
Photograph via snooOG

At /r/Kickstarter we aim to promote a healthy space for project creators and backers to talk. Please check out our self-promotion sticky before posting your project.

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  • One post per project not per person. Further posts will be removed
  • Must have a combined total of 500 Karma. Posts will be removed otherwise.
  • Donation based crowdfunding is not allowed. Please checkout /r/gofundme/
  • Advertisements must be flagged using the Self-Promotion flair.
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86,678 Subscribers


Hi, I'm crowdfunding for an experimental short film, "Calling" (Shot on 35mm)

Please back it to help us get this film made by backing it on Kickstarter!  

"Calling" is an experimental short film about a protagonist who is in a chase between two halves (2 copies of himself played by the actor, and a double in some shots) in a night across New York. It's an existential, energetic, hilarious, pulsing ride. 


I'm Matt, the director -- all backers will be credited in the final film and there are more rewards for if you want to support the film even more if you are interested. Any support would really be greatly appreciated!

17:27 UTC


New Stitch Cafe Capitol Hill!!

Who's excited for this new crochet/knitting cafe that opening in Seattle?!!! Captiol Hill!! Too excited!!!!! Read the article can't wait!!! 😆

17:15 UTC


Fully Funded, but I want to take it to the next level!

Hi Everyone. I am looking for feedback on my page. I need it to reach the next level! Can you please take a look and see what I am missing? Any feedback is appreciated..

AstroBrew Cold Brew Coffee Maker

I am planning to add two sections:

-How It Works with detailed diagrams

-Best practices for cleaning with a demo video

13:49 UTC


Looking to understand my possibilities in posting a movie project on kickstarter. If there is any good advice, it will be perfect! Thank you 🙏🏼


Am Trying to understand if i have a very interesting movie/project, that can get a worldwide coverage, if there is any chance Kickstarter working as a sponsor? (Obviously if they find it interesting….)

As well, who are the persons there to get in touch with? If anybody knows…

Ans last question, if there is no such an option with Kickstarter, which PR companies specialized in Kickstarter projects? And if they can work in a percentages salary? Because currently my finds are low…

Thanx a lot for the help 🙏🏼❤️


12:18 UTC


Annie the Anxious Pug - A Story About Emotional Resilience

I'm thrilled to share the launch of a Kickstarter campaign for my children's book, "Annie the Anxious Pug"! This heartwarming story follows Annie, a lovable pug who learns to identify and navigate her emotions. This has been a passion project for over a year, and after working with an amazing illustrator - Annie is ready to share her story!

By supporting this campaign, you'll help bring Annie's adventure to life and inspire young readers everywhere. We're already well on our way to goal, and any support is massively appreciated.

Have a great weekend!


1 Comment
06:02 UTC


Empower Wellness: Dangling Carrot Juice Bar & Cafe Back our vision to provide daily fresh, organic juices and meals that nourish the community.

Welcome to Dangling Carrot Juice Bar & Café: A Journey of Freshness and Joy!

Hey everyone, I’m Kevin Germany, and I’m thrilled to introduce you to my passion project, the Dangling Carrot Juice Bar & Café! Our mobile food trailer isn’t just about serving food; it’s about creating a community of health, happiness, and discovery. Here’s a glimpse into why we’re so excited about what we’re doing and why we need your support to make our vision a reality.

Our Mission: Fresh Bites, Pure Delight

At Dangling Carrot, we believe in the transformative power of fresh, homemade goodness. Our mission is simple yet profound: to bring joy and health to our community through wholesome, freshly prepared juices and meals. Every ingredient we use is carefully selected for its quality and freshness, and we take pride in preparing everything daily to ensure the best possible experience for our customers.

Why We Started

Cooking has always been my way of spreading happiness. I love seeing the joy on people’s faces when they take that first sip of a refreshing juice or bite into a nutritious meal. Food has the unique ability to uplift spirits, and that’s exactly what we aim to do at Dangling Carrot. We want to create a space where people can come in feeling down and leave with a smile, having discovered the joy of healthy, delicious food.

