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384,455 Subscribers


How do you write stories with characters that are one note

Long story short I'm planning on writing a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory fanfic like I said before one note you have the good , the spilod kid , one who love TV and the fat one.

I already have some ideas but I would like your help

00:15 UTC


Looking for fic recommendations

I’m looking for a twilight next gen fic, a twilight Bella & jasper fic (can be friends or more just something with a chaotic friendship aspect)

Edit: they can be two different fics one next gen and the other Bella & Jasper

23:50 UTC


Any evil character you love and think my beautiful favorite evil boy

Like instead of trying to justify his actions just thinking yeah he is bastard and he did arson murder kidnapping stealing manipulating and whatever I don't care I want him to be happy.

I love his clever way of thinking and such.

Can you rec some of your favorite fanfic about your favorite evil character with their pov?

1 Comment
23:22 UTC


Long, Zuko-centric ATLA fic recs?

Does anyone have any recommendations for long, Zuko-centric, Avatar the last air bender fics?

No ship preferences. I don’t have a lot of preferences to be honest, I just prefer long fics and I really enjoy angst😅 I really enjoy canon-divergence, but doesn’t have to be that.

Please suggest any fics to me, I am currently binging a bunch of ATLA Zuko fics and I’m running out haha

23:21 UTC


Is there any characters you give special treatment in fanfictions, if so, why?

For me, Adeline from Kirby gets special treatment from me because it seems like Hal HATES her, she's a literal glass cannon in Kirby Star Allies, her alternative mask in Return To Dreamland Deluxe looks like she's just in pain, and other such examples!

Who's that one character you give special treatment to and why?

23:19 UTC


Need help finding Natasha Romanoff & Reader kidnapping fic please!

TW for kidnapping and dark subjects

I need help finding a fanfic where it's Natasha Romanoff finding reader at some sort of kidnapped thing. I'm going crazy trying to find it I'll bullet point as much as I can remember:

•It starts with reader in a cage that gets dragged out by her hair •Natasha acts strict with reader which makes Steve uncomfortable but it's so reader doesn't go into shock •reader has basically the same powers as Wanda •There is a Christmas party/sleepover at Clint's house at one point. Reader gets in trouble for knife throwing with his kid •Natasha eventually adopts reader and there is sort of a romance between reader and Wanda •Yelena is also in it and Clint is in the vents as usual but reader uses it as a safe space too esspecially when Bucky is introduced cause of his hydra past

I've spent hours looking I'm again it might just be deleted. I originally read it on ao3 and I'm not sure if it's anywhere else.

Thank you so much for any help!

23:19 UTC


Hazbin hotel

Hi I am looking for a hazbin hotel fanfic that I read and now can't find. The plot is basically heaven attacks hell and they go into war. Lucifer and alastor make a deal or like a blood pack where alastor gets some of Lucifers powers and fall in love. I know lucifiers brothers are in it and lilith is evil in the fic. And it is apart of a series.

23:15 UTC


Recommendations for long plot fanfics?

I'm curious about all the different kinds of plot driven, long plot fanfictions that are out there. I'm curious what all of your favorites are, no matter how big or small the fandom. Mostly SFW or YA rating please.

1 Comment
23:05 UTC


Help me!! Finding a High school musical fanfiction! It literally lives rent free in my head.

There was this old (it's was from either 2006 or 2008) can't remember, fanfiction about this oc female protagonist that moved to Albuquerque and basically took Gabriella's place as Troy's romantic interest but with a more mature twist in the story, basically the ofc and Troy hooked up while getting mistakenly drunk at the Christmas party (someone had spiked the drink's) in the skiing lodge, they had sex, thought they would never see each other again, until a month later the ofc crossed paths with Troy at school, (I remember gabriella was in the fanfiction but she is only a friendly background character that is randomly there) long story short, the ofc starts feeling sick a while later after she and Troy start trying to become friends (which is understandable after having first time awkward sex with a stranger while being a minor) anyways, they come to terms that she must be pregnant, (they later confirm it with a test) she and Troy freak out, Troy ends up loosing his shit, knowing his dad will have a freak out, and everyone in school as well, but he makes it clear that he will be there for the ofc and the baby, so they choose to hide the pregnancy until they can't anymore.

Sharpay outs the ofc to the school thinking that her "puking" was her having bulimia (which she wanted to use as an excuse that the ofc would make others into bulimia Nervosa crazed teens) trust me, even i remember thinking this was wild AF until boom! everyone learns she is pregnant and then everyone loses their head, "Troy, future star basketball player gets a girl pregnant" "The girl is a slut ect ect" it even reaches the local news for some outrageous reason?? (Blame the probable 13 year old writer I guess??) 🤣

Coach Bolton drags Troy for filth 🤣 telling him about him not being responsible, about his future ect, but what i do remember loving was that he did tell Troy that he was 100% percent taking care of that baby if it was truly his (they had to get some paternity test done for legal reasons i guess too?)

