Jappix, Movim, GNU MediaGoblin, Apache (formerly Google) Wave, StatusNet, Diaspora, etc.
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The free culture movement is a social movement for freedom of speech and expression and the elimination of gatekeepers in a digital age. We promote free software and other free cultural works as a matter of personal liberty and human rights.
When we say "free", we mean free as in "freedom".
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Hello everyone,
I am a recent graduate with a degree in Video Editing, looking to build my portfolio and gain more experience in the field. Although I have limited professional experience, I am highly dedicated, meticulous, and committed to delivering high-quality work.
What I offer:
Why hire me:
If you're looking for a passionate and hardworking video editor who can bring your vision to life without breaking the bank, please feel free to reach out. I would be happy to discuss your project.
DM me or write me an email: mkstudiocreations@gmail.com
Thank you for considering my services!
i know librefm is a open source alternative to lastfm, but after trying librefm for a while i saw it uses music from jamendo, why make a librefm account over a jamendo account ? (or making one at all)
Does anybody know how these projects differ?