
Photograph via snooOG

Fundraiser is a community to raise funds for people in need. Requests with more proof and description of the situation are more successful than requests without a backstory or information.

Asking for money for yourself is not allowed. However, if you are part of a group that is officially fundraising for a purpose, such as a school band trip or a cancer walk, then that is allowed because it doesn't benefit yourself alone.

A community for fundraising. This may include groups, events, activities, and organizations that are interested in any type of fund-raising. Please do not submit personal requests for cash, such as stories about not making rent. This subreddit is focused on group efforts rather than self-interested fundraising.


13,093 Subscribers


Fundraising for a family member with cancer

I'm running a GoFundMe on behalf of a young family member with cancer, and some people are asking if they can send me donations via Venmo/cashapp instead. Can I safely do this with my own personal venmo/cashapp/paypal without making the IRS think it's taxable income? All funds from the GoFundMe will be going into a separate trust or savings account once we get all that figured out. Unfortunately the parents of the young family member can't necessarily be trusted with access to the funds.

11:22 UTC


Need help for my mothers surgery

06:17 UTC


Help get Kelsie off the streets

I am raising funds to help get a very important friend of mine off the streets. You can donate to my cashapp $plutosfuneral, all funds will go towards keeping her fed, clothed, and ultimately towards getting her off of the streets and into my home in Cleveland. Even the smallest donation can play a part in getting her off the streets and somewhere safe, I want you all to get this hashtag trending and donate what you can. Please. #getkelsieoffthestreets

01:25 UTC


Urgent Help Needed: Support a Student in Financial Crisis Through Our GoFundMe Campaign

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you well. A student has reached out to us and he is currently facing severe financial difficulties. Unfortunately, we were unable to provide direct assistance, so we’ve set up a GoFundMe campaign to help him.

The student has provided proof of his situation, and any contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in his life during this challenging time. If you’re able, please check out the campaign and consider making a donation.

Here is the link to the campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-a-student-complete-his-thesis-secure-a-better-future?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=customer&utm_campaign=man_sharesheet_ft&attribution_id=sl:a0f35f23-5ede-4d84-88dc-8f65e73c657a

Your support would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your generosity and solidarity!

Best regards,
The Green Helping Hands Team

22:51 UTC


Please help my dad beat cancer 🙏

Hello! My name is Matthew and I’m fundraising for my dad, who’s been battling stage 4 liver cancer for the past year.

We’ve recently learned that the cancer has spread to his lungs, and that the tumour in his liver continues to fluctuate in size.

Despite the challenges we’ve faced, we’re very hopeful and committed to his recovery.

My dad’s my hero, and I can’t imagine life without him.

Please note that all funds will go towards his treatment and medication.

That said, I want to extend my eternal gratitude for your kindness and generosity.

I know we’ve got a long way to go, but my dad’s a fighter.

Thank you for making a difference, and for being in our corner! 


20:55 UTC


Fundraising with Bungie Foundation, proceeds go towards St. Jude's and pays for make a wish wishes!

Hi! My names Quinn and I’m currently registered in the Bungie Foundation’s yearly summer charity initiative, ive raised over $5,500 lifetime with them.

The Bungie Foundation is the philanthropic arm of video game developer Bungie. They are a standalone, US registered, 501(c)3 non-profit organization

Their main flagship charitable program, Little Lights, aims to create a sense of normalcy for sick kids by providing children's hospitals worldwide the ability to outfit all patient rooms with iPads with age-appropriate content and entertainment. They also have long tenured relationships with partners across all pillars, including: Make-A-Wish, Boys and Girls Club, Ronald McDonald House, Direct Relief, Team Rubicon, International Rescue Committee, and College Success Foundation, to name a few.

Donating any amount would mean a lot to me, and to any interested there are listed benefits/rewards for donating!

Here's my fundraising link! https://tiltify.com/@quinncii/profile

18:58 UTC


Need help ‼️

Hello! I'm planning to have my Kidney Transplant next year 🤞, unfornately, i/We have to gather 600k show money. I'm planning to sell tshirt with motivational quotes or bible verses. I need your help guys if you have your very own motivational quotes or graphic designer that is willing to help.