Our Unique Approach

What sets Dangling Carrot apart is our commitment to daily freshness and our passion for creating a welcoming, joyful environment. Here’s what you can expect when you support our project:

  • Fresh Ingredients Every Day: We source the freshest ingredients daily to prepare our juices and meals. No preservatives, no shortcuts—just pure, wholesome goodness.
  • Community-Centric Focus: We’re not just a food truck; we’re a community hub. We aim to bring people together, promote healthier living, and support local suppliers.
  • Joyful Experience: From the moment you step up to our trailer, we want you to feel welcomed and leave with a sense of joy and satisfaction. Our slogan, “Fresh Bites, Pure Delight,” is more than just words—it’s our promise to you.

Join Us on This Journey

We’re launching this Kickstarter campaign to take Dangling Carrot to the next level. With your support, we can expand our operations, reach more people, and continue to spread joy through our fresh, delicious offerings. Your investment will help us:

  • Enhance Our Mobile Experience: Improve our food trailer to serve you better, with new equipment and more efficient operations.
  • Expand Our Menu: Introduce new, exciting juices and meals that celebrate seasonal, local ingredients.
  • Reach More Communities: Expand our reach to bring the Dangling Carrot experience to more neighborhoods and events.

Exciting Rewards for Backers

To show our gratitude, we’ve prepared a range of exclusive rewards for our backers. Here’s what you can look forward to:

  • Personalized Juice Recipes: Get a custom juice recipe tailored to your tastes and health goals.
  • VIP Tasting Event: Join us for an exclusive tasting event where you can sample our latest creations.
  • Monthly Juice Subscription: Enjoy a monthly delivery of our freshest juices right to your door.
  • Name a Juice: Have a new juice named after you and featured on our menu.
  • Limited Edition Merchandise: Receive exclusive Dangling Carrot merchandise, including reusable juice bottles and eco-friendly tote bags.


1 Comment
03:54 UTC


Do you answer any DMs? How to deal with a flood of spam?

Hi there just asking people who have been through this before, how do you deal with any spam? At this point in just 24 hours I've gotten dozens of clearly scam/spam messages. I have reported them all but a few seemed like genuine questions that I did answer and then they ended up trying to sell me their services anyways. Super frustrating!

01:35 UTC


Looking for Advice on Video Format

I’ve been working on a crowdfunding campaign and was researching about how to format the video. A lot of the info I read is that it needs to be really short, 1 minute, and straight to the point.

The product I’m working on has LEDs and its main purpose is to look cool, be entertaining, and a topic of conversation. My plan was to do a high quality cinematic video of the prototype where I gets revealed, there are moving shots of it, perks of the app, and then at the end I would talk about it and explain how it works and why I need the backing.

1 minute feels very short, I was thinking more like a 3 minute video. Does that sound crazy? I don’t want to seem rushed, but if people will get bored and not watch until the end I guess I prefer to do a short video.

I’m not that savvy on the entertainment side of things. I think more from an engineering perspective where I see relaying the right information is important, but idk what’s the effective way to go about it.

1 Comment
20:00 UTC


Kickstarter doesn’t care about using someone else’s art

Hi, I reported a project I noticed had discussion about art being used from somewhere else and it was blatant copy of art from the supercell game squad busters and Kickstarter said in the report response that it didn’t violate their guidelines. While it isn’t my art that was used (project has since been cancelled) it is very troubling to see that Kickstarter doesn’t do anything to protect creators or backers from dishonest people in this regard.

Proof attached

19:35 UTC


My Sister is a Cactus - a short film for all my fellow prickly people


12 year old Maya and her protective older sister take care of one another behind each other’s backs as they navigate everyday life with absent parents.

The central question we want to explore with the film is; how does the way kids take care of themselves and those around them change when they’re not being taken care of?

Any kind of backing would be enormously appreciated, and if you know of anyone who might be interested in the project, sharing the link would be a huge help too!


