
Photograph via snooOG

A place for discussion, pictures, videos, news, or interesting links for all things tree-related.

  • logging
  • forest management
  • urban forestry
  • chainsaws, skidders, trucks, or any other forestry equipment
  • sawmills
  • firewood
  • etc.

Discord: https://discord.gg/FA8KfNG


I own land and am not sure how to manage it. What should I do?

Contact your state forestry agency or a consulting forester in your area.

Where can I find a forestry job?

Forestry can tend to be regional and so are the job boards.

Related Reddits:











/r/sfwtrees (urban forestry)

/r/whatsthisplant (Plant ID)

/r/marijuanaenthusiasts (tree photographs)


36,112 Subscribers


Looking for a research partner in relation to the UK for a research project

Hello, new account as I'd like to stay anonymous on my main one,

I am doing the french BFI, which is the international baccalauréat and one of the subjects we have is CDM, basically for two years we build our own research project, that by the way has to be on the UK, and have to submit a paper and do an oral at the end. Now I chose as my main topic "forest monocultures, biodiversity and how we could use non native species to better and integrate them to the natural environment".

For 4 months now I have been sending mails left and right to find a certain 'international partner' which sounds like much, but really is not much of a drag as its just an expert in the field that would help me by answering some questions. Sadly I either don't get an answer or outright get refused.

Now I am turning to you, dear redditors, as a common user of this platform, and as a believer in its strength. I am open to any help you could give me.

If you wan't to contact me directly my DMs are open and I can then give you my e-mail.

06:37 UTC


ASV RT 135 best mulching head suggestions and why you think it is

I have purchased a 2024 ASV and looking for best suggestions on mulching heads, got a quote for a FAE DML/SSL rated for a 75 hp unit and according to FAE website it will only do a max tree of 5 in. This doesn’t make any sense to me bc my brain just tells me that if the tree is laying on the ground it should be able to be mulch no matter the size just take longer. Any experienced suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

22:50 UTC


Boots for Urban Forestry

I know there are a million posts asking for boot advice but I haven’t seen one for urban. I have a pair of nicks logging boots that I love for my current forestry job in the forest but I’m taking an urban forestry job and don’t think they will be very comfortable for standing/walking on pavement all day. Any recommendations?

22:33 UTC


Formatting field data for FVS analysis

Hi, so I have collected field data over a couple of years for 5 different genotypes of the same tree. How do I format my data into the blank FVS database to reflect these genotypes during analysis?

20:31 UTC


Bad budget news from US Forest Service

01:59 UTC


Career Choice

I am 19 years old pursuing a career towards getting on the fire and rescue department in my city, but I have also considered a career in forestry due to a love for the outdoors. My parents have encouraged me to finish fire academy even if I don't decide to become a firefighter because it would show potential employers that I am dedicated, and it would look good on my resume, which I have decided to do. As a firefighter, I would be working a schedule of 24 on and 48 off so I would have a decent amount of time off. I have two questions regarding this career.

  1. Would it be possible to be a firefighter and do a little forestry work on my off time, or is forestry a standalone career that would require all my time?
  2. Is forestry a good standalone career that would allow me to support a family and live a comfortable life?
18:13 UTC


Individual land owner Timber

I was wondering if anyone knew a company that assisted with the timber sales around north east MS. The company I contacted says they only work with corporate clients.

Or if anyone has suggestions to assist with the process I'd greatly appreciate it.

17:43 UTC


What US forests will best handle climate change? Where would you choose to live if you assume the worst projections come true?

Inspired by yesterdays great convo about everyone's favorite stand types: https://www.reddit.com/r/forestry/s/f9gBh2eEKn

If you weren't bound by family, work, budget, and so on... where would you live to best survive the effects of climate change? PNW? Upper New England? Northwoods? Appalachia? Ozarks? Rockies?

Of course no place will be entirely spared. But it seems the areas with established forests are also the areas that will be the least horrible.

This has been a common topic among my local crew/foresters this summer. But I've been surprised by the wide range of answers...

14:57 UTC


Growth factor chart for common species

I'm looking for a published resource that has a growth factor chart for common species.

Something like this - but ideally with a bit more credibility? https://www.purduelandscapereport.org/article/how-old-is-my-tree/

I know these growth factors are extremely rough... is there a better way I can estimate dbh when the age of the tree is known?

Any help is appreciated! :)

03:55 UTC


Advice on Northern Hardwoods

Im kind of embarassed to admit it, because i've been a forester for some years now, but I need some help with marking single tree selection in northern hardwoods. I only recently got to an area where northern hardwood is a timber type I need to manage and it just feels overwhelming. I feel like I understand the theory, its making the decisions while putting paint on trees that I struggle with. My coworkers are really not much help, and the Wisconsin silviculture guide is good but im still having a hard time.