Any help would be appreciated.

17:06 UTC


My girlfriend will not be allowed to attend her college graduation ceremony because she does not have 400 dollars.

My girlfriend's family is very poor, her little sister recently was diagnosed with cancer and her father is having severe back problems. She's a grant holder because of her exceptional academical performance, but now she has to pay 350 dollars so she can graduate. If not, she will not be allowed to attend the ceremony.


It's just not fair, she has worked so much for this. I saw her going days without sleep to maintain her performance, and now the college won't let her attend her ceremony. I'm so sad, I've been trying to get the money for a couple of days now, and I've not been successful. I just think this is so unfair. Please, I just need 400$. Today is the last day of pay, if anyone can help me, I would truly be in love with you haha. Please help her

15:01 UTC


Donate for Cancer Patients in Pakistan

Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital is the ray of hope in the lives of countless poor cancer patients affected across Pakistan every year.

Providing 75% of their patients with free, state-of-the-art cancer care, Shaukat Khanum helps children with leukemia go to school again, moms with breast cancer be able to embrace their kids again, fathers from underprivileged homes provide for their families again.

Conforming to the world-class standards Shaukat Khanum strives towards is no easy task and donations from generous and kind people like you make it possible.


Visit the COMMENTS for link to donate and Shaukat Khanum's website for more details: https://shaukatkhanum.org.pk/

1 Comment
12:58 UTC


I’m raising $20,000 until 23/08/2024 for Help support my journey to a debt-free education.. Can you help?


Hello everyone,

My name is Aadhithyan, and I am a dedicated student currently pursuing my education in Canada. This journey has been a dream come true for me, but it has also come with its share of challenges, especially in the past eight months.

Despite my relentless efforts, I have not been able to secure a job since last October, making it incredibly difficult to manage my expenses and, more importantly, my student loans. I have been actively applying for positions, attending interviews, and seeking opportunities, but the job market has been tough, and competition is fierce.

Education has always been my passion. I am studying Business-Finance, a subject that excites me and fuels my desire to make a positive impact in the world. Every day, I strive to excel in my studies, dedicating countless hours to learning and growing. I am confident that my hard work and dedication will pay off, but I need a little help to get there.

This is where I turn to you, my friends, family, and kind-hearted supporters. I am launching this fundraiser to help cover my student loan payments and ease the financial burden that has been weighing heavily on my shoulders. Your contributions will not only help me continue my education but will also give me the peace of mind to focus entirely on my studies and future career.

I understand that times are tough for everyone, and any amount you can contribute will be immensely appreciated. Your support means the world to me, and I promise to pay it forward in the future when I am in a position to help others in need.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for considering a donation. Together, we can make a difference and help me achieve my dreams.

With gratitude, Aadhithyan Srisivaramanand

06:21 UTC


Help me pay my father's bill

I am saurabh, studying in new delhi for upsc examination. Some month back I took rs.24000 (usd 300$) to try with stock market but it failed miserably and I lost all the money. But at home I was able to pay minimum balance of credit card bill but when I came out of home for i couldn't even pay minimum amount and to adjust something I am skipping my meals and trying to adjust some amount for paying the bill. I you could help it would be a great help and it would also help me study with full focus and i assure to pay the amount whenever I am able to pay. Thank you

06:11 UTC



21:32 UTC


Donate to Donate to Save Foxy's Leg from Amputation, organized by CHARLOTTE SKATES

On Friday my 9 mos old Toy Chiweenie jumped out of my arms and when she landed I heard a snap.

I took her to the Vet and they said she would need to have surgery due a bad break in her leg and paw bone. She will need a metal plate put in to heal. Otherwise she will need her leg amputated. The surgery will run $2500 for the plate.

Please help me save her leg. I have started a GoFundMe for her.

09:58 UTC


Help my brother rebuild his future

I live in the USA, and my brother resides in India. Recently, he became involved in option trading using credit cards and has unfortunately accumulated significant debt as a result.