(as a note, I am a friend of the filmaker since she does not use reddit and asked me to post here so if you have any questions let me know and I can pass on the message)

19:15 UTC


BOOM! Buster is almost at it's funding goal (82%)

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tallglass/boom-buster/ (this isn't my kickstarter, i'm just spreading the word about these people's)

18:49 UTC


A Desktop Size Fully Functional Remote Control Excavator - Commencing Pre-Launch

Short Version: Thousands of hours invested -> spent too much money -> garage became a manufacturing facility -> I'm launching a kickstarter soon -> you can reserve your early bird price at www.nanotrxrc.com

Long Version: Hi all! Well... after literally thousands of hours of development, 3D printing, buying a CNC, making injection molds, and finally injecting with plastic, I present to you... the NANO TRX N320.

It's a desktop-sized, fully functional, and proportional RC excavator.

In December of 2022, I stumbled upon a new side of YouTube where a group of German guys were building these tiny, fully functional excavators. I worked in a pretty high-stress environment and simply wanted one of these to put on my desk to de-stress. After months of searching, I discovered absolutely no products available in this size that actually had functioning everything.

So... I did what any logical person would do. I spent every last minute of free time, a ridiculous amount of money, and learned skills that far surpassed any level of expertise I had to make one.

And so, Version 1 was born! It was a resin printed (because of the scale) 1/87 scale fully functional RC excavator, and I loved it!

After showing it off to fellow enthusiasts, and even people not interested in the hobby, the amount of "dude... I want one" I got was wild. But resin just wouldn't do. Even the toughest resin was far too brittle in this scale.

So... fast forward another year and a half. I bought a CNC and injection molding machine, made aluminum molds, and finally have a finished product!

Now, my hope is to make this thing available to the masses! I am doing so through a Kickstarter to help raise enough funds to order all of the components I'll need in bulk to reduce costs (PCBs, Motors, etc.).

Let me know what you all think and please give your honest opinion! Also, ask any questions you have, and I will be sure to answer them!

If you want to reserve one for the upcoming Kickstarter, you can visit my website at www.nanotrxrc.com.

Cheers and happy excavating!


18:41 UTC


1st Kickstarter launched! a few questions for regulars



How has everyone promoted their Kickstarter without spamming the link and dragging down the conversation? Have there been good places vs. bad places to advertise? A few 'marketing' companies have approached me, but they seem suspect.

18:00 UTC


Swords of Primordial Elements is now live!!

1 Comment
16:26 UTC


Why pre-launch is important?

Hey everyone! After seeing so many posts talking about the importance of doing pre-launch marketing, I am a bit curious why this is so important. Below are the explanations I've seen and felt that they do not reconcile:

(1) Kickstarter cannot spread out well => can't get traffic from kickstarter, so I need to do pre-launch at first => but then how about marketing after I launch my project? Why this would be too late to promote after my campaign starts?

(2) Kickstarter only favour those profitable projects, esp. profitable at the early stage, to get the ball rolling, I need to bring audience so that KS will gives to me. => this means that KS still give me necessary traffic, and I still rely on KS traffic to hit my goal? Thanks for help!

14:50 UTC


What % of budget should i save for the live campaign?

I know there’s no real answer for this as it depends on how much I want to raise etc but what’s the general rule to saving some of my budget for the live Kickstarter?

I want use the majority of my budget on my prelaunch campaign to get followers for the launch day, but what % of my total budget should I put aside for bringing in new audiences?

13:50 UTC


Does Jellop Buy Followers?


Look at that follower to post interaction ratio. Can't imagine it would be a good investment.

1 Comment
05:07 UTC


Question on "Payment source"

Hello, I am launching a Kickstarter for the first time via an LLC. I have a bank account already and inputted it on the Payments page. I am waiting on the debit card. Can I add a personal credit or debit card for "Payment source" if I am the co-owner of the business? Is this something I can change later once I have the business's debit card in hand?

