those who wish to participate to say yes, and also a lesson in how to say no politely for people like me who feel guilty turning down anything?

Sorry that was long, I just wanted to make sure we are still fulfilling all our duties as active members, and was trying to gather a list of thing very things that make you an active and participating member. As a constant worrier, I wanted to see with you all what you thought

19:13 UTC


Suggestions for involving the ward council in ward mission?

I'm the ward mission leader and am currently working with the EQ And RS to creating a ward mission plan. As part of the plan we want to brainstorm ways that we can involve the ward council/ward auxiliaries in supporting the goals of a ward mission plan (which is to help ward members experience the joy of sharing the gospel, and to help and support returning members). Note that we're not concerned with what individuals ward members can do, we specifically want to think of if what leadership in the ward can do.

Any suggestions on what your wards have done, things that have worked for you, or ideas you wish your ward tried?

16:21 UTC


Got Baptized today and I couldn’t be more happy.

15:47 UTC


How do you interpret dreams. Do they mean anything?

So, I've written in the past that I wanted to leave America. I prayed to the Heavenly Father for guidance. I believe it was the same night or the next night, I had a dream that I was walking in a city in the country I'm interested in moving to. In the dream, it felt gloomy, bleak, and 'dystopian'. The vibe I got was that I shouldn't be there.

How would one interpret this? Could it be a sign or just a coincidence?

02:31 UTC


Books on charity

Hey all. As I was sitting in institute today, I felt really strongly that I need to work a lot harder on developing charity, specifically in regards to being loving towards others and bringing a positive spirit with me wherever I go. Any good books that help address this? Tia!

03:52 UTC


The Lord Doesn't Teach or Encourage Half Measured Sacrifice, Obedience, and Consecration

Christ teaches us to strive for perfection and the His Atonement makes up the difference. It is 'After all we can do'.

Do we get weary? Yes. Do we need to be wise? Yes. But generally, God nor the prophets laundry list the exceptions and only teach the command as they counsel. In fact, He often praises and blesses those that we might consider within the range of exception for their great sacrifice.

The Widow's Mite is one of these circumstances where 'we' would probably tell the Widow that she is fine and can keep her donation. In fact, it's the perfect opportunity for Jesus to teach His Apostles just that: that there are dire circumstances where the Law and God is reasonably considerate of our temporal pain. However, He instead praises her tithe and remarks more than once of the realness of her sacrifice because of the difficulty of her choosing sustenance or to keep a Gospel Law.

You might be surprised how often a 'red flag' for a troll Reddit user, is someone who comments on another's post that is describing their struggle and then suggesting half-measured obedience. Recently it appeared in the advice to go to church occasionally for their circumstances and to not feel bad for it. Another might be paying a large portion of your tithing to Charities instead as plenty sufficient, especially since it is up to you to define if you are a full tithe payer. Even another is Elder Oaks having to clarify the wearing of the temple garment as constant rather than when you felt like it was good for you because of the permeated false teaching of half-measured obedience in this regard.

Next time you see it kind of comment, you might check for yourself to determine its real intent.

00:33 UTC


Youth Program Guidelines

I forget how long it has been but when the church transitioned from Boy Scouts to their own program, they created their own guidelines or areas of focus in the Youth and Children program. The program has four areas of focus which all activities should be tied do: Intellectual, Social, Physical and Spiritual. Does anyone actually use this when planning activities for the youth? We have not used this at all in our ward for the youth or the primary, so I'm wondering for those of you who have, how successful have you been at it? There seems to be no interest on the part of the parents or leaders to do anything with this program.

04:23 UTC


Marriage and Sealing

About four years ago I met my now fiancé and we will soon be getting married. I always figured I would marry and be sealed in the temple.

This is my first marriage and the second for my fiancé. She and her first husband were married and sealed in the temple before he passed away.

I know you can request permission to be sealed to someone else, but I don't feel that it is fair to ask that of her, especially since she still cares for him.

Would he be alone if that were to happen? Would he lose the blessings promised if she were to be resealed?

If I'm not sealed do I fail to receive exaltation? I don't fully understand and am struggling with my desire to receive the blessings of the temple sealing.

My only consolation is that the Lord is just and everything will be made right in the end. What are your thoughts on my concern?

13:25 UTC


Night guy back

I’ve been sick all weekend. I’ve missed sacrament for the first time. The ward mission leader made me feel better about it since he knows my schedule. He told me it’s the adversary trying to discourage but said if I were to talk to the missionaries it wouldn’t be a burden to ask. I guess my question is would it be a burden? I don’t want to bother the elders. I knows our area is pretty large.

17:52 UTC


Tips to come back to the LDS church.

I've been a member of the church since I was born but got somehow distant after COVID-19. I am thinking about becoming really active again since I really love LDS community but I felt sad when I told my family that I was looking forward to come back and all they did was mock me and made me feel as if I was doing something bad. They are LDS too but since I haven't gone in so long, they reacted very strange to my desire to come back. Anyway, I would appreciate if someone experienced coming back to church after COVID-19 and how to go back to church.

1 Comment
02:19 UTC


Im at a constant battle with myself

I'm at a breaking point with everything, I've been praying and reading the bible and book of Mormon, but nothing helps, Im probably need to see a therapist about this. Most days I love learning about Jesus and his journey and watching or reading about him healing others make me feel so happy and feel at peace, I wish I could feel like that every day, but on other days I get really depressed and have a low self-esteem (What I'm currently feeling), I self-sabotage everything because I know it will make me feel happy.

My childhood was so messed up I grew up to my parents fighting every day and always threatening each other with divorce, my dad would come home every night drunk and break things and verbally abuse us. My dad also tried to commit suicide on my birthday and a few times on other days after that, he occasionally also would say that he was going to shoot himself but never did. While dealing with all of that most of my friends started dying from suicide, over drinking, and murder. My dad is better now, he stopped the whole suicide talk and calmed down from heavy drinking (he still drinks every day, but he doesn't get super drunk). No one knows about this; from the outside I look so happy and energetic but on the inside I'm so tired and depressed.

05:34 UTC

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