I’ve already done what I can to support him, but I want to do more to help him overcome this difficult situation and ensure he stays away from such risky financial decisions in the future. To provide him with the support he needs as a lost resort and help him get back on his feet, I’m reaching out to you through this fundraiser. Your contribution will make a meaningful difference in helping him recover and start anew.

Thank you for considering supporting this cause.


05:24 UTC


I will sell my art to make it kinda worthwhile,

It's a $1 per piece, black and white (digital coloring basically) and $3 as a digital piece, $10 as an actual painting

22:20 UTC



17:43 UTC


Opinion needed! What would be a reasonable price for these bracelets?

Hi! The title kind of explains what I'm asking for but I need help on determining a reasonable price for these bracelets. I'm completely new to selling stuff in general~ Im hand making these and selling them to earn money to donate to a women's cancer foundation. Ur opinion would be appreciated!

FYI additional info: Time spent on each bracelet: 15-25 mins, sometimes more or less Materials: glass beads, silver/g wasold spacer beads, lobster clasps, extension chain (manually cut :')), charms

Sorry for the bad quality and lighting in some of the pics :'')

https://ibb.co/bLxFKBW https://ibb.co/f4T6dkb https://ibb.co/tpZ93rX https://ibb.co/r25NRXJ https://ibb.co/6m3cdmK

1 Comment
07:17 UTC



Good afternoon everyone. My name is Jenni and I am looking to raise money for my mother who has been going through Breast cancer on and off since 2020. It has been and extremely long road. She was in recovery until 2022, then it went metastatic to her lymph nodes. She was only in remission for less than a year until it came back and a spot was found on her liver. My family has exhausted every possible option to get funds to pay for the simplest things, and pay for medical bills, but we are truly out of money and have just asked god to bless us with the kindness of other people to help. My father is handicapped and on disability, and I am unable to help with funds myself as I have my own medical bills from a recent back surgery, and just lost my job. We are looking to raise money to help her have an authentic wig, that is hand wove and costs $1200, but to cover the bills to clean our slate would be close to $30k. Anyone who has kindness and prayers, or any funds available to share, my family greatly appreciates anything given to us. God Bless you all, and please keep my family in your prayers if you are not able to give at this time. Thank you so much.

00:48 UTC


Fundraising towards the completion of a Masters Degree, Free Bible Program and Local Fresh Food Initiative for Food Banks

I am reaching out seeking your support as I work to complete my degree and pursue my Master's. My name is Robert Dunn, and my dedication to service, leadership, and faith has been at the core of who I am. As an active and dedicated member of my church, I have been committed to various humanitarian initiatives that have helped many, from a free Bible program and supplying fresh food to church food banks to toy drives for kids. My goal has been to provide assistance and help where and when needed, even for those seeking spiritual guidance.

Unfortunately, I have reached a point where I myself am in need of help and pray that it comes in time. Despite my numerous achievements and the scholarships I have already been awarded, I am now short on the funds needed to cover the coming semesters, putting me at risk of losing scholarships that are critical toward the funding of my Master's.

My passion is Christ and extends beyond tangible contributions with my commitment to fostering the growth of faith and community.

Currently, the funding goal for the campaign is set at $18,000, which will cover the remainder of the semesters at which point I begin working on my Master's.

Your generous contributions will enable me to complete my degree and work towards achieving my goal of a Master of Divinity. Every dollar counts and brings me one step closer to my goal.

Thank you for considering supporting me in this important journey. Your kindness and generosity will help me in my journey.

With gratitude,

Robert Dunn

Half of donation will cover 1 semester the full amount covers 2 semesters. If I am able to reach my goal any excess donation will either be refunded or go towards our local church food banks and maintaining a free bible program at the decision of the donors. Thank you for your consideration.


22:24 UTC


Fundraiser for High School Senior Class

Hey how’s it going! I’m currently raising some money for my senior class through popcorn! We’re a small high school in NYC, Queens Gateway to Health Sciences, and it would be of great help if you could buy some popcorn to help us raise some money. Thanks so much!


21:17 UTC

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