Any historical aircraft or content related to them is allowed here so long as it is at least over 30 years old.
Historical Aircraft
This is a place to share and dicuss content related to different Historic aircraft. So long as it's relevant most things are allowed from photographs, videos, paintings and schematics.
Aircraft have to be at least 30 years old, modern photos and videos are fine so long as the subject is old enough
Civilian and military aircraft are allowed
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Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
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Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
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I’m helping out a friend for a video and we cannot find any videos of the victor in the gulf war. If y’all could help that’d be amazing
Can anyone help me identify the radio compliment of a Vultee BT-13? I would love to restore one.
So i am a English Electric Lightning enthusiast my favourite is a 1965 F.6 XR754 his nose cone is still around and i would love to know where it is if anyone could tell me i would appreciate it deeply
Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
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Found this airplane engine nose cone in the basement of a retired airplane mechanic. Notches for four propeller blades. Only markings on the item are the phrase “Caution: External Deicing Heater Handle with Care” (in English). No other markings or serial numbers on item. Base is 21 inches wide, and 21 inches tall from base to tip of nose.
Picture was taken in the rain, so it looks much shinier than in reality. Actual finish is much flatter. Any ideas? Thanks!
Edited Nov. 2, 2020. I found some additional information found on the inside of the airplane part. I have included a new photo with some information. Not all could be easily read. I was wondering if it was called a spinner assembly. Would this help in the identification? Thank you.
I was watching some historical footage from Portugal in 1943[1] and spotted this interesting tidbit: a Douglas DC-3 in Nazi Livery. I was initially confused, but turns out they operated several of them. From the tail number I was able to discover that this particular one was most likely acquired after the invasion of Czechoslovakia, and destroyed later in the war during a daylight bombing raid [2]. Links to the video and source.
I wondered if anyone knew what this plane was? I'm new to this subreddit so my apologies if this is the wrong place.
I'm wondering if someone on this subreddit can help me identify this plane. It's a pic of my father who was in WWII. It's probably 1943 when he was in training in the Navy Air Corps. (In '45 he was flying B29s).
The Philippine Mars (1 of 7 Martin JRM Mars Aircraft built) was supposed to be donated to the Pensacola Naval Museum. The last I can find about it is an article from 2016 saying that the deal had fallen through.
*Edit. Forgot to add picture