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While Trump won big this November, the Libertarian party lost big. Despite receiving a record 3.3% of the popular vote in 2016, the Libertarian party vote share not only shrunk down to 0.4%(their lowest since 2008) but came behind RFK Jr. , a candidate who dropped out to get into good graces with Trump and only stayed on the ballots because he dropped out too late. This is a 0.8% drop from 2020 when the Libertarian party got about 1.2% of the popular vote. This has long confirmed my suspicion that much of the Libertarian party's votes in recent election cycles have came from politically disengaged protest voters who simply vote for anyone who doesn't have a R or D next to their name. The fact that more voters chose to vote for candidate that publicly announced themselves dropping out than the candidate of the 3rd largest American political party is strong evidence that a large chunk of 3rd party voters aren't strong minded libertarians but very apolitical voters who just vote for whichever 3rd party candidate is the most recognizable. Given that the surname Kennedy is much more famous than Oliver or Stein, RFK courted most of these apolitical voters and diverted them away from voting for the libertarian party. Without an anchor issue like Gaza, the libertarian party was unable to court away enough disaffected democrats or republicans to make up for the shortfall caused by RFK remaining on the ballot.
Ever notice how ancaps blame homelessness on the government (which there is some truth to what with the vagrancy laws), but also say the homeless deserve to be homeless?
So, homelessness is a skill issue, even though they blame the institution that they see as illegitimate?
They also blame monopolies on the government because of corporatism. In fact, they're prone to claiming that subsidies for businesses that are "too big to fail" is a socialist policy because tax.
And yet, they support Elon Musk. And unironically believe he will fix Trump by being his "whisperer". Don't know what whisperer means, that's the word they use. They seem to think Musk will be the Obi-wan to Trump's Luke.
This is a question who's answer I believe is obvious, but I want to see where everyone else stands on this: Do ancaps support laws illegalising homelessness? And do they support subsidies for big businesses? And, in an ancap society, do they want to use private police forces to enforce these ideals?
Checked out r/ libertarian.
Remember how condescending they were about voting for one of the two main parties? How superior they were about voting third party? And they just... didn't do that? What about all the stuff about how "Left vs right is a distraction, we should be teaming up against authoritarianism". And they voted for the authoritarian because he aligned with their right wing ideals.
They were always going to support Trump. They like to say they're against subsidies for businesses that are "too big to fail" and the vagrancy act so they can blame those things on socialists (because they think taxes and making the gov more powerful are inherently socialist things). But the reality is, they don't believe any of that stuff. It's smoke and mirrors.
If you call yourself libertarian, but you voted for Trump, you voted for fascism.
Edit: They've got an entire post for making fun of those who are scared of a Trump presidency. They also think Elon Musk will fix Trump.
JD Vance has stated in interviews that his thinking is influenced by AnCap wacko Curtis Yarvin. Yarvin has a lot of crazy ideas, including that people who are not "productive" should be rendered into biofuel. Vance's Christian Nationalism is bad enough, but if he's an AnCap too, then is further shows that he is not a serious person and should be nowhere near a position of power.