If anyone can offer some advice, or has pictures, videos, or articles they can share I would be very thankful.

This may just be some imposter syndrome or just me over thinking it but I dont want to mess up any more acreage than I may already have lol

00:47 UTC


Whats everyone's favorite forest type?

Could define it climatically, species cover, whatever.

I don't really mean for working in, though that's interesting too. But when youre just out there enjoying the big plants, where are you ideally?

21:48 UTC


Looking for a Forest Fuel Tech to Help with a Grad Student Project!

Hey folks,

I’m a grad student working on a project where we’re building automation devices to help count forest ground fuel (basically to make data collection easier and less manual). We’re hoping to find a forest fuel technician who’s down to give us some advice or even collaborate with us.

If you have experience with forest fuel or know someone who does, hit me up! Would really appreciate any insights or tips that could help us improve our project.

Thanks a ton!

19:45 UTC


Question on Logging Selection of Trees Based on DBH

I'm an ecologist working on a forestry-related paper and was interested in figuring out what DBH tree loggers in the United States tend to target for best ROI. Meaning, do loggers prefer trees that are DBH 15 inches, 20 inches, 22 inches, etc (I imagine that there's a declining ROI after a certain point based on how long you wait, since the tree might still keep growing but the time is offsetting possible revenue). I'm having trouble finding reputable sources to answer this question, would love some pointers if possible

15:05 UTC


How Traffickers Got Away with the Biggest Rosewood Heist in History

In 2014, officials in Singapore discovered $50 million worth of illicit Madagascar rosewood in a ship's hold.

Ten years later, the logs are still sitting in port, trapped in legal limbo. Read more.

1 Comment
13:59 UTC


Career advice

I'm 30 and, until now, I have worked primarily in forest ecology. However, due to multiple injuries and a progressive disability, I can no longer do most physically strenuous work (I cannot bend at the waist, do heavy-lifting, or carry a significant amount of weight on my back).

I've had to leave my ecology job and am now at a crossroads. I'm considering going back to school to get a master's in forestry and I've been increasingly interested in urban forestry as a career path. I'm located in Virginia so I'm considering Virginia Tech.

I wanted to come on here and ask if anyone had any thoughts on this or suggestions for forestry-related careers that don't require heavy lifting or a lot of bending. I've been told that urban forestry would be a good option for me, but I'll take any advice and suggestions you have.


11:49 UTC


ISA cert and seed cone collection

I worked as an arborist climber for a few years and had my certified arborist and tree climber certs that I have since let lapse. I'm interested in seed cone collection for work or some kind of field biology work that involves climbing. At the moment I'm a Forestry technician in northern California. Any thoughts on whether it's worth it to get re-certified? The tests are pricey. Or what kinds of places hire people to climb that aren't tree companies?

21:22 UTC


Have you ever seen an emerald ash borer in the woods?

I’m in VT where EAB is still a novelty. For those of you where EAB has been around longer; how often do you actually see the insect? Are they elusive or do you see them quite regularly?

11:53 UTC


Biltmore Estate Hurricane Damage?

I was reading a headline that the Biltmore Estate outside of Asheville NC received heavy damage from Helene.

Is this Estate the same as the “birthplace of American forestry?”

Should I hang onto my Biltmore Stick as a memento?

18:22 UTC


Useful Certificates?

So I’m on my way out of the Army and am going to return to school. At the moment I don’t have any completed degrees, but will be going into biology/ecology.

I’m curious if anybody knows of any certifications or licenses that would be useful for somebody interested in any forestry or environmental science organization (NPS, BLM, etc.,). The only caveat is that they can’t have any education requirements higher than high school. Any advice would be appreciated, especially from somebody who is already employed in this kind of area.

20:34 UTC



Belarus Forwarder

Hi guys i have a belraus mtz 1025,2 with a palms trailer im a begginer forwarder and i have watched a few videos of these kind of tractors and one thing i have noticed is that in those videos when they move both of the buttons for the manipulator it does both of the things but when i move both it just does one anyone know why?

18:34 UTC


What pants do you all use

Been wearing some cheap Dickies rip stop pants for a few years because they're flexible, very light, and $25 but they tear too easily. Willing to spend more as long as they're not going to rip/fail in other ways while still being light enough for working in the summer.

15:17 UTC


Blue Spruce Wood

Had a blue spruce come down in a storm on my property. Any recommendations on what to do with it? We heat with an outdoor wood burning furnace, so that’s always an option. Just wondering if anyone has any other recommendations for spruce logs.

12:27 UTC

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