I think there was probably more but I have forgotten the least dramatic events from the fanfiction 😭. I do know the writer was planning on writing a second book but i think it never happened because (how could they take a baby to the summer/working vacation) from the second movie??

22:56 UTC


Anyone ever seen Warrior cats boon au fics?

So, there's this really cool warriors au


(Hopefully it gives a working link idk)

(If it didn't it's called "Next Up Forever - Complete Warrior Cats Boon AU MAP" by Sarah Sellers - DragonwolfRooke, and you should absolutely watch it it's amazing)

Basically Rusty/Fireheart(/firestar) tries to go into the woods and gets scared of by Tigerclaw/star, and ends up going back into the city. He starts a clan of his own after hearing stories from who I think is Yellowfang, and then ends up joining the fight with Scourge and Tigerstar. He dies in the fight but Starclan give him at least one more life if not all nine (eight technically since one died already).

Anyways, I watched this, watched it again, shared it with three different people, and I want more. Anyone ever seen any Aus with this concept? To be clear if there aren't any with the Boon au, I will take ones where Rusty starts his own clan or ones where he's a rouge/loner as well.

22:49 UTC


Someone cosplayed a ship I invented!!!

To make a long-story short: I am an OC x Canon writer. I have one fic under my belt that has a pretty decent following. And one of my readers in particular is absolutely enamored with both my OC and my pairing. This reader is also a semi-professional cosplayer, with a decent following both in their country and internationally, and they surprised me by cosplaying my OC and a recent con and bringing my ship to life!!!

It means a lot to me, considering this fandom quite literally almost killed me last year (long story, not all of which I can safely talk about). I feel like things are looking up again. <3

22:28 UTC


Looking for fics of The Umbrella Academy

Hello!! Could you help me? I’m looking for a fic that has a female OC who is NOT in a relationship with five… she can either be with someone else or with no one… I don’t mind! Thank you!

21:59 UTC


Can Ship Be Used to Describe People who want to be closer friends or just friends in general?

I don't know if I flaired it correctly. But I've had this question for a while.

21:23 UTC


Help with a Smut Scene!!

Hello All! So I've been hyper fixated on this FanFic I've been writing for the last couple of days. I've written 6 chapters in three days guys I have a problem....

Anyway, my original FMC was an assault survivor prior to when the story takes place and she just got together with a classmate of hers who has been crushing on her all year. He also just learned about the assault a few days (in story) prior. I am writing their first time and I'm stuck. I have NEVER written smut before but I've read a lot (Thanks AO3 and Elle Kennedy). The story is all from her POV so what is the best way to set the scene? I was thinking like focusing on her feelings and how she's reacting to everything. But what else? PS she very much wants to do this she is not being forced an any way. This is also her first time since the assault as well.

Any help from Smut writers/readers is greatly appreciated!

21:01 UTC


Angst these days isn't angst, just a moment of sadness

What devastates you in angst? What completely destroys you? (Personally its major character death, and the text below is a full on rant abt how I can't find any fics that bring me the devastation I need)

And I mena it! It seems like whenever I look for a fanfic with angst it's always either; oh noo... Misunderstanding that puts a strain to our relationship or ohh noo... temporary sickness that puts character b in sadness like I'm angry and the first one and I'll swipe past the second one with a barely visible frown.

I want angst that doesn't promise me a good ending, I qant angst that actually makes me cry, call it generic but atleast one eof them has to die for me to get it my feels, maybe character a somehow unintentionally caused the death of character b or it was in no way expected, like COME ONNNN give me that disgusting devastating angst!!

Like have this whole developement about how character b taught chaarcter a how to love then kill charac b off likee ITS SO SIMPLE, or even have character a who is ina bad state of mind meet character b, them grow together and get better, but ultimately have character a kill themsleves like that would kill me. It has killed me (I'm looking at you hamin's flower, tjough you're not a fanfiction) but I swear I can't find a fic with a similar premise...

And the examples I'm giving are actually pretty tame and possibly could be 'just a moment of sadness' to true gritty angst readers, but that only proves my point since I can't even find angst at this level... ARGHAHAHAHAHAHH

If I can't find it, then I'll have to write it 😔😔😔

By the way if you have any fics taht fit my criteria pls put them below! I'll honestly read anything so any and all fandoms are welcomed!!

20:46 UTC


Why did FFN created the app and did not fix the website?