1 Comment
04:33 UTC


Like playing the board game "Clue" (or Cluedo) as a kid? My Kickstarter is for a game inspired by the classic murder mystery standard. It's called "Murder at Midnight," and is live.

The game is called "Murder at Midnight" and in the game you have to identify 5 variables: target, suspect, weapon, location, and motive, in order to stop a killing that will take place at, well... midnight :P

Here's the campaign: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/joshuamason/murder-at-midnight


Happy to answer any questions :) At the link you can watch a game play tutorial that teaches you how to play it in about 2 minutes, just fyi.


01:50 UTC


What would stop you from backing this project? Left handed people especially!

30 hours in and we're over 50% funded which is great BUT 90% of that came in the first 12 hours and things have slowed right down. Could you take a look at the project and let me know if there's anything on there that would stop you from backing? Any input much appreciated.


One bit of feedback was that it was too expensive when you add the left-handed set. That is already subsidised as it costs as much to tool the molds but should there be an even cheaper lefty add-on?

16:46 UTC


🎄Christmas in July🎄 special surprise from the Gifts Galore board game!

It’s Christmas in July with the Gifts Galore board game! 

As a special surprise treat, we’ve added this adorable custom Christmas cookie cutter to our Kickstarter campaign!

Custom Christmas cookie cutter

A perfect Christmas gift for all the bakers on your list, or use it as the Surprise Prize for your first game of Gifts Galore 🥳

Available as its own tier or as an add-on when you get the game—but only until midnight tomorrow! Snag yours here:


16:29 UTC


5 Days to go, 66% funded of $5k... anyone ever see a campaign hit it's goal at this point?

Here's the campaign. $5000 goal, we're at 66% with 84 backers. 5 days left... Kicktraq says we're toast.

It's been a fun experiment (would've been more fun if we'd funded 😂). Have you ever seen a project successfully fund from this point?

If things don't perk up, what would be the best time to call it, and cancel the project? It ends on Monday... I was thinking Friday or Saturday, followed immediately with a campaign update linking to a form to collect contact info. I'm unavailable Sunday due to personal stuff.

16:07 UTC


Is my concept even clear?

Hey guys, i'm Jean! This is a concept were pitching on Kickstarter but is needs some help.

1 -> is the idea behind it clear, is it clear there's a game and platform aspect to it.

2 -> what do you guys think about the reward and the prices

I would love any feedback from you guys!

(i hope this is the rigth categrie)

PS im dutch so hopefully the kickstarter is even understandable!

Tnx Jean Borremans from Belgium

The kickstarter is called SKILLBITE https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/skillbite/skillbite-quickly-learn-life-skills-taught-by-experts?ref=discovery_location

My main consern is people thinking the important part are the tutorials, thinking "i can find a backflip tutorial on yt" , but we want to make somtething like dualino, learning and doeing real life things , gameyfied, on a platform with others

14:51 UTC


Can you use photo-realistic renders at all along with real prototype?

I am aware that kickstarter does not allow photo-realistic renders but I was wondering if I can use them in certain instances in my video. I have absolutely no intention of deceiving potential backers. I want to add these cool commercial like animations and transitions, like the product spinning 360 degrees, dropping into frame from above and the moving parts of the product actually in motion. Nothing is intended to deceive or demonstrate functionality for features that do not exist.

11:57 UTC


4 days left of my Kickstarter campaign and I’m surprised

I’ve launched my kickstarter campaign around a month ago. I’ve tried to advertise it on a variety of platforms: Twitter, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook Ads etc.

We’ve gathered 363€ of 500€ goal thus far and I’m surprised to learn with every pledge that none of it happens to come from the marketing.

Every pledge comes from people who had found my campaign through Kickstarter.

Link to the campaign

I was thinking what am I doing wrong. Do you maybe have any ideas? Does the game look any appealing to check it out when the ad pops out? Regardless, I’m extremely happy that it seems the campaign may still succeed.

11:27 UTC



05:43 UTC



05:42 UTC

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