Hip Hop music
Nothing more, nothing less
Only Hip Hop Music
Use this format for posting music
Do not USE ALLCAPS or put needless info in the title like "Official Video", [HipHop], your opinion, (new), emojis, ...
If you feel like you need to put more, you can always use the correct flair, and add more information in a comment.
No recent reposts
No spamming
Self-promotion is generally frowned upon, but if you want to have a presence on reddit you should fully read reddiquette and the FAQs so that you understand the culture and social norms. If you want to post your (or affiliated) songs, make sure that you're following all of the guidelines in the FAQ on spam. The mods take a 1 out of a 10 approach
Reddiquette and reddit's rules also apply
Full HipHop Rules
r/HipHop has a dedicated Spotify playlist, based on the weekly top posts!!!
The Spotify playlist is called "r/HipHop | Top weekly posts" and is available on the following url:
This playlist is continuously updated whenever new post makes it to the top 25 of:
When that happens u/Listige will make a comment in the post, to let you all know there's been a new update.
If you have any questions or feedback, send us modmail and we'll get back to you!
All credits go to my friend Phamous that sent me this amazing song🙌🏽
working on some new stuff.