I started very young on this site, although it was practically dead when I arrived (2017) and used the website with a computer. Just in 2021 I started using the app and I have noticed several things. They preferred to create an app instead of improving the website.

In the app there are things like dark mode, TTS system, translator included, a library where everything you read is saved, downloads are unlimited and more. However, the website seems to have changed little since its creation. To achieve something similar on the website, I need to use Edge browser Mods.

Something similar happen with DeviantArt, but they at least did revamp the website along with the release of their app. Couldn't FFN take advantage of the app release to improve their website?

This or the reason some people say that they want to obligate us to use the app.

20:21 UTC


New fanfiction failed

I wrote a new fanfiction on Wattpad, and it isn’t getting the attention that I was hoping for. It’s an x reader fanfiction that I put a lot of effort into. But no one seems interested. It seems like none of my fanfictions aren’t interesting to people anymore. I used to have popular ones back around 2015-2016. But now I can’t even get 1 person to read my fanfictions, and I don’t even come close to getting votes anymore.

How does a fanfiction where you can tell I was around 13 when I wrote it gets over 27k reads, and over 700 votes with its middle school grammar, but fanfictions I write now with proper spelling, grammar etc doesn’t get any attention at all? I’m not begging for anything, I just wanted to vent on my failures as a fanfiction writer lately. I miss it when I used to get a lot of people seeing my stories. I feel like I should just not be on Wattpad anymore, since no ones interested at all anyway.

19:38 UTC


Trouble with writing fanfic in English when I watched/read the source in a different language

Basically the title. I'm writing a One Piece fanfic, and God it is hard. I can't get my hands on any good English translations of the show or the manga, and its mostly a guessing game for me how to write character voices. I'm kinda technology illiterate, so maybe that's why I'm failing to find anything. Any advice? Maybe any fanfic recs where the characters speak how the speak in the original? I'm so lost :c

19:37 UTC


Lumione recs full length or longer one shots

I’ve read all of Abitofwits (can’t wait for her new one) and theartfulscribbler

However, that’s about all I can find that’s full length, smutty and HEA.

I don’t mind one shots as long as they are longer than 30 pages lol!

Any ideas??

19:22 UTC


Heads up for Wattpad users, July 2024: I recommend you back up any content you have posted or favorited/purchased there

People whose content is posted or hosted on Wattpad exclusively should back it up right now. Copy paste if the app lets you or use browser version to copy/download or even screenshot for later.

I've been using the service for years now and I familiarize myself every time the rules change. My posts whether fanfiction or original either are not inappropriate by any means or meet the guidelines for NSFW content and are marked properly, my works have been in the public eye for a long time (having monetization, being within the top 50 of the genre or requested by many active users), but suddenly Wattpad has been purging my content. Over 5 stories and easily up to 100k words total are gone, not unlisted but suddenly gone with just a notification.

A few people I know personally are having this happen too regardless of their content and despite us not being associated, using the same device/ email etc.

I don't know if there is a TOS change that I don't know about or if someone behind the scenes is going through something or if a user/bot is mass reporting, but there may be a purge. Thankfully I always have my important content backed up on computer but there are drafts I've had saved there and a couple things I wrote using Wattpad that I put off copying somewhere, and given the save feature they have it's not unlikely people aren't using other means of writing. Now I'm just waiting for that permanent ban where I lose my saves, messages, and paid content.

I'm hoping it's not time to move somewhere else. heads up in case we have to, which is sad because Wattpad is good for fan interaction with a wide audience and self publishing and even educational content.

19:09 UTC


Writing how it feels to get stabbed with a Sword

So I'm writing a Fanfic where a character gets stabbed by the sword by I don't know how to write it. I want to give them a somewhat correct way of how they would feel if they get stabbed. I just didn't want to write something like "oh, it hurts" since I will be writing it in 1st person.

I'm kind of new to writing and feel kind of embarrassed to ask this question.

18:23 UTC


Does anyone else wanna write fanfictiom but are too scared to accidentally write the characters out if character?

Even though I watched all seasons of the show and play the game I feel like I'm gonna mess up with the characters n stuff Mainly just when a character has a specific accent and I dunno how to write it like a country accent or southern one

18:10 UTC


Feeling star-struck

OMG! I just realized the person I've been casually mutuals with, many years ago, actually wrote the first fanfic I ever read, that got me into this hobby!!! I thought their username sounded familiar... And now our paths crossed in a totally new fandom! Small world! I'm playing it cool, but guys I'm blushing and kicking my feet right now.

17:46 UTC


Rhaenicent or Rhaesaria

Hi, do you guys have some book recommendation that has a similar vibe to Rhaenyra/Alicent dynamic from House of The Dragon? I think something related to war, lovers in different sides? I've already read much of the fanfics available for that couple and would love to diversify. Also, i'd love Rhaenyra/Mysaria recommendations. There isn't much to read in AO3 yet, since its a new couple, but maybe there're books?

17:09 UTC


Creature AU, Monster, Transformation, Metamorphosis and Body Horror writers… tell us about your creaturefied characters!

Creature!fics and their variants aren’t necessarily the most popular, and as an enjoyer myself, I know we can have a ton of fun ideas and concepts that we just never get to discuss or share with others or in fic. So this is your time to let it out! Did you use elements of real life species I your design? Is it based off something from canon? What’s something unique or odd these creatures can do? How does that impact the lives of the characters that transform into them? Do they have to hide? How do they adapt? What’s something you won’t get the chance to explain in your fic? Anything and everything, let it out!

16:55 UTC


Share some worldbuilding you've done for your fic!

Whether it be minor tweaks to canon or major overhauls to the point you almost can't recognise canon, feel free to share some worldbuilding you've done for your fandom!

For everyone's sanity, state the fandom you're talking about.

I'm currently working in the Pokemon Ranger fandom and I'm working on Fiore's society.

I've actually added like 15+ towns to the region because only four towns felt like it wasn't realistic enough. I know there are some countries as small as the Vatican in real life, but for a more realistic scale, I decided to add more.

For around 1200 years, there have been several towns in the western part of Fiore where people are mostly descended from ancient Oblivian people that fled upon the razing of Oblivia. They live in pretty much abject poverty with basically no assistance from the Fioran government because the Fiorans 1200 years ago blamed the Oblivians for making Arceus leave the world and allowing humans to fend for themselves. Even after so long, they live relatively isolated from the rest of Fioran society and carry on some traditions from ancient Oblivia.

As for what made Arceus leave the world (as well as some aftermath), it's a bit of a string of convoluted events I'll try to summarise.

  • Oblivia has magic where the rest of the world doesn't.
  • He made some armor called the Golden Armor that can control basically any Pokemon.
  • A man named Sabios used the Golden Armor to create an orb filled with all sorts of magical energy from Pokemon including Arceus himself. After making the orb, Sabios left Oblivia.
  • Arceus was so angry at being betrayed he withdrew from the world entirely.
  • Some years later, Sabios returned to Oblivia and razed the region to the ground, leaving nothing but ruins. The expats fled to Fiore and Almia. The Fiorans wanted nothing to do with the Oblivians so basically just sent them to the western part of the region where they're cut off from the rest of society and live their lives even to this day. The Almians had conflict between the three princes (Vanto, Tona, and Ange) but the Oblivians were allowed to meld into Almian society.

This is based in the canon of the Past Missions sidequest in Guardian Signs but a lot of it is extrapolation and headcanon based on those events.

16:39 UTC


People who were told they can’t ship something, What was the ship?

This happened to me once and it was Nekodam (Nekomaru x Gundham - SDR2) I got bored and asked this lol- it also happened with: Harzeke (tdi) Tophtara (avatar) Zutara (Avatar) Sokkaang (Avatar) Komanami (SDR2) Togiri (DRTHH) Ishileon (DRTHH)

16:34 UTC


What are your favorite running jokes across the entire fanfic community?

Aka just fanfic things lol.

For me it's a tie between cursed author notes ("Got hit by a bus!" or "I'm typing this after a major surgery!") and the mandatory "I'm still alive" announcement after an author comes back from a long hiatus (literally just saw an A/N that said, and I quote, "But look, we're not dead!"). Yes I also had a reader asking if I was still alive because I mentioned having some eye problems in my A/N and then proceeded to vanish for a few months. Their concern was touching but I was like please don't kill me off in your mind...

16:23 UTC


Favorite one-shot you’ve ever read or written

A lot of people share their favorite fics but maybe not their favorite one-shots so I thought I’d do some one-shot appreciation.

What’s your favorite one-shot you’ve read or written, and why? And if you’re sharing your own what made it stand out among your other writing and earn that spot? Feel free to share both or more than one (I know I can’t pick just one lol)

My favs will be in the comments :)

15:42 UTC


Do you write to work through personal things?

I was thinking that sometimes when I write (especially fanfiction), I write characters who have gone through situations that feel similar to ones I’ve been through and then let them work through those issues in ways that I would like to. It can be therapeutic, and is a good mental exercise. Who else does this?

For example, I wrote a 5 part Star Trek series from the ages of 15-30 with an OC who more or less went through a journey of recovery and self-discovery. I think it’s good and well written, but it’s also very self indulgent. And it was helpful.

15:22 UTC

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